Anhui Huami Information Technology A1501 User Manual

Packa ge Con ten ts
1. Main unit
2. Wrist strap
3. Wireless charger ba se
4. User guide and three guar antees
Cha rging
Connect the char ger base to the US B connecto r charger, then remove th e main unit from the wrist strap and plac e it on the charger base, with the unit' s bla nk sid e (without text) facing up. W hen the white indicator light on the middle of the base flashes , it indicates the u nit i s bei ng charged. The light wi ll stop flashi ng when charging i s completed.
1. Metal lic ring o n the wr ist strap
Open the met allic ring on the wr ist strap by pu shing the button at the back of the strap in the direc tion indi cated by an arrow.
2. Bo w-sh aped wr ist stra p
Dow nload Mi F it Ap p
Scan the QR Code below or s earch for Mi Fit and install it.
Secure the metallic ring after placing the main unit onto it.
Bind w ristb and
Open Mi Fit on your mobile phone and follow the instructions in the App to bind the wristband
Basic info rmat io n
Product na me:
Amazf it Wristband
Amazf it hand ring model:
A1501(Black) / A1501(White)
Amazf it Bracelet wireless chargin g line model:
15 011
Main materi al:
Zirconi um oxide ceramic
Batter y capacity: 15mA h
Weight of main u nit:
Synchron ization method:
Bluetooth 4. 0
Water resistan ce rating:
Input volt age of wireless charg er base: 5V DC
Input cur rent of wireless charg er base:
1.0A (Max)
OS suppor t:
Android 4. 4 or above;
and suppor ts Android smar t phones equippe d with bluetooth 4.0;
iPhone 4s or l ater models with iO S 7.0 or above.
Di sp osal an d Rec ycli ng Info rma ti on
Th e symb ol sig nif ies t hat th is pr oduc t has to be d ispo sed separately from ordinary
ho useh old wa stes a t its en d of li fe. Pl ease k ind ly be aw are th at th is is you r resp onsi bil ity to d ispo se ele ctr onic eq uipm ent at r ecyc ling c ente rs so as t o he lp con ser ve nat ural r esou rce s.
Re gu la to ry N oti ce
Thi s dev ice c ompl ies w ith P art 1 5 of th e FCC Rul es. Op erat ion is sub jec t to th e f oll owin g two conditions: (1) This d evic e may no t c aus e h arm ful int erf eren ce, a nd (2) T his de vic e must a cce pt any inter fer enc e rec eiv ed, in clu ding i nter fer ence t hat m ay cau se un desi red op era tion
Not e: Th is pr odu ct ha s bee n tes ted a nd fou nd to c ompl y wit h the l imi ts for a Clas s B dig ita l devi ce, pu rsu ant to Pa rt 15 o f the FCC R ules . Thes e lim its ar e desi gned t o provide reasonable protection against har mfu l int erf eren ce i n a re side nti al ins tall ati on. T his pro duct gen erat es, u ses , and can radiate radio frequency energy and , if no t inst alle d and us ed in a ccor dan ce wit h the i nst ruct ion s, may c ause har mful int erf eren ce to rad io c omm unic ati ons. How ever, the re i s no gua rant ee t hat int erf eren ce wi ll not o ccu r in a par tic ula r ins tall ati on. I f thi s pro duc t doe s cau se har mfu l i nter fer ence to ra dio or tel evi sion rec ept ion, w hic h c an be de term ine d by tur nin g the equ ipme nt of f and on, th e user is enc our aged to tr y to co rre ct th e inte rfe renc e by on e or more o f the fo llow ing me asur es: —Re ori ent or r eloc ate th e rece ivi ng ante nna. —Increase the separation between the equ ipm ent an d rece ive r. —C onne ct the e quip ment i nto an ou tle t on a cir cui t dif fer ent f rom t hat t o whi ch th e rec eiv er is co nnec ted . —C onsu lt t he dea ler or an exp eri enc ed rad io/ TV te chni cia n for he lp.
Ple ase tak e at tent ion tha t ch ange s or mod ifi cat ion no t exp ress ly app rove d by th e par ty re spon sibl e for com pli ance c ould vo id the u ser’s aut hor ity to op era te the eq uipm ent FCC I D: 2A C8U A150 1
Th is dev ice is i n com plia nce w ith th e e sse ntia l requ irem ents a nd oth er rel evan t p rovi sion s of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Ocial website: az m Custo mer se rvic e line: 400 -8 850- 820 Manufacturer: Anhui Huami Information nology Co., Ltd. Address: Sui te A41201 (Na tional Animation Ba se) No. 80 0 Wangj iang Ro ad W.,Gao xin Dis tric t, Hefei
U s e r G u ide