APM PV248-2500HFW, PV248-3000HFR, PV248-2500HFPR, PV248-3000HFW, PV248-3000HFPW User Manual

APM Technologies (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.
Smart HF Series Single-phase PV Off-grid Inverter
Smart HF Series Single-phase PV Off-grid Inverter
Part NO. 18950-358-00(PD)
APM Technologies (Dongguan) Co., Ltd
Smart HF Series Single-phase PV Off-grid Inverter
Foreword -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Precautions -------------------------------------------------- -------------------
1 Production Introduction -------------------------------------------------------- 5
1.1 Product Features ------------------------------------------------------ ----
1.2 Main Specifications ------------------------------------------------ ---------
1.3 System Structure Diagram ---------------------------------------------- ----
2 Display Panels ---------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.1 Front Panel Display --------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.2 Front Panel LED Display----------------------------------------------------
2.3 Rear Panel Display---------------------------------------------------------
3 System Operation Mode Introduction ---------------------------------------- -
3.1 UPS Mode-----------------------------------------------------------------
3.2 PV Energy Saving Mode----------------------------------------------------
3.3 System Initial Setting--------------------------------------------- --- -------
3.4 Steps for System Mode Setting---------------------------------------------
3.5 Monitoring Software (Optional)---------------------------------------------
3.6 Protection & Malfunction Warning Display----------------------------------
4 Installation and Wiring--------------------------------------------------------
4.1 Battery Connection Cables ------------------------------------------------
4.2 Proposed Battery Pack Conguration --------------------------------------
4.3 Packing List --------------------------------------------- ------------------
4.4 Quick Installation Guide----------------------------------------------- --- -
4.5 Schematic Diagram of System Installation - --------------------------------
4.6 Deduction Amount Usage- --- --- ------------------------------------------
4. 7 Precautions of Load Application ------------------- --- --- --- --------------
5 Common Faults & Solutions ---------------------------------------------------
6 Warranty Statement ---------------------------------------------------------- 32
7 Product Recycling------------------ ------------------------------------------ 36
8 Contact Us------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
Table of Contents
Foreword -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Precautions -------------------------------------------------- -------------------
1 Production Introduction -------------------------------------------------------- 5
1.1 Product Features ------------------------------------------------------ ----
1.2 Main Specifications ------------------------------------------------ ---------
1.3 System Structure Diagram ---------------------------------------------- ----
2 Display Panels ---------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.1 Front Panel Display --------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.2 Front Panel LED Display----------------------------------------------------
2.3 Rear Panel Display---------------------------------------------------------
3 System Operation Mode Introduction ---------------------------------------- -
3.1 UPS Mode-----------------------------------------------------------------
3.2 PV Energy Saving Mode----------------------------------------------------
3.3 System Initial Setting--------------------------------------------- --- -------
3.4 Steps for System Mode Setting---------------------------------------------
3.5 Monitoring Software (Optional)---------------------------------------------
3.6 Protection & Malfunction Warning Display----------------------------------
4 Installation and Wiring--------------------------------------------------------
4.1 Battery Connection Cables ------------------------------------------------
4.2 Proposed Battery Pack Configuration --------------------------------------
4.3 Packing List --------------------------------------------- ------------------
4.4 Quick Installation Guide----------------------------------------------- --- -
4.5 Schematic Diagram of System Installation - --------------------------------
4.6 Deduction Amount Usage- --- --- ------------------------------------------
4. 7 Precautions of Load Application ------------------- --- --- --- --------------
5 Common Faults & Solutions ---------------------------------------------------
6 Warranty Statement ---------------------------------------------------------- 32
7 Product Recycling------------------ ------------------------------------------ 36
8 Contact Us------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
HF: Hybrid PV off-gri d inver ters (includes mains complementary/mains charging function); HFP: Pure PV off -grid i nvert ers (without mains complementary/mains charging function);
Rated Output Power;
48: Battery rated voltage input is 48V;
2: Rated Output Voltage 208Vac /220Vac/2 30Vac/240Vac;
PV: P V Off-grid Inverter;
Dea r user, t hank you fo r cho osin g the S mart HF Se ries Single Pha se PV Off­gri d Inv erte r dev elop ed by AP M Tech nolo gies (Don ggua n) Co ., Lt d. W e sin cere ly hop e this s olar i nver ter ca n meet y our re quir emen ts.
All desc ript ions give n in this Us er Ma nual are a ppli cabl e for the f ollowing mod els of s ingl e phas e PV off -grid inverters:
PV2 48-2 000H FR(W ); P V248 -250 0HFR (W); PV248-30 00HF R(W);
PV2 48-3 500H FR(W ); P V248 -400 0HFR (W); PV248-45 00HF R(W);
All des crip tion s g iven i n this Us er Man ual are a ppli cabl e t o the fo llow ing mod els of S erie s Sin gle- phas e PV O ff- grid Inve rter ( Pure PV o ff- grid i nver ters , wit hout m ains c ompl emen tary o r main s char ging f unct ion) :
PV2 48-2 000H FPR( W); PV24 8-25 00HF PR(W );
PV2 48-3 000H FPR( W); PV24 8-35 00HF PR(W );
PV2 48-4 000H FPR( W); PV24 8-45 00HF PR(W );
Wor ds Exp lana tion
“ S M A R T ” m e a n s f l e x i b l e a n d i n t e l l i g e n t , “ H F ” m e a n s h i g h - f r e q u e n c y tra nsfo rmer i sola tion t echn olog y.
Ple ase re ad thi s User M anua l care full y befo re ope rati ng the P V inve rter.
Model Coding:
Manual, which shall not be reproduced without permission.
therefore mismatches or wrong descriptions of the products might occur. Please refer to the actu al p urcha se, down load o r acqui re t he lates t Use r Manua l fro m www.apmtech.cn or salesperson.
R: Ra ck-mo unted ; W: Wall- mounted;
May 2016
APM Technologies (Dongguan) Co., Ltd has all contents used in this User
Manual, which shall not be reproduced without permission.
The contents of this User Manual will be constantly updated and revised, and
therefore mismatches or wrong descriptions of the products might occur. Please refer to the actu al p urcha se, down load o r acqui re t he lates t Use r Manua l fro m www.apmtech.cn or salesperson.
Ple ase re ad thi s User M anua l care full y befo re ins tall atio n:
(1) This sym bol i dent ifie s infor mati on t hat i mpro per o pera tion may re sult in ser ious i njur y and/ or maj or dam age to t he equ ipme nt.
(2) Only q uali fied e lect rici ans ar e allo wed to i nsta ll and m aint ain th e inve rter.
(3) All th e e lectric in stal lati on nee ds to be c ompl ianc e with t he nat iona l or loca l law s and st anda rds.
(4) Do not pl ace the P V i nver ter in a hi gh hum idit y e nvir onme nt or adj acen t to a wat er tow er.
(5) Do n ot place the PV i nver ter in a hig h te mper atur e en viro nmen t, e xpos e to dir ect su nlig ht or ne ar a fir e loca tion .
(6) When r epla cing t he ba tter y, please use t he bat tery of sam e bran d and cap acit y. It is p rohi bite d to use the batt ery of differe nt br ands a nd ca paci ties tog ethe r. N ever p ut the b atte ry or ba tter y bank n earb y a fire s ourc e.
(7) Batt ery aging pro blem is i ncre ased wit h its inc reas ing usag e. On ce t he agi ng pro blem is sur face d, ple ase has the battery ch ange d by a pr ofes sion al techn i cian t o avoi d incid e nt o f b attery cell l e a kages t hat may r e s ult in a spo ntan eous comb ustion. It i s re comm ende d to perf orm a ro utin e mai nten ance & ins pect ion on t he bat tery.
Smart HF Series Single-phase PV Off-grid Inverter--Precaution
(1) This sym bol i dent ifie s infor mati on t hat i mpro per o pera tion may re sult in
med ium in jury a nd/o r dama ge to th e equi pmen t.
(2) Bewa re of hot sur face . T he inve rter wil l b ecom e h ot duri ng oper atio n.
Ple ase av oid co ntac t duri ng ope rati on.
(3) Keep the inve rter 's air inta ke and exha ust pat hs unob stru cted (Not e:
Sho uld ke ep at le ast 15 cm of di stan ce fro m the ba ck and f ront c over s).
(4) Do not plac e any f orei gn o bjec t o n the P V inve rter to a void interrupting
hea t disp ersi on.
dam age to t he equ ipme nt.
sha ll be us ed for f inal i nsta llat ion.
a T N (g roun ded) sys tem. It' s me ans that the tran sfor mer seco ndar y wi ndin g sh all one circ uit cond ucto r bon ded to ea rth to cr eate a gr ound ed co nduc tor and a n ear thed sy stem . Exte rnal Mi niat ure ci rcui t brea kers an d Ty pe A RCD sha ll be use d for t he tra nsfo rmer o utpu t and th en to ho useh old ap plia nces .
for f inal i nsta llat ion.
sha ll b e used . T he b atte ry c ompa rtme nts shal l be at l east b asic i nsulation bet ween i t's li ve par ts and m etal f rame .
res ista nce de tect ion de vice s hall b e used f or fin al ins tall atio n.
oth erwi se inv erte r dama ge may o ccur.
oth erwi se irr ecov erab le dam age ma y occu r.
dim ), the g ener ator s uppl ies DC v olta ge to th e inve rter.
rat ing.
Smart HF Series Single-phase PV Off-grid Inverter--Precaution
Mus t be gro unde d befo re ope rati on.
Onl y qual ifie d elec tric ians a re all owed t o inst all an d main tain t he inv erte r. Ign orin g t he f ollo wing ins truc tion s c an cause phy sica l i njur y or dea th, or
dam age to t he equ ipme nt.
(1) For A C input s ide: ext erna l Mi niat ure c ircu it b reak ers and Typ e B R CD
sha ll be us ed for f inal i nsta llat ion.
(2) Fo r AC outp ut side : e xter nal fre quen cy tran sfor mer sha ll be used to cre ate
a T N (g roun ded) sys tem. It' s me ans that the tran sfor mer seco ndar y wi ndin g sh all one circ uit cond ucto r bon ded to ea rth to cr eate a gr ound ed co nduc tor and a n ear thed sy stem . Exte rnal Mi niat ure ci rcui t brea kers an d Ty pe A RCD sha ll be use d for t he tra nsfo rmer o utpu t and th en to ho useh old ap plia nces .
(3) Fo r b atte ry ter mina l s ide: Ex tern al Min iatu re circ uit bre aker s shal l b e u sed
for f inal i nsta llat ion.
haz ardo us vol tage a nd en eygy o n batt ery termi nal. B atte ry com part ment s
sha ll b e used . T he b atte ry c ompa rtme nts shal l be at l east b asic i nsulation bet ween i t's li ve par ts and m etal f rame .
(4) For PV inp ut s ide, Ext erna l M inia ture cir cuit bre aker s a nd Arr ay i nsul atio n
res ista nce de tect ion de vice s hall b e used f or fin al ins tall atio n.
(1) The inve rter inp ut v olta ge does n ot excee d th e ma ximu m in put volt age;
oth erwi se inv erte r dama ge may o ccur.
(2) The po siti ve and nega tive p ole of sola r modu les ca n not b e grou nded,
oth erwi se irr ecov erab le dam age ma y occu r.
(3) When the pho tovoltaic g ener ator cells are exp osed to lig ht ( even if i t is
dim ), the g ener ator s uppl ies DC v olta ge to th e inve rter.
(1) The reco mmen ded sol ar m odul es need to c ompl y w ith IEC6 1730 Clas s A
rat ing.
(2) The in vert ers ar e only f or cry stal line s ilic on sol ar mod ules .
HAZ ARDO US VOLTAG E AND E NEYG Y ON B ATTERY T ERMI NAl. B atte ry com part ment s sh all b e us ed. R isk of fire and sho ck, con nect bat tery te rmin als pri or to th e turn o ff PV isolators and disconn ect al l AC s witc hs.
Smart HF Series Single-phase PV Off-grid Inverter--Precaution
effective 3 2 - b i t D S P c o n t r o l , a n d a h i g h - f r e q u e n c y t r a n s f o r m e r i s o l a t i o n tec hnol ogy. T he a djus tmen ts of outp ut v olta ge an d fre quen cy, sw itch over of U PS mod e o r P V e nerg y s avin g mode ca n a ll be perf orme d f rom the s etti ng keyb oard at the f ront p anel o r from a m onit orin g soft ware .
ene rgy sav ing mode . The u sers can ad just th ese mod es according to de mand . Whe n t he UPS m ode is se lect ed, el ectr icit y f rom a lo cal pow er gri d flow s t hrou gh a byp ass circ uit to all the l oad app lian ces. When the powe r supp ly of l ocal powe r gri d is no t st able or bei ng s hut dow n, t he load app lian ces wil l ob tain po wer supp ly from a batte ry bank t hroug h t he PV inver ter, w hich is actin g a s a typi cal uni nter rupt ible p ower s uppl y syst em.
wil l g ive priority to rech arge the batt ery b ank, and supp ly p ower to al l the l oad app lian ces a t th e sam e ti me, t hus enab ling the full use of so lar ener gy in ord er to cut ba ck the amou nt of electricity en ergy fe edin g b y the l ocal po wer grid . O nly whe n the batt ery pow er is l ower than the bat tery prot ecti on shut down poin t, the pow er s uppl y w ill be obta ined from t he bypa ss l ocal gr id o r t he i nver ter shu tdow n, so a s to prol ong t he b atte ry life . User s c an c hoos e t he cor rect op erat ing m ode acc ordi ng to th eir ow n need s or wea ther c ondi tion s.
pan els and AC lo cal gr id pow er, and ena ble PV i nver ters t o feed t he AC l oads w hile giv ing a prio rity t o use the e nerg y from s olar pane ls t o char ge t he b atte ry b ank thr ough MPPT con trol lers , hen ce to ach ieve the g oal o f maximum ene rgy s avin g. Onl y use a loc al pow er gri d f or bat tery c harg ing wh en the PV en ergy can not gua rant ee th e ser vice life of ba tter y so a s to f ully ensu re th e bat tery 's sa fety and ser vice l ife. Insi de th e PV in vert er ar e an in tegr ated sola r MPPT con trol ler an d a loc al g rid rec harg er, s o t he u sers only nee d to conn ect the PV inve rter with bat teri es, loc al pow er grid a nd sola r pane ls to set up a gr een energy-saving pow er sup ply s tati on, whic h c an ful fill th e goal of gr een envi ronm enta l p rote ctio n and ene rgy sa ving .
Do n ot c arry out any wiring an d in spec tion or c hang ing c ompo nent s wh en the pow er supp ly is applied. Haza rdou s volt ages may stil l be pre sent in the inv erte r eve n if the exte rnal c ircu it br eake rs are all sw itch ed of f. Wait at leas t 500 s a fter swit chin g off t he i nvert er. This e nsure s that the c apac itors a re elec tric ally dis char ged.
Do no t dispose o f the p rodu ct tog ether wit h hous ehol d was te, bu t only in acc orda nce wit h the loca lly appl icab le regu lati ons for the dis posa l o f e lect roni c was te.
Ple ase re ad thi s User M anua l care full y befo re ins tall atio n.
Appliance is in compliance with CE standards.
Product Introduction
Sma rt HF ser ies DC/A C si ne wa ve P V off-grid i nver ters are ado ptin g a h ighl y
effective 3 2 - b i t D S P c o n t r o l , a n d a h i g h - f r e q u e n c y t r a n s f o r m e r i s o l a t i o n tec hnol ogy. T he a djus tmen ts of outp ut v olta ge an d fre quen cy, sw itch over of U PS mod e o r P V e nerg y s avin g mode ca n a ll be perf orme d f rom the s etti ng keyb oard at the f ront p anel o r from a m onit orin g soft ware .
Sma rt HF seri es inve rter has two app lica ble mod es: (1) UPS mode , a nd (2) PV
ene rgy sav ing mode . The u sers can ad just th ese mod es according to de mand . Whe n t he UPS m ode is se lect ed, el ectr icit y f rom a lo cal pow er gri d flow s t hrou gh a byp ass circ uit to all the l oad app lian ces. When the powe r supp ly of l ocal powe r gri d is no t st able or bei ng s hut dow n, t he load app lian ces wil l ob tain po wer supp ly from a batte ry bank t hroug h t he PV inver ter, w hich is actin g a s a typi cal uni nter rupt ible p ower s uppl y syst em.
If used th e PV ene rgy sav ing mode to geth er w ith sol ar p anel s, the PV i nver ter
wil l g ive priority to rech arge the batt ery b ank, and supp ly p ower to al l the l oad app lian ces a t th e sam e ti me, t hus enab ling the full use of so lar ener gy in ord er to cut ba ck the amou nt of electricity en ergy fe edin g b y the l ocal po wer grid . O nly whe n the batt ery pow er is l ower than the bat tery prot ecti on shut down poin t, the pow er s uppl y w ill be obta ined from t he bypa ss l ocal gr id o r t he i nver ter shu tdow n, so a s to prol ong t he b atte ry life . User s c an c hoos e t he cor rect op erat ing m ode acc ordi ng to th eir ow n need s or wea ther c ondi tion s.
Sma rt HF seri es pr oduc ts ca n cha rge the b atte ry ba nk th roug h bot h the sola r
pan els and AC lo cal gr id pow er, and ena ble PV i nver ters t o feed t he AC l oads w hile giv ing a prio rity t o use the e nerg y from s olar pane ls t o char ge t he b atte ry b ank thr ough MPPT con trol lers , hen ce to ach ieve the g oal o f maximum ene rgy s avin g. Onl y use a loc al pow er gri d f or bat tery c harg ing wh en the PV en ergy can not gua rant ee th e ser vice life of ba tter y so a s to f ully ensu re th e bat tery 's sa fety and ser vice l ife. Insi de th e PV in vert er ar e an in tegr ated sola r MPPT con trol ler an d a loc al g rid rec harg er, s o t he u sers only nee d to conn ect the PV inve rter with bat teri es, loc al pow er grid a nd sola r pane ls to set up a gr een energy-saving pow er sup ply s tati on, whic h c an ful fill th e goal of gr een envi ronm enta l p rote ctio n and ene rgy sa ving .
Smart HF Series Single-phase PV Off-grid Inverter--Product Introduction
Sma rt H F s erie s in vert er has a pure sine wav e o utpu t, a nd it c an cont inuo usly sup ply 105 % load o utpu t and has t he cap acit y to cope w ith 12 0% sho rt tim e ove rloa d an d 15 0% i nstantaneous ov erlo ad. The PV inve rter is sui tabl e to use fo r indu ctive , capac itive a n d othe r h arsh load types . Appli catio n a reas cove rs c o m p u t e r , c o m m u n i c a t i o n , y a c h t a n d r e c r e a t i o n a l v e h i c l e a n d h o m e ent erta inme nt dev ices , mot or, powe r dev ice, i ndus tria l con trol e quip ment and var ious t ypes o f hous ehol d appl ianc es.
1.1 Product Fe a t ures
Pur e sine w ave ou tput ( THD < 3% ) 32- bit hi gh ef fici ent D SP co ntro l and high-frequency tra nsfo rmer isol atio n tec hnol ogy. Max . effi cien cy is up t o 93% Rat ed out put po wer: 1 00% lo ad. In stan tane ous ou tput p ower : 150% l oad. Out put volt age, ef fici ency an d op erat ing mode ar e ad just able via th e fr ont pan el or re mote m onit orin g. Bui lt-i n inpu t and ou tput b ypas s prot ecti on fun ctio ns. UPS a nd PV en ergy -sav ing mo des th at can e asil y be swi tche d over. Equ ippe d w ith a controllable b ypas s f or loca l grid powe r output, and the
swi tch- over t ime be twee n the gr id and P V inve rter i s 10ms (Typ.) .
Vis ual LE D disp lay of t he com plete operating sta tus. Low b atte ry pow er war ning a larm a nd ind icat ion. MPP T cont rol, h igh ch arging effici ency w ith th e char ging c urre nt of up t o 50A. RS4 85 rem ote mo nito ring f unct ion (O ptio nal) . 2-y ear pr oduc t warr anty.
Smart HF Series Single-phase PV Off-grid Inverter--Product Introduction
1.2 Main Speci f i cations
1.2 Main Speci f i cations
Smart HF Series Single-phase PV Off-grid Inverter--Product Introduction
Specifica tio ns for the Smart H F Ser ies Single-p has e PV Off -gr id Inverter
PV248-200 0HF W
PV248-200 0HF R
PV248-200 0HF PW
PV248-200 0HF PR
PV248-250 0HF W
PV248-250 0HF R
PV248-250 0HF PW
PV248-250 0HF PR
PV248-300 0HF W
PV248-300 0HF R
PV248-300 0HF PW
PV248-300 0HF PR
PV248-350 0HF W
PV248-350 0HF R
PV248-350 0HF PW
PV248-350 0HF PR
PV248-400 0HF W
PV248-400 0HF R
PV248-400 0HF PW
PV248-400 0HF PR
PV248-450 0HF W
PV248-450 0HF R
PV248-450 0HF PW
PV248-450 0HF PR
PV Input
Vmax PV(Vd. c.)
Isc PV(A) PV input operating voltage
Full load M PPT range (Vd.c.)
Maximum operating PV input c urrent (A)
Max. inverter backfeed current to the arra y (A)
RechargingEfficienc y
AC output Nominal A C output voltage
(Va.c.) Adjustable AC output
voltage (Va.c.)
Nominal A C output frequency (Hz)
Wave Type
Effici encies Maximum continuous AC
output powe r (VA) Maximum continuous AC
output curr ent (A)
Power f actor range
Maximum output fault current
Maximum output over current protection
230 Va.c.
208 Va.c. /22 0 Va.c. /23 0 Va.c./24 0 Va.c.
50 Hz
Pure sine wav e (TH D < 3.0%)
Max. 93%
2500VA 3000VA 3500VA 4 000 VA 4500VA
9A 11.5 A 14A 1 6.5A 19A 21 .5A
1 1 1 1 1 1
18A 23A 28A 33A 3 8A
13.5A 17 A 21 A 25 A 28 .5A
SCP, O LP & OPT AC input Nominal A C input voltage
Nominal A C input frequency (Hz)
Maximum continuous AC input p ower (VA)
Maximum continuous AC input c urrent (A)
230 Va.c.
50 Hz
2000VA 2500VA 3000VA 3500VA 4 000 VA 4500VA
9A 11.5 A 14A 16.5A 19A 21.5A
Remark: The above AC inp ut parameters are n ot applicable to th e inverters denot ing by HFP
Battery ter min al (Charging m ode )
Nominal charging voltage (Vd.c.)
Charging voltage range (Vd.c.)
Nominal charging current (A)
Maximum continuous charging current (A)
Maximum continuous charging power (W)
Battery ter min al (Discharg ing m ode) Nominal discharge voltage
(Vd.c.) Nominal discharge current
(A) Maximum continuous
discharging current (A)
41.7A 52. 5A 62.5A 73 A 8 3.5A 94 A
46.5A 58. 5A 70A 81.5A 93 A 1 05A
1.3 System Block Diagram
Solar Panel
AC Input
AC Charger
Solar Charger
AC Output
F -
igure1 1 System Block Diagram
Smart HF Series Single-phase PV Off-grid Inverter--Product Introduction
2.1 Front Panel
Maximum continuous discharging power (W)
2000W 2 500W 3 000 W 3500W 4000W 4500W
General par ame ters
OCP, B attery RC P, Low batt ery a utomati c ala rm, Low bat ter y automat ic cu toff .
Protective class Ingress protection (IP) Relative humidity range
Allowable Altitude Storage temperature range Ambient service
temperature range
Dimension Reference
Weigh t Reference
IP2 0
5 % to 85 % (Non c ond ensing)
2000m (F or ov er 2000m, t he ra ted power d ecr eases 10% b y eve ry 1000m dr op) .
-40 to +85
-20 to +40, I ndo or, condit ion ed
482.6× 88. 9×450.0 mm( rack-mo unt ed);347 ×47 5×165mm (wa ll-moun ted )
16Kg 16Kg 18 Kg 1 8Kg 1 8Kg 1 8Kg
Frequ enc y Tra nsf ormer
+ 30 hidden pages