andron XPanel Instruction Manual

andronic XPanel
Operation Instructions
andronic CNC
V 1.1.01
Trade mark
All product names or trademarks are properties of their respective owners.
© andron GmbH 2012. All rights reserved.
are liable for the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event of the
There could be additional f unctions runni ng in the con trol that are not mentione d in this doc umentation. No le gal
Published by
andron GmbH, Schlätterstr. 2, 88142 Wass erburg/Bodensee, Germany
A member of the LTi group of companies
Copying this do cument, giv ing it to othe rs and the use o r communica tion of the co ntents ther eof without ex press authority, are forbidden. Offenders grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design.
right exists, however, to these functions when a new system is delivered or the system is serviced. All rights are reserved with respect to the contents of this documentation and the availability of the product.
Telephone +49 (0) 8382/9855-0, Fax +49 (0) 8382/9855-50 e-Mail:
andronic CNC
XPanel Operating instructions

Table of contents

Additions and changes
V 0.9
First edition
V 1.0
Revised edition
V 1.1
Revised edition
Table of contents .................................................................. 3
Revisions .............................................................................. 3
Notice .................................................................................. 4
Safety notes ......................................................................... 4
Warning notes and symbols ............................................. 4
Use as directed ............................................................... 5
Introduction ........................................................... 5
Field of applications ................................................ 5
Not used as directed ....................................................... 5
Switch on, start-up phase, turn off ......................................... 6
Switch on ....................................................................... 6
Boot phase ..................................................................... 6
Switch off / Shut down .................................................... 7
Operating system setting, system additions, user profiles, etc. . 8
Operating panel keys ............................................................ 9
The XPanel user interface .................................................... 12
Introduction .................................................................. 12
XPanel structure ............................................................ 12
XPanel pictograms of the status area.............................. 13


Overview of the eight main groups ....................................... 14
The status display ............................................................... 16
The main menu of the status display .............................. 16
Zero points , Manage Zeropoint offsets ................................. 21
The main menu of the zero points .................................. 21
Tool management ............................................................... 23
Overview of functions .................................................... 23
The main menu of the tool management ........................ 23
Cycles ................................................................................. 30
The main menu of the cycles .......................................... 30
Programs ............................................................................ 33
The main menu "Programs" ........................................... 33
andron NC Editor .......................................................... 35
Service ............................................................................... 39
The Service main menu ................................................. 39
Error and Messages ............................................................. 45
The main menu Error and Messages (E/M) ...................... 45
andronic CNC
In the creation of this manual, w e have made the greates t effort and have taken the greatest care. We reserve the right
part of or the
Before the connection and the start-up of the control, it is imperative that
the documentation is carefully read!
Meaning of the symbols used in this document:


to make changes to this manual a nd to the c ontr oller or the p rogra ms , whic h are made nec ess ary by technic al progre ss, without previous notice. In later v ers ions, additio nal p ages ma y b e i nserted. We would appreciate your informa tion as to errors in the manual or how the manual may be improved.
We accept no responsibility for damage resulting from neglect of the instructions contained in this manual. We are neither liable for nor respo nsible for actual or alleged loss or damage , whether dir ect or indirect, which is caused
by the operated or delivered equipment or the software progra ms, and which are claimed by a customer or another natural person or a legal entity. This clause includes fault y service, lost busin ess tr ansactions , loss of expec ted profi t or consequential damages which occur due to the use of the equipment sold by us or software generated by us.
We accept absolutely no responsibility for damage due to faulty installation !
This instruction manual, the program descriptions belonging to it as well as other objects sold or supplied with the controller, are protected by copyright. All rights ar e reserved. This handbook, the programs, and all other copyrighted objects may be neither completely or par tially copied or in any other manner duplicated, without the previous written consent of andron GmbH. Legally created copies, made with the permission of andron GmbH, of a complete manual, the c omputer programs or other copyrighted objects, must have the same copy right notice as the original material.

Safety notes

Warning notes and sym bols

This notice contains general and additional
information as well as rules and prohibitions
pertaining to damage prevention.
Danger notices for personnel and machine
damage, i.e. information as well as rules
and prohibitions pertaining to personal
injury and material damage prevention.
Important information or cross-
references to further descriptions.
Danger to life !!!
andronic CNC
XPanel Operating instructions


andron products are developed and produced according to the latest technologies . They are not delivered unless they
andron assumes no liability for damage due to inappropriate use. andron is not liable for payment of
The following requirements must be met before using andron products to ensure proper use:
Field of
The control is used for con trol panel integration, integration into a housing or the door of the switch c abinet or for
Each control system must be parameterized and programmed by competent service personnel before operation.
The control is "not used as directed" if it is used in a field of application not specified or if it is used under operating

Use as directed

have been tested for service reliability. The products may only be used as directed. If they are no t used as directed, material damage and pe rs onnel inj ury may result.
The corresponding safety instructions for use as directed must be read and understood by all who operate one of
our products.
If the products include hardware, the origi nal condition must not be changed . Software products must not be de -
compiled and the source codes must not be changed.
 Damaged or faulty products must not be integrated or put into operation.  It must be guaranteed that the products have been installed according to the instructions specified in this manual.
damages. The user is liable at his own risk if the products are not used as directed.
machine tool housing integration. It must be ensured that the required mounting, installation and environmental conditions are fulfilled. The control can only be used with the configurations described in this manual. Furthermore, the use of an andron software or firmware is necessary.

Not used as directed

conditions or with technical data not spec ifie d in this manual. The control must not be used if it is exposed to operating condition s which do not fulfill the determined environmental conditions, e.g. use with water or with extreme temperature differences or extreme maximum temperatures is not allowed.
andronic CNC
If the control was started without

Switch on, start-up phase, turn off

Switch on

Boot phase

The switching on of the control as well as the entire system can be realized in different ways,
Switch on the control
Boot phase of the HMI CPU
therefore observe the information of the machine manufacturer!
connecting or switching on a display, it ma y happen that the display remains dark after switch-on. In this case, press the key combination
CRTL + ALT + F1 (for VGA) CRTL + ALT + F3 (for DVI)
in order to switch to the correct output of the graphics card.
Loading of the HMI
operating system
Boot phase of the NC CPU
Loading of the NC operating
Initialization of the
operating system
Start-up of the
sercos phases
from 0 to 4
5. Control is ready for operation
andronic CNC
XPanel Operating instructions
There are different possibilities to shut down the operating
system is not monitored as to whether the machine is still

Switch off / Shut down

For switching off the control as well as the whole machine pay attention to the following notes:
To avoid data loss or hard disk damage the control must be shut down always in the correct way. That
means the operating system must be completely finished before switching off the control or the whole
system, depending on how you have logged in to the control: Click in the Windows start menu on
CNC Shut Down
These actions will shut down the operating system, so that you can surely switch off the power supply of the control..
cnc user
cnc admin
If you have logged in as User "administrator" or "cnc admin", you can click on Shut Down in the Windows start menu. However,
your are strongly advised not to do so, because the
in the machining phase or other important functions are still active!
Observe also the information of the machine manufacturer!
andronic CNC
Microsoft Windows XP Professional (SP3) is the installed operating system on the HMI computer of the
additions and other optical gadgets are deactivated. Changes in these settings can slow down the system
User-Profiles Virus scanner
Microsoft Security Patches
security patch or other update without permission of
Internet access
Only with full access and

Operating system setting, system additions, user profiles, etc.

andronic 3060. In order to guarantee the highes t poss ible sys tem performa nce , all unneces sary animat ion, s uperfluo us s oftware
Three users with corresponding user profile were arranged on the control:
administrator (Full access with administrative rights) cnc-admin (Reduced administrative rights) cnc-user (Considerably reduced user rights for the machine user on operating system level)
Please use only one of the three predefined users.
We recommend the use of an actual virus scanner. A complete virus scan is executed before the control is leaving our factory. T he installat ion of a dd itional s oftware
or the use of USB memory stic ks can cause a virus infection of the system. A final virus check mu st be done before the entire machine is delivered to the end user.
In the default setting the Windows
The installed image contains most of the availa ble Microsoft security patch in the current version, because after every installation extensive software-tests must occur in order to guarantee the perfect function of the entire system
It is forbidden to install any Microsoft ANDRON. It is also not allowed to activate the automatic update function in the Windows security center.
When using the control with not verified software, the guarantee of the control will be lost.
In the standard configuration the machine user has no internet access. administrative rights can you connect the control to the Internet
The andronic software offers the poss ibility o f remo te diagnos is via internet with the prog ram N etVie wer. To use this function it is necessary to make a r estricti on on administrator level s o that the mach ine user has no general internet access.
XP firewall is activated. The use of other firewalls is dissuaded urgently.
security patc hes. It is not possible to ins tall every
andronic CNC
XPanel Operating instructions
below. It is possible that the machine manufacturer delivers his own PLC program with different functions

Operating panel keys

andron supports the control with a basic PLC program for the operating and control functions described
and extensions. If there is no further information the following description is valid.
andronic CNC
andronic CNC
XPanel Operating instructions
andronic CNC


The pleasantly designed and cle arly structured operating interface can be operated i ntuitively. The Micros oft
Despite the extensive configuration options , the different areas of the interface are clearly defin ed. The outer
Status area
At the top, extending from left to right over the en tire screen, is the s tatus area in which on the
Main group
The right-hand side of the screen features eight MG keys. They can be activated by pointer devices (mouse, touch, etc.) or the key combinations
Underneath are two
At the bottom of the screen are the function keys F1 – F10. They are assigned according to main
To delete the
The attempt was made to place the same functions in all bars on the same function key. Context-dependent, function keys become enabled or disabled.

The XPanel user interface

.NET based panel has various configuration possibilities and can be ad justed problem-free to the needs of the
end user. Our andronic CNC controls has a w ide range of applications, ranging from classical machi ne applications like milling, honing, grinding and eroding to highly dynamic processing. For this reason we put a lot of value during the design of the new panel in individual adjustment options and optimal usability.
Illustration: Structure and functional areas of the XPanel interface
frame of the XPanel always has the same appearance, allowing the user to become quickly familiar with it. The basic information always appears at defined locations:
left the name of the active main group and underneath a description of the current action appear. This is followed by pictograms r eproduc ing the status of th e re mote mode, key-operated switch, active transformations and of the current CNC operating mode. On the very right in the status area, the pic togram of the acti ve main g roup (MG) is shown. The background color of the status area depends on the main group.
keys area
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F1 – Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F8. Main group 7 cam be configured. This is indicated by t he small inverted black triangle in the right upper corner. I t is configured by clic king this triangle or by a right mouse click on this button. From the popup menu that appears, a function can be assigned. Note: If the function is active, no other function can be assigned. Remedy: End the active function. Below MG 8, the local time and the current date are shown as tooltip. smaller buttons. "Clear" deletes the accumulated errors within the applic ation. The key is only active if any errors are active. The next time XPanel is started again, these errors will reappear. "Help" (Ctrl+Shift+F1) provides context-dependent help.
groups and can be several levels deep. Above them on the left is the area for disp laying messages (blue) and on the right the area for error messages. Error messages can be deleted by pressing the "Clear" key. messages, the message bits must be removed by the PLC or CNC.
andronic CNC
XPanel Operating instructions

XPanel pictograms of the status area

Operating modes:
n in the event of an Emergency Stop, the empty pictogram is shown when the CNC could not
Compensations: (spindle, cross, grid)
Spindle Offset:
Handwheel Offset: Control panel key-operated switch:
Remote mode:
Remote access:
Stop is show initialized correctly. For the meaning of the remaining pictograms, see description of the control panel .
controls data input and remote mode
In NC block mode, the control is rem ote-controlled. Remote mode and remote access are mutually exclusive.
The control (programming station) access the data of a remote control. The toolti p provides the computer name.
andronic CNC

Overview of the eight main groups

Tool Management
Zero points
andronic CNC
XPanel Operating instructions
Configurable main menu
E/M (Error and Messages)
+ 33 hidden pages