Service Bulletin
Please perform inspection and
repair as soon as possi ble.
Ariens Company
655 W. Ryan St.
Brillion, WI 54110
Product Family: Pro-Turn Mowers
Subject: Improper Clamping of Engine Pulley and Spacer
Dealer Action: Update Machines Prior to Sale
Model Description Serial Number Range
991200 Pro-Turn 48” Kawasaki 20000 – 21999
991201 Pro-Turn 52” Kawasaki 20000 – 21999
991202 Pro-Turn 60” Kawasaki 20000 – 21999
991203 Pro-Turn 60” Briggs & Stratton 20000 – 21999
991204 Pro-Turn 48” CARB 20000 – 21999
991205 Pro-Turn 52” CARB 20000 – 21999
Date: May 1 2013 No. B-2106
Ariens Company has learned that th e engine pull ey (p/n 07331 600) and crank shaft spacer (p/ n 04519200) us ed on the
Pro-Turn mode ls in the seria l number ranges li sted abo ve may not be clam ped tightly when the clutch is mounted. Th is
possible condition is due to variances in the length of the engine crankshaft and the components mounted on the
To eliminate this condition, Ariens has created a clutch spacer kit p/n 59102100. This kit contains a new crankshaft
spacer (p/n 04519200) and a new clutch mounting bolt (p/n 05900043). See Figure 1.
The new spacer is slightly longer than the original to ensure that the clutch, spacer, and engine pulley are clamped
tightly when properl y mou nted on the cr anksh aft. The new sp ac er is gold in co lor so it c an be easily dist inguishe d
from the original spacer which is black.
The new clutch-mounting hex bolt is ¼" longer than the original to ensure adequate thread engagement.
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Date: May 1 2013 No. B-2106
04519200 Spacer
Flat Washer
Engine Pulley
05900043 Hex Bolt
Figure 1
Dealer Action:
Dealers are to immediately inspect Pro-Turn mowers in their inventory with a serial number 21999 or below. If the
spacer above the clutch is gold in color, no further action is necessary. If the spacer is black, then kit 59102100 must
be installed prior to retail sale.
Any Pro-T urn un it s i n th e affected mo del and serial range that have already bee n re t ailed are also to be in sp ec ted and
updated with kit 59102100 if necessary.
Important Note:
In order to speed the delivery of needed parts to dealers with affected machines, Ariens Company is automatically
shipping part s to each deal ership that too k deli very o f af fec ted uni ts . Parts will be gin sh ippin g on or ar oun d 5/1/20 13. It
is not necessary for dealers to order these parts.
Standard warranty applies. Dealers will be reimbursed .50 hours for each machine repaired. For more information,
contact Gravely Technical Service at 920-756-4688
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