Apeks QUANTUM User Manual

Nitrox Dive Computer
User's Guide
Quantum Owner's Manual
FOR YOUR SAFETY..................................................................5
SECTION 1: Using the Quantum on the Surface .......................8
The Mode Button ............................................................................................. 8
Time Display Mode (pre-dive)............................................................................. 10
Backlight ...................................................................................................... 12
Low Battery Indicator .................................................................................... 12
Time Display Mode (post-dive) ...........................................................................13
Wait-to-y Guidelines ...........................................................................................14
Dive Settings Mode...............................................................................................15
Plan Mode .............................................................................................................19
Logbook Mode .....................................................................................................21
Logbook Page 1.............................................................................................. 23
Logbook Page 2.............................................................................................. 24
Recorded violations......................................................................................... 24
Prole Mode .........................................................................................................25
Quantum Owner's Manual
PC Transfer Mode.................................................................................................27
Set Time Mode .....................................................................................................28
Change Units of Measure.....................................................................................30
SECTION 2: Diving with the Quantum ....................................31
Pre-Dive Checklist................................................................................................. 31
Automatic Activation............................................................................................32
Testing the water contacts ................................................................................ 32
No-decompression Dive Mode.............................................................................33
Primary Display ............................................................................................. 33
Alternate Display............................................................................................ 35
Safety Stop..................................................................................................... 36
Switching Nitrox Mixes................................................................................... 37
Decompression Dive Mode ..................................................................................38
Summary of Warnings and Alarms......................................................................40
FO2 Warning................................................................................................ 40
Fast Ascent Warning ..................................................................................... 40
PO2 Warning .............................................................................................. 41
Decompression Stop Violation Warning.............................................................. 41
Oxygen Limit Warning ................................................................................... 42
Out-of-Range Warning ................................................................................... 42
Quantum Owner's Manual
Gage Mode............................................................................................................43
Primary display ............................................................................................. 43
Alternate display ............................................................................................ 44
System Reset Button ............................................................................................. 45
CARE & MAINTENANCE........................................................46
Care before the dive .............................................................................................46
Care during the dive.............................................................................................46
Care after the dive ................................................................................................ 47
Changing the Battery ...........................................................................................47
Battery Removal and Replacement .................................................................... 48
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.............................................52
Accuracy ................................................................................................................ 52
Measurement Range.............................................................................................52
Nitrox Settings ...................................................................................................... 53
Operational Limits ...............................................................................................53
Battery ...................................................................................................................53
Physical Dimensions ............................................................................................. 54
Quantum Owner's Manual


All warnings and cautions are identified with the triangle symbol. Whenever you see a warning or a caution, read it carefully, as it may protect you from serious injury or damage to the product. Read the manual in its entirety before attempting to use the Quantum computer.
WARNING: Decompression sickness (aka, “the bends”) is an inherent risk of SCUBA diving. Even if you properly follow all the instructions in this manual, and dive within the recreational limits of SCUBA diving, you still run the risk of getting decompression sickness, or some other inherent risk of SCUBA diving. Unless you are fully aware of these risks and are willing to personally accept and assume responsibility for those risks, do not use the Quantum dive computer
The Quantum, or any other dive computer, does not actually monitor changes that occur in your body as you dive. Rather, it is performing calculations using algo­rithms developed by leading decompression experts and backed by years of research and thousands of dives. However, these algorithms cannot account for factors like dehydration, fatigue, obesity, or poor physical conditioning. Therefore, always leave a comfortable safety margin in respect to no-decompression time and ascent speed. The computer is designed to ASSIST you in making a dive, not to CONTROL your dive.
Quantum Owner's Manual
WARNING: Using the Quantum will not prevent decompression sickness, but using it sensibly reduces this risk. You must accept that there is no device or procedure that will totally prevent the possibility of a decom­pression accident.
Quantum Owner's Manual


Congratulations on the purchase of your new Quantum dive computer. As with all diving equipment, it is important to understand the features and functions of the Quantum. Before using the computer, read this manual in its entirety. Contained within this manual are illustrations to aid you in understanding the computer.
Section 1 instructs you on how to navigate through the Quantum’s surface modes. Section 2 describes all the underwater displays and functions while diving with the Quantum. Lastly, Section 3 covers care & maintenance.
This manual will clearly and concisely instruct you on the use of the Quantum. However, if you have any questions on the material contained in this manual, please contact your nearest authorized dealer.
Quantum Owner's Manual


Using the Quantum on the Surface

The Push Buttons

The Quantum has three buttons that allow you to access modes, change settings and switch displays. Throughout this manual, the buttons will be referred to as MODE, A, and B (see figure 1). The detailed function of each button is explained throughout this manual.

The Mode Button

All the surface functions are accessed by pressing the MODE button. The Quantum has seven surface modes: TIME (time of day display), DIVE (dive settings), PLAN (plan mode), LOG (logbook memory), PROF (dive profile memory), PC (PC download) and SET (time and date settings).
Figure 1. Push Buttons
Quantum Owner's Manual
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Pressing the MODE button scrolls through the seven modes. As you scroll through the modes, the name of each mode is displayed at the bottom of the screen (see figure 2)
Figure 2.
Mode Names
In this section, each mode will be explained in the order it appears as shown in figure 2.
Quantum Owner's Manual

Time Display Mode (pre-dive)

The Quantum’s default mode is the Time Display Mode (figure 3). The computer always returns to the time display after making a dive or exiting from one of the other modes, such as Plan Mode or Log Mode. If there is no button activity for several minutes while in another mode, the computer will automatically exit back to the time display.
a. Time of day: Displayed in 12-hour
or 24-hour format. The 24-hour format does not use AM and PM. For example, 15:45 is the same as 3:45 PM. Selecting the 12- or 24-hour format is explained on page 29.
b. Seconds: Seconds are displayed to the
right of hours:minutes
c. Date: Displayed in month-day format.
Figure 3.
Time Display Mode
Quantum Owner's Manual
d. Nitrox indicator: If the FO2 for mix 1 or mix 2 has been set to 22% or higher,
the Nitrox indicator will be displayed. See page 16 for more info on nitrox set­tings.
CAUTION: If the Nitrox indicator is flashing, it means that the Quantum has defaulted to 99% FO2. You must reset the FO2 to match the con­tents in your cylinder.
e. Altitude sector: If the Quantum detects that it is at altitude, it will display one
to three altitude sector icons. The Quantum automatically adjusts for altitudes up to 19,680 ft. (6000 m). The following table lists the altitude sectors and their corresponding altitude range.
WARNING: When diving at altitude, make sure the altitude sector matches the actual elevation of the dive site, otherwise, the Quantum may display inaccurate information.
Note: When arriving at a new altitude sector, segments on the nitrogen loading bar graph may appear, even if you have not made a dive.
Altitude Range
Sea Level to 2624 ft (800 m)
2624 ft (800 m) to 5248 ft (1600 m)
5248 ft (1600 m) to 7872 ft (2400 m)
7872 ft (2400 m) to 19680 ft (6000 m)
Error. Icons ash above 19680 ft (6000 m)
Quantum Owner's Manual


To activate the backlight, press A or B. The backlight will stay on for 4 to 5 seconds.
Low Battery Indicator
When the battery power is too low for the computer to function properly, the Quan­tum displays a battery icon (see figure 4). When the battery icon is blinking, you can place the computer into PC Transfer Mode to download your dive profiles to a PC, but it will not enter dive mode. When the battery icon stops blinking, you cannot dive with the computer and will not be able to transfer to a personal computer.
Figure 4.
Low Battery Icon
Quantum Owner's Manual

Time Display Mode (post-dive)

After making a dive, the Time Display Mode shows additional information (figure 5):
a. Nitrogen Bar Graph. The Nitrogen
bar graph is a series of nine segments that graphically represent your body’s residual nitrogen. During the surface interval, the Nitrogen Bar Graph starts to recede, indicating that you are off­gassing nitrogen.
b. Oxygen Bar Graph. The Oxygen Bar
Graph is a series of eight segments that graphically represent your CNS clock. It tracks your exposure to higher par­tial pressures of oxygen when diving with enriched air nitrox.
c. Desaturation Time: Desaturation time is the amount of time it takes to release
all the residual nitrogen left in your body from previous dives. Any dive made while there is still desaturation time remaining is considered a repetitive dive.
Figure 5.
Time Display Mode
(post dive)
Quantum Owner's Manual
d. Surface Interval Time: Surface interval time is the amount of time since
surfacing from a dive. It is displayed for 48 hours after the last dive.
e. No Fly Icon: The No Fly icon will stay on for a minimum of 12 hours after a
dive. If desaturation time is greater than 12 hours, the No Fly icon will stay on until desaturation time reaches zero.
Wait-to-y Guidelines
The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) suggests that divers using standard air tanks and exhibiting no symptoms of decompression sickness wait 24 hours after the last dive to fly in an aircraft with a cabin pressure of 8000 feet (2438 m) or less. The two exceptions to this recommendation are:
1. Less than two hours of dive time in the last 48 hours, then wait 12 hours before flying.
2. Following a decompression stop dive, wait at least 24 hours or, if possible, 48 hours.
Both UHMS and Divers Alert Network (DAN) agree that there can never be a fly­ing after diving rule that is guaranteed to prevent decompression sickness. Rather, there can be a guideline that represents the best estimate for a conservative surface interval for the vast majority of divers. There will always be an occasional diver whose physiological makeup or special diving circumstances will result in decompression sickness.
Quantum Owner's Manual

Dive Settings Mode

Dive Settings Mode allows you set all the parameters related to the operation of the computer during a dive. To enter the Dive Settings mode, press MODE until DIVE is displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Note: If the Quantum is in Gauge Mode, it will display GAGE instead of DIVE.
The buttons operate as follows:
1. Press B to change a setting. Press and hold B to rapidly scroll through the set-
2. Press A to move to the next field.
3. Press MODE to save the settings and exit the mode.
The settings are listed below in the order that you can change them (see Figures 6 & 7). The setting that is being changed will flash.
a. Operational Mode: If set to DIVE, the Quantum will function as a complete
dive computer and calculate no-decompression, decompression and oxygen related information. If set to GAGE, the Quantum will become a basic depth gauge and timer. If you make a dive in either DIVE or GAGE mode, you will not be able to change modes until desaturation time has reached zero. For more information on these modes, review Section 2, Diving with the Quantum.
Quantum Owner's Manual
b. Nitrox Mix 1: The FO2 setting for Mix 1 may be set for Air (21%) to 50%.
Please read the Important Nitrox Note on page 18.
c. Nitrox Mix 2: The FO2 setting for Mix 2 may be set for Air (21%) to 99%. Please
read the Important Nitrox Note on page 18.
Dive Settings Mode (screen 1))
Figure 6.
Figure 7.
Dive Settings Mode (screen 2)
Quantum Owner's Manual
d. Maximum Operating Depth (MOD): MOD is calculated automatically and is
based on a PO2 of 1.4 for Mix 1 and 1.6 for Mix 2.
Safety Factor (SF): The safety factor may be set to 0, 1 or 2.
When set to 0, the computer will perform calculations based on the current altitude setting. If set to 1, the calculations are made as though the computer was at one altitude sec­tor higher. This adds in an extra level of conservatism.
f. Profile recording inter val: The Quantum can record depth measurements
every 15 or 30 seconds. If set to 15, memory capacity is cut in half.
g. Water type: Actual depth can differ based on the salinity of the water. If you
are diving in a fresh water lake or river, set the Quantum to Fresh; if diving in seawater, set it to Sea.
h. Depth Alarm: If you exceed this depth, the Quantum will give you an audible
i. Depth Alarm On/Off: Allows you to turn the Depth Alarm on or off. If set to
ON, the icon will be displayed.
j. Dive Time Alarm: If your bottom time exceeds this setting, you will get an
audible warning.
k. Dive Time Alarm On/Off: Allows you to turn the Dive Time Alarm on or off. If
set to ON, the icon will be displayed.
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