User Guide
Assemble and wear Mi Band1
Mi B an d senso r
Take t he se nsor and t he st rap
In sert th e se nsor into the strap
fr om above . Wi th th e me tal
co ntac t side ent ering f ir st
Pi nc h the snap to close Mi band
ar ound yo ur wr ist
2 In st al l th e Mi F it a pp on your phon e
Se arch for“Mi Fi t”on t he Ap p Store /Go og le P lay or sc an th e QR
co de below t o down loa d and ins tall the a pp
Pair M i Ba nd w ith your phon e
Op en the M i Fit a pp and fo llow the ins tru ctions to s ign in w ith your
Mi A cco unt . Use t he app to se arc h fo r your M i Ba nd. When t he M i
Ba nd v ibrate s and receive s not ifi cation on th e dis pl ay, p ress the
bu tt on to complet e the pa iri ng p roce ss.
Use your M i Ba nd
Af ter pa iri ng , you r Mi band will sta rt to t rack and an aly ze yo ur
mo vem ents and sleep pa tterns. Pr essi ng the b utton wi ll all ow you t o
ch eck curren t tim e, trac k your ste ps and m oni tor h ear t rate .
Steps Heart rate
Ch ar gi ng y ou r Mi B an d
Pr ess t he b ut ton to check t he bat ter y st atus. Wh en batter y is l ow,
pl ease c harge yo ur Mi Band
Charging Ful ly ch argedLow b att er y
Tec hn ic al S pec s
Pr odu ct Na me: Mi B and 2
Pr odu ct Mo del: XMSH 04HM
Connection Type: B luet ooth 4 .2 BLE
Operating Temperatures: 0℃~45℃
Adjustable Length: 155mm~210mm
Snap Materials:Alu minu m All oy
De vice Re qui rem ents : Co mpat ibl e wi th Mi pho nes an d any d evic e with B luet ooth
4.0 a nd And roi d 4. 4 an d abov e; Co mpat ible wit h iPho ne mod els 4s a nd abo ve
th at run on i OS 7.0 and a bove .
Ba tter y Cap acit y: 70mAh
Ba tter y: Lithium-Polymer
Weight: 7. 0g
Wat er Res ista nce: IP 67
St rap Le ngt h:235mm
Strap Materials: TPE
Sa fe ty N ot ice
Do not atte mpt t o for ce ope n the se nsor. Subst ances c ontain ed in
th is pr odu ct an d/or its b at ter y may da mage the e nviro nme nt an d/or
hu man hea lth i f hand led and di sposed of im properl y.
Do n ot att empt t o disa ssembl e your Mi Band .
Do n ot exp ose yo ur Mi Ba nd to ex tre me ly high or lo w temp era tures .
Do n ot le ave you r Mi Band i n dir ect sunligh t fo r e xtende d perio ds of ti me.
Do n ot use y ou r Mi B and in a sa una or ste am room.
Bu il t-in B at te ry Prec au ti ons
Do not atte mpt t o rep lace yo ur Mi Band's b atte ry o r for ce op en th e
bu il t-i n bat ter y.
Us e onl y the off ici al c ab le to c harge yo ur Mi Ba nd.
Regu la to ry Notice
Th is d evi ce co mplies with par t 15 of t he FCC R ules.
Op erat ion i s subje ct to th e fol lowing t wo c onditions :
1. Th is dev ice m ay not ca use harmful in ter fere nce and;
2. T his d evice mu st a ccept a ny i nte rfe renc e, in cludin g int er fere nce
th at may ca use unde sired operat ion of the dev ice.
Th is de vic e is in compli anc e with th e es sent ial
re quire men ts and oth er rel evan t provi sion s
of D irective 19 99/5/ EC.
Di sp os al a nd R ec yc li ng Informat io n
Th e s ym bo l s ig ni fi es t hat t hi s p rodu ct h as to be dis posed
se parat ely from ord inary ho useh old waste s at its end of
li fe. Pleas e ki ndly be awa re tha t th is is your r esponsi bilit y to
di spose electroni c equ ipme nt at r ecyc ling ce nter s so as t o
he lp c onse rve n atura l resources.
Regu la to ry Notice
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Regu la to ry Notice
Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
For war ran ty i nformat ion , visit : ww w.m i.co m.
Manufacturer: An hui Hua mi Infor mat io n Techno log y Co., L td.
Ad dress : Rm 12 01, Buil din g A4, N atio nal A nimation Indu str y Bas e,
80 0 Wang jiang We st Roa d, Gao xi n Di strict, Hef ei, A nhui, C hina