Artemis Labs PH-1 Schematic

Technical Features of the
1/2 5687
Rig ht
Out puts
+160V +250V
+163V r eference
Muting relay
500H choke
Power Supp ly (unre gulat ed)
40 se cond
4 sec ond
Lin e volt ages ava ilable :
100 V, 110V, 120 V, 220 V, 230 V, 240 V
50 or 60H z
Fea tures:
- E lectro stati cally­shi elded trans former
- H igh-sp eed r ectifi ers
- High-t emper ature (10 5°C) e lectr olytic s
Lef t
Out puts
GainRIAA Equaliz ationGain Muting & Ou tput Low-G ain R egulati on Power Supply & Ti me De lays
PH- 1 Ph ono P re am p
Simpl ified Sch ematic
Artemis Labs
Rig ht Inp ut
N or AM-5
1/2 12AX7
6N1 P
1/2 5687
500H choke
Lef t
Inp ut
N or AM-5
1/2 12AX7
"ZI F" Soc ket
for R or C
loa ding
Artemis Labs PH-1
Phono Preamp
Low-noise rst preamp stage with battery bias
With typical signals at the microvolt level, the rst amplier stage is extremely critical. Parts are chosen carefully for low noise and minimum low-level non­linearities. To get around the problems of cathode biasing and the typical electrolytic capacitor, xed bias using a single “N” alkaline cell is employed. Being in the grid path, virtually no current is drawn, letting the battery last for at least several years. Unlike circuits where the battery is in the cathode, any imperfections or non-linearities in the battery are not manifested by the tube’s current ow.
The plate supply for the rst stage is ltered by an R-C lter using a 15µF polypropylene capacitor. This insures minimum noise without the sonic degradation
Extended high-frequency response
of electrolytic capacitors.
Many phono preamps’ response drops quickly above 20KHz. The PH-1 maintains its RIAA equalization to above 40KHz, important for high-resolution playback systems and for use with 96KHz digital systems.
Passive RIAA equalization using hand-selected
By using passive equalization the problems of feedback equalization are eliminated: slew-rate distortion, devi­ation of equalization curves at high frequencies, and
instability problems. To permit at equalization to within +/-0.2dB, the capacitors in the equalization network are pairs that are hand-selected on a precision impedance bridge to better than +/-0.5% accuracy.
Single-triode output stage with choke loading
The Artemis Labs PH-1 uses a single 5687 medium-mu, low resistance triode as the nal ampli­fying device for each channel. The 5687, originally designed by Tung-Sol for military and industrial uses, has excellent linearity, and in the mil-spec version, excellent unit-to-unit consistency. Its low plate resis­tance allows it to drive heavy loads without the use of a cathode follower stage.
The use of an inductor (choke) load instead of a conventional plate resistor offers several signicant advantages to the PH-1 design. A good-quality audio choke is essentially a perfect current source, allowing the triode to operate into an innite-resistance load, giving the lowest distortion. Unlike semiconductor constant-current devices, an inductor is an energy­storage device. This allows the plate voltage to swing 100% above the B+ plate supply voltage, doubling the “head-room” and allowing a lower B+ supply voltage to be used, reducing power consumption. This permits an output of over 40 volts rms before clipping.
The audio chokes used in the PH-1 are made by Lun-
dahl, a Swedish rm that uses a proprietary core mate­rial that has low distortion. Two windings are used on a common “C-core”, which reduces pick-up of hum and noise.
Modest feedback stabilizes gain without hurting
sonic quality
Modest feedback is used across the last two stages. This stabilizes the gain and makes the frequency response less sensitive to loading. The inherent distor­tion of the 5687 with choke loading is already very low, so the high-order harmonics that can be generated by excessive feedback are minimal.
Can drive 8K ohm (aggregate) or higher loads
Despite the lack of a cathode-follower output stage, the PH-1 can drive loads as low as 8K while still meeting specications. This is important when driv­ing some pro audio equipment which can have input impedances as low as 10 or 15K ohms.
Each channel individually voltage regulated
Each channel has its own MOSFET source-follower low-gain regulator. This insures there is no coupling between the two channels through the power supply. The source follower regulator gives good regulation without the “transistor sound” typical of high gain reg­ulators using op-amps. Protection resistors and diodes help prevent burn-out of the MOSFETs.
True voltage regulation minimizes noises and changed operating conditions due to power line shifts. Since the impedance of the power supply, as seen by the preamp, is low and at, the bass response is even and solid.
Cool-Swap™ tube connections let tubes run cooler,
provides built-in spare
Many dual triodes, such as the 12AX7 and 5687, have split heaters, allowing them to run from either 6.3V or
12.6V. This heater set-up allows only one of the two triodes to be heated. In the Cool-swap conguration used in the Artemis Labs PH-1, one tube is used for each channel, each with one half heated. The right channel uses triode #1 and the left channel uses triode #2. Since the main failure mode in modern tubes is cathode wear-out, the unused triode in each tube is essentially a spare. By swapping the two tubes, the unused spare is brought into use. Thus Cool-Swap essentially doubles tube life, and since only half the tube is heated, the tube runs cooler, an important
factor in the normally hot-running 5687. A side ben­et is reduced cross-talk between channels, since each channel has its own tube. The rst stage, a 6N1P, does not use the Cool-Swap conguration. Its internal shield minimizes coupling between channels.
DC heater supply
A well-ltered DC heater supply helps keep hum low and allows the use of tubes that would otherwise have too much hum in AC-heated systems.
Delayed high-voltage with delayed muting relay
The high voltage plate supply is applied to the tubes after a delay of about 40 seconds. This gives the tubes ample chance to warm-up without the chance of “cathode stripping” (degradation of the cathode by bombardment by positive ions before it is hot enough to build-up a protective space charge around the cath­ode.) This helps extend tube life. A muting relay shorts the audio outputs until about 4 seconds after the high voltage is applied. This allows start-up tran­sients to die away.
No troublesome integrated circuits
All time delay and regulation circuits use time-proven, simple discrete semiconductor devices.
Critical audio circuits point-to-point wired with
military-style terminal boards
Conventional ber-glass PC boards are used for the power supply and for the rear panel jacks and switch­ing. All critical circuits in the audio path use point-to­point wiring on military-style terminal boards using silver-plated turrets. This technique minimizes the sonic effects of PC boards and allows easy component replacement.
High-speed rectiers and electrostatically-shielded
power transformer
Power supply noise is minimized by the use of a custom power transformer with electrostatic shielding between the primary and secondaries. High speed rectiers are used for both the plate and heater sup­plies.
Available mains voltages (wired at factory): 100V,
110V, 120V, 220V, 230V, 240V, 50 or 60Hz
Virtually all the power systems of the world can be accommodated by the PH-1 transformer connections. These are set at the factory or can be re-wired by a qualied technician.
Artemis Labs products are distributed by:
AYDN Vacuum Tube Audio 679 Easy Street, Unit E Simi Valley, California 93065 USA Tel: +1 818 216-7882 email: