4 Port PCI 1394a FireWire Adapter Card with
Digital Video Editing Kit
Product ID: PCI1394_4
This 4 Port PCI IEEE 1394 FireWire 400 Adapter Card turns a motherboard PCI slot into four IEEE 1394a
FireWire 6-pin female ports (1 internal, 3 external) - a cost-effective solution that lets you connect any
FireWire 400 device that uses a 6-pin connector to your desktop computer.
The card can be installed in either Mac or PC computers, providing a practical solution for connecting
iPods, MP3 players, portable drives, digital camcorders and more. The adapter card supports hot-
swappable connectivity, allowing you to plug, unplug, and swap your FireWire peripherals with ease,
saving time and hassle.
The 4 port FireWire PCI adapter card includes a copy of ULEAD's VideoStudio SE Basic video editing
software, making it easy to capture and edit video from your digital video camcorder.
1 800 265 1844
Certifications, Reports
and Compatibility
• Add a high-speed FireWire port to a desktop without any FireWire
• Connect a digital camera to a desktop with a PCI slot to download
photos and video
• Connect a external FireWire hard drive or optical drive to a PCIenabled system
• 3 external, 1 shared internal FireWire400 port, with supported data
transfer rates up to 400 Mbps
• Compliant with IEEE 1394a - 2000 as well as 1394-1995 standards
• Includes Video Editing kit: Ulead Video Studio SE and FireWire cable
• Plug-and-Play and hot-swap compatible
1 800 265 1844