Appleton CM-2201, CM-2202 Installation Manual

Installation and Operating Instructions
Table of Contents CM-2201/CM-2202
1.1 Getting Started
General Application Information Installation
Initial Set-up
Selecting Installation Location
4.1 Display Modes
Password Protection
Security Levels
General Operation
5.1 Display
5.2 Keypad
5.3 LED Functions
5.4 Monitoring
Alarm Management
Current-Limiting Feature
5.7 Ground Faults
5.8 Soft Start Feature
Control Modes
On-Off Control
Proportional Control
Forced Control Feature
7.1 Setpoints
7.3 System Setup
Heater Setup
©2018 Nelson H eat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev.6
CM-2201/CM-2202 Table of Contents
9.0 T
9.1 Operator Checks
9.2 Ground Faults
9.3 RTDs
9.4 Common Warnings/Al ar ms
Appendix A – Specifications 21 Appendix B – Wiring Diagrams 22
Appendix C – Typical Installation Diagram
Appendix D – Mounting Details 25
Appendix E – Modbus Address List 26
Appendix F – ASCII Table 38 Appendix G – RTD Tables 39 Appendix H – Warranty 48
©2018 Nelson H eat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev.6
Introduction CM-2201/CM-2202


The Nelson Heat Trace CM-2201 is designed to monitor and control one heating circuit in ordinary and Class I, Division 2, Class I, Zone 2, and Zone 2 hazardous locations.
The CM-2202 can monitor/control two heating circuits in those same locations.
This manual provides information pertaining to the installation, operation, testing, communications and maintenance of these controllers. See Appendix A for detailed specifications

Getting Started

The CM-2201/CM-2202 is typically connected to external RTDs, power or communication based on Appendix B and C. Detailed set-up of the operating/control/monitoring program is entered throughout the following sections.
For addition help, call Nelson technical support or follow the Troubleshooting section.
General Application Information CM-2201/CM-2202

General Appl i cati o n Inf or ma tio n

The CM-2201/CM-2202 are designed to operate on input voltages between100and277Vacand50/60Hz. Load switching is handled by a 2-Pole solid-state relay and can control resistive loads of 30A continuous @ 40°C ambient.
The CM-2201/CM-2202 are designed to control heating circuits by monitoring one or two temperature inputs for each circuit via industry standard 3-wire, 100Ω, RTDs. The two separate RTDs for each utilized to customize the temperature control inputs. Several different modes are user sensor failure operational
TheCM-2201 and CM-2202 can be operated in temperatures of -40°F to +104°F (-40°C to +40°C)
circuit maybe
selectable as well as the
©2018 Nelson H eat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev.6
CM-2201/CM-2202 Installation and Initial Setup


The CM-2201/CM-2202 must be installed only in areas for which it has been approved and in accordance with all applicable electrical codes and ordinances. All conduit entry holes must be appropriately installed and sealed to ingress protection rating. Do not install this unit prior to functional testing if shipping container or internal packaging shows signs of damage. Notify the appropriate individuals immediately if damage is suspected.

Selecting Installation Location

The CM-2201/CM-2202 should be installed in an area protected from the elements as much as possible. It is possible to install the unit in unprotected areas but such often limits maintenance/access. Further, installation in unprotected areas must be carefully considered to ensure it is always in operating conditions consistent with specifications. See Appendix A for additional details.


The CM-2201/CM-2202 should be mounted at a convenient height to suit operator interaction. (See Appendix D for mounting details.) Conduit entries should be made in the bottom of the enclosure to from moisture and the use of suitable bushings is required to maintain the environmental ratings.


Electrical wiring diagrams and schematics are provided in Appendix B and C of this manual. Ensure that all wiring and connections are in accordance with applicable wiring codes. Enclosure grounding must be in accordance with applicable wiring codes for non-metallic devices.
The power supply for the CM-2201 is derived from the power provided for the load. However, the power supply for the CM-2202 can be provided independent of the supply for the loads being controlled. For power supply for the CM-2202 can be 120 VAC while the loads being controlled can be 277 VAC. supply for the CM-2202 may also be the loads being controlled – this is connecting appropriate jumpers.
prevent damage to the internal electronics
intrusion. Conduit entries should be drilled
example, the
Further, the power
derived from either of
implemented by

Initial Set-Up

Upon initial power-up, the CM-2201/CM-2202 display will run self-check, display the software version and then start the main program. Default settings are set to disable heating cables, (See 7.0 Pro gr ammin g to ena ble he ater s and program set points.)

Display Modes

This feature determines what messages and functions are displayed during normal operations. If set to “normal user,” only basic information is displayed. If set to “advanced user,” all controller information is displayed. Each parameter shown in this manual will list the Display Mode required to view information and access each function during programming.

Password Protection

The CM-2201/CM-2202 may have password protection enabled to ensure that sensitive operating parameters are not inadvertently adjusted. If password protection is enabled, the user will be prompted to enter a valid value to access any protected features. The user may also replace the default password value (1234) with their own unique value for greater protection of operational parameters.

Security Levels

CM-2201/CM-2202 has two levels of security. The high level
(Advanced Display) requires password protection. Disabling menu will parameter can At this level all are open. The low level (Normal Level) does not give access to parameters settings, but certain parameters (such as temperature, current, GFI, etc.) are open for monitori ng. If the password is “Enabled”, going directly to the parameter to be changed, and pressing the ‘up’ or ‘down’ arrow, will cause the controller to ask for the password. If correctly entered then saved. The password will automatically re-enabled. When disabled the password does not need to be entered to change and save parameters.
the password from the Password Enable/Disable keep the password disabled indefinitely – any
be changed without the use of a password.
the functions and monitoring parameters
the parameter can be changed and
stay disabled for 15 min, then be
©2018 Nelson H eat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev.6
General Operation CM-2201/CM-2202
The CM-2201/CM-2202 utilizes a 2-line x 16-character alphanumeric display viewable from the front keypad. The top line is reserved for the function or operation and the bottom line displays the value range.
The CM2201 monitors one heating circuit consisting of load (typically a heating cable) and controls the load temperature of the item being heated provided via one or two RTD’s connected to the controller.
Actual Right
To review the statistics that have been collected, press until “Statistics” is displayed then press scroll through the various statistics.
To change the control and monitoring settings (including
alarm settings), press the
arrow to scroll through the various settings. Any setting can be altered by pressing the Note that a 4-digit password may certain settings – when leftmost digit – or the second leftmost digit using the will flash until adjusted using arrows. When the last digit has been selected, press Enter and then changes will be allowed to the setting. Once the setting is adjusted, press the
To view alarms, press the
arrow to scroll through the various alarms. Alarms that are not active can be erased key.

Navigation for CM2201

until “Operating Values” is displayed, then press
arrow to scroll through the various values.
required, the cursor will flash on the
use the
arrow to decrease it. Move the cursor to the
based on the
(typically a pipe) as
attached to the pipe and
To monitor the load, press
Right or
arrow to increase this digit value
key and then
be required to change
key to store it.
key and then Right
by pressing the
arrow and it
arrow to

Navigation for CM2202

The CM2202 can monitor/control two separate heating circuits (channels). The controller defaults to Channel 1 upon first start-up. All par am eter s for Chann el 1 can be displayed and modified using standard techniques as described for the CM2201 in Section 5.2.1.
To change to Channel 2, simply press the “Actual” key and then Right arrow – the active channel will be displayed. To change the channel, press the Up arrow. In general, when the active channel is displayed (e.g. "CH.2"), the ch annel can be chan ged by pr essin g the Up or Down arrow.
©2018 Nelson H eat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev.6
CM-2201/CM-2202 General Operation


The keypad is “capacitive” touch sensitive and keys are activated by simply touching the area of the desired key with a finger, even when wearing gloves. Note that a stylus or other item used to touch the keypad will usually not activate the keys.

LED Functions

LED indicators will show the status of the respective The power LED will be illuminated when the connected to a source voltage. The heater LED will be illuminated when voltage is applied to any heater. The system LED will illuminate if there is an internal hardware issue with the controller. The comm LED will illuminate when the controller is sending data through external communication. The alarm LED will flash when there is a current active alarm condition or any circuit; the alarm LED will illuminate solid when an alarm was previously present but is not currently active.


By touching the “ the controller will scroll through all the active parameters.

Alarm Management

All alarm(s) will be saved in the alarm log. If no alar m s are active (alarm LED solid red) the Alarm LED can be turned off by touching “Reset” once for every alarm that previously occurred. If any alarm is active (alarm LED flashing red) the user cannot reset the alarm. The two alarm relays are SSR type. To set the contacts of the relays go to Settings – Heater Setup – Alarm contact. By choosing up/down arrow, the contacts can be selected to function as Normally Open or Normally Closed. Press “Enter” to save the selection. (See 7.2.12 for f urther information on the Alarm contacts setting).
controller is
button follow the arrow and
Power-Limiting Feature
The Power-Limiting feature operates similarly to the Start in that it restricts the amount of time the cable is energized during any given period thereby reducing the average current draw of the cable during that period.
For example, if a cable normally draws 8 Amps, but current limit is set to 6 Amps, then the cable would be energized
only 75% of the time.

Ground Faults

Ground faults typically are the result of damaged or improperly installed cables which allow current-carrying conductors/ surfaces/pa rt s to b e in co nta ct wi th gr ou nd ed objects.
For example, if a heating cabl e has bee n secur ed to a pipe with a clamp, and if the clamp has bee n overtig hte ned, then the ground braid and/or the pipe may come in contact with current carrying parts within the cable. This would result in current leakage to ground through the ground braid of the cable and/or the pipe itself. This type of
fault can eventually become serious, resulting
overheating/fire/shoc k hazar ds. Current leakage to can be monitored by electronic circuitry and the SPC/DPC can
be programmed to either alarm or trip when leakage current exceeds the specified maximum allowable amount.

5.9 Soft-Start Feature

The Soft-Start feature enables self-regulating cables to
be ener gized at low temperatur es without causing excessive
load on the electrical system and extending cable life by
reducing cable internal heat ing due to inrush cu r rent s . The
resistance of self-regulating cables decreases as the
cables get colder, which results in higher current and can
result in brea ker trips if temp eratures are ve ry cold and
the instal led le ngt h of c ab le is long . The Soft-Start feature
operates by initially only energizing the cable for a very short
period of time – while the current draw may be high du ring
this period, the period is usually short enough to reduce
average load on the elect rical syste m . This short energizatio n p eriod is repeated and eventually increased; after a few minutes, the cable is usually warm enough such that the resistance has increased and the current decreased to the point where it c an be conti nuou s ly energized.
©2018 Nelson H eat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev.6
Control Modes CM-2201/CM-2202

Control Modes

The CM-2201/CM-2202 allows the user to select different control modes based on their individual process control parameters.

On-Off Control

This control method simply energizes the cable until the actual monitored temperature rises to the setpoint value plus half the deadband value (upper limit). The cable is then de-energized until the actual monitored temperature setpoint value minus half the deadband value. Note that this type of control can result in some temperature “overshoot;” this is because the cable is de-energized temperature reaches the upper limit. in the cable continues to transfer the pipe temperature to Similarly, there can

Proportional Control

This control method uses the typical proportional control algorithm wherein the cable is cycled on and off at a rate
proportional to the difference between the setpoint value and the actual monitored temperature. As the difference between the setpoint value and the actual monitored cable is reduce the assoc iated with
energized increases proportionately. This helps
drops to the
when the monitored
However, the residual heat
to the pipe, and this will cause
increase slightly above the upper limit.
be some temperature “undershoot.”
temperature increases, the amount of time the
“overshoot” and “undershoot” commonly
On/Off control.
6.4 Forced Control Feature
This control me thod sim pl y allow s the user to for ce the cab le on or off as desired using an external signal (e.g. +5 VDC or 24 VAC) applied to the IN and G terminals or an external dry contact across the +5V and IN terminals. The External Disable must be set to “ON” to allow for external control, at which point the controller operates as follows:
A) If the Temperature setpoint is “OFF” or “None”, then the heater gets energized by applying the external signal or closing the external contact.
B) If the Temperature setpoint is a specific value (ex. 55C), then the setpoint will be maintained as per normal operation ONLY when the external signal is present, or the external contact is closed – otherwise, the heater will be disabled.
©2018 Nelson H eat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev.6
CM-2201/CM-2202 Programming
7.1 Program-Setpoints
Setpoint Value
This message displays the name of the sub-menu when entered.
This value sets the control setpoint temperature for all operating modes. For On-Off control, the circuit is energized if the control temperature is less than the maintain temperature minus the deadband. The circuit is greater than the maintain temperature plus the deadband. If maintain temp heater circuit will have temperature control temperature. If the maintain then the heater circuit will have no monitoring or control.
This value sets the Low Temperature Alarm setpoint. It must be less than the maintain temperature minus the To disable this alarm set the value to “Off’. measured temperature of either RTDA or RTD activated) is less than or equal to this setpoint, the Low Temperature Alarm is activated and a “LOW TEMP ALARM” message is added to the alarm stack. This alarm deactivates when the temperature rises above the alarm setpoint value.
Display Mode: All
Range: N/A
Default: N/A

Maintain Temp

de-energized if the control temperature is
Display Mode: All
Range: -50 to 500°C, none or -58°F to 932°F, none, Off
Default: 10° or 50°F

Low Temp Alarm

Display Mode: All
Range: -50C to Maintain Temperature, Off, -58°F to Maintain Temperature, Off
Default: 5°C or 41°F
Restrictions: Message does not exist if Maintain Temperature is set to Off.
is set to None then the
monitoring with no
temp is set to Off
When the
B (if

High Temp Alarm

This value sets the High Temperature Alarm setpoint. It must be greater than the maintain temperature plus deadband. To disable this alarm set the value to “Off” When the measured temperature of either RTDA or RTDB (if activated) is greater than or equal to this setpoint, the High Temperature Alarm is activated and a “HIGH TEMP ALARM” message is added to the alarm stack. The alarm deactivates when the temperature falls below this alarm setpoint.
This value sets the Low Current Alarm setpoint. It must be less than the high current alarm setpoint. To disable this is Alarm message is deactivates when alarm setpoint. Note: heater at 100% power. If Current Limiting is enabled, all will be scaled to 100% power, based resistive load, before being compared to the setpoint.
Display Mode: All
Range: Maintain Temperature to +500°C, Off,
Maintain Temperature to +932°F, Off
Default: Off
Restrictions: Message does not exist if Maintain

Low Current Alarm

alarm set the value to “Off’. When the heater current
less than or equal to this setpoint, the Low Current
is activated and a “LOW CURRENT ALARM”
added to the alarm stack. The alarm
Display Mode: All
Range: 0.1A to High Current Alarm value, Off
Default: Off
Temperature is set to Off.
the Heater Current rises above this
This setpoint is based on the
Proportional Control or
current measurements
on a constant
©2018 Nelson H eat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev.6
Programming CM-2201/CM-2202

High Current Alarm

This value sets the High Current Alarm setpoint. It must be greater than the low current alarm setpoint. To disable this alarm set the value to “Off’. When the heater current is greater than or equal to this setpoint, the High Current CURRENT ALARM” message stack. The alarm deactivates when falls below this alarm setpoint. This on the heater at 100% power. If Proportional Control or Current Limiting is enabled,
current measurements will be scaled to 100%
all power, based on a constant resistive load, before being compared to the
Display Mode: All
Range: Low Current Alarm value to 30.0A, Off
Default: Off

Ground Fault Alarm

This value sets the Ground Fault Alarm setpoint. It must be less than the ground fault trip setpoint. To disable this alarm set the value to "Off'. When the Ground Fault Current is greater than or equal to this setpoint, the Ground Fault is activated and a "GROUND FAULT ALARM" message added to the alarm stack. The alarm deactivates when Ground Fault Current falls below this alarm setpoint.
Display Mode: All
Range: 10 to Ground Fault Trip, Off
Default: 30mA

Ground Fault Trip

This value sets the Ground Fault Trip setpoint. It must be greater than the ground fault alarm setpoint. To disable this trip alarm set the value to “Off’. When the Ground Fault Current is greater than or equal to this setpoint, the de-energized, the Ground Fault Trip Alarm “GROUND FAULT TRIP” message is added stack. This is a latching alarm and trip. When of the alarm has been corrected, the circuit may energized by the manual reset function.
Display Mode: All
Range: Ground Fault Alarm to 500mA, Off
Default: 50mA
©2018 Nelson H eat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev.6
Alarm is activated and a “HIGH
alarm setpoint.
is added to the alarm
the heater current
setpoint is based
heater circuit is
is activated and a
to the alarm
the cause

Low Voltage Alarm

This value sets the Low Voltage Alarm setpoint. It must be less than the high voltage alarm setpoint. To disable this alarm set the value to “Off’. When the Line Voltage is less than or equal to this setpoint, the Low Voltage Alarm is activated and a “LOW VOLTAGE ALARM” message is added to the alarm stack. The alarm deactivates when the Line Voltage rises above this alarm setpoint.

Low Voltage Alarm Continued

Display Mode: All
Range: 85VAC to High Voltage Alarm, Off
Default: Off

High Voltage Alarm

This value sets the High Voltage Alarm setpoint. It must be greater than the Low Voltage Alarm setpoint. To disable this alarm set the value to “Off’. When the Heater Voltage is greater than or equal to this setpoint, the High Voltage Alarm is activated and a “HIGH VOLTAGE ALARM” Message is added to the alarm stack messages. The alarm this alarm
deactivates when the Heater Voltage drops below
Display Mode: All
Range: Low Voltage Alarm to 280VAC, Off
Default: Off

Program- Heater Setup

Heater Setup
This message displays the name of the sub-menu when entered.
This selection enables control and monitoring of the heater circuit. Setpoints and measured value messages cannot be “No” if the
Display Mode: Advanced
Range: N/A
Default: N/A

Heater Enable

accessed unless the heater is enabled. Select
Display Mode: All
Range: Yes, No
Default: No
circuit is not used.
CM-2201/CM-2202 Programming

Heater ID

This selection allows for user defined Heater Identification. for each heater alphanumeric from left to right. The cursor indicates which character is
selected. Press the [SELECT UP/DOWN] arrow keys
being to change the character. Move to the next character by pressing [NEXT] arrow. Press [ENTER] in the last character position to save
Display Mode: Advanced
Range: 16 Characters (CM-2201) 12 Character s (CM-2202)
Default: Blank

Heater Type

This selection allows the user to set which type of heati ng cable is b e ing used. Self regu la ting heat ing cable should not be used with proportional control, soft-start mode, or Power limiting; for this reason these options are unavailable when heater type is set to self regulating. When heater type is set to fixed resistance all control options are available. Display Mode: Advanced
Display Mode: Advanced
Range: Self Regulatin g, Fixed Resistance
Default: Fixe d Resistance

External Disable

This selection sets the response of the heater circuit to the Override inputs. The Override inputs respond to contact closure. If the Override is set to “Disable”, the override inputs are ignored, and control of the heater circuit operates normally based on the measured temperature and maintain temperature setpoint. If the Override is set to “Enable”, an the heater Off. closed, the heater control resumes in normal manner.
Display Mode: Advanced
Range: Enable, Disable
Default: Disable
It provides a unique, identifiable tag or label
circuit. The Heater Name allows up to 16
characters which are entered one at a time
the Heater ID.
open contact on the override inputs forces
When the contact on the override input is


The Deadband is defined as the difference between the set point temperature and the actual maximum temperature that is ideally allowed in excess of the setpoint temperature Decreasing the deadband increases the temperature control switching frequency.
Display Mode: Advanced
Range: 1 C° to 5 C°, 1 F° to 10 F°
Default: 2 C° or 5 F°
Note: Deadband is disabled for Proportional Control

Control Type

This selection determines the type of control method used or Proportional available for all heating mode is only available for devices.
This selection sets the maximum average current limit allowed for the heater circuit. It is useful for reducing the will for a draw to the
Display Mode: Advanced
Range: On-Off, Proportional
Default: On-Off
Selection does not exist if Heater type is set to Self regulating.
Selection does not exist if Maintain Temperature
set to Off.

Power Limit

power output of fixed resistance heaters. The load
be turned on for a period of time and then turned off
period of time to maintain the average current
Display Mode: Advanced
Range: 20% - 100%, Off
Default: Off
Note: The value range is in 10% increments.
accuracy but also increases the heater
by the controller, either On-Off (Deadband)
Control. The On-Off control mode is
devices. Proportional Control
series type heating
value set.
©2018 Nelson H eat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev.6
Programming CM-2201/CM-2202

Soft Start Mode

This function ramps the heater output from Off to nominal current of the heater over the set soft start cycle time. It regulating the load will function.
This selection determines how the control temperature is utilized by the RTD inputs.
is useful for reducing inrush currents of self-
heaters. At the end of the soft start cycle time,
no longer be controlled by the soft start
Display: Advanced
Range:10 to 999 seconds, Off
Default: Off

RTD Operation

In One RTD Mode, the temperature is based on the measured temperature from RTD-A. In Backup Mode, control temperature is based on RTD-A.
for any reason RTD-A fails, then RTD-B takes over.
If In Average Mode, the control temperature is based on the average of RTD-A and RTD-B measured temperatures. In Lowest Mode, control temperature is based on the lowest In Highest Mode, control temperature is based on the highest of the two temperature measurem ents. In High Temp er ature Cut off Mode, contr ol temperature is based on RTD-A, but if the temperature from RTD-B exceeds turned Off and a activated. The High Temperature operate in one RTD mode if the high is turned Off.

Functions requiring two RTDs to operate, such as Average, Lowest, Highest and High Temperature Cut off, will operate in One RTD mode if one of the two RTDs fail.

Temperature is set to Off.
of the two temperature measurements.
the high temperature alarm, the heater is
Display Mode: Advanced Range: One RTD, Backup, Average, Lowest, Highest, Default: One RTD
high temperature alarm is
cut off mode will temperature alarm
High Temperature Cut off
: Message does not exist if Maintain
during this “ALARM System Status alarm, and press value to “Off”. The heater is forced off for trip. Auto Test decreases warning of problems that until the heater was needed.
This selection sets the controllers fail-safe mode. The controller detects if RTD-A has failed and will use RTD-B
available. If RTD-B is not installed or has also
if failed, the as selected in this where there is no hazard from may select “On” to operate the heater and prevent freeze up. potential hazard from to de-energize the circuit available.
This selection sets the operating mode of the external alarm indicator.
will be open when there is no power applied to the unit (this can be useful for signaling loss of power to the unit) OR there is an active alarm OR there previously was an active alarm that has not been acknowledged.
The alarm contacts function as follows:
period, the Auto Test Alarm is activated and an
DURING AUTO TEST” message is added to the
messages. This is a latching alarm. To clear the
locate the alarm message in the Alarm menu
[ENTER]. To disable this feature, set the
Auto Test Cycle does not operate if
any reason, including ground fault
maintenance by providing an early would otherwise go undetected
Display Mode: Advanced Range:1 to720 hours, Off Default: 24 hours

RTD Failure Mode

heater will be set to its fail-safe state
mode. For freeze protection
For processes where there is a overheating, you may select “Off”,
Display Mode: Advanced Range: On, Off Default: Off
Temperature is set to Off.

Alarm Contact

Message does not exist if Maintain
By setting the contacts to NC, these contacts
overheating, you
until one of the RTD’s becomes

Auto Test Cycle

This value sets the frequency at which the Auto Test Cycle is activated. Auto Test is a feature that exercises the system by automatically applying power to the heater at specified time intervals. If an alarm condition is detected
©2018 Nelson H eat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev.6
Display Mode: Advanced
Range: Normally Open, Normally Closed
Default: Normally Open
Programming CM-2201/CM-2202

7.3 Program– System Setup

7.3.1 System Setup
This message displays the name of the sub-menu when entered.
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: N/A
3. Default: N/A


This selection determines if password protection is required show “disable” if program access is currently enabled and show “enable” if program access is currently disabled.
This selection allows the user to change the default password. The user is prompt to re-enter the old password, press [ENTER]. If correct, the user is prompt to enter the new password, press [ENTER]. The user is then prompt to re-enter the new password. If the user does not enter the new password and press [ENTER] then the password does not change.
This selection determines the unit of measure for temperature values. All temperatures are displayed in the Fahrenheit degrees (F°).
for programming changes. The display will
1. Display Mode: All
2. Range: Enable or Disable
3. Default: Enable

Change Password

1. Display Mode: All
2. Range: Yes, No
3. Default: No


selected units of either Celsius degrees (C°) or
1. Display Mode: Advance
2. Range: Celsius, Fahrenheit
3. Default: Celsius

7.3.5 Operational Costs

This value sets the cost per kWh of electrical power. This is used to calculate energy costs for operating this control circuit.

7.3.6 Display Mode

This selection determines what messages are displayed by the controller for operations personnel. If set to “advanced “normal user”, only the basic messages are displayed. Each message listed throughout this manual shows the Display Mode required to see the message. “Advanced only” indicates that the display mode must be set to “advanced user” to view the message.

7.3.7 Default Display

This function specifies the information that will be displayed when no key has been pressed for the Display Timeout interval as described below.
System status
Heater status Alarm status of
Heater temp Temperature of
1. Display Mode: Advance
2. Range: $0.01 to 1.00
3. Default: $0.05
user”. all messages are displayed. If set to
1. Display Mode: All
2. Range: Normal, Advance
3. Default: Advance
1. Range: System Status, Heater Status, Heater Temp
2. Default: system status
3. Restrictions: Temperature messages are not
displayed if Maintain Temperature is set
to Off.
Alarm status of all the heaters
the heater
©2018 Nelson H eat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev.6
Programming CM-2201/CM-2202

7.3.8 Display Timeout

This function sets the length of time from the last key press, to automatically return to the Default Display information.
1. Display Mode: Advance
2. Range:5 to 600 seconds, Off
3. Default: 120 seconds

7.3.9 Modbus Address

This selection sets a unique address to ensure only one CM- 2201 attempts communications with the master unit at any time. See Section 8.0 for complete information on Modbus communications.
1. Display Mode: Advance
2. Range: 1 to 255 to accommodate multiple
3. Default: 1
Selecting “Off’ disables this function.
devices on same network.

7.3.10 Baud Rate

Sets the communication baud rate for the RS485 serial port. All controllers connected to the same data highway must operate on the same baud rate.
1. Display Mode: Advance
2. Range: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200
3. Default: 9600

7.3.11 Reset Module

This selection resets controller memory parameters to factory default values. If the controller’s memory becomes corrupt, resetting the module will force the controller to overwrite each register and may correct any problems that
1. Display Mode: Advance
2. Range: yes, no
3. Default: no

7.4 Program- System Test

7.4.1 System Test
This message displays the name of the sub-menu when entered.
©2018 Nelson H eat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev.6
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: N/A
3. Default: N/A

7.4.2 Alarm Output Test

This function is used for testing and commissioning purposes allowing the alarm output to be forced On either for a short period of time or continuously. At the end of the specified time duration, the testing option is automatically operate if the alarm configuration is set to disable and the message “ALARM DISABLED” will appear.
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: 1-24 hours, Disabled, Continuously
3. Default: disabled
disabled. The alarm test function will not

7.4.3 Heater Test

This function overrides heater control for maintenance purposes. For normal operation, set to “disable”. If a period of time is selected, the heater is forced On or Off for the selected interval. If “continuous” is selected the heater is forced On until “disable” is selected.
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: 1-24 hours, Disabled, On Continuously
3. Default: disabled
7.4.4 Ground Fault Test
This function will test the ground fault trip function of the controller to ensure proper operation. When selected, the controller will generate an artificial ground fault current; if sensed as being greater than 30 The GF test function will verify actual ground fault current and heater trip. Status of the test will be displayed as pass or fail. If this test has been invoked by the “Now” option and it passes, the user is prompted to the load is capable of being re-energized as required. If this test has been invoked by the “Autotest” option and it passes, the load is allowed to be reenergized as required. If this test has been invoked by the Autotest cycle and it fails, an Autotest alarm is generated but the load is allowed to be re-energized as required.
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: Autotest cycle, Now, Disabled
3. Default: Disabled
the ground fault current is
mA, the test passes.
reset the ground fault trip, at which time
CM-2201/CM-2202 Communications

8.0 Communications

The Nelson Heat Trace CM-2201 supports a subset of the Modbus® RTU protocol format that provides monitoring, programming, and control functions using Read (03) and Write (05-06) register commands.

General Information

Serial Port:
Baud Rate: User Defined at 2400, Data Bits: 8 Stop Bits: 1 Parity: Device Address:

Modbus Registers

For all Modbus register addresses,
Example of checking alarms via Modbus from a remote terminal.
Controller SETTINGS and Status used on this example:
a. Modbus address 04 b. Baud rate 19200; non-parity; Stop bit 1. c. High Temperature alarm active
To check if any alarm is activated, send the following instruction:
The controller will answer with value 0x02 (High Temperature Alarm) active Alarm
Once the alarm condition has been resolved, the alarm can be cleared by sending the following instruction: “04 05 0045 FF00 9C4C”
At this point the controller enters the alarm into the alarm log memory and clears the active alarm. To check the alarm log memory, see below.
©2018 Nelson H eat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev.6
Select the serial port that corresponds to your RS-485 adapter. USB to Serial adapter may be used for devices without serial connections.
4800, 9600 or 19200
None User Defined between 1 and 255
see Appendix E.
04 03 0046 0026 2590 04 = controller Modbus number 03 = Modbus function code 3 0046 = start reading from data address
70 0026 = the next 38 addresses 2590 = CRC
04 =controller Modbus number 05 = Modbus function code 5 0045 = writing to data address 165 FF00 = erase command
9C4C = CRC
If the command to check if any alarm is activated (as shown in (1) above) is now sent to the controller, and assuming no other alarms have since been activated, the controller will answer with 0x0000 (no active alarms).
To check the alarm log memory, issue the following instructions:
04 03 006E 0026 A598 04 = controller Modbus number 03 = Modbus function code 3 006E = start reading from data address
110 0026 = the next 38 addresses A598 = CRC
The High Temperature Alarm will be listed here, so the controller will answer 0x02. The Alarm log can hold 20 alarms. After 20 alarms the oldest alarm will be erased to allow for storage of the new alarm. To erase all alarms on alarm log, see below.
To erase all alarms on the Alarm log from the remote terminal, send the following instruction:
04 05 0097 FF00 3D83 04 = controller Modbus number 05 = Modbus function code 0097 = data address 151 to write FF00 = command to erase all memory log 3D83 = CRC
Note: The DPC can read up to 45 addresses per command
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