latest available software and documentation updates.
For any questions, either reach us at the web site, call us at (650) 738-4750 or send us an email at:
This documentation current to Arboretum Harmony version 1.0, last revised 2/17/99
Copyright ©1999 by Arboretum Systems, Inc. This documentation may not, in whole or in part, be copied, reproduced or
translated without prior written consent of Arboretum Systems
Arboretum Harmony and HyperEngine programmed by Chris Weare
Documentation by Todd Souvignier
Interface design by Georges Jaroslaw
Scales for Harmony by Aram Lindahl
For Arboretum Systems:
Georges Jaroslaw, CEO
Chris Weare, CTO
Zhi Liu, CFO
Todd Souvignier, Marketing Director
Richard Lee, Sales Director
Trevor Paglen, Office Manager
Arboretum Systems Inc. 75 Aura Vista, Pacifica California 94044
(650) 738-4750, fax (650) 738-5699,
Arboretum Systems ("Arboretum") is willing to license the enclosed HyperEngine and Arboretum Harmony software
("Software") only upon the condition that you accept all the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to these terms,
then Arboretum is unwilling to license the Software to you, in which event you must return immediately, and in no case
later than ten (10) days from the date of purchase, the unopened diskette package (and accompanying items including
manual, other documentation and container) together with your proof of purchase, to the place from which it was acquired
for a refund.
LICENSE: You may use the enclosed Software on a single computer. The Software is in use when it is installed into
permanent memory (such as a hard disk or other storage device) or loaded into temporary memory (RAM) of that
computer. The Software is copy protected.
RESTRICTIONS: You may not transfer, modify, rent, lease, loan, resell, distribute, network, electronically transmit or
merge the Software. You may also not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software, or otherwise attempt to
discover the Software source code. You are not permitted to copy the Software (except to make an archival copy for
back-up purposes) or any of the accompanying documentation. Any attempt to transfer any of the rights, duties or
obligations hereunder except as expressly provided for in this Agreement is void.
COPYRIGHT: The Software (including audio, music, text, images and animations incorporated into the Software) and
accompanying documentation are owned by Arboretum or its suppliers and are protected by United States copyright laws
and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of the software or documentation is subject to civil
and criminal penalties.
LIMITED WARRANTY: Arboretum warrants for the period of thirty (30) days from the date of delivery of the Software
to you, as evidenced by a copy of your receipt, that: (1) The Software will perform substantially in accordance with the
user documentation provided by Arboretum. Your sole remedy under this warranty is that Arboretum will, at its option,
either repair or replace the Software which does not meet this Limited Warranty, or refund to you the money paid for the