Antex electronic SX-3, SX-33B, SX-33E, SX-33 User Manual

SX-3 SX-33
SX-33b SX-33e
Digital Audio Adapter
User's Manual
January 18, 1996
ABOUT DIGITAL AUDIO..........................................................1
MINIMUM HARDWARE RECOMMENDED...............................6
ADAPTER INSTALLATION ......................................................6
JUMPER SETTINGS.....................................................6
DRIVER INSTALLATION..........................................................11
WINDOW S DRIVER INSTALLATION...........................12
WINDOW S DRIVER CONFIGURATION.......................12
DOS DRIVER INSTALLATION......................................14
USING DOS DEMONSTRATION SOFTWARE: .......................15
PROBLEMS RUNNING THE DEMO.............................20
ANTEX MIXER.........................................................................25
MIXER BUSES..............................................................26
RECORD MODE...........................................................26
PLAY MODE (Feedthrough)..........................................26
MIXER DEVICES..........................................................26
WINDOW S...............................................................................28
Figure 1. Analog-to-Digital Conversion....................................3
Figure 2. Digital-to-Analog Conversion....................................5
Figure 3. Setting JP7 for audio IRQx 10..................................7
Figure 4. Setting JP5&6 to the audio I/O address & Z.WAV ad-
dress .................................................................................7
Figure 5. Z1, Z1e, SX-3, SX-33, SX-33b, SX-33e Connectors.9
Figure 6. DOS Demo Environment ..........................................16
Figure 7. The Antex Demo Window.........................................21
Figure 8. Message Box reporting an unavailable compression
format or an invalid sample rate.........................................22
Figure 9. File Open dialog box.................................................23
Figure 10. Antex Mixer.............................................................25
Figure 11. Z1/Z1e Connector Layout.......................................30
Figure 12. SX-3/33/33b/33e Connector Layout........................34
Figure 13. Jumper Number Conversion Table.........................37


The Series 2 and 3 Digital Audio Adapters ar e IBM AT compatible add-on boards which convert high fidelity analog signals to digital data for storage t o, and r etrieval from, disk.
The Series 2 and 3 adapters sample two channels of audio f rom
7.35 kHz to 50kHz with 16 bit resolution. They incorporate Sigma Delta technology with 64 times oversampling, providing superior fidelity at greater than 80 dB signal-to-noise ratio.


In professional circles, digit al audio has been with us for over 10 years. With t he advent of the compact disk in 1983, digital audio has become commonplace as a consumer item. Few will argue that digital audio has afforded an order of magnitude improvement in overall sound quality and signal-to-noise ratio over the best analog systems which preceded them. But just what is digital audio, and where and how is it used?
It is possible to use digital data transmission techniques to t rans­mit digital audio signals by wire or radio. However, this practice has not yet become common due to the extremely wide signal bandwidth required to transmit real- time digital audio sig nals. For the present, digital audio techniq ues seem largely confined t o the recording and playback of music and other audio signals where, in a few short years, digital audio technology has all but replaced the previous analog record/playback techniques. In the present dec­ade we will see digital audio technology replace analog technol­ogy in most signal processing functions in both the professional and consumer markets. It is also likely, particularly with the advent of fiber optic cables, t hat digit al audio technolog y will be utilized in the transmission of real-tim e audio signals on a widespread basis.
But what is digital audio?
In essence, digital audio is a technological process whereby an analog audio signal (produced when sound waves in the air excite a microphone) is first converted into a continuous stream of num­bers (or digits). On ce in digital form, the signal is extremely im­mune to degradation caused by system noise or defects in the storage or transmission medium (unlike previous analog sys­tems). The digitized audio signal is easily r ecorded onto a variety of optical or magnetic media, where it can be stored indefinitely without loss. The digitized signal is then reconverted to an analog signal by reversing the digitizing process. In digital audio rec­ord/playback systems, each of these two functions is performed separately. In digital audio signal processing system s (where no record/playback function occurs) both analog-t o-digit al and digital­to-analog conversion processes occur simultaneously. A variety of techniques are possible, but the most comm on method by which audio signals are processed digitally is known as linear pulse code modulation, or PCM. Let's take a brief look at how PCM works.
Converting an analog signal to digital is a two­stage process, sampling and quantization. This is illustrated in Figure 1. At regular inter­vals, a sample-and-hold circuit instantaneously freezes the audio waveform voltage and holds it steady while the quantizing circuit selects the binary code which most closely represents the sampled voltage. Most digital audio is based on a 16-bit PCM system. This means that the quan-
tizer has 65,536 (2
) possible signal values to choose from, each represented by a unique se­quence of the ones and zeroes which make up the individual code "bits" of the digital signal.
The number of these bits g enerated each second is a function of sampling rate. At a relat ively low sampling rate of 8 k Hz (suitable for voice) far fewer code bits ar e produced each second t han, for example, at the 44.1 kHz sampling rate used for commercial compact disks. For a two-channel stereo signal at a 44.1 kHz sampling rate, some 1.4 million bits ar e generated each second.
Figure 1. Analog-to-Digital Conversion
That's about five billion bits per hour , which is why you'll need at least an 800 Megabyte hard disk to record an hour of compact disk quality music.
To visualize the analog-to-digital conversion process, ref er to Fig­ure 1. At the top is one cycle of an analog input signal wave. We've used a simple sine wave to make visualization easier. I n this example, the signal has a peak-to- peak amplit ude of 20 units, measured by the scale on the left. The sampling frequency is many times higher than the signal being sampled and is shown along the bottom of Figure 1. Once for each cycle of the sampling frequency, the sample-and-hold circuit "slices" the input signal, allowing the quantizing circuit to g enerate a (dig ital) num ber equal to the closest (of the 65,536 possible discr ete values) q uantization value of the input signal at the time the sample is taken. This r e­peats for each successive cycle of the sampling frequency and
the quantizer generates a continuous "bit stream" which repre­sents the quantized signal. The continuous st ream of digital audio information is converted into a digitally modulated signal using a technique known as linear pulse code modulation.
Digital-to-analog conversion (used in playback) is the exact oppo­site of the analog-to digit al conversion process and is illustrated in Figure 2.
In digital-to-analog conversion, t he PCM bitstream is converted at the sampling frequency to a continuously changing series of quantization levels which are individual "steps" of discrete voltage equal to the quantization levels in the analog-to-digital process. The shape of this continuously changing stream of quantization levels approximates the shape of the original wave. This is shown in the top half of Figure 2. This signal is then passed through a low-pass filter, which removes the digital "switching noise." The end result, shown in the bottom half of Figure 2 is an analog out­put signal whose waveshape is a very close approximation of the original analog input signal.
The foregoing is a very brief and, of necessity, oversimplif ied ex­planation of how digital audio works. For the interested reader, the book Principles of Digital Audio by Ken C. Pohlmann, copy­right 1985 by Howard W. Sam s , is highly recommended.
Figure 2. Digital-to-Analog Conversion


! 12MHz 386 PC or compatible ! 28mSec average access hard disk ! 1:1 Interleave hard disk controller ! Mouse ! VGA display


Make sure the main power to your computer is OFF. You will need a full-size, 16 bit/AT slot. If you are unfamiliar with the inter­nal design of your computer see its "Guide to Oper ations" manual for step by step installation procedures.
Read JUMPER SETTINGS and CONNECTIONS for information about configuring t he adapt er before plugging it into the slot.


The jumpers on the Z1, Z1e, SX-3, SX-33, SX-33b and SX-33e have been preset at the factory to insure proper operation for multimedia testing. Ref er to Figures 11 & 12 in the back of the manual for the jumper locat ions.
NOTE:These jumper numbers correspond to Z1/Z1e boards marked 9000-2319-300x and SX-3/SX-33 9000-2334-300x boards. Refer to Figur e 13 for setting jumpers on earlier versions.
The interrupt is currently set to 10 by the JP7 j umper, but may be changed to 2, 3, 5, 7, or 11 if t he W indows drivers are configured accordingly. Figure 3 illustrates the use of JP7.
2 3 5 7 10 11
Figure 3. Setting JP7 for audio IRQx 10
The I/O address is set to 380h, but may be changed to 180h, 220h, or 280h via jumpers JP5 and JP6. Figure 4 illustrates the use of JP5 & 6.
NOTE:For the Z1, Z1e, SX-3, SX-33, SX-33e -The Z.WAV ad­dress shown is always used, even if no Z.WAV is present.
X X 180h DISABLED X - 220h 300h
- X 280h 320h
- - 380h 330h
NOTE: "X" indicates an enabled jumper Figure 4. Setting JP5&6 to the audio I/O address &
Z.WAV address .
For Z1/Z1e only:
The joystick is enabled, but may be disabled by removing the jumper from JP4.
The SCSI is enabled, but may be disabled by removing the jumper from JP3. The address of the SCSI interface is preset to CE00, but may be changed to CA00, C800, or DE00 using JP1 and JP2.
If you are connecting a SCSI CD-ROM to a Z1e board (marked F2319-4 Rev A or B) under Windows NT, use Windows NT driver V0.8e or lat er.
If a Z-Wave is installed, the MPU-401 address is set by JP5 & 6 (Note that these jumpers simultaneously set the Audio I/O address). The available addresses are 300h, 320h and 380h(default). Figure 4 shows how the MPU­401 address is selected.


There is a five pin internal CD ROM header for connecting a Z1/Z1e to audio output of a CD-ROM. A 50-pin header is pro­vided on the Z1/Z1e for connecting to an int ernal SCSI CD-ROM. For more information about the configuration of these and other headers located internally on the Z1, Z1e, SX-3, SX-33, SX-33b and SX-33e, refer to the Connector Descriptions, Figures 11 & 12, in the back of the manual.
When the int ernal modifications are completed, push the adapter firmly into an expansion slot. Take care not to bend or break any components. The adapter should be seated firmly and the brack et should be flush with, and secured to, the support rail along the back edge of the computer .
Now make the connections at the back of the adapter, such as audio input, output, microphone, etc. Refer to Figure 5 for these connector locations on the Z1, Z1e, SX-3, SX -33, SX-33b and SX­33e.
Figure 5. Z1, Z1e, SX-3, SX-33, SX- 33b, SX- 33e Connectors.
Audio connections are made via 4 stereo mini-phone jacks mounted on the bracket end. From top to bottom, the j ack func­tions are LINE IN, MIC IN, AUX/CD-ROM IN (SX-3/SX-33/ SX-33b/SX-33e is AUX IN only), and O UT (powered).
In addition, the Z1/Z1e has a 15-pin D connector located on the bottom end of the brack et for MIDI and joystick connections. This connector is compatible with a MediaVision joystick/midi breakout box.
Audio Input:
Stereo 1/8" mini plug, 1 VRMS (2.83 Vpp) max, with an impedance of 10K ohms.
Stereo 1/8" mini plug, 10 mVRMS max, with an im pedance of 10K ohms.
Aux/ CD-ROM Input (SX-3/SX-33/ SX-33b/SX-33e is AUX
Stereo 1/8" mini plug, 1 VRMS(2.83 Vpp)m ax, with an im­pedance of 10K ohms.
Audio Output:
1/8" Stereo mini plug, 1 VRMS max into 8 ohms.
MIDI/Joystick Breakout Connector ( Z1/Z1e Only):
DB-15 female
When adapter installation is complete and all audio connections have been made, the computer power switch may be turned on.



Disk 1. The "WINDOWS DRIVERS" disk contains Windows
drivers and applications (Note: The DOS 3.2/Windows 2.0 drivers continue to come on a single disk):
ANTEXWAV.DRV - Windows Wave Driver for SX3, SX5e, SX7, SX9, SX11, SX12a, SX20, SX22, SX23e, SX26, SX33, SX33e, Z1, Z1e
SAPIZ1.DRV - OPL3 FM Synthesizer for Z1 and Z1e
VAPIZ1.DRV - YM3802 MIDI driver for Z1 and Z1e
MIDIMAP.CFG - MidiMapper config file with Z1 and Z1e specific maps
ANTE XMIX .EX E, MMMIX ER.D LL - Antex Mixer Applet and DLL
OEMSETUP.INF - Windows definition file for manual driver installation
SETUP.EXE and supporting files - W indows driver in­stallation utility
README.TXT (optional) - Windows information
+ 30 hidden pages