JukeBox / VividBios Design Guide
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Have you ever dreamed about sharing your innovation with people all around the world? Now AOpen
offers you a chance and helps your dream come true. You are very welcomed to upload your innovative
design of JukeBox Player to our website and let users share your design. Only by following a set of simple rules plus a little imagination,
you can design any JukeBox Player you want easily. Below is what you should take care of when designing your own JukeBox Player.
Before you start
Before you start the design, there are several points you should notice.
The picture size should be limited in 640 pixels x 480 pixels.
The picture can be GIF, dynamic GIF or BMP format.
Due to limited BIOS memory, it would be wise if you can have the design as small as possible.
Design Procedures
Follow the steps one by one, you can design your own JukeBox Player easily.
1. Open a new image in any drawing software like Photoshop and set the image size to 640 x 480 pixels. This size area is where you
can draw any picture on. Please note that if your image format is dynamic GIF, the 1
2. Pinpoint a display area which is the screen your player will show LED functions on it. Locate the up left corner at pixel (217, 170) and
lower right corner at pixel (340, 217) like Fig.1. It is not necessary that you have to make it rectangular, however you should leave
at least this sized area for LED presentation like Fig.2.
picture will become the background of your
JukeBox / VividBios Design Guide
Pixel(217, 170)
Display Screen Area
Display Screen Area
JukeBox / VividBios Design Guide
3. After marking above two areas, you can start to design the JukeBox Player you like.
4. Lastly, you can decide the image effect of the display screen by defining specific colours you desire. However, you have to let us
know your definition by placing a colour bar on the up right corner of the image. Please use a square sized 5x5 pixels to represent
the particular colour you use in display screen like Fig.3 below.