The APW Wyott logo must always be display ed and printed as
shown. APW red is PMS # 485 C
For 4 c olor print of the logo over black For black only print of the logo over black
The APW Wyott logo must always be display ed and printed as
shown. APW red is PMS # 485 C
For 4 c olor print of the logo over black For black only print of the logo over black
The APW Wyott logo must always be display ed and printed as
shown. APW red is PMS # 485 C
For 4 co lor print of the log o over black For black only print of the logo over black
Manufactured by our sister company, APW Wyott,
CW countertop warmers and servers have been
designed to deliver high performance and
productivity. The range includes three models
with capacities ranging from 10.4 L to 26.9 L.
Temperature is fully controllable via a smooth action
thermostatic dial. Efficient heating elements deliver
even heat distribution for fast defrost of pre-cooked
frozen food, thorough reheating during the cooking
cycle and stable holding temperatures for serving.
The products are particularly suited to the volume
cooking of a variety of meals, including soup, chilli,
stew and curry.
The warmers are manufactured in stainless steel for
durability and are fully insulated. A variety of pans
and inserts are available and optional adaptor plates
may be supplied to accommodate 3.8 L, 6.6 L and
10.4 L inserts. (10.4 L adaptor plates are only
available for CW-2A and CW-3A models). Supplied
with 25mm rubber legs, the warmers may be
CW-3A model shown
countertop mounted or located on complementary
stainless steel Cookline stands. The modules may
be easily multiplexed with other equipment from
the APW Wyott range to create in-line kitchen
o Robust stainless steel construction
o High efficiency heating system for even
distribution of heat
o Fully insulated
o Compact and lightweight
o Smooth action thermostatic control
o 25mm rubber legs
o Easily multiplexed to create in-line kitchen
BKI Europe
Theale Technology Centre
Station Road · Theale · Reading
West Berkshire · RG7 4AA · England
Tel: + 44 (0)870 9904242 · Fax: + 44 (0)870 9904243
Email: sales@bkideas.co.uk · Website: www.bkideas.co.uk
Specifications subject to change without notice
o Three models available
o Variety of pans and inserts
o Optional adaptor plates
o Complementary Cookline stands
Distributed by
Tel: + (1) 214 421 7366
Fax: + (1) 214 565 0976
Website: www.apwwyott.com

368 (14.5)
270 (10.5)
572 (22.5)
270 (10.5)
318 (12.5)
318 (12.5)
373 (14.7)
257 (10.1)
752 (27)
The APW Wyott logo must always be display ed and printed as
shown. APW red is PMS # 485 C
For 4 c olor print of the logo over black For black only print of the logo over black
The APW Wyott logo must always be display ed and printed as
shown. APW red is PMS # 485 C
For 4 co lor print of the log o over black For black only print of the logo over black
© BKI Ref BKI/LDP/041/09.07. Specifications subject to change without notice
BKI Europe
Theale Technology Centre
Station Road · Theale · Reading
West Berkshire · RG7 4AA · England
Tel: + 44 (0)870 9904242 · Fax: + 44 (0)870 9904243
Email: sales@bkideas.co.uk · Website: www.bkideas.co.uk
Dimensions in mm (inches in brackets)
CW-1B 7.3KG 10.4 L
CW-2A 13.3KG 20.8 L
CW-3A 13.6KG 26.9 L
CW-1B 230V/50Hz 0.8KW 1PH + N + E
CW-2A 230V/50Hz 1.6KW 1PH + N + E
CW-3A 230V/50Hz 1.375KW 1PH + N + E
Distributed by
Tel: + (1) 214 421 7366
Fax: + (1) 214 565 0976
Website: www.apwwyott.com