Appleton JBR Series 30 and 60 Amp Switched Receptacles Catalog Page

JBR Series 30 and 60 Amp Switched Receptacles
Dead Front Interlocked Construction; 600 Volts AC, 50-400 Hertz; Pressure Wire Terminals
Class I, Division 1 and 2, Groups B, C, D Class II, Division 1 and 2, Groups F, G Class III NEMA 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 7BCD, 9FG
•   Locations where receptacles are used with stationary or  portable electrically operated devices such as:
  — Lighting systems   — Conveyors   — Heaters   — Motor-generator sets   — Air conditioners   — Compressors   — Pumps
•  Plug must be inserted into receptacle before the switch is in the  on position.
•  JBR is UL Listed for use with ACP Powertite™ and CPH plugs.
•  Receptacle supplied with ip cover and screw cover.
•  Positive polarization: only plugs of the same style, number of  poles and amperage rating may be used with these receptacles.
•  Terminal block provided in mounting box for ease of wiring.  Factory wired between the receptacle and terminal block.
•  Style 2 (shell and extra pole) grounding.
•  Receptacles may be locked in the ”OFF” position.
•  Mounting box provided 1-1/2” vertical feed-thru conduit  openings. Reducer bushings provided for 1-1/4” conduit  opening. All conduit openings have NPT threads.
•  O-ring gasket provided between the mounting box and  receptacle cover.
•  Internal switch provides safe and quick disconnect means.   No need for separate disconnect switch.
•  UL Classied for use with competitors like plugs .
Standard Materials
•  Receptacle housing and mounting box: copperfree   (4/10 of 1% max.) aluminum
•  Captive cover bolts, mounting feet and hinges: stainless steel
Standard Finishes
•  Receptacle and mounting box: epoxy powder coat
•  For eld installed drain and breather set, order one ECD50B4X  drain and one BRTB4X breather. Both are NEMA 4X rated for  Group B.
•  Special Polarization: Prevents plug insertion in a receptacle or  connector wired for a different voltage. In installations where  there are different line voltages, the special polarization option  is desirable. This allows only plugs and receptacles wired for  the same line voltage to be mated together. The receptacle  or connector interior is positioned 22-1/2°, relative to the  polarization rivet, to the right (as specied) of standard, and plug  is polarized to correspond. Sufx -P4 to receptacle or plug.
NEC Certifications and Compliances
•  UL Standard: UL 1010 (UL 1203), UL 894, UL 1682, UL 1686
•  UL Listed: E10784
Illustrated Features
•  Terminal block provided for line connections. 
•  Terminal provided for grounding connection. 
•  Receptacle is prewired to the terminal block. 
•  Disconnect switch mounted on the cover assembly.
Plugs and RecePtacles: nec/cec HazaRdous location
Flip cover suitable for NEMA 3, 3R only.
NEMA 4 rating maintained with Appleton NEMA 4 plug installed. Install screw cover for 4, 4X. Both covers are included with product.
UL Classified for use with Crouse-Hinds APJ series plug. Crouse-Hinds is a registered trademark of Cooper Crouse-Hinds.
© February 2019
JBR Series 30 and 60 Amp Series Switched Receptacles
Dead Front Interlocked Construction
30 and 60 Amp, 600 Vac, 50-400 Hz
Class I, Division 1 and 2, Groups B, C, D Class II, Division 1 and 2, Groups F, G Class III NEMA 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 7BCD, 9FG
Description Catalog Number
Type 4X Drain (field installed) ECD50B4X
Type 4X Breather (field installed) BRTB4X
Replacement Parts
Description Catalog Number
30 Amp, 2W, 3P Interlock Rod Assembly DEJS30
30 Amp, 3W, 4P Interlock Rod Assembly DEJS30
60 Amp, 2W, 3P Interlock Rod Assembly DEJS60A
60 Amp, 3W, 4P Interlock Rod Assembly DEJS60B
100 Amp, 2W, 3P Interlock Rod Assembly DEJS100A
100 Amp, 3W, 4P Interlock Rod Assembly DEJS100B
30 Amp, 2W, 3P Receptacle Interior EBRI3023
30 Amp, 3W, 4P Receptacle Interior EBRI3034
60 Amp, 2W, 3P Receptacle Interior EBRI6023
60 Amp, 3W, 4P Receptacle Interior EBRI6034
100 Amp, 2W, 3P Receptacle Interior EBRI1023
100 Amp, 3W, 4P Receptacle Interior EBRI1034
150 Amp, 3W, 4P Receptacle Interior EBRI15034
30 Amp Plug Clamping Ring (standard with 30 Amp models) 30CRING
30 Amp Screw Cover (for receptacle) 30SCAP
Hub Size
(Inches) Wire/Poles
1-1/2 2W, 3P #10 - #4 JBR3023–150 ACP3023BC CPH3023BC
1-1/2 3W, 4P CU–AL JBR3034–150 ACP3034BC CPH3034BC
1-1/2 2W, 3P #4 - #6 JBR6023–150 ACP6023BC CPH6023BC
1-1/2 3W, 4P CU–AL JBR6034–150 ACP6034BC CPH6034BC
Terminal Block
Wire Range
Receptacle Catalog
Mating Plug
Plug CPH
Maximum Horsepower Ratings of Switch
Plugs and RecePtacles: nec/cec HazaRdous location
Phase Motor Amp
1–Phase, 2W, 3P
3–Phase, 3W, 4P
Flip cover suitable for NEMA 3, 3R only.
NEMA 4 rating maintained with Appleton NEMA 4 plug installed. Install screw cover for 4, 4X. Both covers are included with product.
Supplied with (2) 1-1/2” to 1-1/4” reducing bushings. 60 Amp CPH plugs with -BC suffix are NOT UL listed.
30 7.5 15 20
60 10 15 20
30 7.5 15 20
60 10 25 30
240 Vac 480 Vac 600 Vac
Motor Horsepower
© February 2019
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