AquaMetrix 2250 Operating Manual

2250-series Operating Manual rev 2.0
AM-2250 / AM-2250TX /AM-2251
Multi-Parameter Controller / Transmitter
Installation and Operation Manual
2250-series Operating Manual rev 2.0
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Third in a Long History of Controllers ............................................................................................. 5
1.2 Differences between the AM-2250, AM-2250TX and AM-2251 .................................................... 5
2 Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 AM-2250 Technical specs ............................................................................................................... 6
2.2 AM-2250TX Technical specs ........................................................................................................... 7
2.3 AM-2251 Technical specs ............................................................................................................... 8
3 Setup ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 AC Power Connections (AM-2250 and AM-2251) .......................................................................... 9
3.2 Loop power connection (AM-2250TX) ......................................................................................... 10
3.3 Conduit Connection ...................................................................................................................... 11
3.4 Mounting ...................................................................................................................................... 12
3.5 Connecting Probes ........................................................................................................................ 13
3.6 Analog (4-20 mA) Outputs ............................................................................................................ 14
3.7 Relays (AM-2250 and AM-2251)................................................................................................... 15
3.7.1 Wiring relays ......................................................................................................................... 15
3.7.2 Snubber ................................................................................................................................. 15
4 Probe Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 16
4.1 pH.................................................................................................................................................. 16
4.2 ORP ............................................................................................................................................... 18
4.3 Conductivity .................................................................................................................................. 19
4.4 Dissolved Oxygen (AM-2251) ....................................................................................................... 22
4.5 Flow (AM-2250 and AM-2250TX) ................................................................................................. 23
4.5.1 Totalizer Reset. ..................................................................................................................... 24
5 Calibration ............................................................................................................................................ 24
5.1 pH.................................................................................................................................................. 25
5.1.1 About pH Calibration ............................................................................................................ 25
5.1.2 Two-Point Calibration ........................................................................................................... 25
5.1.3 3-Point Calibration ................................................................................................................ 27
5.1.4 Temperature Calibration ...................................................................................................... 27
5.2 ORP Calibration ............................................................................................................................. 28
2250-series Operating Manual rev 2.0
5.2.1 About ORP Calibration .......................................................................................................... 28
5.2.2 ORP Calibration ..................................................................................................................... 28
5.2.3 Temperature ......................................................................................................................... 29
5.3 Conductivity .................................................................................................................................. 29
5.3.1 About Conductivity Calibration ............................................................................................ 30
5.3.2 Manual Conductivity Calibration or Wet Calibration ........................................................... 30
5.3.3 Cell Constant ......................................................................................................................... 31
5.3.4 Temperature ......................................................................................................................... 31
5.3.5 Dry Conductivity Calibration (AM-2251) .............................................................................. 32
5.3.6 Zero Offset Calibration (AM-2251) ....................................................................................... 33
5.3.7 Transfer Ratio (AM-2251) ..................................................................................................... 33
5.4 Dissolved Oxygen (AM-2251) ....................................................................................................... 33
5.4.1 About DO calibration ............................................................................................................ 34
5.4.2 DO Calibration ...................................................................................................................... 34
5.4.3 Zero Offset Calibration ......................................................................................................... 35
5.4.4 Temperature Calibration ...................................................................................................... 35
5.5 Flow (AM-2250 and AM-2250TX) ................................................................................................. 36
5.5.1 About Flow Calibration ......................................................................................................... 36
5.5.2 Flow Calibration .................................................................................................................... 36
6 Output .................................................................................................................................................. 37
6.1 Relays (AM-2250 and AM-2251)................................................................................................... 37
6.1.1 Relay mode ........................................................................................................................... 37
6.1.2 Cycle On/Off ......................................................................................................................... 40
6.1.3 Relay Off Delay ..................................................................................................................... 41
6.1.4 Overfeed Timer ..................................................................................................................... 41
6.1.5 Override ................................................................................................................................ 42
6.1.6 Summary ............................................................................................................................... 42
6.2 4-20 mA Output – Channel 1 ........................................................................................................ 42
6.2.1 Configuring Channel 1 Output .............................................................................................. 43
6.2.2 Proportional Control ............................................................................................................. 43
6.3 4-20 mA Output – Channel 2 (AM-2250 and AM-2251) ............................................................... 45
6.4 PID Control .................................................................................................................................... 45
6.5 Manual Test .................................................................................................................................. 46
7 Operation .............................................................................................................................................. 47
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7.1 Run Mode ..................................................................................................................................... 47
7.2 Display Features ........................................................................................................................... 47
7.3 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 47
8 Diagnostics ............................................................................................................................................ 48
8.1 Calibration Data ............................................................................................................................ 48
8.2 Sensor Output ............................................................................................................................... 48
8.3 Factory Reset ................................................................................................................................ 49
8.4 About ............................................................................................................................................ 49
9 Preferences ........................................................................................................................................... 50
9.1 Auto Return .................................................................................................................................. 50
9.2 Damping ........................................................................................................................................ 50
9.3 Backlight (AM-2250 and AM-2251) .............................................................................................. 50
2250-series Operating Manual rev 2.0
1 Introduction
1.1 Third in a Long History of Controllers
The AM-2250 multi-parameter controller is the third-generation controller built on the 30-year AquaMetrix legacy of building durable and easy-to-use controllers. Many of the 2200 controllers sold those three decades ago are still in use today in some of the most hostile environments found in industry. Orders continue to come in today for 2200 pH, ORP or conductivity models, years after they entered end­of-life status.
The AM-2250 controller, AM-2250TX transmitter and AM-2251 controller. Some of the design improvements over previous generation analyzers include:
An advanced conductivity measurement design that results in a ten-fold improvement in
accuracy at low and high conductivity values.
Form factor optimized for wall or panel mounting.
Large LCD screen (backlit in the AM-2250 and AM-2251).
A revamped menu structure that is so intuitive that the manual is unnecessary.
The ability to calibrate conductivity solutions in TDS units (mg/l) and % concentration.
Live readings during calibration to determine when the
Three-point calibration for pH to give more accurate pH values over a wide pH range.
Multi-point (<16) calibration routine for conductivity for measurement of acid and base
PID control.
1.2 Differences between the AM-2250, AM-2250TX and AM-2251
The AM-2250 and AM-2251 are AC-powered controllers consisting of three relays and two 4-20 mA outputs. The AM-2250TX is a transmitter version of AM-2250. It is loop-powered and does not contain the power-relay circuit board. Because of power constraints the LCD is not backlit. This table summarizes the parameters the three models measure.
Table 1 - Summary of Analyzers and Associated Probes
2250-series Operating Manual rev 2.0
2 Specifications
2.1 AM-2250 Technical specs
Probe Parameters
6-wire differential or combination
6-wire differential or b combination
2-electrode with cell constants: from 0.01 to 100
Pulse output: Paddle-wheel Magnetic Flow
Temperature Elements
Pt100 RTD, Pt1000 RTD, NTC 300Ω, NTC 3000Ω, NTC10k NTC With Auto Detect Feature
n/a Sensor Input
-600 to 600 mV
-999 to 999 mV
0 to 9999 Ω
0 to 2000 Hz
Measurement Range
0 – 14 pH
-20 – 120 0C
-999 to 999 mV
0.055 to 500,000 µS/cm, depending on cell constant
0 to 9999 in any available units.
Temperature Compensation
Automatic, manual or none
Automatic, manual or none
n/a Calibration Mode
1, 2 or 3 points Automatic, manual.
Single point. Manual
Up to 16 points Wet or dry.
K-factor input
2 x fully scalable and optically isolated 4-20 mA. Max load: 800 Ω Channel 1: Process with optional PID. Channel 2: Temperature or Process
3 independent relays: 10A @ 120/240 VAC or 8A @ 30 VDC (Resistive Load) 5A @ 120/240 VAC or 4A @30 VDC (Inductive load)
Relay Modes
Rising/Falling/Range mode, Cycle On/Off, Relay Delay, Overfeed Timer, Override
Ingress Protection
ETL, cETL and CE (pending)
Max. Power Input
0.2 A @ 115 VAC or 15 W
-20 to 70 0C
0 to 90% Relative Humidity, non-condensing
Wall mount, panel mount with kit provided, pipe mount optional
Front cover: 5.5”x5.5” (14 cm x 14 cm). Depth: 5” (13 cm)
120/240 VAC 60 or 50 Hz
2 lbs
2250-series Operating Manual rev 2.0
2.2 AM-2250TX Technical specs
Probe Parameters
6-wire differential or combination
6-wire differential or b combination
2-electrode with cell constants: from 0.01 to 100
Pulse output: Paddle-wheel Magnetic Flow
Temperature Elements
Pt100 RTD, Pt1000 RTD, NTC 300Ω, NTC 3000Ω, NTC10k NTC With Auto Detect Feature
n/a Sensor Input
-600 to 600 mV
-999 to 999 mV
0 to 9999 Ω
0 to 2000 Hz
Measurement Range
0 – 14 pH
-20 – 120 0C
-999 to 999 mV
0.055 to 500,000 µS/cm, depending on cell constant
0 to 9999 in any available units.
Temperature Compensation
Automatic, manual or none
Automatic, manual or none
Fully scalable and optically isolated 4-20 mA – Process with optional PID. Max load: 800 Ω
Ingress Protection
ETL, cETL and CE (pending)
Max. Power Input
20 mA @ 24 VDC
-20 to 70 0C
0 to 90% Relative Humidity, non-condensing
Wall mount, panel mount with kit provided, pipe mount optional
Front cover: 5.5”x5.5” (14 cm x 14 cm). Depth: 5” (13 cm)
16-32 VDC
2 lbs
2250-series Operating Manual rev 2.0
2.3 AM-2251 Technical specs
Probe Parameters
6-wire differential or combination
6-wire differential or combination
Clark cell 2-electrodes
Temperature Elements
Pt100 RTD, Pt1000 RTD, NTC 300Ω, NTC 3000Ω, NTC10k NTC With Auto Detect Feature
Sensor Input
-600 to 600 mV
-999 to 999 mV
Cond: 0 to 9999 Ω
0 to 5000 nA
Measurement Range
0 – 14 pH
-20 – 120 0C
-999 to 999 mV
0.055 to 500,000 µS/cm, depending on cell constant
10 ppb to 10 ppm 0 – 110% @ 25°C
Temperature Compensation
Automatic, manual or none
Automatic, manual or none
Automatic. salinity, pressure
Calibration Mode
1, 2 or 3 points Automatic, manual.
Single point. Manual
Up to 16 points Wet or dry.
100% and 0% air
2 x fully scalable and optically isolated 4-20 mA. Max load: 800 Ω Channel 1: Process with optional PID. Channel 2: Temperature or Process
3 independent relays: 10A @ 120/240 VAC or 8A @ 30 VDC (Resistive Load) 5A @ 120/240 VAC or 4A @30 VDC (Inductive load)
Relay Modes
Rising/Falling/Range mode, Cycle On/Off, Relay Delay, Overfeed Timer, Override
Ingress Protection
ETL, cETL and CE (pending)
Max. Power Input
0.2 A @ 115 VAC or 15 W
-20 to 70 0C
0 to 90% Relative Humidity, non-condensing
Wall mount, panel mount with kit provided, pipe mount optional
Front cover: 5.5”x5.5” (14 cm x 14 cm). Depth: 5” (13 cm)
120/240 VAC 60 or 50 Hz
2 lbs
2250-series Operating Manual rev 2.0
3 Setup
3.1 AC Power Connections (AM-2250 and AM-2251)
Caution: This instrument uses 120 or 240 50/60Hz AC power. Opening the enclosure door exposes you to potentially hazardous line power voltage which may be present on the power and relay plugs. Always remove line power before working in this area. If the relay contacts are powered from a separate source from the line power, be sure to power off before proceeding. The flip-down door contains low voltage circuitry and is safe to handle. Figure 3-1 shows the controller power board and connectors.
Figure 3-1 Power circuit board showing power and relay connectors. The second 4-20 mA output is also on the board.
To power the controller, remove the 3-pin power terminal block (not shown) and connect the wiring as printed on the board and shown on Figure 3-2. There are no jumpers or switches to convert the controller between 120 VAC and 240 VAC; the controller automatically configures for the correct voltage.
Figure 3-2 Power connection for 2250 Controller
Power Connector
4-20 mA Output CH2
Relay Connector
2250-series Operating Manual rev 2.0
3.2 Loop power connection (AM-2250TX)
The AM-2250TX is a low-power transmitter that has three options for being powered:
1. Most commonly it is loop powered by a PLC or the AquaMetrix 2300 web-enabled controller. The
AM-2300 Web-enabled controller can power up to four AM-2250TX transmitters using its internal power supply.
Figure 3-3 Loop powered AM-2250TX from a current sourcing PLC
2. Any current sourcing device supplies between 12 and 32 VDC. In this configuration the 2250TX is
used as a readout device.
Figure 3-4 AM-2250TX wiring with external power supply.
2250-series Operating Manual rev 2.0
3. The AM-2250TX can be used with a PLC or data logger without internal loop power. Connect the
power supply in series, as shown on the right of Figure 3-5. The required power supply voltage will vary depending on the resistance in the PLC or recorder. Figure 3-6 shows the power needed as a function of the PLC loop resistance.
Figure 3-5 AM-2250TX with current sinking PLC
Figure 3-6 Required voltage for power supply for current sinking devices
3.3 Conduit Connection
The 2250 has six ½” (7/8” ID) conduit holes at the bottom of the enclosure. The unit is shipped with three conduit fitting and three holes plugged with liquid tight conduit seals. These must be left in unused holes to maintain the NEMA 4X integrity. Use approved conduit glans to ensure ingress protection.
Wire specification: Size and fuse wire according to local electrical code. Maximum current not to exceed relay specifications when used to power auxiliary devices via internal connections.
2250-series Operating Manual rev 2.0
3.4 Mounting
All 2250 series controllers and transmitters can be mounted on a wall, panel or pipe. Figure 3-7 shows these three options. All hardware for wall and panel mounting is included.
There are two optional kits that are available for sale:
1. 2250-PIPE-MNT is a mounting kit for pipes up to 2”
2. 2250-DIN-MNT is a kit to mount on a DIN rail. Only the 2250TX can be DIN rail mounted. To do so
you replace the back of the transmitter with the mounting brackets.
Figure 3-7 - Four mounting options: wall, panel, pipe and DIN rail (DIN rail option for AM-2250TX only).
2250-series Operating Manual rev 2.0
3.5 Connecting Probes
As shown in Figure 3-8, the cover of the cover of the AM-2250 swings open to reveal a connector block for connecting probes. A label inside the controller identifies the terminals so reference to this manual is unnecessary. Note than connectors 1 and 2 are used for the 4-20 mA output (CH1) of the AM-2250 and AM-2251 controllers. The AM-2250TX transmitter also uses them for power input.
Figure 3-8 - This view of the inside of the front cover shows the connector for the probes and mounting holes for DIN rail brackets.
Figure 3-9 and Figure 3-10 shows probe connections to the connector block. The colors of the cells refer to the colors of the wires of the AquaMetrix probes. Color coding of AquaMetrix differential probes match that of Hach/GLI analog probes. Other manufacturer probes may use different colors.
Figure 3-9 AM-2250 and AM-2250TX sensor wiring
DIN Rail Bracket
mounting holes
(AM-2250TX only)
Probes Connector
2250-series Operating Manual rev 2.0
Figure 3-10 AM-2251 sensor wiring
All AquaMetrix pH and ORP sensors can be connected to any 2250-series analyzer. Table 1 lists the set of probes that connect to all three analyzers.
Figure 3-11 Sensor compatibility chart
3.6 Analog (4-20 mA) Outputs
The AM-2250TX contains one 4-20 mA output that is isolated from sensor input. It is the two terminals 1 and 2 on the probe connector as mentioned in the last section. The output can be configured for process value; it is reversible and scalable. It can also be configured for PID control. The output is labeled as “4-20 channel 1” or “CH1” in menu.
The AM-2250 and AM-2251 additionally have a second isolated, reversible and scalable 4-20 mA output that can be configured for either the process value or temperature. It is located on the power supply board, which is shown in Figure 3-1. The 2 push-pin connector is on the lower right of the board, next to relay connector.
2250-series Operating Manual rev 2.0
3.7 Relays (AM-2250 and AM-2251)
3.7.1 Wiring relays
The AM-2250 and AM-2251 contains three dry contact relays. For a resistive load they are rated 10A @ 120/240 VAC or 8A @ 30 VDC. For an inductive load they are rated 5A @ 120/240 VAC or 4A @30 VDC. Though these relays will work in most process control applications, we advise, for safety reasons, to use them as switches, i.e. low power DC relays that activate a second set of AC-powered relays separate from the controller.
Figure 3-12 Wiring connections to the three relays. All relays are powered by internal jumpers between the ac power and terminals 21 and 22.
3.7.2 Snubber
When a relay is used to control an inductive device (relay coil, solenoid, transformer, small motor, etc.), the energy stored in the device will subject the relay contacts to a high voltage when the relay opens. When the switch contacts open, the contact gap is initially small. Arcing across this contact gap can occur immediately after the switch opens. This can happen in resistive as well as inductive loads, but inductive loads generate a higher voltage and causes increased arcing. Increased arcing decreases relay life. Arc suppression requires the use of an RC suppression network, called a snubber.
Each relay of AM-2250 and AM-2251 is connected to a snubber. Despite the fact that snubber prolongs relay life they have one disadvantage – they leak a small amount of AC current. If there is a low power LED or voltage meter connected between the COM and NO (or NC) terminals there will always be some AC voltage across them. If your application requires having only an LED use the alternative wiring shown in Figure 3-13 below.
Figure 3-13 Alternative wiring for low power equipment (LED) only
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