applications installed (those that require the
CD-ROM to run), these applications may be
expecting to find your CD-ROM drive at D:,
which may have changed. If you have
problems running these applications, verify
the drive letter of your CD-ROM, and reinstall
the CD-ROM applications if the CD-ROM
drive is at a new drive letter.
Remember, perform this step of making
partitions and formatting them only if you
didn’t use EasyMove in Step 1, above.
5. Review
• Use EasyMove (if available) to transfer
your data or
• If you don’t use EasyMove, back up your
• Remove the screw on the bottom.
• Slide off the drive cover.
• Remove the drive.
• Reinstall the drive.
• Replace the drive cover.
• Replace the cover screw.
• If you didn’t use EasyMove, partition and
format the disk, then restore your
operating system and data from your
interface card may not be recognized by
your system when you plug the card into the
slot. If this is the case, move the card to the
other slot and try again.
7. Bootable Floppy Disks
To be able to boot (start) your computer
without a hard disk, you’ll need a floppy
disk with certain files and applications on it
to boot from. A bootable floppy disk does
not come with your computer , and you have
to make your own before you remove your
hard disk. From the Settings menu, open the
control panel window, then open the Add/
Remove Programs icon. Select the Start-Up
Disk tab, then click the Create Disk button.
Hard Disk
& Set-Up
6. Problems?
Having problems? Review the steps for
removal or installation, then call our
Technical Support Department at 1(800) 555-
1671. Online support is available at and
There is a known issue with some computers
and their PCMCIA card slots. The EasyBundle
Copyright © 1998 by CMS Peripherals, Inc. All rights reserved. No part
of this document may be reproduced in any form without prior written
consent from CMS. The information and specifications in this document
are subject to change without notice.
CMS, CMS Peripherals, and the CMS logo are registered trademarks of
CMS Peripherals, Inc. Compaq is a trademark of Compaq Computer, Inc.
All other trademarks or registered trademarks used herein are the
property of their respective owners.
October, 1999
For Compaq® Armada 3500 Series
Personal Computers
To replace your hard disk with
your new CMS hard disk drive for your
Armada 3500, follow these instructions.
1. Preserve your data
If you’ve used the EasyMove software to
transfer your data from your original drive to
your new drive, you’re ready to exchange
your original and new drives.
If you don’t have EasyMove, you should
back-up your data using whatever method is
best for you (floppies, tape, network,
removable drive, etc.).
2. Remove the old disk drive
Follow these steps to remove and replace
your old drive.
A. Make sure your computer is turned Off.
Turn the computer over and use a small flatbladed screwdriver to remove the screw
indicated in Figure 1. Slide the cover towards
the edge of the computer then lift it off.
Figure 1
B. Untuck the pull-tab from the drive recess.
Pull the drive towards the edge approximately
⁄4 inch, then lift the drive from the recess as
shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2
3. Install the new drive
Install your new disk drive by following these
A. Set the new disk drive into the recess
closest to the edge of the computer. Slide the
drive towards the left (the connector end) to
mate it with the connector in the computer .
D. Replace the cover , then reinstall the screw
previously removed in Step 2A, above. The
installation is complete.
4. Setting up your new drive
If you used EasyMove to transfer your data,
your installation is complete. Turn on your
computer and you’re back at work.
If you didn’t use EasyMove, insert a bootable
floppy disk (See Section 7, below) and turn
the power on. The computer will
automatically determine the drive type for
your new disk. From the A: prompt, type
FDISK followed by the Return key. Choose
option 1 (Create DOS partition or logical
drive), then choose option 1, (Create the
primary DOS partition), accept the maximum
size and activate it. Due to the limitations of
Windows 3.1 and early versions of Win ’95,
the maximum partition size is 2,048 MB. If
your new disk is larger than this, you’ll then
need to create extended partitions (D and/or
E drives) to use the remaining capacity of the
disk. Choose option 1 (Create DOS partition
or logical drive). Choose option 2 (Create
extended DOS partition), then accept the
defaults for partition size and logical drive
size. Repeat this step to utilize the full
capacity of your new disk. Newer versions of
Win ’95 do not have this limitation and can
fully utilize your new large capacity drive as a
single partition.
When the primary DOS partition is created
(and any extended partitions, if required),
reboot your system. From the A: prompt, type
FORMAT C:/S followed by the Enter key.
This will format the primary DOS partition
and copy the system files to it making it a
bootable drive. If you have an extended
partition, type FORMAT D: (or FORMAT E:)
followed by the Return key to format the D/E
drive. Remove the floppy disk, and when you
restart your system, it will boot from your
new C drive.
Note: If your original hard drive only had a
single partition (you only had a C: drive) and
your new drive has multiple partitions, your
CD-ROM may have been moved to the next
available drive letter after your new hard
drive partitions. If you have CD-ROM based