AOSafety Respirator Fit Testing Kits and Accessories User Manual

Respirator Fit Testing Kits
and Accessories
Respirator Fit Testing Kits and Accessories
Convenient qualitative fit testing kits and quanti­tative fit test probes and adapters to make fit­testing as easy as possible. All qualitative kits include complimentary instructional video and CD­ROM on how to fit test. The quantitative acces­sories make for quick conversion of an AOSafety
air purifying or airline respirator to fit test mode for those workers who want to be tested in their own masks.
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Respirator Fit Testing Kits and Accessories
AOSafety® Qualitative Fit Test Kits Product Code Description
50007-00000 Isoamyl Acetate Fit Test Kit 50005-00000 Saccharin Fit Test Kit 50006-00000 Bitrex Fit Test Kit
Respirator Quantitative Fit-Testing Accessories.
For those who prefer quantitative fit testing, insertable probes and screw-in adapters are available to quickly convert any AOSafety elastomeric mask to fit-test mode.
AOSafety® Elastomeric Respirator Accessories for Converting to Quantitative Fit Test Mode Product Code Catalogue Number Description
51170-00000 51170 Half Mask Side Port Plug with Probe for Use with PortaCount
52023-00000 52023 Full Face Mask Front Fitting Plug with Probe for Use with PortaCount
51171-00000 51171 Quarter, Half, and Full Face Mask Fit Test Adapter Kit for Use with PortaCount
All kits include training tools for showing you how to do the various fit tests—easy to follow video and CD-ROM! Also, all written instructions, including those for the test subjects, are in English, French and Spanish. Fit test solutions and other fit test kit components can be purchased separately.
Isoamyl Acetate-For use with elastomeric respirators.
Kit includes all components necessary to conduct the test, packaged in a heavy gauge plastic, foam­padded carrying case. Just add paper towels! The unique flexible vinyl fit test tent has an easy-to­assemble frame that hangs on any door jamb for quick set-up. It fits the largest test subjects, yet dis­assembles and folds to fit flat in a clear carrying pouch which tucks away neatly inside the carrying case.
Bitrex and Saccharin Fit Test Kits-For use with filtering facepieces or elastomeric respirators.
All items needed for the test are arranged in a foam-padded carrying case with vinyl handle. The head and shoulder fit-test hood is quick to don with a clear window and opening for inserting the nebulizer nozzle for the test. Saccharin and Bitrex kits are identical with the exception of the challenge agent.