Ariens 915157, Zoom 34, 915159, Zoom 42, 915161 Owner's/operator's Manual

Zoom ®
Owner/Operator Manual
Manuel Du Proprietaire/Utilisateur
915157 - Zoom 34 915159 - Zoom 42 915161 - Zoom 50 915169 - Zoom 34 CARB 915171 - Zoom 42 CARB
Gasoline containing up to 10% ethanol (El0) or up to 10% MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether)is acceptable for use in this machine. The use of any gasoline exceeding 10% ethanol (El0) or 10% MTBE will void the product warranty.
II est possible d'utiliser de I'essence contenant jusqu'a 10% d'ethanol (El0) ou 10% de MTBE (ether methyl-tertiobutylique) sur cette machine.
L'utilisation d'une essence contenant plus de 10% d'ethanol (El0) ou de 10% de MTBE annulent la garantie.
,_ _ (_ FRAN(_AIS 03997700B1/11
Printed in USA
/ Y.*_:] i _ [o]_ _[o] _/ / _ _/ _
SAFETY .......................... 4
ASSEMBLY ....................... 9
OPERATION ..................... 12
STORAGE ....................... 24
TROUBLESHOOTING ............. 25
SERVICE PARTS ................. 26
ACCESSORIES ................... 26
SPECIFICATIONS ................. 27
WARRANTY ..................... 29
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Manuals in languages other than English may be obtained from your Dealer. Visit your dealer or for a list of languages available for your
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than English are also available as a free download on our website:
Puede obtener manuales en idiomas diferentes del ingles en su
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-_ disponibles para su equipo. Tambien puede imprimir manuales
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-_ le site pour
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Before operation of unit, carefully and completely read your manuals. The contents will provide you with an understanding of safety instructions and controls during normal operation and maintenance.
All reference to left, right, front, or rear are given from operator seated in operation position and facing the direction of forward
The engine on this unit is covered by a separate manual specific to the engine. This manual is included in the literature package that shipped with the unit. Refer to this manual for engine service recommendations.
If the engine manual is not available, contact the engine manufacturer for a replacement
When ordering replacement parts or making service inquiries, know the Model and Serial numbers of your unit and engine.
Numbers are located on the product registration form in the unit literature package. They are printed on a serial number label, located on the frame of your unit under the seat (figure 1).
downloadfromwww.ariens.comonthe internet.
Customer Note: If you have purchased this product without complete assembly and instruction by your retailer, it is your responsibility to:
Read and understand all assembly instructions in this manual. If you do not understand or have difficulty
following the instructions, contact your
nearest Ariens Dealer for assistance.
NOTE: To locate your nearest Ariens Dealer, go to on the internet.
Figure 1
Record Unit Model and Serial numbers here.
Record Engine Model and Serial numbers here.
The Ariens dealer must register the product at the time of purchase. Registering the
product will help the company process
warranty claims or contact you with the latest service information. All claims meeting
requirements during the limited warranty period will be honored, whether or not the
product registration card is returned. Keep a proof of purchase if you do not register your
unit. Customer Note: If the Dealer does not register your product, please fill out, sign and
return the product registration card to Ariens
or go to on the internet.
,_ WARNING: Improper assembly
or adjustments can cause serious
Before Attempting to Operate Your
1. Make sure all assembly has been properly completed.
2. Understand all Safety Precautions provided in the manuals.
3. Review control functions and operation of the unit. Do not operate the unit
unless all controls function as described in this manual.
4. Review recommended lubrication, maintenance and adjustments.
5. Review Limited Warranty Policy.
6. Fill out a product registration card and return the card to the Ariens Company or go to
Ariens reserves the right to discontinue, change, and improve its products at any time without notice or obligation to the purchaser.
The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at printing.
Equipment described within this manual may be optional. Some illustrations may not be applicable to your unit.
Use only Ariens replacement parts. The replacement of any part on this unit with
anything other than an Ariens authorized
replacement part may adversely affect the performance, durability, and safety of this unit
and may void the warranty. Ariens disclaims
liability for any claims or damages, whether
warranty, property damage, personal injury or death arising out of the use of unauthorized
replacement parts.
WARNING: This cutting machine is capable of amputating hands
and feet and throwing objects. Failure to observe the safety
instructions in the manuals and on decals could result in serious
injury or death. Slopes are a major factor related
to loss-of-control and tip-over accidents. Operation on all slopes requires extra caution.
Tragic accidents can occur if the operator is not alert to the presence of children. Never
assume that children will remain where you last saw them. Gasoline is extremely flammable
and the vapors are explosive, handle with care.
Disengage attachment, stop unit and engine, remove key, engage parking brake, and allow moving parts to stop before leaving operator's position.
Look for these symbols to point out important safety precautions. They mean:
Personal Safety Is Involved!
Become Alert!
Obey The Message!
The safety alert symbol is used in decals and with this manual. Understand the safety message. It contains important information about personal safety.
death or serious injury.
HAZARDOUS SITUATION! If not avoided, WILL RESULT in death or serious injury.
HAZARDOUS SITUATION! If not avoided, MAY RESULT in minor
or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe
NOTE: General reference information for proper operation and maintenance practices.
IMPORTANT: Specific procedures or information required to prevent damage to
unit or attachment.
ALWAYS replace missing or damaged Safety
Decals. Refer to figure 2 for Safety Decal locations.
Avoid injury - Stay clear of
rotating parts.
No smoking.
(_ illfuel tank to below bottom of
filler neck (see FILLING FUEL
TANK on page 13).
,_ WARNING: Over Filling may cause
severe damage to evaporative
system !
Never fill fuel tank when engine is running, hot or unit is indoors. Never
overfill fuel tank. Replace fuel cap securely and clean
up spilled fuel.
3L q.
Always keep feet and hands away from rotating parts.
Always stand clear of discharge area. Do not direct discharge toward other people.
D_-_L_ Keep people away from unit
while operating.
Shut off engine, remove key, and read manual before you adjust or repair unit.
NO STEP! Always keep feet
away from rotating parts.
Read the operator's manual.
Keep children and others away
D [ from unit while operating.
Never direct discharge toward
_-_=_, other people. Thrown objects
_-_>__ can cause injury.
_.> Look down and behind before
and while backing.
Never carry children.
Go up and down slopes, not across.
DO NOT operate on slopes
OL1807over 10°.
If machine stops going uphill, stop blade and back down slowly.
Avoid sudden turns.
Keep safety devices (guards, shields, switches, etc.) in place and working.
Check interlock system per manual before use.
Understand location and function of all controls.
Never allow operation by untrained persons.
Disengage PTO, stop unit and engine, set parking brake and remove key before making any inspections, repairs, etc.
Always stand clear of discharge area.
Do not operate mower unless
bagger is attached or guards are in operating position.
Keep hands and feet away.
_r------_--_ Do not operate mower unless
guards are in operating position
--[-_,_]_ or bagger is attached.
DO NOT touch parts which are
hot from operation. ALWAYS allow parts to cool.
This equipment and/or its engine may include
exhaust and evaporative emissions control system components required to meet U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
and!or California Air Resources Board (CARB) regulations. Tampering with
emission controls and components by unauthorized personnel may result in severe fines or penalties. Emission controls and components can only be adjusted by an Ariens Company dealer or an authorized engine manufacturer's service center. Contact your Ariens Company Equipment
Retailer concerning emission controls and
component questions.
If unit is to be used by someone other than original purchaser; loaned, rented or sold, ALWAYS provide this manual and any needed safety training before operation.
Only the user can prevent and is responsible for accidents or injuries occurring to themselves, other people or property.
Read,understand,andfollowallsafety practicesinOwner/OperatorManualbefore
assembling,usingorworkingonthismower. ALWAYSremovekeyfromignitionandwire
Inspectunitbeforeeachusefor:missingor damageddecalsandshields,correctly operatingsafetyinterlocksystem,and deteriorationofgrasscatchers.Replaceor
repairasneeded. ALWAYScheckoverheadandside
clearancescarefullybeforeoperation. ALWAYSbeawareoftrafficwhencrossingor operatingalongstreetsorcurbs.
Keepchildren,people,andpetsaway.Be alertandshutoffunitifanyoneenterswork area.Keepchildrenunderwatchfulcareofa
Keepareaofoperationclearofalltoys,and debris.Thrownobjectscancauseinjury.
Stayalertforhiddenhazards,holes,andruts. Avoidunevenorroughterrain.DONOT
operateneardrop-offs,ditches,or embankments.Unitcansuddenlyturnoverif awheelisovertheedgeofaclifforditch,orif anedgecavesin.
Dust,fog,etc.canreducevisionandcause anaccident.Operateunitonlywhenthereis goodvisibilityandlight.
Dataindicatesthatoperators,age60and above,areinvolvedinalargerpercentageof
ridingmowerrelatedinjuries.These operatorsshouldevaluatetheirabilityto operatetheridingmowersafelyenoughto
includesbeingfamiliarwithcontrolsand actualoperation.
impaired. Wearadequatesafetygear,sturdyshoes,
DONOTwearlooseclothingorjewelryand tiebackhairthatmaygetcaughtinrotating
hearingprotection.Alwayswearsafety gogglesorsafetyglasseswithsideshields whenoperatingmower.
Movingpartscancutofffingersorahand. ALWAYSkeephandsandfeetawayfromall
rotatingpartsduringoperation.Rotatingparts cancutoffbodyparts.
Startandoperateunitonlywhenseatedin operator'sposition.Steeringcontrollevers mustbeinneutral,PTOdisengagedand parkingbrakesetwhenstartingengine.
ALWAYSkeepbodyandhandsawayfrom pinholesornozzleswhichejecthydraulic fluidunderpressure.
DONOTtouchunitpartswhichmightbehot fromoperation.Allowpartstocoolbefore attemptingtomaintain,adjustorservice.
NEVERplaceyourhandsoranypartofyour bodyorclothinginsideornearanymoving partwhileunitisrunning.
NEVERdirectdischargetowardspersonsor property.Thrownobjectsmayricochetback towardsoperator.ALWAYSstandclearofthe dischargearea.
ALWAYSdisengageattachment,stopunit andengine,placecontrolleversinneutral, removekey,engageparkingbrake,andallow movingpartstostopbeforeleaving operator'sposition.
DisengagePTOwhenattachmentisnotin useandwhencrossinggravelsurfaces.
DONOToperateunitifsafetyinterlock systemisdamagedordisabled.Checksafety
interlockbeforeeachuse. ALWAYSremovekeytopreventunauthorized
DO NOT operate at too fast a rate. Slow down before turning.
Stop engine before removing grass catcher or unclogging chute.
DO NOT mow on wet grass. Reduced traction could cause sliding.
DO NOT try to stabilize the machine by putting your foot on the ground.
Know the weight of loads. Limit loads to those you can safely control and the unit can safely
handle. ALWAYS keep protective structures, guards
and panels in good repair, in place and securely fastened.
Do not operate without either entire grass catcher or the discharge guard in place.
DO NOT operate in reverse unless absolutely necessary. ALWAYS look down and behind before and while backing; especially for
Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for wheel weights or counterweights to
improve stability when using attachments.
NEVER carry passengers-especially children-even with blades off.
Use extra care when approaching blind corners or objects that may obscure vision of
hidden obstacles and children.
If you cannot back up a slope or you feel uneasy on it, do not mow it.
Operation on slopes may lead to loss of steering control. When operating on slopes be prepared to react to an emergency
Returnsteeringleverstoneutral position.
TurnoffPTOandengine. Mowupanddownslopes,notacrossthem. Useslowspeedonanyslope.Tiresmaylose
tractiononslopeseventhoughthebrakesare functioningproperly.
Keepallmovementsontheslopeslow and
gradual, DO NOT make sudden changes in speed or direction.
Use extra care while operating machines with
grass catcher or other attachments. They can affect stability of the machine.
Avoid starting, stopping, or turning on a slope. If tires lose traction, disengage the
blades and proceed slowly straight down the
DO NOT operate on slopes over 10°. DO NOT park on slopes unless necessary. If
unit is parked on a slope, ALWAYS chock or block wheels and set parking brake.
DO NOT disengage or bypass transmission
and coast downhill. Tow only with a machine that has a hitch
designed for towing. Do not attach towed equipment except at the hitch point.
Follow the manufacturer's recommendations
for weight limits for towed equipment and towing on slopes.
Maximum Tongue weight: 30 Ibs. Maximum Trailer weight: 300 Ibs. Do not use hitch with bagger attached. Do not use on steep hills or slopes. Do not park on hills when trailer is attached. Do not use with any ground engaging
NEVER allow children or others in or on
towed equipment.
On slopes, the weight of the towed equipment may cause loss of traction and loss of control.
Travel slowly and allow extra distance to stop.
Use extra care when loading or unloading unit onto trailer or truck.
Secure unit chassis to transport vehicle. NEVER secure from rods or linkages that
could be damaged.
DO NOT transport machine while engine is running.
ALWAYS turn off power to attachment and
properly drain fuel when transporting unit. Keep unit free of grass clippings, leaves, and
other debris. Clean up oil or fuel spills. This product is equipped with an internal
combustion type engine. DO NOT use unit on or near any unimproved, forest-covered or
brush covered land unless exhaust system is
equipped with a spark arrester meeting applicable local, state or federal laws. A spark arrester, if it is used, must be maintained in effective working order by operator.
Fuel is highly flammable and its vapors are explosive. Handle with care. Use only an approved gasoline container with an appropriately sized dispensing spout.
NO smoking, NO sparks, NO flames. ALWAYS allow engine to cool before servicing.
NEVER fill fuel tank when engine is running or hot from operation.
NEVER fill or drain fuel tank indoors.
NEVER overfill fuel tank.
Properly remove fuel before tipping unit.
Replace fuel cap securely and clean up spilled fuel.
NEVER fill containers inside a vehicle or on a truck or trailer bed with a plastic liner. Always
place containers on the ground away from your vehicle before filling.
When practical, remove gas-powered equipment from the truck or trailer and refuel it on the ground. If this is not possible, then refuel such equipment on a trailer with a portable container, rather than from a gasoline dispenser nozzle.
Keep the nozzle in contact with the rim of the fuel tank or container opening at all times until fueling is complete. Do not use a nozzle lock- open device.
If fuel is spilled on clothing, change clothing immediately.
Avoid Electric Shock. Objects contacting both battery terminals at the same time may result in injury and unit damage. DO NOT reverse battery connections.
Explosive Gases from battery can cause death or serious injury. Poisonous battery
fluid contains sulfuric acid and its contact with skin, eyes or clothing can cause severe
chemical burns.
NO flames, NO sparks, NO smoking near battery.
ALWAYS wear safety glasses and protective gear near battery. Use insulated tools.
DO NOT TIP battery beyond a 45° angle in any direction.
ALWAYS keep batteries out of reach of children.
Battery posts, terminals and related accessories contain lead and lead
compounds, chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.
Reverse connections may result in sparks which can cause serious injury. Always connect positive (+) lead of charger to positive (+) terminal, and negative (-) lead to negative (-) terminal.
ALWAYS disconnect negative (-) cable FIRST and positive (+) cable SECOND. ALWAYS connect positive (+) cable FIRST, and negative (-) cable SECOND.
A frozen battery can explode and result in death or serious injury. DO NOT charge or jump start a battery containing frozen fluid. Thaw the battery before putting on a charger or jump starting.
ALWAYS keep protective structures, guards, and panels in good repair, in place and securely fastened. NEVER modify or remove safety devices.
DO NOT change engine governor settings or
over-speed engine.
Fumes from engine exhaust can cause injury or death. DO NOT run engine in an enclosed area. Always provide good ventilation.
ALWAYS maintain unit in safe operating condition. Damaged or worn out muffler can cause fire or explosion.
Stop and inspect equipment if you strike an object or if there is an unusual vibration.
Repair, if necessary, before restarting. Never
make adjustments or repairs with the engine
Mower blades are sharp and can cut you. Wrap the blade(s) or wear gloves, and use extra caution when servicing them. NEVER weld or straighten mower blades.
Rotation of one blade may cause rotation of
the other blades. Check brake operation frequently. Adjust and
service as required.
Keep all hardware properly tightened.
Stored energy in springs can cause injury.
Maintain or replace safety and instruction
labels, as necessary.
Never store the machine or fuel container
inside a building where there is an open flame, such as a water heater.
Shut off fuel (if provided) and allow engine to cool completely before storing in closed area or covering unit.
Clean grass and debris from unit, especially from around muffler and engine, to help prevent fires.
For extended storage, clean unit thoroughly. See storage section and Engine Manual for proper storage.
Use only attachments or accessories designed for your unit.
Check attachment components frequently. If worn or damaged, replace with manufacturer's recommended parts.
Read and understand the entire Safety section before proceeding.
Tools Required
Adjustable wrench Petroleum jelly or dielectric grease.
Unpack Unit Remove unit and all other components from
the shipping container. Engage transmission
bypass lever (see MOVING UNIT
MANUALLYon page 15). Push unit from container onto a level surface. Disengage transmission bypass lever.
Connect Battery
See Battery Removal and Installation on
page 20 and perform steps 2 and 3 in the
installation section.
Place Unit in Operating Position
(Figure 3)
NOTE: The seat is shipped with the seat
positioned as far back as possible.
1. Push steering levers aside and tip seat up.
2. Adjust the seat as needed (see SEAT ADJUSTMENT on page 17).
3. Remove hardware from top hole of the steering lever (Figure 3). Slide steering lever back to align slot with hole at the top of the steering pivot arm.
NOTE: Do not tighten hardware before reviewing ADJUSTING STEERING LEVERS on page 22. If no adjustment is desired tighten hardware.
4. Adjust steering levers (see ADJUSTING STEERING LEVERS on page 22).
1. Steering Lever 3. Steering Lever
2. Steering Pivot Hardware Arm
Figure 3
Check Engine Oil Level
Refer to Engine Manual.
Check Tire Pressure
CAUTION: Avoid injury! Explosive separation of tire and
rim parts is possible when they are serviced incorrectly:
Do not attempt to mount a tire without the proper equipment and experience to perform the
Do not inflate the tires above the recommended pressure. Do not weld or heat a wheel and tire assembly. Heat can
cause an increase in air pressure resulting in an
explosion. Welding can structurally weaken or deform
the wheel. Do not stand in front or over
the tire assembly when inflating. Use a clip-on chuck and extension hose long enough to allow you to stand
to one side.
See SPECIFICATIONS on page 27.
Level Mower Deck
OF MOWER DECK on page 18.
Fill Fuel Tank Fill fuel tank. DO NOT OVERFILL! See
FILLING FUEL TANK on page 13. Check Safety Interlock System
A ARNING: Safety interlockfailure and improper operation of
unit can result in death or serious injury. Check system before each
use to make sure it is functioning properly.
See Safety Interlock System on page 12. Check function of all controls
See OPERATION on page 12.
GB - 10
[_o]_ij_o_ r-'__Im]I_1_i uL_"]
1 2
Figure 4
1. ignition Switch
2. PTO Switch
3. Seat
4. Fuel Level
5. Steering Levers
6. Fuel Tank
7. Mower Lift Pedal
8. Mower Deck
9. Discharge Chute
10. Parking Brake
11. Choke (915159, 161, 171)
12. Throttle (915159, 161, 171)
13. Throttle/Choke Lever (915157, 169)
GB- 11
[e]_:1;l.*t / [e]_
Read and understand the entire Safety section before proceeding.
See figure 4 for all controls and features locations.
Safety Interlock System
WARNING: Safety interlock failure
and improper operation of unit can result in death or serious injury.
Check system before each use to make sure it is functioning
Test Steering Lever PTO
1 Neutral Position Off 2 Neutral Position On
3 Neutral Position Off 4*+ Out of Neutral Position Off 5*+ Neutral Position On
Test with engine running.
+ Operator lifts off seat.
Perform the following tests to ensure the safety interlock system is working properly. If the unit does not perform as stated contact your Ariens dealer for repairs.
Ignition Switch
Operate ignition switch with a removable key.
Ignition switch has three
positions: Stop (1),
Run (2), Start (3). See
ENGINE on page 14 for
detailed instructions on how to start engine.
Parking Brake
Engaged Disengaged Disengaged
Starts Doesn't Start Doesn't Start
Shuts Off Shuts Off
Throttle/Choke Lever (915157, 169)
Choke (1) - Use to start a cold engine.
Throttle (915159, 161,171)
Fast (2) - Increases engine
Fast (1) - Increases engine
Slow (2) - Decreases engine
Choke (915159, 161,171)
Pull choke control out to start a
cold engine. Push choke control in when
engine is warm.
Slow (3) - Decreases engine speed.
Parking Brake
-_(Q)÷ 2
Engages (2) and disengages (1) parking
GB - 12
Power Take-Off (PTO) Switch
Engages (2)
and disengages
(1) mower blades.
Steering Levers
Reverse (1)- Pull both steering levers backward.
Forward (2) - Push both steering levers forward.
Left (3) - Pull left steering lever back or push right steering lever forward or
a combination of both. Right (4) - Pull right steering lever
back or push left steering lever forward or a combination of both.
NOTE: To stop, return both steering levers to neutral.
NOTE: The steering levers must be in the neutral position to start the engine.
NOTE: The parking brake must be
disengaged prior to moving the steering
levers from the neutral position.
Mower Lift Pedal
(Figure 5) Raises and lowers mower deck.
Press mower lift pedal and install adjustment pin in the desired adjustment hole.
NOTE: The adjustment pin is used to set the height of the mower deck. See SPECIFICATIONS on page 27 for cutting height dimensions.
Fuel Level Slot in seat plate shows the fuel level in the
tank. Refill when level gets to bottom of slot.
To add fuel to the fuel tank:
1. Clean fuel caps and surrounding area to prevent dust, dirt, and debris from entering fuel tanks.
2. Remove fuel caps.
IMPORTANT: Refer to Engine Manual for correct type and grade of fuel.
3. Fill fuel tank to the bottom of filler neck. See SPECIFICATIONS on page 27 for
fuel tank capacity.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT OVERFILL! This equipment and/or its engine may include
evaporative emissions control system components, required to meet EPA and/or CARB regulations, that will only function properly when the fuel tank has been filled to the recommended level. Overfilling may cause permanent damage to evaporative emissions control system components. Filling to the recommended level ensures a vapor gap required to allow for fuel expansion. Pay close attention while filling the fuel tank to
ensure that the recommended fuel level inside the tank is not exceeded. Use a
portable gasoline container with an appropriately sized dispensing spout when filling the tank. Do not use a funnel or other
device that obstructs the view of the tank filling process.
4. Replace fuel cap and tighten.
5. ALWAYS clean up spilled fuel.
IMPORTANT: ALWAYS use gasoline that meets the following guidelines:
Clean, fresh gasoline.
A minimum of 87 octane/87 AKI (91
IRON). High altitude use may require a different octane. Consult your engine
manual. Gasoline with up to 10% ethanol
(gasohol) or up to 10% MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) is acceptable.
Use of any gasoline other than those
approved above will void the engine warranty. If the pumps are not marked for the content of alcohol or ethers,
check ethanol and MTBE levels with
the fuel supplier.
Do not modify the fuel system to use
different fuels.
Never mix oil and gasoline.
NOTE: All gasoline is not the same. If the engine experiences starting or performance problems after using a new gasoline, switch to a different fuel provider or fuel brand.
IMPORTANT: Excessively oxygenated or reformulated fuels (fuels blended with alcohols or ethers) can damage the fuel system or cause performance problems. If any undesirable operating problems occur, use a gasoline with a lower percentage of
alcohol or ether.
GB - 13
Fuel Stabilizer
Gasoline left in the fuel system for extended periods without a stabilizer will deteriorate,
resulting in gum deposits in the system. These deposits can damage the carburetor and the fuel hoses, filter and tank. Prevent deposits from forming in the fuel system during storage by adding a quality fuel
stabilizer to the fuel. Follow the
recommended mix ratio found on the fuel stabilizer container.
WARNING: Operating unit on slopes may lead to loss of
steering control. When operating on slopes be prepared to react to
an emergency situation.
1. Return steering levers to neutral position
2. Immediately set parking brake
3. Turn off PTO and engine
NOTE: This unit is not equipped with the
return to neutral function. The control arms
must be manually brought back to neutral from the forward position.
Starting the Engine
NOTE: Disengage the PTO, place the steering levers in neutral, and engage the
parking brake prior to starting the engine.
1. If the engine is cold, move the choke control to the On position. If the engine is warm or hot, do not use choke.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT operate starter for more than 10 seconds per minute as damage
can occur.
2. Put the ignition key in the switch and turn it to the Start position.
3. As soon as the engine starts, release the key.
4. Move the choke control to the Off position from the Choke position. Wait
until the engine is running smoothly before operation.
IMPORTANT: Let the engine warm up
several seconds to several minutes depending on outside temperature.
Stopping the Engine
1. Stop unit.
2. Disengage PTO.
3. Set throttle lever to slow.
4. Turn ignition switch to off position and remove key.
5. Set parking brake.
1. Start engine.
2. Set throttle lever to fast.
IMPORTANT: Never engage PTO if mower is plugged with grass or other material.
3. Engage PTO to start mower blades. It will take 2-3 seconds for the blades to
NOTE: The parking brake must be disengaged prior to moving the steering levers from the neutral lockout position.
4. Release parking brake.
5. Use steering levers to move the unit.
6. Disengage PTO to stop mower blades.
ALWAYS shut off engine, set parking brake, remove key, and properly remove fuel when transporting unit on a truck or trailer. Tie unit down securely. Do not tie down by linkages, guards, cables or other parts that may be damaged.
GB - 14
Cut grass when it is dry. Keep mower blades sharp. Keep mower deck properly leveled. Do not set height of cut too low. For very tall
grass, mow twice.
Do not travel too fast. Mow with the engine set at full throttle.
When mulching, only remove one-third of grass length per cutting.
Discharge clippings into areas already cut.
Vary cutting pattern with each mowing.
Do not allow grass or debris to collect inside
of mower deck. Clean after each use.
WARNING: DO NOT disengageor bypass transmission and coast downhill.
Pull the bypass lever out and lock it in place, and then release the parking brake to push the unit by hand.
Push the bypass lever in to drive the unit
NOTE: There are two bypass levers; one on each side of the unit.
1. Bypass lever pulled out to push the unit by hand.
2. Bypass lever pushed in to drive the unit.
Figure 5
GB- 15
_l,]_i __Jl:l
,_ WARNING: AVOID INJURY. Readand understand the entire Safety
section before proceeding.
IMPORTANT: Proper maintenance can prolong the life of unit. The following chart
shows the recommended service schedule.
Refer to the maintenance instructions in the Engine Manual for additional information.
NOTE: To have full access to the engine, the
seat must be tipped forward (see TIPPING
SEAT FORWARD on page 17) and the hood opened (see MOWER DECK REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION on page 18).
Interval Task _,ction
Check Safety ,_
WARNING: Safety interlock system failure and improper operation of unit can result in death or serious injury. Test
this system each time the unit is operated. If this system does not function as described, do not operate until repairs
are made (see Safety Interlock System on page 12).
Check Engage parking brake and engage transmission bypass lever (see
Parking MOVING UNIT MANUALLY on page 15). Push unit. If unit rolls, contact Brake your Ariens Dealer.
Clean Unit Clean engine, battery, seat, mower deck, etc. of all dirt and debris. Do
not use solvents, hard cleaners, or abrasives.
NOTE: Protect painted surfaces with automotive type wax.
IMPORTANT: Do not spray the unit with water, especially when the unit is warm from operation. Water can seep into bearings and damage
Check Tires
See SPECIFICATIONS on page 27 for correct tire pressure.
Each Use
CAUTION: Avoid injury! Explosive separation of tire and rim
parts is possible when they are serviced incorrectly:
Do not attempt to mount a tire without the proper equipment
and experience to perform the job. Do not inflate the tires above the recommended pressure. Do not weld or heat a wheel and tire assembly. Heat can cause
an increase in air pressure resulting in an explosion. Welding can structurally weaken or deform the wheel.
Do not stand in front or over the tire assembly when inflating. Use a clip-on chuck and extension hose long enough to allow you to stand to one side.
Check Check for worn or damaged mower blades (see SHARPENING
Mower MOWER BLADE on page 20). Blades
Follow Engine
Mainten- ance Schedule
Perform scheduled engine maintenance. Refer to Engine Manual for detailed
NOTE: To drain the oil, remove oil drain cap and attach the oil drain hose, supplied in the lit pack, to the drain plug.
Rotate the drain to the left to allow oil to drain. Turn the drain to the right to close.
Oil Drain Plug
GB - 16
Interval Task _,ction
25 Hours or Every
50 Hours or Every
100 Hours or Every
Keep battery and battery terminals clean (see Cleaning Battery and Battery Cables on page 21).
UnitLubricatefrontApplygreaset°zerk (1)oneachwheel _ 1
Check Check mower blade mounting hardware and all other fasteners.
Fasteners Replace fasteners that are missing or damaged. Tighten all nuts and
bolts to the correct torque values.
Check All
Replace worn or deteriorated belts.
Check hydrostatic belt (see REPLACING HYDROSTATIC BELT on page 24 for hydrostatic belt location).
Check PTO belt (see REPLACING PTO BELT on page 23 for PTO belt location).
Check All Replace worn or improperly functioning PTO cables. Cables
[,._o]=l r_,1#Im]r_,1m]l[l_ll / tv_I=1#III[€]
Read and understand the entire Safety section before proceeding.
Put steering levers up and tip seat forward (figure 6).
1. Seat Tipped Forward
2. Mounting Hardware Figure 6
1. Tip the seat forward.
2. Loosen mounting hardware and slide
seat forward or backward to desired position. Tighten mounting hardware
(figure 6).
3. Tip seat back.
GB - 17
(Figure 7)
1. Remove PTO belt from the engine drive pulley (see REPLACING PTO BELT on page 23).
NOTE: Perform step 2 and 3 for the right and left side of unit.
2. Disconnect drag link from the front deck bracket.
3. Disconnect front and rear trunnions from the lift arms.
4. Slide mower deck out from under unit.
(Figure 7)
1. Slide mower deck under unit.
NOTE: Perform step 2 and 3 for the right and
left side of unit.
2. Connect drag link to front deck bracket.
3. Connect front and rear trunnions to lift arms.
4. Install PTO belt on the engine drive pulley (see REPLACING PTO BELT on page 23).
5. Level and adjust pitch of mower deck (see LEVELLING AND ADJUSTING PITCH OF MOWER DECK on page 18).
5 4
1. Rear Trunnion
2. PTO Belt
3. Mower Deck
Figure 7
Drag Link Front Trunnion
Lift Arms
NOTE: Adjust on a level surface, with the
tires inflated to the correct air pressure (see
Three measurements are required to level and adjust the pitch of the mower deck.
1. The distance from the mower blades to the ground.
2. The forward pitch of the mower blades.
3. The pitch of the mower blades from side-to-side.
The Distance From The Mower
Blades To The Ground (Figure 8)
In the lowest cutting position should be
1 in. + 1/4 in. (2.54 cm + 0.64 cm).
In the highest cutting position should be4 in. + 1/4 in. (10.16 cm +0.64 cm).
Lowest Cutting Position
3 1 2
\, / /
\ U /f-q
1 in. + 1/4 in. (2.54 cm + 0.64 cm)
Highest Cutting Position
3 1 2
k / /
fl I! " />-ql]
4 in. + 1/4 in. (10.16 cm +0.64 cm)
1. Mower Deck 3. Ground
2. Mower Blade
Figure 8
GB - 18
The Forward Pitch Of The Mower
(Figure 9)
Should be 0.0 in. (0.0 mm) to 1/4 in. (6.35 mm) pitched forward.
NOTE: This measurement must be taken
when the mower blades ends point forward.
Forward Pitch of Mower Blades
3 1 2
\ / /
Front of
Mower Deck
1. Mower Deck 3. Ground
2. Mower Blade Figure 9
The Pitch Of The Mower Blades From
(Figure 10)
Should be within 1/4 in. (6.35 mm) as measured on each side of the mower
NOTE: This measurement must be taken
when the mower blade ends point left and
Side-To-Side Pitch
3 / /
\ /
ti / J---ll)
1/4-in. (6.35 mm) from Side-To-Side
1. Mower Deck 3. Ground
2. Mower Blade
Figure 10
Adjusting The Mower Deck To Adjust
Mower Blade Height And Pitch (Figure 11)
NOTE: Adjusting the mower deck will adjust
the height and pitch of the mower blades.
1. Adjust the trunnions first and re-take the three measurements required to level and adjust the pitch of the mower deck.
These measurements are:
a. The distance from the mower
blades to the ground.
b. The forward pitch of the mower
c. The pitch of the mower blades
from side-to-side.
2. Repeat step 1 as needed until all three measurements are within the tolerances
1. Trunnion 2. Mower Deck Figure 11
(Figure 12)
CAUTION: Mower blades are sharp and can cut you. Wrap
the blades or wear gloves, and use extra caution when
servicing them.
1. Block mower blades to prevent rotation.
2. Remove mounting hardware and mower blades from spindles.
(Figure 12)
1. Install mower blades on spindles with mounting hardware.
2. Torque 5/8-inch nut to 92 to 130 Ibf-ft (125 to 176 N°m).
GB - 19
2. Blade
3. Washer
4. 5/8in.Nut Figure12
CAUTION: DO NOT sharpen mower blade while on unit. An
unbalanced mower blade will cause excessive vibration and eventual damage to unit. Check mower blade balance prior to reinstalling mower blades.
NEVER weld or straighten mower blades.
1. Remove mower blade from unit (see REPLACING MOWER BLADE on
page 19).
Ariens recommends having mower blades sharpened by a professional. Contact your
Ariens dealer.
Discard mower blade if (figure 13):
more than 1/2 in. (1.27 cm) of metal is removed.
the air lift erosion area is eroded. the mower blade is bent or broken.
Do not change angle of cutting edge or round
the corner at the end of mower blade.
2. Sharpen mower blade by removing an equal amount of material from each end of mower blade.
3. Check mower blade balance by sliding mower blade on an unthreaded bolt. If
blade is balanced, it should remain in a horizontal position. If either end of
mower blade moves downward, sharpen the heavy end until mower blade is
4. Install mower blade on unit (see REPLACING MOWER BLADE on
page 19).
DO NOT Sharpen to this Pattern
Sharpen to this Pattern
1/2 in. /
(1/27 cm) 2
1. Air Lift Erosion
2. Cutting Edge Figure 13
NOTE: Unit comes equipped with a
maintenance-free battery that requires no regular maintenance except cleaning the
,_ WARNING: Battery posts,
terminals and related accessories contain lead and lead
compounds, chemicals known to the State of California to cause
cancer and reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling.
Battery Removal and Installation Remove
(Figure 14)
1. Tip seat forward (see TIPPING SEAT FORWARD on page 17).
2. Disconnect negative (-) cable first, then positive (+) cable.
3. Remove battery hold-down bracket and battery from unit.
GB - 20
(Figure 14)
1. Install battery on the unit with battery hold-down bracket.
2. Connect positive (+) cable first, then negative (-) cable.
3. Apply petroleum jelly or dielectric grease to battery cable ends and terminals.
4. Tip seat back (see TIPPING SEAT FORWARD on page 17).
2 3 4
1. Positive (+) Terminal
2. Positive (+) Cable
3. Battery Hold-Down Bracket
4. Battery
5. Negative (-) Terminal
6. Negative (-) Cable
Figure 14
Cleaning Battery and Battery Cables
(Figure 14)
1. Tip seat forward (see TIPPING SEAT FORWARD on page 17).
2. Disconnect negative (-) cable first, then positive (+) cable.
3. Clean battery cable ends, negative (-) terminal, and positive (+) terminal with a wire brush and rinse with a weak baking
soda solution.
4. Connect positive (+) cable first, then negative (-) cable.
5. Apply petroleum jelly or dielectric grease to battery cable ends and terminals.
6. Tip seat back (see TIPPING SEAT FORWARD on page 17).
Charging the Battery
(Figure 14)
BATTERIES CAN EXPLODE and result in death or serious injury.
DO NOT charge a frozen battery. Let the battery thaw before
Follow First Aid directions for contact with
battery fluid.
External Contact: Flush with water. Eyes: Flush with water for at least 15
minutes and get medical attention immediately!
Internal Contact: Drink large quantities of water. Follow with Milk of Magnesia, beaten egg or vegetable oil. Get medical attention immediately!
In case of internal contact, DO NOT induce vomiting!
IMPORTANT: DO NOT fast charge. Charging at a higher rate will damage or destroy battery.
IMPORTANT: ALWAYS follow information provided on battery and battery charger.
Contact battery and battery charger manufacturers' for detailed instructions.
1. Remove battery from unit (see Battery Removal and Installation on page 20).
2. Place battery in a well-ventilated area.
3. Connect positive (+) lead of charger to positive (+) terminal, and negative (-) lead of charger to negative (-) terminal.
4. Charge battery according to battery charger and battery manufacturers'
5. Install battery on unit (see Battery Removal and Installation on page 20).
Ariens does not recommend jump-starting your unit. Jump-starting can damage engine and electrical system components. See your engine manual for more detailed information.
GB - 21
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