Certifications, Reports
and Compatibility
• Bank teller workstations in either full profile or low profile versions to
control their serial devices such as cash drawers, card readers / card
swipes, printers, keypads / pinpads, pen pads
• POS retail applications in grocery stores, and any other retail store to
control keyboards, cash drawers, receipt printers, card readers / card
swipes, scales, and elevated displays on poles
• Self service automated machines and kiosks to control serial devices
such as scales, touchscreens, magnetic card readers, bar code
scanners, receipt printers, label printers
• Standard ATM automated teller machines to control keypads, receipt
printer, card readers / card swipes, touchscreen LCD's, camera
control, etc.
• Used to control multiple surveillance / security cameras in a parking
structure, office building, etc.
• One high speed RS-232 serial ports with data transfer rate up to
460.8 Kbps
• Native single-Chip, single lane PCI Express
• Ships with low profile/half-height bracket, includes optional standard
profile bracket
• Selectable power output on pin 9 for the serial port
• High Performance Single Channel Oxford 950 UART
• 128-byte deep FIFO per transmitter and receiver
• Automated in-band software flow control using programmable
Xon/Xoff in both directions
• Automated out-of-band hardware flow control using
• Compliant with PCI Express base specifications revision 1.0a