Art FX-1 User Manual

PPeerrssoonnaall PPrroocceessssoorr SSeerriieess
Despite the FX-1’s sophistication, it’s easy to interface the unit with other equipment. All connections are made at the back of the FX-1. Standard 1/4” inputs and outputs make patching simple. Note: For best audio quality, always use high quality cables.
IInnppuutt The input is single-ended (unbalanced) with an impedance of 470k ohms.
NOTE: Because the FX-1 is designed for line-level or instrument operation, we don’t recommended plugging microphones directly into it. This is because most microphones have a very low output and need to run into a mic preamp before anything. Use either a mic preamp (like the A R T Tube MP), a mixer, or an amp’s preamp section to boost the level first (use the effects loop output, reverb send or channel insert from a mixer or amp). A higher signal level from a preamp or effects loop assures an optimum signal-to-noise ratio in the FX-1, keeping hiss and distortion to a minimum.
OOuuttppuutt The output is single-ended (unbalanced) with a source impedance of 1k ohm.
PPoowweerr Insert the supplied 9 Volt AC adapter’s plug into the input labeled POWER on the FX-1’s back panel. The FX-1 is powered by an exter­nal 9 Volt AC adapter. Always make sure that its output plug is securely plugged into the rear of the FX-1, and that the adapter is held firmly in an electrical outlet. Never operate the FX-1 or AC adapter in the rain or in wet locations. If the AC adapter’s cord is ever cut or damaged, discontinue using it and replace the adapter with a new one. To prolong its life, unplug the adapter when the FX-1 is not in use. Refer to the label on the adapter or the specifica­tions later in this manual for the appropriate operating voltages.
IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn Thank you for purchasing the FX-1—and congratulations: You now own one of the coolest and most sophisticated pieces of audio signal-processing avail­able. Offering a superb level of processing and sound quality, the FX-1’s spe­cially designed integrated circuits and straightforward user interface quickly and easily gives you access to all of its features.
FFeeaattuurreess:: Two banks of 15 studio crafted presets. 30 effects algorithms including: reverb, delay, chorus, phase shifting, pitch
shifting, tremolo, panning, multi-effect combinations, and true
stereo effects. Multi-effects processing offering up to three effects at once. Dual Processing effects for processing each channel individually. “More” options for each preset for more of the processing you need! Adjustable input and output levels. 1/4” stereo inputs and outputs. Portable design - Put it anywhere, take it anywhere. Very low noise and wide dynamic range. Designed & Manufactured in the USA.
Fill in the following information for your reference: Date of purchase: _________________________________ Purchased from: _________________________________ Serial number: 121-______________________________
This is a great time to fill out the User Registration Card included with your FX-1 to become a completely informed A R T Artist. Completing and return­ing the card to us ensures you of becoming the first to know about exciting new A R T products as well as any further developments from A R T.
BBaannkk SSeelleecctt SSwwiittcchh There are two banks of 15 presets in the FX-1. Bank A is selected when the bank select switch is in its Out position. Bank B is select­ed when the bank select switch is pressed In.
MMoorree EEffffeeccttss SSwwiittcchh Pressing the More switch in any preset gives you an enhanced ver­sion of the preset. For example, if you’ve currently selected a hall reverb, pressing the More switch will increase the decay time, alter the predelay and alter the EQ characteristics of that reverb. The result is a completely new sound for you to work with. Use the More function for those times when the preset you’ve selected is “almost” what you need.
BByyppaassss Each bank of presets has one Bypass setting. To bypass the FX-1, simply select the BY option with the preset encoder.
AApppplliiccaattiioonnss:: If using the FX-1 with a single (mono) input, connect the cable to the left input. The FX-1 will automatically send this signal to both processors and will produce a stereo image at the output.
WWiitthh aa mmiixxeerr:: RReevveerrbb SSeenndd aanndd RReettuurrnn Connect a cable between your mixer’s send and the FX-1’s left input. If using a stereo send, or two sends, connect the second send to the FX-1’s right input. Connect the FX-1’s left and right outputs to your mixer’s returns. Set the FX-1’s Mix control to Wet.
IInnppuutt CChhaannnneell LLoooopp Some mixers are designed to accommodate effects on each input channel via “channel inserts,” or “patch points.” These often con­sist of a single 1/4” phone jack acting as both send and return, requiring a dual-mono-to-TRS (tip/ring/sleeve) plug configuration. Check your mixer’s owner’s manual to determine which plug of the dual-mono-to-TRS cable acts as a send, and which acts as a return. Connect the insert send to the FX-1’s left input and the FX­1’s left output to the insert’s return. Adjust the mix control for the
CCoonnttrroollss,, SSwwiittcchheess aanndd IInnddiiccaattoorrss:: MMiixx You can vary the mix of dry (unprocessed) and wet (processed) sig­nals with this knob. When the Mix knob is set fully counterclock­wise, no effect is present at the output. Turning the Mix control fully clockwise produces effected signal only. Use this control to set the desired effect level to your sound.
OOnn aanndd CClliipp LLEEDDss When power is applied to the FX-1, the On LED lights green. The Clip (Clp) LED serves as the signal clip indicator. If to much signal is applied to the FX-1, this LED lights red. If the LED is constantly lit, reduce the input level to the FX-1 or set the In Level switch to the normal (Out) position.
IInnppuutt aanndd OOuuttppuutt LLeevveell sswwiittcchheess Input and Output level switches are provided for you to optimize the operating level of the FX-1 to your system. On initial set up, start with these switches in their Out position. As the panel reads, if you need more level either into or out of the FX-1 press the appropriate switch to its In position.
To optimize your levels, set the switches so your Effect signal level is the same as your Bypass level.
NOTE: When using the FX-1 in an effects loop of an amplifier, depending on the amplifier, you may have to set the input and out­put level switches in different positions to optimize your amplifier (i.e. your input switch may be set to the “more” (in) position and the output switch may be set to the normal (out) position or vice versa).
PPrreesseett SSeelleeccttoorr Select which preset you want by turning the Preset Selector knob to the preset number. The number corresponds to the preset chart printed on the top panel of the FX-1.
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