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P/N 88595/88632 9/05
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Removalof Cables
A. Turnunit upside downon flat surface.
B. With a box end or hex socket wrench,loosen the two hex head boltsto relax the strap clamps
holding the power shaft. The power shaft will turn about one revolution when free of the
clamps-keep one hand on the power shaft while loosening the clamps so it will not spin
suddenlyand cause to "spill" offfrom the power drums.
C. With the aid of another person, unwind the cables from the power drums by pulling the
cables up evenly (allowing the power shaft to turn) until the cables are completely off the
drums. Do not allow the cables to "spill" off the power drums, as this puts an undesirable
twistin the cables.
D. Witha Phillips head screwdriver, remove screw Aand screw B from the power drum and put
in a safe place.Do on otherside.
E. With a box end or hex socket wrench, loosen (do not take apart) the carrier pulleys and tape
lockwashers on each side.
F. With needle nose pliers, pull out the ends of the cable, found in the centerof the power drum,
about 6" towards you. In back of the two cable ends, find the power drum key. With the
needle nose pliers, work the key up and out. Remove the cable through the hole the key
came out of. Remove the cable from the carrier pulleys and tape lock washers; discard
cable.Re peat on the other side.
InstallingNew Cables
A. Center 11 ft. cable between two bottom lock washers. Thread through lock washers and
through the guides just above. Bring cable towards the center of the unit, threading between
carrier pulley and carrier cable retainer.Tightenhex lock nut on carrier pulley as the retainer
is up against themetal flangeas far as it can go. Repeat on the other side.
B. Position the power shaft with the hole straight up and with the arrow pointing in the direction
of the limit cable. Align the hole on the power drum with the hole on the power shaft, showing
headsof screws towards you.
C. Place ends of the cable in the hole and pull on the ends with a pair of needle nose pliers,
bringing the ends out about 6". Do not twist the cables; make sure the right cable is on the
rightside and the left cableis on theleft side.
D. Take the power drum key and place in the hole in back of the cables. With a 1/4" punch
(screwdriverwill do) and a hammer,drive the key down into place making sure it has entered
throughboth holes.
E. Pull cables up as far as they will go, and replace screw Ain between the right and left cables.
Pull the cables inthe direction of the arrow and replace screw B over the cables.
F. Repeatsteps B through E on the otherside.
G. Hold the cables up, to hold them taut. There will be two loops on each side-use your thumb
andindex finger to support the loops on each side.
H. Have another person wind up the power shaft in the direction of the arrow stamped on the
powershaft, untilall of thecable is woundback into the power drums.
I. Once the cable is wound tight, continue to turn the power shaft an additional 3/4 to one turn
(for head load required to support the weight of the mechanism), and tighten the clamp bolt
to prevent the tube from turning.
J. Alignthe groove on the tape lock washers with the cable. Tightendown the tape lock washer
to prevent slippageof the cable in future use.
K. Place the unit back in the counter and depress the platform fully several times to allow the
cablesto attaintheir natural position on the power drums.
L. If the platform is level, the cable replacement is complete. If the platform is uneven, loosen
the four tape lock washers and allow the cables to shift into a balanced tension. To help
attain the condition, grip both power drums and apply torque in the direction of rotation that
will put additional tension on the cables. Tighten the four tape lockwashers and re-install the
unitin the counter.

Adjustingthe Unit
A. Turnunit upside downon a flat surface.
B. Witha socket or box end wrench, loosen thetwo hex headbolts
to relax the strap clamps holding the power shaft. The power shaft will turn about one
revolution when free of the clamps keep one hand on the power shaft while loosening the
clampsso it will not spinsuddenly and cause the cableto "spill" offfrom thepower drums.
C. With the aid of another person, unwind the cables from the power drums by pulling the
cables up evenly (allowing the power shaft to turn) until the cables are completely off the
drums. Do not allow the cables to "spill" off the power drums, as this puts an undesirable
twistin the cables.
D. Removethe eight screws from each power drum. If the load rate is to be increased, re-install
the screws into a smaller circle of holes. If the load is to be decreased, re-install the screws
into the larger circle of holes. Be certain that the same circle of holes is used on both of the
power drums. Be certain that the cable emerges between the same relative screw locations
onboth power drums.
E. Loosenthe cable clamp hex nutsat the four corners underthe flange.
F. Hold the cables up to hold them taut. There will be two loops on each side-use your thumb
andindex finger to support the loops on each side.
G. Have another person wind up the torque tube in the direction of the arrow stamped on the
powershaft, untilall of thecable is woundback into the power drums.
H. Once the cable is wound tight, continue to turn the power shaft an additional 3/4 to one turn
(for head load required to support the weight of the mechanism), and tighten the clamp bolts
to prevent the tube from turning.
I. Tighten-the cableclamp hex nuts at thefour corners under the flange.
J. Place the unit back in the counter and depress the platform fully several times to allow the
cablesto attaintheir natural position on the power drums.
Materials Furnished
2 - (Two) Replacement Cables
2 - (Two) Power Drum Keys
Tools Needed
Needle Nose Pliers
1/4: Punch (Screwdriver will do)
Phillips Head No.3 Screwdriver
Box End or Hex Socket Wrenches
Tape Lockwasher
(Cable Clamp)
Power Shaft
Carrier Pulley
Screw “A”
Screw “B”