A professional tube microphone preamplifier is defined
by warmth,presence and clarity – core elements which
make a performance truly come alive.
Years of research and development have resulted in the
creation of the ART Digital MPA. Every detail has been
closely scrutinized to ensure that the Digital MPA
performs to incredibly high standards, and that it’s tone,
functionality and performance will satisfy even the most
discerning user.
The Digital MPA’s unique tube circ u i t ry utilizes two
12AX7A vacuum tubes and renders unsurpassed sonic
detail and clarity with the broadest range of
microphones. The 12AX7A tube preamplification section
provides gain while maintaining the incredible dynamic
range of the previous stage and controlled overload
The selectable tube plate voltage function delivers a
wide variety of tones. The tube circuit is differential,and
provides the equivalent of a 300V power supply on the
high voltage setting. Not to mention it has very low
distortion and noise. Our normal setting maintains
ART’s classic tube sound (warm with smooth overload
The Digital MPA also features Variable Input Impedance.
Variable Input Impedance is intended to optimize the
Digital MPA for the widest range of microphones.
Variation of the input impedance of a microphone
p reamplifier changes the load against which the
microphone has to push. This variation dramatically
alters the performance of a microphone, and creates
numerous sonic possibilities for microphone performance.
The variable impedance control of the Digital MPA is
infinitely variable, as opposed to steps. This allows users
much finer control over the tuning of the impedance.
Condenser microphones, ribbon microphones, dynamic
m i c r o p h o n e s – new and vintage – all become more
versatile and deliver their maximum performance when
they interact with the Digital MPA’s Variable Input
Impedance. You’ll discover that your microphones will
sound better than ever.
The Digital MPA also delivers stellar analog-to-digital
conversion. A E S / E B U, S / P D I F, TO S L I N K , and A D AT
interfaces allow connection to the broadest range of
equipment. The Digital MPA provides 24 bit or can adapt
to 16 bit applications with the push of a button. The A/D is
front panel adjustable from 44.1 to 192K or syncs to ADAT
or external word clock (32KHZ to 192KHz).
Insert jacks between the analog and digital section allow
for patching in of additional signal processing before
entering the digital realm. Separate balanced analog
outputs and multiple digital outputs possess individual
level controls’ allowing simultaneous use.
In addition to the VU meters,the Digital MPA has LED level
m e t e r i n g, w h i ch measures the left and right audio
channel levels at the A/D converter inputs. The meters
act like a normal histogram for the average signal level
and the display holds the highest LED on alone for one
second. This hold function indicates the highest peak
so the user can make sure that the A/D never clips.
While the average level function attack and release are
measured in milliseconds, the peak function has a 20
microsecond attack time. A d d i t i o n a l l y, the meter is
switchable to allow the user to monitor either the output
level or the level at the tube.
The Digital MPA’s High Pass Filter is continuously
variable from 15Hz to 150Hz. Many other preamps have a
fixed switch. This makes the Digital MPA a more
flexible processor.
The Digital MPA is designed and manufactured to the
highest standards to provide years of quiet, reliable
p e r f o rm a n c e. Whether you have an expensive
ribbon microphone, an inexpensive condenser
microphone, or a hand-held dynamic microphone, they’ll
all sound fantastic through the A RT Digital MPA
microphone pre a m p l i f i e r. The Digital MPA is truly a
m o d e rn , world-class tube microphone pre a m p l i f i e r,
and its audio performance will surely exceed your
✔ Variable Input Impedance For
Flexible Microphone Voicing
(150 Ohms to 3000 Ohms).
✔ Selectable Tube Plate Voltage
✔ Large VU Meters and Peak–Hold
LED Meters
✔ Metering Switchable Between
Output Level and Tube Warmth
✔ Improved Discrete Class A Input
Microphone Preamplifier
✔ Lower Noise At Low Gains, Wider
Frequency Response and Lower
THD Than Pro MPA
✔ Front Accessible Instrument
Input Jack With Very High Input
✔ Automatically Switches To
Instrument Input When You
Plug In
F rom the innovative minds at ART.
F rom the innovative minds at ART.
Applied Research & Te c h n o l o g y • 215 Tre m o n t St., Rochester, NY 14608 • USA • 585.436.2720 tel • 585.436.3942 fax • w w w. a rt p ro a u d i o . c o m
D i m e n s i o n s : 6.5” D x 19.0” W x 3.5” H
We i g h t : 12 Lbs
Frequency Response: 15Hz to 80kHz (+0, -1dB)
Dynamic Range: >100dB (20Hz to 20kHz)
C MRR : > 90dB (typical @ 1kHz)
T HD : <0 . 0 05% (typical)
Equivalent Input Noise: - 1 34dB (XLR to XLR ‘A’ weighted)
Maximum Input Le v e l : + 18dBu (XLR), +16dBu (1/4”)
Input Impedance: 150-3K ohms (XLR), 840k ohms (1/4”)
Maximum Output Le v e l : +28dBu (XLR )
Output Impedance: 47 ohms (XLR )
Maximum Gain XLR to XLR : 75dB
Power Require m e n t s : 10 0 - 1 2 5 VAC, 25W Export units configured
C o n t ro l s : Input, Impedance, Output level, Digital Level
S w i t ch e s : +20dB gain, Phase Reversal, Plate Vo l ta g e ,
Analog Connections: Balanced XLR (pin 2 hot) inputs and outputs,
D i g i tal Connections: A ES/EBU (XLR), S/PD IF (RCA), ADAT
✔ Professional and Project Recording
✔ FOH Sound Systems
✔ Multitrack to Digital Mixing/Mastering
✔ Bass and Keyboard Rigs – Tube Direct
for country of destination
High Pass Filter, and Sample Rate
Meter Source, Phantom Power with LED
s w i t ches, Dither, Optical Format and Po w e r
A /D inserts (TRS) and Unbalanced 1/4”
outputs (TS) inputs
O p t i cal In, ADAT / TO SLINK Out, Wo rd c l o ck In,
and Wo rd c l o ck Thru (BN C )
✔ Digital Audio Workstation
& Computer Recording
✔ MIDI Recording and Samplers
✔ Tube DI of Line Level Sources
✔ A/D Insert Jacks
✔ 24 – 204KHz External Sample Rate
✔ 44.1K, 48K, 88.2K, 96K, 176.4K,
192K Internal Sample Rates
✔ 24 /16 Bit Switchable Dithering
✔ Wide Dynamic Range A/D
✔ Rotary Encoder For Quick
Selection of Sample Rate
and Output Format
✔ Separate Analog and Digital
Level Controls
✔ Fast and Accurate Digital
Level LED Meters
✔ ADAT Optical I/O
✔ Sync to Incoming ADAT Data Rate
✔ Switch Selectable Optical Output
✔ Selectable Pro/Consumer Output
for Digital Format
✔ AES/EBU Output on Cannon
✔ Two Wordclock Jacks Allowing
Loop Through
ART Representative:
ART Representative Information:
F rom the innovative minds at ART.
F rom the innovative minds at ART.
Applied Research & Te c h n o l o g y • 215 Tre m o n t St., Rochester, NY 14608 • USA • 585.436.2720 tel • 585.436.3942 fax • w w w. a rt p ro a u d i o . c o m
Features and specifications subject to change without notice. ©2002 Applied Research and Te ch n o l o g y ART- 2 11 - S p e c s - 090 2