Aragon 24-K Owners manual

Please read thIs manual carefully.
We have written It In a very clnclse form so that you can Immedlatly set up and
use your pre-amplifier correctlv.
In fact, you can read each section and follow the directions as you set up.
completion of set up you will know how to operate the 24K.
Phono Secfioo
Prior to making adjustments for the moving coil section, please be certain the
If you are using a moving magnet or high output moving coil, It Is set up properly at the factory, and you will not need to alter the Inside switches.
Please continue to the next section - Power Supply.
If you are using a low output moving coil, please read the following:
Soldered onto the circuit board are 3 switches for moving call
adjustments. To access them be sure the pre-amp Is unplugged from the A.C. outlet, remove the screws from the top cover, and you will notice 2 switches with 9 positions on the right side of the circuit board. Closer
to the center Is a single 2 position switch. For moving call gain, the 2 position switch should have both tabs depressed towards the left (C1 &
The 2 switches on the right adjust loading for the two channels. therefore the adjustments should be identical on both.
Each switch, from 1 to 8 will present the following load:
249 ohms
1 2 3 4
Check with the moving coil manufacturer as to what load is recommended. You will notice that the volume will decrease as you lower the load. I.e. 10 ohms will have less gain than 47,000 ohms.
By combining switches you can create different loads. To know what load you are creating, multiply the two values, then add the two values, then divide the added value Into the multiplied value to determine the
10 ohms 25 ohms 47 ohms
100 ohms
475 ohms
825 ohms
1000 ohms
Example: switch 4 = 100 ohms
switch 6=475 ohms
Therefore when switches 4 and 6 are depressed the load is 83 ohms.
= 82.6 ohms
Power Supply
1) Connecting the Supply
Do not olu~a the DOwer suoolv Into the A. C. outlet until It Is olu~a~ged Into the ore-amo. The power supply plugs Into the pre-amp on the for right of the rear panel via the XLR connector labeled power. The male connector of the power supply Is designed to be connected with the push pin lock In
the center top position. For safety purposes It will only make
connection when Inserted properly.
2) Positioning the Supply
The power supply may be placed on the floor In any convenient
location. If you wish to place It on a shelf, be sure It Is at least 12 Inches from the nearest component.
Input Connectors
Before Inserting or removing connectors be certain both the pre-amp and
power amp are not on.
The layout and labelinp of input connectors on the rear panel were
designed for the utmost In ergonomic convenience.
Standing at the rear of the pre-amp you can read the Intended source of
each connector labeled directly beneath It.
Standing at the front of the pre-amp (leaning over the top) you can read
the Intended source of each connector labeled directly above It.
Output Connectors
Connect the Input of your tape players to the tape outputs of the preĀ­amp.
Connect the input of your amp to either pre-amp output connector. Two
pre outs are provided to facilitate the use of 2 power amps if desired.
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