WORKS WITH BULL BARS B35-5006 / 35-5006
2010-12 RAM MEGA CAB 2010-12 RAM CREW CAB 2500 / 3500
Qty Description Qty Description
2 Tow Hooks (Load Max10,000lbs) 8 10mm Hex Nuts
1 Driver/Left Mounting Bracket A 8 10mm Lock Washers
1 Driver/Left Mounting Bracket B 4 13mm x 65mm Hex Head Bolts
1 Passenger/Right Mounting Bracket A 8 13mm ID x 28mm OD x 3mm Flat Washers
1 Passenger/Right Mounting Bracket B 4 13mm Hex Nuts
8 10-1.5mm x 60mm Hex Head Bolts 4 13mm Lock Washers
16 10mm ID x 25mm OD x 2.5mm Flat Washers
Passenger/right side
Mounting Bracket A
Passenger/right side
Mounting Bracket B
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Driver/left side
Mounting Bracket A
Driver/left side
Mounting Bracket B
Tow Hooks

NOTE: It may be
necessary to remove/relocate front license plate and license plate bracket. It is not
required, but strongly recommended. If local state/Prov. law requires a license plate,
license plate relocation kit is available.
2. NOTE: If vehicle is already equipped with bull bar you must remove bull bar and brackets from
vehicle prior to install.
3. If vehicle is not equipped with bull bar: Remove the (4) hex bolts holding the tow hook to the
frame, as seen below in (Fig1). Remove the tow hook. TIP: Removal of the inner hex bolts
securing each tow hook can be difficult to reach from behind the bumper, (long socket extensions
are required). It may be easier to access the (2) hex bolts by going through the front of the bumper
opening and holding the hex nuts in place with an open-ended wrench, (Fig 2) shows Tow Hook
4. Select the Driver side 35-5TOW mounting brackets A & B, with the Driver side 35-5006 Bull bar
bracket, place the bull bar brackets in between the 35-5TOW brackets A & B as seen below in (Fig
3), with the brackets sandwiched together attach them to where the Factory tow hooks were
installed using the (4) 10mm x 65mm Hex Bolts, (8) 10mm Flat Washers, (4) 10mm Lock Washers
and (4) 10mm Hex Nuts, with the fasteners attached, Snug the hardware but do not tighten at this
time. As seen in (Fig 4) Snug the hardware but do not tighten at this time. Repeat this step for
passenger side mounting bracket installation.
5. Next select the tow hook and begin to install the tow hook to the Driver side mounting bracket with
the (2) 13mm Hex bolts, (4) 13mm flat washers (2) 13mm Hex nuts as seen in (Fig 5) Snug the
hardware but do not tighten at this time. Repeat this step for passenger side mounting bracket
6. With assistance, mount the Bull Bar to the outside of the Mounting Brackets, Using the included
(4) 10mm x 35mm Hex Bolts, (8) 10mm Flat Washers, (4) 10mm Lock Washers and (4) 10mm
Hex Nuts to attach the Bull Bar to both mounting brackets, as seen in (Fig 5 & 6). Snug the
hardware but do not tighten at this time
7. Level and adjust Bull Bar, then tighten all hardware.
8. Do periodic inspections to the installation to make sure that all hardware is secure and tight.
To protect your investment, wax this product after installing. Regular waxing is recommended to add a
protective layer over the finish. Do not use any type of polish or wax that may contain abrasives that could
damage the finish.
For stainless steel: Aluminum polish may be used to polish small scratches and scuffs on the finish. Mild
soap may be used also to clean the Product.
For gloss black finishes: Mild soap may be used to clean the Product.
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