Published by andron GmbH, Schlätterstr. 2, D-88142 Wasserburg/Bodensee
Copying this document, giving it to others and the use or communication of the contents thereof without express
authority, are forbidden. Offenders are liable for the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event of the
grant of a patent or the registration of a utility mode l or design.
Validity There could be additional functions running in the control who are not mentioned in this documentation. It insists no
claim for this functions, in case of a new delivery or a service case.
All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation and the availability to the product.
General hints..................................................................................................................................................5
Warning notes and symbols .....................................................................................................................6
Use as directed ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Field of applications..........................................................................................................................7
Not used as directed................................................................................................................................7
Technical Handbook
Technical Handbook
Version Date Additions and changes Initials
V 1.0 07.07.2003 First edition Pa
V 1.1 16.01.2007 Layout change to DIN A4 Su
General hints
In the creation of this handbook, we have made the greatest effort and have taken the
Technical Handbook
greatest care. We reserve the right to make changes to this handbook and to the
controller or the programs, which are made necessary by technical progress, without
previous notice. In later versions, additional pages may be inserted. We would appreciate
your information as to errors in the handbook or how the handbook may be improved.
We accept no responsibility for damage resulting from neglect of the instructions
contained in this handbook.
We are neither liable for nor responsible for actual or alleged loss or damage, whether
direct or indirect, which is caused by the operated or delivered equipment or the software
programs, and which are claimed by a customer or another natural person or a legal
entity. This clause includes faulty service, lost business transactions, loss of expected
profit or consequential damages which occur due to the use of the equipment sold by us
or software generated by us.
We accept absolutely no responsibility for damage
This technical handbook, the programme descriptions belonging to it as well as other
objects sold or supplied with the controller, are protected by copyright. All rights are
reserved. This handbook, the programmes, and all other copyrighted objects may be
neither completely nor partially copied or in any other manner duplicated, without the
previous written consent of andron GmbH. Legally created copies, made with the
permission of andron GmbH, of a part of or the complete handbook, the computer
programmes or other copyrighted objects, must have the same copyright notice as the
original material.
Before connecting and starting up the control, the following documentation
due to faulty installation !
must absolutely be read!
Technical Handbook
Safety notes
Warning notes and
Meaning of the symbols used in this document:
Symbol Meaning
This notice contains general and additional information as well as
rules and prohibitions pertaining to damage prevention.
Danger notices for personnel and machine damage, i.e. information
as well as rules and prohibitions pertaining to personal injury and
material damage prevention.
Danger to life !!!
Danger of electrostatic discharge.
Important information or cross-references to further descriptions.
Use as directed
Introduction andron products are developed and produced according to the latest technologies. They
are not delivered unless they have been tested for service reliability.
The products may only be used as directed. If they are not used as directed, material
damage and personnel injury may result.
andron assumes no liability for damages due to inappropriate use. andron is not liable for
The following requirements must be met before using andron products to ensure proper
Field of applications The control is used for control panel integration, integration into housing or the door of
Not used as directed
The control is „not used as directed“ if it is used in a field of application not specified or if
payment of damages. The user is liable at his own risk if the products are not used as
The corresponding safety instructions for use as directed must be read and
understood by all who operate one of our products.
If the products include hardware, the original condition must not be changed.
Software products must not be de-compiled and the source codes must not be
Damaged or faulty products must not be integrated or put into operation.
It must be guaranteed that the products have been installed according to the
instructions specified in this manual.
the switch cabinet or for machine tool housing integration.
It must be ensured that required mounting, installation and environment conditions are
The control can only be used with the configurations described in this manual.
Furthermore, the use of a andron software or firmware is necessary.
Each control system must be parameterized an programmed by competent service
personnel before operation.
it is used under operating conditions or with technical data not specified in this manual.
The control must not be used if it is exposed to operating conditions which do not fulfill
the determined environmental conditions, e.g. use with water or with extreme
temperature differences or extreme maximum temperatures is not allowed.
Technical Handbook
Basics and overviews
Basics and overviews
Technical Handbook andronic 2060
Version V 1.6
Date 24.02.2010
Author Pa.
Editing/Illustrations Pa.
Tools This documentation was created with Microsoft Word 2000 and Adobe Illustrator.
Trade mark All product names or trademarks are properties of their respective owners.
Validity There could be additional functions running in the control who are not mentioned in this documentation. It insists no
Published by andron GmbH, Schlätterstr. 2, D-88142 Wasserburg/Bodensee
Copying this document, giving it to others and the use or communication of the contents thereof without express
authority, are forbidden. Offenders are liable for the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event of the
grant of a patent or the registration of a utility mode l or design.
claim for this functions, in case of a new delivery or a service case.
All rights are reserved with respect to the content of this documentation and the availability to the product.
Table of contents............................................................................................................................................3
Overview of the units.................................................................................................................................... 12
Front view of the andronic 2060S........................................................................................................... 12
Front view of the andronic 2060L ........................................................................................................... 13
V 1.0 03.07.2003 First Edition Pa
V 1.1 24.07.2003
V 1.2 26.08.2003 Additions: Profibus DP version Pa
V 1.3 18.03.2004 Additions: NCIO card with 37-pin I/O connector Pa
V 1.4 09.12.2005 Additions: Connector X80, X81 Pa
V 1.5 17.01.2007
V 1.6 24.02.2010
Change of CPU processor: Celeron CPU now with 1.2 GHz instead of 733 MHz
Change of harddisk: Fujitsu 2.5“ HD now with 40 GB instead of 20 GB
Layout change to DIN A4; New connector assignment X17, X19 and X60;
New HMI-CPU for andronic 2060L
Additions: Connector and interface summary (X2, X13, X19.5, X27, X42)
Update: Technical data (CPUs, HD, ...)
+ 26 hidden pages
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