• These lighting poles, mounting brackets, and accessories are used to mount single or multiple
luminaires at heights ranging from 14 feet to 39 feet.
• Lighting pole types include hinged steel poles, square steel poles, square tapered steel poles,
and round tapered steel poles.
Streamlined Ordering Process
• All lighting poles have been standardized, and pricing can be found on Members Only. For a lighting
pole catalog item to be added to an SPA, please contact Pricing.AppletonGroup@Emerson.com.
• Discount code: APPLBK
Stocking Program
• Multiple lighting brackets and accessories are stocked items, and have an average lead time of
two days.
• Stocked brackets: G-PB-2, G-PB-2-GAL, G-PB-3-GAL, G-PB-4-GAL, G-PWB -1, G-PSWB6-GAL
Standard Lighting Pole Features and Components — All Hardware for Pole Assembly is Provided
Features Description
Areamaster™ Generation 2 LED with
G-PB-2 Mounting Bracket
Tenon pole top
Handhole and cover
Base plate cover
Anchor bolts
Base plate
All poles come standard with a 2-3/8" pipe size tenon top, which acceps a single luminaire; or
two, three, or four luminaires with appropriate pole-top mounting bracket.
A 3"x5" reinforced handhole with cover and grounding lug above pole base is standard on all
poles. Handhole covers are supplied with a waterproofing gasket.
A full base plate cover, made of automotive structural grade steel, comes standard with all poles.
The base plate cover is rust proof and tamper resistant.
Anchor bolts are furnished complete with nuts and washers, conform to ASTM F1554 Gr. 55, and
are galvanized. All anchor bolts will be pre-shipped ahead of lighting pole(s).
All poles come standard with a dark bronze powder coat finish, (as is used on the pictured
AMLED67) unless the “-GAL” suffix is used to indicate a galvanized finish.
Base plate sizes range from 8" to 13" square, made of structural quality steel with a minimum
yield strength of 86,000 psi. All base plate templates (and anchor bolts) will be pre-shipped
ahead of the lighting pole(s).

Standard — Lighting Pole Accessories
Description Finish Catalog Number
Poletop bracket for two luminaires
Poletop bracket for three luminaires
Bronze G-PB-2
Galvanized G-PB-2-GAL
Bronze G-PB-3
Galvanized G-PB-3-GAL
Poletop bracket for three luminaires (120° apart)
Bronze G-PB-3-120
Galvanized G-PB-3-120-GAL
Bronze G-PB-14
Poletop bracket for four luminaires (in line)
Galvanized G-PB-14-GAL
Bronze G-PB-4
Poletop bracket for four luminaires
Galvanized G-PB-4-GAL
Pole-top reducer (2-1/2" to 2") Bronze GPR212
Pole-top reducer (3" to 2") Bronze GPR3
Pole-top reducer (3-1/2" to 2") Bronze GPR312
Pole-top reducer (4" to 2") Bronze GPR4
Pole-top reducer (5" to 2") Bronze GPR5
Lowering winch for 20 foot hinged pole — GLW20
Lowering winch for 24 foot hinged pole — GLW24
Lowering winch for 30 foot hinged pole — GLW30
Lowering winch for 35 foot hinged pole — GLW35
Wall mounting bracket for floodlights with 50.8 mm (2 in) slipfitter, or will mount G-PB Series brackets with floodlights
Bronze G-PWB-1
Wall mounting bracket used with G-AM-8-SF and GSF-20 to
provide a wall mounting option
Bracket is stocked, with a two-day lead time.
Appleton Grp LLC d/b/a Appleton Group. The Appleton and Emerson logos are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Ofce.
All other product or service names are the property of their registered owners. © 2018, Appleton Grp LLC. All rights reserved.
Galvanized G-PSWB-6-GAL