Arkon 51020 User Manual

Installation and Wiring
The Acumen SCOOTER consists of the following main components;
SCOOTER main unit ECU (Electronic Control Unit)
SCOOTER wiring harness
1 x Remote Fob
Fitting kit including System fuse, spare fuse & Red LED system indicator
Tool Required:
Pliers/Cable strippers/Cable cutters
Drill with 5.5mm and 8mm bits
Soldering equipment
Adhesive lines heatshrink tubing
High quality insulating tape
Masking tape (for drilling LED hole)
General workshop tools
Scooter wiring diagram
SCOOTER main unit ECU (Electronic Control Unit)
Ensure the fitting of the equipment and the associated wiring does not affect the operation of the scooter. Be sure the alarm and wiring does not affect moving parts (such as control cables, brakes) and does not touch hot parts.
The SCOOTER is designed for scooter use and is fully encapsulated so water ingress is not of a concern. Likewise, the Key Fob is also of a waterproof design. We recommend however that the unit is not placed in a position where it is continually subjected to water and/or pressure washing.
SSiittiinngg//ppoossiittiioonniinngg tthhee SSCCOOOOTTEERR mmaaiinn uunniitt//EECCUU ((EElleeccttrroonniicc CCoonnttrrooll uunniitt))
When mounting the unit, use the 5mm screws/nuts supplied in the fitting kit or cable tie the unit to a suitable frame tube. Take care to mount the unit where access to it is protected (the more difficult it is to reach, the harder the job the ‘thief’ has to bypass the alarm).
Route the wiring alongside the scooter wiring, and tape it in the style of the original scooter wiring.
SSiittiinngg//ppoossiittiioonniinngg tthhee LLEEDD ssyysstteemm IInnddiiccaattoorr
Be aware the LED will result in a small increase of electrical current drain. The LED draws 1mA of electrical current. The LED provides a visual indication of the alarm’s status, helps with the diagnostic mode of the alarm, and will warn a potential thief that your scooter is alarmed and that the alarm is armed.
For this reason, it is preferable to position the LED where it can be easily seen. Having decided on a suitable position, drill an 8mm hole, pass the LED through from the back of the hole and then insert the LED into the LED holder. Then push the LED holder back into the 8mm hole to mount it securely. Route the LED wires to the position of the SCOOTER ECU.
The alarm has a loom which ends in a 6-way connector. This connector connects to the wiring loom which is connected to the scooter.
Installation and Wiring
Connect the system wires as follows:
A larger version of the wiring diagram can be found on the back page.
wire is the alarm positive feed. DO NOT connect this directly to the scooter battery, but connect to the positive terminal of the starter solenoid. Use the Red-tagged ring terminal from the fit kit.
wire is the alarm negative connection. Connect this wire to a suitable earthing point on the scooter frame. DO NOT connect to the battery negative terminal. Do NOT connect it to a sub-frame or fairing-frame. An ideal spot is the connection of the scooter battery negative lead & frame. Use the Blue­tagged ring terminal from the fit kit.
wire should be connected to a circuit which becomes live when the ignition is switched on. Ideally, this should be connected between the ignition switch and the scooter fuse box. If this is not practical, a good place is the feed to the rear brake light switch. Acumen recommends this connection is soldered.
CCoonnnneecctt tthhee 66--wwaayy ccoonnnneeccttoorrss ttooggeetthheerr aanndd pprroocceeeedd ttoo OOppeerraattiioonn
To make the alarm active, you only need to connect the
RReedd,, BBllaacckk
TToo ggeett ffuullll bbaassiicc ooppeerraattiioonn ooff tthhee SSCCOOOOTTEERR SSyysstteemm,, AAccuummeenn rreeccoommmmeennddss
tthhaatt yyoouu aallssoo ccoonnnneecctt tthhee PPIINNKK ((iinnddiiccaattoorrss)) aanndd BBllaacckk//RReedd ((LLEEDD)) wwiirreess ((sseeee ppaaggee 33))
Should you require further options on the CAT 3 system, please see the Optional Wiring (see page 3)
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