Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on
the part ofApplied Acoustics Systems DVM Inc. The software described in this manual is furnished under a
license agreement. The software may be used only in accordance of the terms of this license agreement. It is
against the law to copy this software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the license agreement.
No part of this manual may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, distributed or converted to any
electronic or machine-readable form in whole or in part without prior written approval of Applied Acoustics
Systems DVM Inc.
Copyrightc 2004 Applied Acoustics Systems DVM Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada.
Program Copyrightc 2004 Applied Acoustics Systems, Inc. All right reserved.
Ultra-Analog is a Trademark of Applied Acoustics Systems DVM Inc. Windows 98, 2000, NT, ME, XP
and DirectX are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh, Mac OS,
QuickTimeandAudio Units are registered trademarks of Apple Corporation. VSTInstruments and ASIO are
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Visit Applied Acoustics Systems DVM Inc. on the World Wide Web at
The Ultra Analog is a virtual analog synthesizer. With this product, we have not attempted to emulate a specific vintage analog synthesizer but rather to combine into a modern instrument, different
features of legendary vintage synthesizers. The Ultra Analog generates sound by simulating the
different components of the synthesizer through physical modeling. This technology uses the laws
of physics to reproduce how an object or system produces sound. In the case of Ultra Analog,
mathematical equations describing how analog circuits function are solved in real-time. The UltraAnalog uses no sampling or wavetable, it just calculates the sound as you play in accordance to
the controls it receives. This sound synthesis method ensures unmatched sound quality, realism,
warmth and playing dynamics.
Before discussing the synthesizer in more details, we would like to take this opportunity to
thank you for choosing an Applied Acoustics Systems product. We sincerely hope that this product
will bring you inspiration, pleasure and fulfill your creative needs.
1.1System requirements
The following computer configuration is necessary to run the Ultra Analog:
Mac OS :
• Mac OSX 10.2 (Jaguar) or later.
• G4 733 MHz Processor
• 256 MB RAM
• 1024 x 768 or higher screen resolution
• MIDI Keyboard (recommended)
• Ethernet Port
• Quicktime 4.0 or later
Windows :
• Windows 98SE/2000/XP
• PIII 800 MHz
• 128 MB RAM
• 1024 x 768 or higher screen resolution
• DirectX or ASIO supported sound card
• MIDI Keyboard (recommended)
Keep in mind that the computational power required by the Ultra Analog depends on the number of voices of polyphony and the sampling rate used. These computer configurations will enable
you to play the factory presets with a reasonable number of voices. Although it is not absolutely
necessary, it is strongly recommended to play the Ultra Analog with a MIDI keyboard or controller.
Mac OS
Insert the Ultra Analog program disc into your CD ROM drive. Open the CD icon once it
appears on your desktop. Click on the Ultra Analog Install icon and follow the instructions of the
If you purchased this software online, simply double-click on the installer file that you have
downloaded and follow the instructions of the installer.
Insert the Ultra Analog program disc into your CD ROM drive. Launch Explorer to view the
content of the CD ROM and double-click on the installer file to launch the installer.
If you purchased this software online, simply double-click on the installer file that you have
downloaded and follow the instructions of the installer.
1.3Authorization and Registration
During the installation procedure, the authorization page will appear. The Ultra Analog uses a
proprietary challenge/response copy protection system which requires you to provide some information before using the program. You will need:
• A valid email address
• Your product serial number (on the back of your CD or in your confirmation email for down-
• The challenge key supplied by the registration page
A challenge key is a long string of capital letters and numbers that is generated uniquely for
each machine during the registration process. In other words, for each machine you install this
program on you will receive a different challenge key. If you are a PC user, please note that a new
challenge key will be generated should you change your computer’s hard drive or upgrade your
operating system. Once you have registered you will not have to do so again unless:
• You reformat or upgrade your hard drive (on PC)
• You change or upgrade your operating system (on PC)
• You uninstall the program (Mac and PC)
Authorizing your software will also automatically register you as an AAS customer. This will
entitle you to receive support and download updates when available as well as take advantage of
special upgrade prices offered from time to time to registered AAS users.
1.3Authorization and Registration9
If the machine you have installed on is connected to the internet:
Enter your email address and serial number, and click next. The registration system will now
automatically launch your internet browser and connect to the AAS unlock page. The information
you have provided, along with your challenge key will be filled into the online form. Verify that
this information is correct and click next. The next page asks you to provide information about
yourself including your mailing address and phone number. While this part of the registration
process is optional, we recommend this information be provided to ensure our support team is able
to contact you to resolve any future support issues, and notify you of product updates promptly.
This information is kept completely confidential.
You will then receive your response code on-screen. Copy and paste this information into the
registration window, and the process is complete. Your response code will also be sent to you by
email for your records.
If you wish to register your software from another computer:
Enter you email address and serial number into the registration window and click next. You will
then be provided your challenge key. Take note of this information and proceed to your internet
connected computer. Launch your browser and go to the unlock page of the AAS website at:
Enter your email address, serial number, and challenge key, and click next. The next page
asks you to provide information about yourself including your mailing address and phone number.
While this part of the registration process is optional, we recommend this information be provided
to ensure our support team is able to contact you to resolve any future issues, and notify you of
product updates promptly. This information is kept completely confidential.
You will then receive your response code on-screen. Copy this information into the registration
window, and the process is complete. Your response code will also be sent to you by email for your
If you wish to register by fax or over the phone:
Should you not have access to the internet, AAS support representatives are available to assist you
in the registration process Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm EST. You may contact us by phone at:
• North America Toll-free number: 1-888-441-8277
• Outside North America: 1-514-871-8100
• Fax Number: 1-514-845-1875
• Email:
1.4Getting started
The Ultra Analog comes with a wide range of factory presets right out of the box which amounts to
a huge range of sounds before you have even turned a single knob. As you would expect, the best
way of coming to grips with the possibilities Ultra Analog offers is simply to go through the presets
one at a time. We recommend that you first start using the Ultra Analog in standalone mode.
Using Ultra Analog in standalone mode
• Windows - Double-click on the Ultra Analog icon located on your desktop or select Ultra
Analog from the Start > All Programs > menu.
• Mac OS - Double-click on the Ultra Analog icon located in the Applications folder.
Before you start exploring the factory presets, take a moment to set up you audio and MIDI
configuration as explained below.
Audio Configuration
This menu allows you to select from the installed audio ports on your computer, by driver type.
If you have ASIO drivers available, these should be selected for optimum performance. Multichannel interfaces will have their outputs listed as stereo pairs.
• Windows - Select your sound card port from the list in the Audio Configuration dialog
from the Edit > Preferences > Audio Settings . .. menu.
• Mac OS - Select your audio device from the list in the Audio Settings dialog from the Ultra
Analog > Preferences > Audio Settings ... menu.
For more detailed information on audio configuration, sampling rate selection and latency ad-
justments, please refer to section 6.4.
MIDI Configuration
• Windows - Select your MIDI port from the list in the MIDI Configuration dialog from the
Edit > Preferences > MIDI Settings . . . menu.
• Mac OS - Select your MIDI port from the list in the MIDI Settings dialog from the Ultra
Analog > Preferences > . .. menu.
For more detailed information on MIDI configuration, MIDI links and MIDI maps, please refer
to section 6.2.
1.5Getting help11
Exploring the factory presets
The browser on the left of the Ultra Analog interface is similar to the browser your operating
system generates to display the contents of your hard disk, or your email program uses to organize
your mail and address book. When launching the application for the first time, this “tree view” will
include a destination folder for imported presets as well as different folders containing different
categories of factory presets. To open a folder, click on the “+” symbol which will reveal the
folder content. To load a preset, double-click on a preset icon (blue knob).
The Browser makes it easy to organize presets in whatever manner you choose. To create a
new preset folder, click in the browser to select this region of the interface, and choose New Folder
from the File menu. You can now save new presets in this folder or copy or move existing presets
to this folder by dragging preset icons from one folder to the other or using the Copy and Paste
commands from the Edit menu.
1.4.1Using MIDI Links
Every parameter on the Ultra Analog interface can be linked to an external MIDI controller. To
assign a MIDI Link, right-click (control-click on Mac) on a control (knob, button or slider) and a
contextual menu will appear. Select Learn MIDILink and move a knob or slider on your MIDI
controller to activate the link. To deactivate the link, right-click on the control and choose the
Forget MIDILink command.
1.4.2Using MIDI program changes
MIDI program changes have been assigned to a selection of factory presets. The factory library
can therefore be explored using MIDI program changes.
1.4.3Using Ultra Analog as a Plug-in
The Ultra Analog integrates seamlessly into the industry most popular multi-track recording and
sequencing environments as a virtual instrument plug-in. The Ultra Analog works as any other
plug-in in these environments so we recommend that you refer to your sequencer documentation
in case you have problems running the Ultra Analog as a plug-in.
1.5Getting help
Applied Acoustics Systems technical support representatives are on hand from Monday to Friday,
9am to 6pm EST. Whether you have a question on Ultra Analog, or need a hand getting it up and
running as a plug-in in your favorite sequencer, we are here to help. Contact us by phone, fax, or
email at:
• North America Toll Free: 1 888 441 8277
• Worldwide: 1 514 871 8100
• Fax: 1 514 845 1875
• Email:
Our online support pages contain downloads of the most recent product updates, and answers
to frequently asked questions on all AAS products. The support pages are located at:
1.6Forum and User Library
The AAS community site also contains the Ultra Analog user forum, an excellent place to meet
new users and get answers to your questions. The community site also contains an exchange area
where you will find presets for your AAS products created by other users and where you can also
make your own creations available to other users.
In the next chapter, the use of presets and the browser is described in detail. Chapter 3 describes
the general architecture, signal flow and routing possibilities offered by Ultra Analog. In Chapter 4, the different modules and controls are reviewed in detail. Chapter 6 explains the different
functionalities related to Audio and MIDI and their settings. Finally, the use of Ultra Analog as a
plug-in in different host sequencers is covered.
Throughout this manual, the following conventions are used:
• Bold characters are used to name modules, commands and menu names.
• Italic characters are used to name controls on the interface.
• Windowsand Mac OS keyboard shortcuts are written as Windows shortcut/Mac OS shortcut.
Browser and Presets13
2Browser and Presets
The Ultra Analog comes with several factory presets covering a
wide range of sounds. This collection of presets lets you play and familiarize yourself with this synthesizer without having to tweak a single
knob. Soon, however, you will be experimenting and creating your own
sounds that you will need to archive or exchange with other users. All
the operations on presets are conveniently managed with the help of the
Ultra Analog Browser, similar to those found in most email programs,
which uses a hierarchical tree structure and a visually intuitive, drag
and drop approach.
2.1Playing Presets
All the presets are located in the Ultra Analog root folder. To explore
the different presets available in Ultra Analog, click on the “+” icon to
the left of the Ultra Analog folder, in other words, expand this branch
of the browser tree, in order to reveal the various preset sub-folders
based on different sound categories. Opening the individual sub-folders
reveals a set of presets represented by blue knob icons.
• Toload a preset, simply double-click on the preset icon or drag and drop the preset icon from
the browser onto the synthesizer.
• You can also load a preset by right-clicking/control-clicking on a preset icon and choosing
the Open Preset command from the drop-down menu that appears or by clicking on a preset
icon in order to select it and use the Ctrl-O/Apple-O shortcut.
• It is also possible to load presets using MIDI program changes as described in Section 6.2.
It is also possible to change to the next and previous preset in the hierarchy by clicking on the
“+” and “-” sign on the right of the preset name in the left corner of the toolbar at the top of the
Ultra Analog interface, or by using the “+” and “-” keys of the computer keyboard.
2.2Editing and Saving Presets
As soon as a preset is modified, the preset icon just before the preset name in the toolbar will change
color indicating that saving the preset is necessary in order not to loose the changes. Modifications
to an existing preset are saved using the Save Preset command from the File menu or the CtrlS/Apple-S shortcut. Be careful, however, as using this command will overwrite the original preset.
In order to create a new preset, use the SavePreset As command from the File menu and a window
will appear asking for a name for the new preset. Once the preset is saved using this command, a
new preset icon will appear directly under the Ultra Analog folder.
14Browser and Presets
Note that after having modified a preset, Ultra Analog will always ask you if you want to save
the changes in order not to loose your work. This behavior is however not always convenient.
To disable this option, select the General command under Preferences of the Edit menu and deselect the Ask to save preset before opening another option. By default, Ultra Analog will also
ask you if you want to save changes to a modified preset before quitting the application. Todisable
this option, de-select the Ask to save preset before quitting option under the same command as
mentioned above.
When editing presets and creating new ones, it is very helpful to go back and forth between
different the different stages of your modifications and adjustments. To move back step by step
through every modification that was applied to a preset, use the Undo command from the Edit
menu or the Ctrl-Z/Apple-Z shortcut. Once the Undo command has been used, it is also possible
to move up again through the modifications by using the Redo command from the Edit menu or
the Ctrl-Y/Apple-Y command. Note that the number of Undo levels is unlimited and that this
command is effective on any control of the interface but not on the different Save commands.
Once a preset has been modified, it is also possible to move back and forth between the current
state of the preset and its original state when it was loaded. This is very helpful in order to hear
again the original preset after having applied many modifications. To hear the original preset,
simply click on the Compare button of the toolbar or the Compare command from the Edit menu.
Once this button has been pressed, the original settings of the preset are loaded. Note that in this
mode, the graphical interface is frozen and it is therefore not possible to modify the preset. To
further modify the preset, click on the Edit button or the Edit command from the Edit menu to
revert to the modified version of the preset and unfreeze the interface.
2.3Deleting Presets
To delete a preset, first select it by clicking on its icon in the browser and use the Delete command
from the Edit menu or the Del key from the computer keyboard.
2.4Documenting Preset
It is possible to document a preset or view related information from the Edit Preset Information
window. To launch this window, right-click/control-click on a preset icon and choose the Pre-set Info command or use the Ctrl-I/Apple-I shortcut. The Preset Info command from the Edit
menu can also be used after selecting a preset. Information on a preset include the author’s name,
copyright notice, date of creation, last modification date and a description text.
2.5Defining a Default Preset
It is possible to define a default preset that will be loaded automatically when Ultra Analog is
launched. To define a default preset, select a preset by clicking on its icon in the browser and
2.6Locating a Preset in the Browser15
launch the Edit Preset Information window as explained in the preceding paragraph and select
the Mark As Default option. To change the default preset, just repeat the operation on a new
preset. If no default preset has been defined, the default values for every module will be loaded
when Ultra Analog is launched.
2.6Locating a Preset in the Browser
After navigating through presets, it might be difficult to find the current preset icon in the browser.
To rapidly locate the current preset in the browser, use the Locate command from the Viewmenu or
the Ctrl-L/Apple-L shortcut. The Locate command will automatically expand the folder containing
the currently used preset and select the preset.
2.7MIDI maps
MIDI maps containing information about MIDI links between the MIDI controllers and the Ultra Analog interface can easily be created as will be explained in Section 6.2. MIDI maps are
represented in the browser with a MIDI connector icon. MIDI maps are treated exactly the same
way as presets in the browser and are saved using the Save MIDI Links or Save MIDI Links As
commands from the File menu.
2.8Exporting and Importing Presets and MIDI maps
The Import and Export commands, found in the File drop down menu, allow one to easily exchange presets and MIDI maps with other Ultra Analog users. This feature can also be used to
decrease the number of elements in the browser by archiving older or rarely used ones elsewhere,
on CD-R, or a second hard disk for example. Files containing Ultra Analog presets and MIDI maps
are equivalent in size to short text file, making it easy to send presets to other users via email.
To export a folder, a group of folders, presets or MIDI maps within a folder, select the elements
to export in the browser and use the Export command from the File menu. When the Export
window appears, choose a file name and a destination location on your hard disk. Ultra Analog
export files will be saved with an “axf” extension.
Importing presets and MIDI maps is just as easy. Simply click on the Import command from
the File drop down menu, and select the file to import. A new folder will then appear under the
Imports directory in the browser, containing all of the files contained within the imported package.
These can then be dragged and dropped to a new folder, or remain in the Imports directory.
2.9Customizing the browser
The Browser structure can be customized in various ways. New folders can be created from the
File drop down menu using the Create New Folder command. One can also move presets, MIDI
16Browser and Presets
maps and folders from one place in the browser to another by using the Copy and Paste commands
from the Edit drop down menu, or by simply dragging objects from one folder and dropping it into
the folder of your choice. Ultimately, how things are organized, is left entirely up to you.
The browser can also be hidden from the interface which can be convenient in order to save
screen space. To hide the browser, use the Hide Browser command from the View menu. To make
it reappear, use the Show Browser command from the View menu.
Architecture of the Ultra Analog17
3Architecture of the Ultra Analog
The Ultra Analog is a very adaptable and versatile two-oscillator synthesizer. The different control
elements of the synthesizer have been grouped into three sections in the graphical user interface
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Graphical user interface of the Ultra Analog Synthesizer.
The main section of the interface, the synthesis section, is related to the main sound generating and processing modules including two oscillators, a noise source, two multi-mode filters, two
LFOs, four envelope generators and two amplifiers. These modules have been laid out into two
symmetrical rows on the interface following the general internal signal flow of the synthesizer as
will be described below. The column to the left of the main section is the control section which
includes the modules related to performance and the processing of MIDI events. Finally, the top
row of the interface is an output effect stage which includes a multi-effect module, master clock
module as well as a master level and a recorder module.
The individual modules and controls of the user interface will be described in detail in Chapter 4. We will now take a closer look “under the hood” at how the different modules are connected
18Architecture of the Ultra Analog
Pre Filter Mix
Filter 1Amp 1
Amp Env 1Filter Env 1
Filter 2Amp 2
Amp Env 2Filter Env 2
Output Effect Stage
Oscillator 1
Oscillator 2
together, as well as the multiple signal paths available.
3.1General Signal Flow
The general signal flow of Ultra Analog is shown in Figure 2 and in a more detailed schematic in
Figure 15 of the Appendix to this manual. The primary sound sources of the synthesizer are two
oscillators and a noise generator. These sources are mixed by a two output pre-filter mixer which
redirects the signal from each oscillator, or a combination of both and the noise source, to two
different multi-mode filter modules in series with an amplifier.
Figure 2: General signal flow of the Ultra Analog.
This configuration is very flexible because, depending on the type of mixing applied, it allows
one to treat the sources from each oscillator separately or to combine them. When filters 1 and
2 only receive signal from one oscillator, the source section behaves as a dual oscillator-filteramplifier system and left and right information from each source is preserved until the very end
of the signal path. This allows, for example, to position and move sources in the stereo space
independently with the panning control on each of the amplifier modules. On the other hand,
combining the sources at the mixer level will allow one to obtain rich and complex tonal textures.
The signal path between Filter 1 and Filter 2 allows the use of the filter modules in a parallel
or series configuration giving more processing possibilities. Sending signal only through the first
output of the mixer and using this signal route will result in a series configuration while sending
signal to both filters and closing this signal path will result in a parallel configuration.
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