Appleton Industrial Control Transformers Catalog Page

Industrial Control Transformers
© January 2017
Design Choices
SolaHD offers a broad range of industrial control solutions for the most demanding industrial applications. Our products exceed NEMA ratings for inrush and regulation to ensure control systems are powered correctly. Electromagnetic control components demand inrush currents up to 10 times the transformer’s nominal rating. While this inrush is occurring, the output side of the transformer must not fall
below 85% of nominal as specied by NEMA ST-1, Part 4.
Using a transformer that does not meet these ratings may cause erroneous shutdowns of downstream processes.
To meet your complete control needs, SolaHD's four series of control transformers, all of which exceed the NEMA standards. The Selection Chart can be used to identify the appropriate transformer for your application.
The SBE series is available from 50 - 5000 VA, 55°C rise and features copper windings and encapsulation (through 1000 VA) for longer life and protection from the environment. This low temperature performance can mean smaller cabinet size or longer life for any electronic components that may be nearby.
The SMT series are 115°C rise, aluminum wound and for applications where good voltage regulation and higher power capacities (1000-5000 VA) are required.
A. Sealed VA - Total steady state sealed VA is the
volt-amperes that the transformer must deliver to the load circuit for an extended period of time.
B. Inrush VA - Total inrush VA is the volt-amperes that the
transformer must deliver upon initial energization of the control circuit. Energization of electromagnetic devices takes 30-50 milliseconds. During this inrush period the electromagnetic control devices draw many times normal current – 3-10 times normal is typical.
The International series meets IEC requirements and IP20 (touch proof covers ordered separately for E models) for European applications.
The HSZ series rounds out SolaHD’s line with an enclosed series of control transformers from 1 - 10 kVA that feature either a UL Listed Type 3R, 4, 4X or 12 enclosure. This unique design, featuring copper windings and encapsulated construction, can help system designers meet harsher environmental standards or design for a safer installation outside of a control cabinet. The HSZ series is for applications where cost or heat issues make mounting the transformer outside the control panel necessary.
SolaHD is pleased to offer custom transformers 1 kVA and larger. If you can't nd what you are looking for here, we are happy to provide a quote on a custom transformer if available. Contact your local sales representative for more information.
Sizing an Industrial Control Transformer
For proper transformer selection, three characteristics of the load circuit must be determined in addition to the minimum voltage required to operate the circuit. These are total steady state (sealed) VA, total inrush VA, and inrush load power factor.
C. Inrush Load Power Factor is difcult to determine without
detailed vector analysis of all the load components. Generally such an analysis is not feasible, therefore, a
safe assumption is 40% power factor (PF). Until recently 20% PF was commonly used for transformer calculations,
however, tests conducted on major brands of control devices indicate that 40% PF is a safer default assumption.
Selection Steps
1. Determine the supply and load voltages. The supply voltage is the available voltage to the control transformer. The load voltage is the operating voltage of the devices that will be connected to the transformer output.
2. Calculate the total sealed VA by adding the VA requirements of all components that will be energized together (timers, contactors, relays, solenoids, pilot lamps, etc.). Sealed VA data is available from the control device manufacturer.
3. Add the inrush VA of all components that will be energized together. Be sure to include the sealed VA of components that do not have an inrush, (lamps, timers, etc.) as they present a load to the transformer during maximum inrush.
Industrial Control Transformers
© January 2017
4. Calculate selection inrush VA in one of the following two ways:
A. Selection inrush VA =
(VA sealed)2 + (VA inrush)
Alternative Method
B. VA sealed + VA inrush = Selection inrush
Method B will result in a slightly oversized transformer.
5. If your line voltage varies 10% or more, contact Technical Services for assistance.
6. Utilizing the regulation data chart below, select the transformer VA needed for your application from the “Transformer VA Rating” column. Check to be sure that the nameplate VA rating exceeds the sealed VA of the control circuit calculated in Step 1. If it does not, select a larger transformer VA that exceeds the circuit sealed VA.
By following the above procedure, the secondary voltage delivered by the transformer will be 90% of the nameplate secondary voltage under maximum inrush conditions at rated input voltage.
Now refer to the selection tables on the following pages for the style you have chosen. Select your transformer according to your required voltage and VA capacity.
Regulation Data – Inrush VA at 20% and 40% Power Factor
20% PF
40% PF
VA Rating
Selection Inrush VA
Type SBE Type SMT
20% PF
294 207 N/A N/A 50
515 363 N/A N/A 75
696 490 N/A N/A 100
1362 959 N/A N/A 150
2131 1501 N/A N/A 200
2883 2031 N/A N/A 250
3608 2541 N/A N/A 300
4777 3364 N/A N/A 350
7601 5353 N/A N/A 500
12939 9112 N/A N/A 750
18703 13171 8277 5829 1000
23814 16066 17182 12100 1500
34586 24356 22834 16080 2000
45633 32770 34506 24300 3000
158000 111000 71284 50200 5000
Assuming the transformer is to deliver a minimum of 90% secondary
voltage during inrush conditions.
See C. Inrush Load Power Factor on page previous page.
40% PF
Chart A: Voltage Code Chart
Voltage Code Primary Voltage
240 x 480
Note: "—" indicated tap not used.
* 60 Hz only at 277, 575 or 600 V.
230 x 460 220 x 440
240/480/600 230/460/575
240 x 480 24 60
120 x 240 24 60
208/240/277 120/24 60
208/240/480/600 200/230/460/575
480 240 50/60
208/240/— —/277/480
240/—/480 230/400/460 220/380/440
120 115 110
120/99 115/95
120/24 115/23
120/ — /24
115/24/23 110/23/ —
24 24 24 23
120 115 110
120/240 115/230 110/220
120/240 115/230 110/220
120/ — /24
115/24/23 110/23/ —
60 50/60 50/60
60 50/60 50/60
60 50/60 50/60
60 50/60 50/60
60 50/60 50/60
60 50/60 50/60
60 50/60 50/60
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