Accelero S1 PLUS
Passive VGA Cooler for Progressive Users
Main Features
• Absolute silence
• Patented heatsink design for efficient passive cooling
• RAM and voltage regulator cooling
• Thermal glue G-1 optimizes RAM and VR cooling
• Pre-applied ARCTIC MX-4
• CrossFire, SLI compatible
Accelero S1 PLUS
Passive VGA Cooler for Progressive Users
With its patented design for efficient passive cooling,
Accelero S1 PLUS provides adequate cooling in
silence. Accelero S1 PLUS uses G-1 thermal glue to
at t ac h i ts R A M an d VR h e at s i nk s f or b ett e r
adhesiveness, greater thermal conductivity and easier
remove process. Its advanced mounting mechanism
makes this cooler compatible with a wide range of
graphic cards.
Heatsink Material
Cooling Performance at AMD Radeon HD 6770
Cooling Performance at AMD Radeon HD 6770
Accelero S1 PLUS + S1 PLUS Turbo Module (at 1,000 RPM)
Accelero S1 PLUS
3 slot Generic Cooler (at 2,500 RPM)
Noise Level at AMD Radeon HD 6770
Accelero S1 PLUS
0 Sone
Accelero S1 PLUS + S1 PLUS Turbo Module (at 1,000 RPM)
3-slot Generic Cooler (at 2,500 RPM)
Ambient temperature: 24 °C
RAM and VR Cooling Performance with G-1RAM and VR Cooling Performance with G-1
G-1 (included)
Generic Thermal Tape (thickness: 0.15 mm)
Ambient temperature: 24°C Tested with Accelero L2 Pro at 2,000 RPM
S1 PL US Turbo M odule i s not inc luded w ith pur chase .
Com patib ility
AMD R adeon
HD 68 70*, 68 50*, 67 90*, 67 70, 675 0, 6670 ( LP), 66 70, 657 0, 5850 *, 5830 *, 5770 ,
555 0 (OEM) , 4870* , 4850* , 4830* , 4770, 4 730, 46 70, 465 0, 4550 , 4350 (L P), 387 0, 3850 ,
369 0, 3650 , 3470, 3 450, 26 00 XT, 2600 P ro, 240 0 XT, 2400 Pr o, X195 0 XTX, X1 950 XT,
X19 50 Pro, X 1950 GT, X1 900 XTX *, X190 0 XT, X1900 G T, X1 800 XT* , X1800 X L,
X18 00 GTO, X1650 XT, X165 0 Pro, X1 600 XT, X16 00 Pro, X 1550, X 1300 XT, X1 300 Pro ,
X13 00
NVI DIA GeForc e
GTS 4 50, 250 *, 240 (O EM)*, 1 50 (OEM )*, GT 440, 340, 330 , 320, 24 0, 220 (n ot LP),
130 ( OEM), 9 800 GTX +*, 980 0 GTX*, 9 800 GT* , 9600 GT *, 9600 G SO, 950 0 GT (not LP),
940 0 GT (not LP), 8800 GT S 512 (G9 2)*, 88 00 GTS (G 92), 88 00 GT, 8800 G S (9600 GSO),
860 0 GTS, 86 00 GT, 8500 G T (not LP), 7950 G T*, 790 0 GTX, 79 00 GT, 7900 G S,
780 0 GTX 512 , 7800 GT X, 7800 G T, 76 00 GT, 7600 G S, 7200 G S (TC)
*S1 P LUS Turb o Modul e is requ ired.
The c ompat ibili ty list i s based o n A MD Rade on and NV IDIA' s refer ence bo ard lay out onl y.
ARC TIC hol ds no res ponsi bilit y for inc ompat ibili ty on non -stan dard ca rds. Pl ease re fer to
as1 p.arc tic.a c for the h eight r estri ction d rawin g and the l atest c ompat ibili ty list .
0.25 Sone
Ø 6 mm x 4
Aluminum fins x 32, thickness 0.4 mm
230 (L) x 135 (W) x 42 (H) mm
410 g
DE 20200600
0.75 °C/W
55 °C
69 °C
72 °C
1.2 Sone
2.56 °C/W