
This d evice c ompli es with p art 15 an d part 18 o f the FCC R ules. O perat ion is Su bject To th e follo wing tw o
con ditio ns: (1) Th is devi ce may no t cause h armfu l inter feren ce, and ( 2) this d evice m ust acc ept any i nterf erenc e
rec eived , inclu ding in terfe rence t hat may c ause un desir ed oper ation . Chang es or mod ificat ions no t expli citly
app roved b y the par ty resp onsib le for co mplia nce cou ld void t he user 's auth ority t o opera te this e quipm ent.
Not e: this e quipm ent has b een tes ted and f ound to c omply w ith the l imits f or a Clas s B digit al devi ce,
pur suant t o part 15 a nd part 1 8 of the FC C Rules . These li mits ar e desig ned to pr ovid e reaso nable
pro tecti on agai nst har mful in terfe rence i n a resid entia l insta llati on.
Thi s equip ment ge nerat es, use s and can r adiat e radio f reque ncy ene rgy and , if not in stall ed and us ed in
acc ordan ce with t he inst ructi ons, ma y cause h armfu l inter feren ce to rad io comm unica tions . Howev er,
the re is no gu arant ee that i nterf erenc e will no t occur i n a parti cular i nstal latio n. If thi s equip ment do es caus e
har mful in terfe rence t o radio o r telev ision r ecept ion, wh ich can b e deter mined b y turni ng the eq uipme nt off
and o n, the us er is enc ourag ed to try t o corre ct the in terfe rence b y one or mo re of the f ollow ing mea sures :
Reo rient o r reloc ate the r eceiv ing ant enna.
Inc rease t he sepa ratio n betwe en the eq uipme nt and re ceive r.
Con nect th e equip ment in to an out let on a ci rcuit d iffere nt from t hat to wh ich the r eceiv er is con necte d.
Con sult th e deale r or an exp erien ced rad io/TV t echni cian fo r help. Th e equip ment co mplie s with FC C
rad iatio n expos ure lim its set f orth fo r an unco ntrol led env ironm ent. Du ring th e opera tion of d evice a d istan ce
of 15 c m surro undin g the dev ice and 2 0 cm abov e the top s urfac e of the de vice mu st be res pecte d. This de vice
com plies w ith Par t 18 of the F CC Rule s. This eq uipme nt gene rates u ses and c an radi ate rad io freq uency
ene rgy and , if not in stall ed and us ed in acc ordan ce with t he inst ructi ons, ma y cause h armfu l inter feren ce to
rad io comm unica tions . If this e quipm ent doe s cause h armfu l inter feren ce to rad io or tel evisi on rece ption ,
whi ch can be d eterm ined by t urnin g the equ ipmen t off and on , the use r is enco urage d to try to c orrec t the
int erfer ence by o ne or mor e of the fo llowi ng meas ures:
Inc rease t he sepa ratio n betwe en the eq uipme nt and an y other r adio de vice.
Con nect th e equip ment in to an out let on a ci rcuit d iffere nt from t hat to wh ich the r eceiv er is con necte d.