WSRD Interlocked Receptacle
With Enclosed Disconnect Switch
600 Vac, 250 Vdc, 30, 60, 100 Amp, 50/60 Hz, Fused and Non-fused for use with Powertite™ ACP and CPH plugs.
Rated for Ordinary (Unclassied) Locations
• Designed for use in raintight or watertight, non-hazardous,
heavy duty applications where a service outlet is required for
portable or xed electrical equipment such as:
— Welders
— Generators
— Compressors
— Infrared ovens
— Batch feeders
— Conveyors
— Truck terminals
— Marine docks
• Ideally suited for use in industrial plant applications such as:
— Automotive and steel processing plants
— Pulp and paper processing plants
— Milk processing plants and creameries
— Fabrication yards and shipyards
— Refrigerated truck terminals
• For use where an interlocked disconnect switch is desired to
control a Powertite™ receptacle and insertion or removal of
plug. Interlock prohibits plug insertion or removal under load.
Plug is secured in place by interlock and cannot be withdrawn
unless interlock release lever is actuated.
• Spring door standard and screw cap provided at no additional
cost to meet NEMA 3, 3R, 4, 4X applications.
• The Square D F-Series offers the latest in switch technology:
An operating mechanism designed to endure at least three
times the number of operations required by NEMA and UL
standards; modular componentry designed for quick and easy
maintenance; and visible blades for an extra measure of safety
while the low mass cam allows greater blade operating speed
and reduced mechanical wear.
• Insulated, dual-color polymer operating handle clearly indicates
the switch being energized. Ergonomically designed handle
is made of high-impact polymer material for exceptional
ruggedness, durability and corrosion resistance .
• Utilizes Style 2 (shell and extra pole) grounding and 3-wire,
4-pole receptacle wiring.
• Class R fusing standard on WSRD units. Product can be
retrotted with Class J, K, or S fusing.
• Short circuit withstand rated to 200,000 RMS symmetrical Amps
(Class R and J Fusing).
• Unit is equipped with defeatable door interlock which allows
emergency access when switch is energized.
• Cover can be padlocked closed.
• Operating handle can be locked in the ”OFF” or ”ON” position.
• Dead front design: receptacle is not energized until plug is fully
inserted and switch is engaged.
• Wire size for 30 and 60 Amp models is #14 to #2 AWG.
For 100 Amp models it is #14 to #1/0 AWG.
WSRD (Cutler Hammer)
Sheet Metal Enclosure
Standard Materials and Finishes
• Receptacle assembly: copperfree (4/10 of 1% max.) aluminum
with epoxy powder coating inside and outside
• WSRD enclosure: enamel coated sheet metal
• WSRD-N4 enclosure: stainless steel
• Operating handle : high impact polymer
• WSRD-N4 hardware: stainless steel
NEC/CEC Certifications and Compliances
• UL Standard: UL 98, UL 50E, UL 1682, UL 1686
• CSA Standard: C22.2 No.4, C22.2 No. 182.1
Related Products
• Uses standard Powertite™ ACP or CPH plugs for wide
WSRD (Square D)
Sheet Metal Enclosure
Stainless Steel Enclosure
Square D is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric.
Cutler Hammer models have metallic handles. Cutler Hammer is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.
UL Classified for use with Crouse-Hinds Arktite® plugs. Arktite is a registered trademark of Cooper Crouse-Hinds.
© November 2016

WSRD Interlocked Receptacle
With Enclosed Disconnect Switch
600 Vac, 250 Vdc, 30, 60, 100 Amp, 50/60 Hz, Fused and Non-fused for use with Powertite™ ACP and CPH plugs.
Rated for Ordinary (Unclassied) Locations
Wire Size
AWG Fusing
Sheet Metal Enclosure — NEMA 3R, 12
30 #14 to #2
Fused 7.5/20 WSRD3352SQ WSRD3352WSQ WSAUX1 WSAUX2 ACP3034BC
Non-Fused 30 WSRD33542SQ WSRD33542WSQ WSAUX1 WSAUX2 ACP3034BC
Fused 15/50 WSRD6352
60 #6 to #2
Non-Fused 60 WSRD63542
Fused 15/50 WSRD6352SQ WSRD6352WSQ WSAUX1 WSAUX2 ACP6034BC
Vac Std/Max
Viewing Window
Viewing Window
Aux. Contacts
1 or 2 NO/NC Mating Plug
Non-Fused 60 WSRD63542SQ WSRD63542WSQ WSAUX1 WSAUX2 ACP6034BC
HP at 600
100 #4 to #1/0
Stainless Steel Enclosure — NEMA 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 12
30 #14 to #2
60 #6 to #2
100 #4 to #1/0
Square D Auxiliary Contacts for WSRD Disconnect Switch
Fused 30/75 WSRD10352SQ WSRD10352WSQ WSAUX1 WSAUX2 ACP1034CD
Non-Fused 75 WSRD103542SQ WSRD103542WSQ WSAUX1 WSAUX2 ACP1034CD
Fused 7.5/20 WSRD3352N4SD WSRD3352N4WSD WSAUX1 WSAUX2 ACP3034BC
Non-Fused 20 WSRD33542N4SD WSRD33542N4WSD WSAUX1 WSAUX2 ACP3034BC
Fused 15/50 WSRD6352N4SD WSRD6352N4WSD WSAUX1 WSAUX2 ACP6034BC
Non-Fused 50 WSRD63542N4SD WSRD63542N4WSD WSAUX1 WSAUX2 ACP6034BC
Fused 30/75 WSRD10352N4SD WSRD10352N4WSD WSAUX1 WSAUX2 ACP1034CD
Non-Fused 75 WSRD103542N4SD WSRD103542N4WSD WSAUX1 WSAUX2 ACP1034CD
Interlock Type 50 or 60 Hz Vac Make Break Cont. Vdc Make and Break Cont. Catalog Number
120 40A 15A 15A 115 0.50A 15A
1 NO/1 NC
240 20A 10A 15A 230 0.25A 15A
480 10A 6A 15A — — —
600 8A 5A 15A 600 0.05A 15A
120 30A 3.0A 10A 115 1.0A 10A
2 NO/2 NC
240 15A 1.5A 10A 230 0.30A 10A
480 7.5A .75A 10A — — —
600 6.0A .60A 10A 600 0.10A 10A
Fuses not included in fused products. Class R fusing standard on WSRD fusible units. Product can be retrofitted with Class J, K, or S fusing.
To order with auxiliary contacts installed, add suffix from this column to end of Catalog Number.
Standard Square D F-Series Disconnect Switch, except where noted.
Cutler Hammer Disconnect Switch. Cutler Hammer auxiliary switch is 1 NO/1 NC or 2 NO/2 NC.
Single pole single throw interlock kits are rated 1/2 HP @ 110 and 220 Vac. WSAUX1 utilizes a 9007A01 limit switch. WSAUX2 utilizes a 9007C03 limit switch.
© November 2016