Plugs and RecePtacles: nec/cec HazaRdous location
© November 2016
U-Line™ Factory Sealed 20 Amp Plugs and Receptacles
Explosionproof, Dust-Ignitionproof
Dead-Front Safety Construction. Choice of Aluminum or Thermoplastic Polyester Plug.
Class I, Division 1 and 2 Groups B, C, D
Class II, Division 1 and 2 Groups F, G
Class III
NEMA 3, 3R, 7BCD, 9FG
• Locations where receptacles are used with stationary or
portable electrically operated devices such as:
— Lighting systems
— Conveyors
— Heaters
— Motor-generator sets
— Air conditioners
— Compressors
— Pumps
• Locations with damp or corrosive conditions.
• Class I: classied locations where ignitable vapors or gases
are present such as:
— Petrochemical plants
— Petroleum reneries
— Paint and chemical plants
• Class II: classied locations such as:
— Process industries where there are dust hazards from
handling such products as our, grain and starch or any
location where ignitable amounts of dust are present or
amounts which would adversely affect performance.
• Intermateable with competitor's plugs of like congurations.
• Factory sealed, external seals not required in most areas.
Arcing is safely conned to receptacle interior.
• Choice of aluminum receptacle with malleable iron mounting
box or all malleable iron receptacle and box.
• Energized receptacle contacts deeply recessed to reduce
danger of accidental touching.
• Unique blade-type, brass contacts exert constant pressure
along entire contact surface and provide superior electrical
• Insulators provide superior dielectric and mechanical strength
and lowest arc tracking.
• ECP plug ts any standard non-explosionproof receptacle
(NEMA 5-20R, or 6-20R) as well as U-Line™ explosionproof
Standard Materials
• U-Line™ receptacle and cover: copperfree (4/10 of 1% max.)
• U-Line™ mounting box: malleable iron
• U-Line™ M Series receptacle and mounting box: malleable iron
• ECP plugs: copperfree (4/10 of 1% max.) aluminum housings
• Insulating blocks: glass-lled reinforced polyester
Standard Finishes
• Malleable iron mounting boxes: triple-coat—(1) zinc electroplate,
(2) chromate and (3) epoxy powder coat
• U-Line™ receptacles: epoxy powder coat
• Cord connector housings and caps: epoxy powder coat
• U-Line™ all-aluminum receptacle cover and box. Add sufx -A.
NEC/CEC Certifications and Compliances
• UL Listed: E10784, E81751
• UL Standard: 1203, 1010, 894
• CSA Standard: C22.2 No. 25, C22.2 No. 30, C22.2 No. 42,
C22 No.159
• CSA Certied: 038644
Illustrated Features
Mounting lugs.
Malleable iron mounting box
with triple-coat finish standard.
Aluminum back box available.
Select items suitable for Class I, Group B, C and D; Class II, Groups F, G; and Class III. See product selection pages for suitable items.
Note: Special U-Line™ receptacles are UL Classified to mount on Killark SWB boxes. Killark is a registered trademark of Hubbell Incorporated.
Stainless steel slotted hex
head mounting screws.
Receptacle housing and
cover optional malleable
iron on EFS-M Series.
Spring-loaded cover seats
against neoprene gasket.
U-Line™ NEMA 4X corrosion
resistance screw cover kit
available: ULINEREC4XKIT.

Plugs and RecePtacles: nec/cec HazaRdous location
© November 2016
U-Line™ Factory Sealed 20 Amp Plugs and Receptacles
Explosionproof, Dust-Ignitionproof
Dead-Front Safety Construction. Choice of Aluminum or Thermoplastic Polyester Plug.
Class I, Division 1 and 2 Groups B, C, D
Class II, Division 1 and 2 Groups F, G
Class III
NEMA 3, 3R, 7BCD, 9FG
Illustrated Features
Spring door cover keeps dust out of receptacle when plug is not in
use, which may be rotated 180° or completely removed. Stainless
steel cover spring-completely enclosed for protection from
corrosive environments.
With plug in use, neoprene
gasket in throat of receptacle
”seals” around plug keeping
out dirt, water, dust and other
foreign matter.
With plug not in use, spring-
loaded door seats against
neoprene gasket to seal
receptacle from corrosive
Factory sealed receptacle/switch interior. Switch is an integral
part of receptacle interior, contained in an aluminum sleeve.
Protective xylan coating on inside of sleeve provides smooth
”rotating” action of internal switch, which is activated by rotating
plug in receptacle. Entire aluminum sleeve is sealed at both ends
with neoprene O-rings to protect receptacle/switch interior against
ECP Interchanger plug fits ordinary location receptacles (NEMA
5-20R and NEMA 6-20R) and explosionproof U-Line™ receptacle
as well competitors comparable NEMA blade configured
A twist of the plug produces audible ”click” to indicate fast make
and break of built-in switch contacts. Twisting plug locks it in
place—cannot be accidentally pulled out.
Solderless lugs—all terminals are pressure type to facilitate wiring. Longer plug housing for better gripping and easier plug insertion
For safety... Ordinary location
plug will NOT activate
explosionproof U-Line™
Special neoprene watertight plug bushing accommodates
flexible cord ranging from .538” to .639” in diameter.
and withdrawal.
Plug mechanical cable clamps
on the plug prevent strain on
cables and meet or exceed UL
150 lb. strain relief pull-out test
for classified locations.
Select items suitable for Class I, Group B, C and D; Class II, Groups F, G; and Class III. See product selection pages for suitable items.