AOpen AX34U User Manual

AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall


DOC. NO.: AX34U-OL-E0203B
Drivers &
BIOS Setup
Troubleshooting &
Technical Support
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
WWhhaatt’’ss iinn tthhiiss mmaannuuaall
What’s in this manual ......................................................................................................................................................2
You Must Notice ..............................................................................................................................................................8
Before You Start..............................................................................................................................................................9
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................................10
Feature Highlight...........................................................................................................................................................11
Quick Installation Procedure..........................................................................................................................................14
Motherboard Map ..........................................................................................................................................................15
Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................................................... 16
Hard war e Ins tal lat ion..................................................................................................................17
JP14 Clear CMOS Data .................................................................................................................................................1 8
CPU Installation ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
JP23 FSB/PCI Clock Ratio ............................................................................................................................................21
CPU Jumper-less Design............................................................................................................................................... 23
CPU and Housing Fan Connector (with H/W Monito ring) ...............................................................................................2 8
DIMM Sockets ...............................................................................................................................................................29
Front Panel Connector ..................................................................................................................................................32
ATX Power Connector ...................................................................................................................................................33
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
AC Power Auto Recovery ..............................................................................................................................................33
IDE, Floppy, IDE RAID Connector .................................................................................................................................34
WOM (Zero Voltage Wake on Modem) Connector.........................................................................................................37
WOL (Wake on LAN).....................................................................................................................................................40
AGP (Accelerated Graphic Port) Expansion Slot ........................................................................................................... 42
PC99 Color Coded Back Panel......................................................................................................................................44
Support 2
JP12 Enable/Disable Onboard Sound ...........................................................................................................................46
CD Audio Connector......................................................................................................................................................47
Modem Audio Connector ...............................................................................................................................................48
AUX-IN Connector.........................................................................................................................................................49
Front Audio Connector.......................................................................................................... .........................................50
Battery-less and Long Life Design.................................................................................................................................51
Over-current Protection .................................................................................................................................................52
Hardware Monitoring .....................................................................................................................................................53
Resettable Fuse ............................................................................................................................................................54
Low ESR Capacitor..........................................................................................................................................55
Layout (Frequency Isolation Wall) .................................................................................................................................57
Pure Aluminum Heatsink ............................................................................................................................................... 58
USB Port.....................................................................................................................................................45
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
Driver and Utility..........................................................................................................................59
Auto-run Menu from Bonus CD Disc..............................................................................................................................60
Installing VIA 4 in 1 Driver.............................................................................................................................................61
Installing Ultra ATA/100 IDE Driver................................................................................................................................62
Installing Onboard Sound Driver....................................................................................................................................63
ACPI Suspend to Hard Drive.........................................................................................................................................65
ACPI Suspend to RAM (STR)........................................................................................................................................69
AWARD BIOS ................................................................................................................................71
About BIOS Function Description…...............................................................................................................................72
How To Use Award™ BIOS Setup Program...................................................................................................................73
How To Enter BIOS Setup .............................................................................................................................................75
BIOS Upgrade ...............................................................................................................................................................76
Overclocking ................................................................................................................................78
VGA Card & Hard Disk .................................................................................................................................................. 79
Glossary .......................................................................................................................................80
AC97 .............................................................................................................................................................................80
ACPI (Advanced Configuratio n & Power Interfac e) ........................................................................................................80
AGP (Accelerated Graphic Port)....................................................................................................................................80
AMR (Audio/Modem Riser)............................................................................................................................................81
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
AOpen Bonus Pack CD .................................................................................................................................................81
APM (Advanced Power Management)...........................................................................................................................81
ATA (AT Attachment)......................................................................................................................................................81
ATA/100......................................................................................................................................................................... 82
BIOS (Basic Input/Output Sys tem) ................................................................................................................................ 82
Bus Master IDE (DMA mode).........................................................................................................................................82
CNR (Communication and Networki ng Riser)................................................................................................................82
CODEC (Coding and Decoding) ....................................................................................................................................83
DDR (Double Data Rated) SDRAM................................................................................................................................83
DIMM (Dual In Line Memory Module) ............................................................................................................................83
DMA (Direct Memory Access) ........................................................................................................................................ 83
ECC (Error Checking and Correction)............................................................................................................................84
EDO (Extended Data Output) Memory...........................................................................................................................84
EEPROM (Electronic Erasable Programmab le ROM).................................................................................................... 84
EPROM (Erasable Programmabl e ROM).......................................................................................................................84
EV6 Bus ........................................................................................................................................................................85
FCC DoC (Declaration of Conformity)............................................................................................................................ 85
FC-PGA (Flip Chip-Pin Grid Array) ................................................................................................................................ 85
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
Flash ROM ....................................................................................................................................................................85
FSB (Front Side Bus) Clock ...........................................................................................................................................8 6
C Bus ..........................................................................................................................................................................86
IEEE 1394 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 86
Parity Bit........................................................................................................................................................................87
PBSRAM (Pipelined Burst S RAM) .................................................................................................................................87
PC-100 DIMM ................................................................................................................................................................ 87
PC-133 DIMM ................................................................................................................................................................ 87
PC-1600 or PC-2100 DDR DRAM .................................................................................................................................87
PCI (Peripheral Component Interface) Bus....................................................................................................................8 8
PDF Format...................................................................................................................................................................88
PnP (Plug and Play) ......................................................................................................................................................88
POST (Power-On Self Test) ...........................................................................................................................................88
RDRAM (Rambus DRAM).............................................................................................................................................. 89
RIMM (Rambus Inline Memory Module)......................................................................................................................... 89
SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM) ......................................................................................................................................89
Shadow E
SIMM (Single In Li ne M emory Mod ule)..........................................................................................................................90
SMBus (System Management Bus) ...............................................................................................................................90
PROM ..........................................................................................................................................................89
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
SPD (Serial Presence Detect ) .......................................................................................................................................90
Ultra DMA ...................................................................................................................................................................... 91
USB (Universal Serial B us) ............................................................................................................................................ 9 1
VCM (Virtual Channel Memory).....................................................................................................................................92
ZIP file...........................................................................................................................................................................92
Troubleshooting...........................................................................................................................9 3
Technical Support ........................................................................................................................97
Product Registration..................................................................................................................10 0
How to Conta ct Us.....................................................................................................................1 0 1
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
YYoouu MMuusstt NNoottiiccee
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat is trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. AMD, the AMD logo, Athlon and Duron are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Celeron, Pentium II, Pentium III are trademarks of Intel Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United
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All of the specifications and information contained in this manual are subject to change without notice. AOpen reserves the right to revise this publication and to make reasonable changes. AOpen assumes no responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual, including the products and software described in it.
This documentation is protected by copyright law. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system without prior written permission from AOpen Corporation. Copyright
1996-2000, AOpen Inc. All Rights Reserved.
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
BBeeffoorree YYoouu SSttaarrtt
This Online Manual will introduce to the user how this product is installed. All useful information will be described in later chapters. Please keep this manual carefully for future upgrades or system configuration changes. This Online Manual is saved in PDF format get free download from Adobe web site
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AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
Thank you for choosing AOpen AX34-U motherboard. The AX34-U is Intel® Socket 370 motherboard (M/B) based on the Micro-ATX form factor featuring the VIA Apollo Pro 133T chipset motherboard can support CPU for Intel Celeron™ processor and 66/100/133MHz Front Side Bus (FSB) supports AGP 1X/2X/4X mode and pipelined spilt-transaction long burst transfer up to 1056MB/sec. According to different customer’s requirements, 32, 64, 128, 256 and 512MB SDRAM DIMM modules can be applied to the motherboard and the maximum memory size can be up to 1.5 GB. The on-board IDE controller supports Ultra DMA transfer rate up to 100MB/s. Further flexibility can be achieved by taking advantage of the Audio/Modem Riser (AMR) option that allows audio, modem on a single baseboard design. Besides, the AX34-U motherboard has an AD 1885 AC97
chipset onboard for provides high performance and magic surround stereo sound to let people enjoy working with it. Now, enjoy all features from AOpen AX34-U motherboard.
Socket 370 series Pentium® III (Both Coppermine & Tualatin are supported) &
. As high performance chipset built in the M/B, the AX34-U
clock. In the AGP performance, it has one AGP slot and
33/66/100 mode and the
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
FFeeaattuurree HHiigghhlliigghhtt
Supports dual CPU Intel® Socket 370 Pentium® III (Both Coppermine & Tualatin are supported) & Celeron™ 533MHz~1.3GHz+ with 66/100/133MHz Front Side Bus (FSB)
designed for Socket 370 technology.


With the VIA Apollo Pro 133T chipset, this motherboard contains the various controller inclusive of 32-bit Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP), 32-bit PCI bus and 64-bit advanced high performance DRAM. Because of its powerful features, CPU Front Side Bus (FSB) of AX34-U can operate easily at 66/100/133MHz. This chipset also supports Ultra DMA 33/66/100 (with VIA and VT82C686B) EIDE, USB and keyboard/ PS2 Mouse interface plus RTC/CMOS on chip.

Expansion Slots

Including four 32-bit/33MHz PCI, one AMR and one AGP 4X slots. The PCI local bus throughput can be up to 132MB/s. The
Audio/Modem Riser (AMR) Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP)
card supports data transfer rate up to 1056MB/s. As AX34-U motherboard includes one AGP expansion slot for a bus mastering AGP graphic card, For AD and SBA signaling, AX34-U motherboard can support 133MHz 2X/4X mode. Of four PCI slots provided, AX34-U supports all master PCI slots for arbitration and decoding functions.
slot provided from AX34-U motherboard can supports AMR interface for a Modem/Audio card. The
specification provides a new level of video display sophistication and speed. The AGP video
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall


Provides three 168-pin SDRAM DIMM socket that support up to 1.5GB of PC-100/133 compliant SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory). 32, 64, 128, 256 and 512MB SDRAM DIMM modules are supported.

Ultra DMA 33/66/100 Bus Mater IDE

Comes with an on-board PCI Bus Master IDE controller with two connectors that supports four IDE devices in two channels, supports Ultra DMA
33/66/100, PIO Modes 3 and 4 and Bus Master IDE DMA Mode 5, and supports Enhanced IDE devices.

On-board AC97 Sound

AX34-U M/B uses the AD 1885 AC97 sound chip. This on-board audio includes a complete audio recording and playback system.

Four USB Connectors

Providing two ports, four USB connectors for USB interface devices, such as m ouse, keyboard, m odem, scanner, etc.
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall

Power Management/Plug and Play

The AX34-U Motherboard supports the power management function that confirms to the power-saving standards of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Energy Star program. It also offers Plug-and-Play configuration problems, thus making the system much more user-friendlier.
, which helps save users from

Hardware Monitoring Management

Supports CPU or system fans status, temperature and voltage monitoring and alert, through the on-board hardware monitor module.

Enhanced ACPI

Fully implement the ACPI standard for Windows® 98/ME/2000 series compatibility, and supports Soft-Off, STR (Suspend to RAM, S3), STD (Suspend to Disk, S4), WOM (Wake On Modem) features.

Super Multi-I/O

The AX34-U provides two high-speed UART compatible serial ports and one parallel port with EPP and ECP capabilities.
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
QQuuiicckk IInnssttaallllaattiioonn PPrroocceedduurree
This page gives you a quick procedure on how to install your system. Follow each step accordingly.
1. Installing CPU and Fan
2. Installing System Memory (DIMM
3. Connecting Front Panel Cable
4. Connecting IDE and Floppy Cable
5. Connecting ATX Power Cable
6. Connecting Back Panel Cable
7. Power-on and Load BIOS Setup Default
8. Setting CPU Frequency
9. Reboot
10. Insta lli ng O pe rat in g Sys tem (s uch as W ind ows 98 )
11. Installing Driver and Utility
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
AC’97 CODEC Chipset
Front Audio Connecto
2Mbit Programmable Flash ROM
32bit PCI Expansion Slot x 4
AGP 4x Expansion Slot
WOL (Wake On LAN)
ISA Expansion Slot
AMR Expansion Slot
IrDA Connector
JP12 Onboard Audio
Select Jumper
WOM (Wake On Modem)
FAN1 (with H/W Monitoring)
Front Panel Connector
Support 2
USB Port

Motherboard Map

TA33/66/100 IDE Connector x2
Resettable Fuse
1500μF Low ESR Capacitors
370-pin CPU Socket with Voltage & Frequency Auto-detection supports Intel (Both Coppermine & Tualatin are supported) & Celeron 533MHz~1.2GHz+ CPU
TX Power Connector
CPU Fan (with H/W Moni toring)
VIA Apollo Pro 133T Chipset with Enlarged Aluminum Heatsink
PC133 DIMM Slot x3
JP23 FSB Select Jumper
JP14 Clear CMOS Jumper
FDD Connector
Pentium™ III
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
BBlloocckk DDiiaaggrraamm
Socket 370 Intel
Pentium III (Both Tualat in
& Coppermine are
supported) /Celeron CPU
System Bus
AGP 4X Slot
Floppy Disk Drive x2
PC-100/133 SDRAM
Up to 1.5GB
DIMM Socket x3
North Bridge VT82C694T
1stUSB Port
2ndUSB Port
32-bit PCI Slot x4
IDE Drive x4
AC’97 Link
AMR Slot
Firmware Hub
2Mbit Flash EEPROM
Parallel Port
Serial Port x2
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
HHaarrddwwaarree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
This chapter describes jumpers, connectors and hardware devices of this motherboard.
Note: El ectrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage your processor, disk drives, expansion boards, and other components. Always observe the following precautions before you install a system component.
1. Do not remove a component from its protective packaging until you are ready to install it.
2. Wear a wrist ground strap and attach it to a metal part of the system unit before handling a component. If a wrist strap is not available, maintain contact with the system unit t hroughout any procedure requiring ESD protection.
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
JJPP1144 CClleeaarr CCMMOOSS DDaattaa
You can clear CMOS to restore system default setting. To clear the CMOS, follow the procedure below.
1. Turn off the system and unplug the AC power.
2. Remove ATX power cable from connector PWR2.
3. Locate JP14 and short pins 2-3 for a few seconds.
4. Return JP14 to its normal setting by shorting pins 1 & pin2.
5. Connect ATX power cable back to connector PWR2.
Clear CMOS
Tip: W hen should I Clear CMOS?
1. Boot fa il bec aus e of ove rc lock i ng…
2. Forget password…
3. Troubleshooting…
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
CCPPUU IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
This motherboard supports Intel® Pentium III®(Both Coppermine and Tualatin are supported) and Celeron Socket 370 series CPU. Be careful of CPU orientation when you plug it into CPU socket.
1. Pull up the CPU socket level and up to 90-degree angle.
2. Locate Pin 1 in the socket and look for a black dot or cut edge on t he CPU upper interface. Match Pin 1 and cut edge, then insert the CPU into the socket.
CPU pin 1
and cut edge
Note: These pictures are for example only, it may not exactly be the same motherboard.
CPU socket
CPU cut edge
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
3. Press down the CPU socket level and finish CPU installation.
Note: These pictures are for example only, it may not exactly be the same motherboard.
CPU cut edge
Note: If you do not match the CPU socket Pin 1 and CPU cut edge well, it ma
damage the CPU.
Note: This socket supports FC-PGA
FC-PGA2 package CPU, which is the latest CPU package developed by Intel. We strongly recommend you not to inser former PPGA-package CPU onto it.
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
JJPP2233 FFSSBB//PPCCII CClloocckk RRaattiioo
This jumper is used to specify the relationship of PCI and FSB clock. Generally speaking, if you are not overclockers, we recommend you to set at the default setting.
Warning: VIA Apollo Pro 133T chipset supports maximum 133MHz FSB and 66MHz AGP clock, higher clock setting may cause serious s
stem damage.
Pin 1
7 8
1 2
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
PCI Clock = CPU FSB Clock / Clock Ratio
AGP Clock = PCI Clock x 2
Clock Ratio CPU (Host ) PCI AGP Memory 2X 66MHz 33MHz 66MHz PCI x2 or x3 2X, overclocking 75MHz 37.5MHz 75MHz PCI x2 or x3 3X 100MHz 33MHz 66MHz PCI x2 or x3 o r x4 3X, overclocking 112MHz 37.3MHz 74.6MHz PCI x2 or x3 o r x4 4X 133MHz 33MHz 66MHz PCI x3 or x4 4X, overclocking 155MHz 38. 75MHz 77.5MHz PCI x3 or x4
Warning: VIA 694T chipset supports maximum 133MHz FSB and 66MHz AGP clock, higher clock setting may cause serious system damage.
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
CCPPUU JJuummppeerr--lleessss DDeessiiggnn
CPU VID signal and SMbus clock generator provide CPU voltage auto-detection and allows the user to set the CPU frequency through the BIOS setup designs are eliminated. There will be no worry of wrong CPU voltage detection.
, therefore no jumpers or switches are used. The disadvantages of the Pentium based jumper-less
Intel® Socket 370
Pentium III & Celeron CPU
CPU VID signal
Power Regulator
(Automatically generates CPU voltage)
CPU Freq. Ratio
CPU voltage
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
SSeettttiinngg CCPPUU FFrreeqquueennccy
This motherboard is CPU jumper-less design, you can set CPU frequency through the BIOS setup, and no jumpers or switches are needed.
BIOS Setup > Frequency/Voltage Control > CPU Speed Setting
CPU Ratio
3x, 3.5x, 4x, 4.5x, 5x, 5.5x, 6x, 6.5x, 7x, 7.5x, 8 x, 8.5x, 9x, 9.5 x, 10x, 10.5 x, 11x,
11.5x, 12x, 12.5x, 13x, 13.5x, 14 x, 14.5x, 15x, 15. 5 x and 16x
66.8, 75, 83.3, 100, 103, 105, 1 10, 112, 11 5, 120, 12 4, 133.3, 140, and 150 MHz
Warning: VIA Apollo 133T chipset supports maximum 133MHz FSB and 66MHz AGP clock, higher clock setting may cause serious system damage.
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
SSuuppppoorrtteedd CCPPUU FFrreeqquueennccyy
Core Frequency = CPU Bus Clock * CP U Ra tio PCI Clock = CPU Bus Clock / Clock Ratio
AGP Clock = PCI Clock x 2
Celeron 533 533MHz 66MHz 8x Celeron 566 566MHz 66MHz 8.5x Celeron 600 600MHz 66MHz 9x Celeron 667 667MHz 66MHz 10x Celeron 700 700MHz 66MHz 10.5 Celeron 766 766MHz 66MHz 11.5x Celeron 800 800MHz 100MHz 8x Celeron 850 850MHz 100MHz 8.5x Celeron 900 900MHz 100MHz 9x Celeron 1.2G 1.2GHz 100MHz 12x Pentium III 500E 500MHz 100MHz 5x Pentium III 600E 600MHz 100MHz 6x Pentium III 650E 650MHz 100MHz 6.5x Pentium III 700E 700MHz 100MHz 7x
CPU Core
Frequenc y
Note: This motherboard support CPU auto-detection function. Hence, you don’t need to setup the CPU frequency manuall
FSB Clock Ratio
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
Pentium III 750E 750MHz 100MHz 7.5 Pentium III 800E 800MHz 100MHz 8x Pentium III 850E 850MHz 100MHz 8.5x Pentium III 533EB 533MHz 133MHz 4x Pentium III 600EB 600MHz 133MHz 4.5x Pentium III 667EB 667MHz 133MHz 5x Pentium III 733EB 733MHz 133MHz 5.5 Pentium III 800EB 800MHz 133MHz 6x Pentium III 866EB 866MHz 133MHz 6.5 Pentium III 933EB 933MHz 133MHz 7x Pentium III 1G 1GHz 133MHz 7.5x Pentium III 1.13G 1.13GHz 133MHz 8.5x
Warning: VIA Apollo Pro 133T chipset supports maximum 133MHz FSB and 66MHz AGP clock, higher clock setting may cause serious system damage.
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
CCPPUU aanndd HHoouussiinngg FFaann CCoonnnneeccttoorr ((wwiitthh HH//WW MMoonniittoorriinngg))
Plug in t he CPU fan cab le to the 3-pin CPU FAN connector. If you have housing fan, you can also plug it on System FAN connector.
Note: Some CPU fans do not have sensor pin, so that cannot support fan monitoring.
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
DDIIMMMM SSoocckkeettss
This motherboard has four 168-pin DIMM s ockets that allow you to install PC100 or PC133 memory up to 1.5GB.
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
DIMM can be single side or double side; it has 64 bit data and 2 or 4 clock signals. We strongly recommend choosing 4-clock SDRAM for its reliabil ity
Note: Based on VIA Apollo Pro 133T chipset specification, we recommend you that using double-side SDRAM modules with DIMM socket 1 & 2. By the way, do not insert the single-side DIMM module in the DIMM socket 4 when DIMM socket 3 left blank. This will cause the size report error of DIMM.
ECC-Register DIMM Modul e
AAXX3344--UU OOnnlliinnee MMaannuuaall
HHooww ttoo IInnssttaallll MMeemmoorryy MMoodduulleess
Please follow the procedure as shown below t o finish memory installation.
1. Make sure the DIMM module’s pin f ace down and match the socket’s size as depicted below.
2. Insert the module straight down to the DIMM slot with both hands and press down firmly until the DIMM module is securely in place.
3. Repeat step 2 to finish additional DIMM modules installation.
20 pins 60 pins 88 pins
Note: The ta bs of t he DIMM slot will close-up to hold the DIMM in place when the DIMM touches the slot’s bottom.
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