Innovation has a name.
Electrical residential /
light commercial water heater
EES - 6/15/20/30/40/52/66/80/120
Vertical electric water heater for residential / light commercial
applications • One or two replaceable Incoloy-sheathed elements
(depending on the model) • Each element is provided with an
independent control thermostat (adjustable: 43 - 77 °C) • Secondary
protection is provided by a high-limit thermostat with manual
reset • PermaGlas® Ultra Coat™ second-generation glass coating
technology to prevent corrosion • Replaceable magnesium anode
• Optional ancillaries: Unvented kits • Destrati cation pump kit
• Powered anodes • Time controller • Alternate kW loadings

Technical specications
EES 15
EES 20
EES 30
EES 40
EES 52
EES 66
EES 80
Electrical data
Input kW 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Current A 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Elements - 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
Power supply VAC/Hz 230 Vac (-15/+10%)/50 Hz (+/-1HZ)
Draw-off capacity
Storage capacity l 25 55 75 115 155 190 250 300 450
Max. temperature setting °C 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77
30 min. ∆T=44°C l 41 70 89 136 174 208 265 313 456
60 min. ∆T=44°C l 61 90 109 165 204 237 294 342 485
90 min. ∆T=44°C l 81 109 128 195 233 266 324 371 515
120 min. ∆T=44°C l 100 129 148 224 262 296 353 401 544
Continuous ∆T=44°C l/h 39 39 39 59 59 59 59 59 59
Heating-up time ∆T=44°C min. 38 84 115 118 159 194 256 307 460
30 min. ∆T=50°C l 36 62 78 120 153 183 233 275 401
60 min. ∆T=50°C l 54 79 96 146 179 209 259 301 427
90 min. ∆T=50°C l 71 96 113 171 205 234 285 327 453
120 min. ∆T=50°C l 88 113 130 197 231 260 311 353 479
Continuous ∆T=50°C l/h 34 34 34 52 52 52 52 52 52
Heating-up time ∆T=50°C min. 44 96 131 134 180 221 291 349 523
30 min. ∆T=55°C l 33 56 71 109 139 166 212 250 365
60 min. ∆T=55°C l 49 72 87 132 163 190 235 274 388
90 min. ∆T=55°C l 64 87 103 156 186 213 259 297 412
120 min. ∆T=55°C l 80 103 118 179 210 237 282 321 135
Continuous ∆T=55°C l/h 31 31 31 47 47 47 47 47 47
Heating-up time ∆T=55°C min. 48 106 144 147 198 243 320 384 576
Anodes - 1
Maximum working pressure bar 8
Maximum weight kg 38 76 102 151 198 238 314 380 575
Shipping data
Weight empty kg 13 21 27 36 43 48 64 80 125
Weight incl. packaging kg 14 23 30 42 49 55 72 90 137
Width packaging mm 420 420 520 580 580 580 620 680 770
Height packaging mm 430 870 870 1000 1190 1440 1600 1620 1710
Depth packaging mm 420 420 520 650 650 650 680 740 840
EES 120