Andrew Wireless Innovations Group MOR801B Users manual

User’s manual for Remot e Unit MOR801B Power
User’s manual for
band or channel selective Remote Unit
MOR801B Power
(Id.-No. 147359)
Author: Approved: QA:
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User’s manual for Remot e Unit MOR801B Power
Table of Contents
1.1 Intended purpose 13
1.2 About the MOR801B POWER 13
2.1 General 15
2.2 RF modules 15
2.4 Control module SM 2009 18
2.5 Duplexer 19
2.6 Active Combiner 20
2.7 Transceiver MFY1309 20
2.8 FSK modulator 21
2.9 4-way-Splitter 22
2.10 Measuring aids 22
2.11 Pow er supply 22
2.12 Feed forward amplifie r 24
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User’s manual for Remot e Unit MOR801B Power
3.1 Band and channel selectivity 25
3.2 Gain setting 25
3.3 ALC 26
3.4 BITE an d alarms 26
3.4.1 Handling of alarms 28
3.4.2 Status report 29
3.4.3 Severity levels 30
4.1 VSWR module 32
4.2 External alarms 32
4.3 Battery backup module 34
5.2 Optical specification 38
5.3 Mechanical specification 38
5.4 Environmental and safety 38
5.5 External electrical interfaces 39
5.5.1 Electrical power 39
5.5.2 RF connection 40
5.5.3 Optical conne cto r 40
6.1 Mechanical installation 42
6.2 Elect r ical installation 45
6.2.1 Groundin g 45
6.2.2 Power connection 46
6.2.3 Connect ion of the antenna cable 46
6.2.4 Connecting fibre optic cables 47
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7.1 Preparation 49
7.2 Setting of operational parameters 50
7.2.1 Manual setting of the attenuation by means of rotary switches 50
7.2.2 Settings via personal computer as terminal 52
7.2.3 Remote control via Master Unit 54
8.1 Error indication 55
8.2 Boot process 55
8.3 Alarm monitoring with the STATUS HIST command 56
8.4 Power supply 56
8.5 General remarks 56
9.1 General 57
9.2 Replacement of the fuses (mains) 57
9.3 Replacement of the power supply fuse 58
9.4 Replacement of the mains cable 58
9.5 Replacement of the RAM / RTC battery 59
9.6 Replacement of the dummy battery backup module 60
9.7 Replacement of the duplexer 61
9.8 Replacement of RF modules 62
9.10 Re placement of power supplies 65
9.11 Replacement of Active Combiner modules 66
9.12 Replacement of feed forward amplifier 67
9.13 Replacement of the FSK modulator 69
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9.14 Replacement of the Transceiver MFY1309 69
12.1 Installation drawing of the Repeater 73
12.2 T op view of the Repeater (left-hand side , four channel co nfiguration) 74
12.3 T op view of the Repeater (right-hand side, four channel configuration) 75
12.4 One channel configuration –block diagram and cabling 76
13 INDEX 78
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table 1-1 List of international sales offices............................................................................. 12
figure 2-1 Block diagram of MOR801B Power......................................................................14
figure 2-2 Top view of an RF module....................................................................................16
figure 2-3 Top view of a mother board .................................................................................. 17
figure 2-4 Top view of the control module.............................................................................18
figure 2-5 Top view of the duplexer....................................................................................... 19
figure 2-6 Top view of an Active Combiner module.............................................................. 20
figure 2-7 Transceiver MFY1309 .......................................................................................... 20
figure 2-8 Installation position of the Transceiver..................................................................21
figure 2-9 Configuration of the connecting pins.....................................................................21
figure 2-10 Top view of the 4-way-Splitter (Transceiver dismounted) .................................. 22
figure 2-11 Mounting position of power supplies.................................................................. 23
figure 2-12 ON / OFF position of external switch.................................................................. 24
figure 2-13 Top view of the feed forward amplifier............................................................... 24
figure 3-1 Position of rotary switches.................................................................................... 25
figure 3-2 Position of failure LEDs........................................................................................ 26
figure 3-3 Status hist report....................................................................................................27
table 3-4 List of all available alarms......................................................................................28
figure 3-5 Example of a GET1 report.....................................................................................29
figure 3-6 Example of a STATUS report ...............................................................................30
figure 4-1 Clamps for external alarms....................................................................................32
figure 4-2 Cable configuration and installation position........................................................ 34
figure 4-3 Mounting position of batteries............................................................................... 35
figure 5-1 Screw terminal for mains cable............................................................................. 39
figure 5-2 Connector panel layout.......................................................................................... 40
figure 6-1 System description ................................................................................................ 41
figure 6-2 Wall mounting brackets.........................................................................................43
figure 6-3 Clearance distance................................................................................................. 44
figure 6-4 Grounding kit........................................................................................................45
figure 6-5 Screw terminal ...................................................................................................... 46
table 7-1 LED indication........................................................................................................ 49
figure 7-2 Position of the DIP-Switch 1................................................................................. 50
figure 7-3 Position of the rotary switches............................................................................... 51
figure 7-4 Rotary switches and label ...................................................................................... 51
table 7-5 DIP-switch configuration........................................................................................52
figure 7-6 DIP-switch 2 for local mode..................................................................................52
figure 9-1 Top view of the Repeater ......................................................................................57
figure 9-2 Fuse terminal ......................................................................................................... 58
figure 9-3 Position of power supply fuse................................................................................58
figure 9-4 Position of RAM/RTC battery.............................................................................. 60
figure 9-5 Position of dummy battery backup module........................................................... 61
figure 9-6 Cable configuration of the duplexers..................................................................... 61
figure 9-7 Connector panel layout.......................................................................................... 62
figure 9-8 Top view of an RF module....................................................................................63
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figure 9-9 Position of hex coded rotary switches................................................................... 64
table 9-10 Address of synthesizer .......................................................................................... 64
figure 9-11 Position of control module.................................................................................. 65
figure 9-12 Power supply....................................................................................................... 65
figure 9-13 Position of special-nut M4...................................................................................66
figure 9-14 Position of counter sunk screws on Active Combiner ......................................... 67
figure 9-15 Position of the feed forward amplifier reset board............................................... 68
figure 9-16 Position of feed forward amplifier (Right-hand side of Repeater)....................... 68
figure 9-17 FSK modulator.................................................................................................... 69
figure 9-18 Installation position.............................................................................................69
table 10-1 Spare parts list....................................................................................................... 71
figure 11-1 Sample of a configuration list.............................................................................. 72
figure 12-1 Installation drawing of the Repeater.................................................................... 73
figure 12-2 Top view of the Repeater (left-hand side, four channel configuration)................74
figure 12-3 Top view of the Repeater (right-hand side, four channel configuration) ............. 75
figure 12-4 Block diagram of one channel Repeater.............................................................. 76
figure 12-5 Cabling of one channel Repeater......................................................................... 77
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ALC Automatic Level Control BCCH Broadcast Control Channel BITE Built In Test Equipment BTS Base Transceiver Station DL Downlink ETS European Telec o mmuni cation Standard FFwd Feed Forward Amplifier FSK Frequency Shift Keying Id.-No. Ident Number I²C-Bus Inter Integrated Circuit Bus ( Philips ) LMT Local Main tenance Timeout MFY MIKOM Transcei ver MOR MIKOM Optical Repeater OMC Opera tio n an d Maintena nce Centre PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange PCMCIA Personal Computer Modem Communication International Association PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network Rev Revision RF Radio Frequency RLP Radio Link Protocol RSSI Receive Signal Strength Indication RTC Real Time Clock SDA Serial Data Line of I²C-Bus SCL Serial Clock Line of I²C-Bus UL Uplink UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
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User’s manual for Remot e Unit MOR801B Power
Qty 1 Repeater MOR801B Power
Qty 1 User’s manual for Repeater MOR801B Power
Qty 1 Set of test protocols consisting of an electrical acceptance test protocol
and a safety test protocol applying to the power supply
Qty 1 Spare parts kit containing:
- 1 control cable RS232,
- 1 hex socket ke y, size 2.5
- 1 Torx key
- 5 socket head cap screws M3.0 x 30
- 2 tallow-drop screws TRX M5.0x25
- 2 tallow-drop screws M2.0x6
- 2 tallow-drop screws M3.0x5
- 4 straight pin s 3.0 x 25
- 3 captive washers for M5
- 4 Tyraps
- 3x5g Silicon heat conducting paste
- 1 hex socket screw key , size 4, long
- 4 nuts
- 2 fuses 8 A type MT
- 5 socket head cap screws M3.0x20
- 2 countersunk head screw M3.0x20
- 4 special nuts M4
Qty 1 Wall mounting kit
- 2 mounting brackets
- 4 washers for M8
- 4 socket head cap screws M8.0x16
- 2 tire bolts
Qty 1 Wall mounting sheet
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The electrical installation has to be performed in accordance with the safety regulations of the local authorities. Due to safety reasons the electrical installation must be performed by qualified per so nnel . The cover of this unit should not be opened while power is applied. Subsequent installation, commissioning and maintenance activities that require the unit to be powered with the cover open shall only be carried out by suitably qualif ied personnel.
The grounding of the Unit has to be performed by all means. A grounding bolt is provided at the cabinet in order to connect the earth bonding cable.
The Unit is heavy-weight. Make sure that a suitable mounting surface is used. Only adequate manpower is allowed to handle the system.
ESD precautions have to be observed! Before maintenance work use the available groundi ng system to connect ESD protection measures.
Due to power dissipation the Repeater may heat up the air volume insi de the cabinet and reach a very high temperature. Therefore the Repeater must be mounted in the vertical plane to a wall or a mast without additional enclosure to provide suffici ent ventila tion. Between the housing and the wall a minimum distance must be kept in order to provi de ai r circulation.
Laser radiation! Do not stare into the beam or view directly with optical instruments. Class 3A laser product.
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User’s manual for Remot e Unit MOR801B Power
In cellular s ystems, Repea ters are used to enh ance the influenc e of a base stati on in regions where, due to topological conditions, poor field strengths disable communication. MIKOM is a leading manufacturer of Repeaters. They provide excellent electrical characteristics, they are light-wei g ht and ea sy to inst all. Hence, the MIKOM Repeater is the preferred solutio n.
Your Repeater has been built using high reliable materials. A comprehensive quality assurance has been applied to all fabrication steps. This secures constant quality of the product. Every Repeater leaves the factory only after a thorough final acceptance test, accompanied by a test certificate, which warrants perfect function. The acceptance test certificate is subject of the delivery, and it is fixed to the Repeater lid in order to provide a quick reference for the us er.
Any intervention has to be performed by authorized persons only. If you need technical assistance with the Repeater MOR801B Power approach your local sales office ( see table 1-1 List of international sales offices ) or MIKOM directly at the following address:
MIKOM GmbH Industriering 10
86675 Buchdorf
Tel: +49 (0) 9099 6 90
Fax: +49 (0) 9099 69 31
Under consideration of all references given in this manual, the Repeater should be taken into service without any complications and sh ould operate trouble-fre e for a long time.
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User’s manual for Remot e Unit MOR801B Power
Allen Telecom Allen Telecom ( Australia )
30500 Bruce Industrial Parkway PO Box 903 Z.I. des Ebisoires Cleveland, Ohio 44 139-3996 Bankstown NSW 2200 78370 Plaisir USA Australia France
Phone: +1 ( 216 ) 349-8657 Phone: +61 ( 2 ) 9793-9644 Phone: +33-1-30-79-15-30 FAX: +1 ( 216 ) 349-8408 FAX: +61 ( 2 ) 9793-9747 FAX: +33-1-30-55-55-37
FOREM S.p.A. AT Singapore AT China
Via Archimede N. 22/24 80 Marine Parade Road CITIC Building, # 11-05 20041, Agrate Brianza #19-1 Parkway Parade 19 Jiangguomenwai Avenue Milan Singapore 449269 Beijing Italy China 100004
Phone: +39-39-605-41 Phone: +65-345-8022 Phone: +86-10-6508-3088 FAX: +39-39-605-4477 FAX: +65-345-8033 FAX: +86-10-6508-3066
AT Canada FOREM UK AT Hong Kong
Forem France
Unit D 1815 Ironst one Manor, # 12 Pickering, Ontario L1W 3W9 Canada
Phone: +1 ( 905 ) 839-3474 Phone: +44-1635-569-695 Phone: +852-2389-1844 FAX: +1 ( 905 ) 839-4663 FAX: +44-1635-569-463 FAX: +852-2389 -4864
AT India
B-256 Ground Floor. Chittaranjan Park New Delhi 110019
Phone: +91-11-696-3918 FAX: +91-11-652-1648
table 1-1 List of international sales offices
Castle Industrial Park
Pear Tree Lane
Newbury, Berkshire
U.K. RG 14 2EZ
1603 Reming ton Certer, 23 Hung to road, Kwun Tong, Kow Loon Hong Kong
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User’s manual for Remot e Unit MOR801B Power
1 Introduction
1.1 Intended purpose
Cellular telephone systems transmit signals in two directions between base stations and mobile telephones within the signal coverage ar ea.
If weak signal transmissions occur within the coverage area because of indoor applications, topological conditions or distance from the transmitter, a Repeater is used to extend transmission range. In the downlink path the Repeater picks up the signal from a donor antenna of an existing cell, amplifies and re-transmits it into the desired dark spot. In the uplink direction the Repeater receives signals from mobile stations present in its coverage area and re-transmits them to the corresponding base station.
1.2 About the MOR801B POWER
MIKOM’s MOR801B Power Remote is available as a band or channel selective optical repeater for Analog, CDMA, and TDMA technology.
The MOR801B Power Remote repeater bi-directionally amplifies signals between multiple mobiles and a single base station in the AMPS800 frequency band using optical fibres for interconn ection to a Master Unit . It is employed ma inly in tunnels, canyons, an d other areas , where physical structures cause weak field strengths. It can provide highly selective amplification of band segments or channels in the AMPS800 band.
The MOR801B Power Remote can be combined with other repeaters in order to create a multi-band optic al repeater system. Modules opera ting in PCS1900, GSM18 00, GSM900, or iDEN bands are available. When different modules are combined a common antenna and control interface is available.
The MR801 Power Remote can be set-up locally at the Master Unit through the optical fibre or remotely at the OMC. A PCMCIA slot for modem operation is an available option at the Master Unit. The repeater has a large number of functions that can be monitored and changed by the opera tors via a terminal emula tion program or the MIKOM OMC software platform. An easy to understand and simple to learn communication language is available to help the operator query status reports from the repeater or to change settings.
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User’s manual for Remot e Unit MOR801B Power
2 Functional description
The Repeater MOR801B Power can be eq uipped from on e to four bands or channels.
The following block diagram shall illustrate the configuration of the system.
one physical module contains UL and DL
**: with more than two channels, the amplifier is included *** For correct cabling see Assembly Guide
figure 2-1 Block diagram of MOR801B Power
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2.1 General
The Repeater consists of two amplifier chains. The signals to and from the mobiles are combined to an antenna by a frequency separation unit, denominated in the following as Duplexer. The optical signals to and from the Master Unit are converted by the Optical Transceiver.
In the Downlink direction the optical signals from the Master Unit are converted into RF­signals by the Transceiver (see chapter 2.7). They pass the 4-way-Splitter (see chapter2.9), which provides the RF-signal for the RF modules. After the RF module (see chapter 2.2) they are comb ined by the Act ive C ombin er (see c hap ter 2. 6) and a fter wards ampli fied by t he Feed Forward Amplifier (see chapter 2.12), which provides the required output power. Finally the signals are fed to the antenna by the Duplexer (see chapter 2.5).
In the Uplink direction the signals from the mobiles are seperated by the Duplexer, get to a Pre-Amplifier and afterwards to an RF module. The signals are combined by the Active Combiner then, get converted into optical signals by the Transceiver (see chapter 2.7) and are finally transmitted to the Maste r Uni t.
In the final amplifier of the Downlink a power detection measures the output power and controls the gain. In the Uplink the gain is controlled by the Active Combiner to protect the Optical Transceiver. This power detection is called Automatic Level Control (ALC) (see chapter 3.3).
2.2 RF modules
The task of the RF modules is to amplify the receive signals and to convert them into an intermediate fr equency. Th e signals, then, proceed a filter stage comprising of highly se lectiv e filters, a nd run th rough a digi tal c ontrollab le at tenuat or. The a ttenua tion can be set in step s of 2 dB, locally or remotely. By using the same synthesizer frequency, that was used to convert the signals down to intermediate frequency, the intermediate frequency is mixed up to the original frequency.
The synthesizer is controlled via an I²C-Bus. In case of a breakdown in mains, gain and frequency data are non-volatile stored in an EEPROM on board.
See figure 2-2 Top view of an RF module for an exemplary channel or band module.
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figure 2-2 Top view of an RF module
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2.3 Mother board
The function of the mother board is the communication between the RF modules and the control module via the I²C-Bus.
In the three and four channel configuration of the Repeater there is a mother board on the left­and on the right-hand side, whereas in the one and two channel configuration there is only one mother board implemented on the right-hand side of the Repeater.
Mother boards are located underneath the RF modules.
figure 2-3 Top view of a mother board
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2.4 Control module SM 2009
The control module SM 2009 is a DOS compatible micro computer. The whole communication between the operator and the Repeater can be done via the control module. By using the RS232 interface the Repeater can be controlled locally by using a VT100 terminal, or a PC emulating the VT100 terminal.
Frequency and gain, power down of RF stages and ALC can be controlled and status messages can be received remotely via the Master Unit.
The data transfer bet ween the control modu le SM 2009 and the m other board is rea lized by the I²C-Bus system.
The I²C-Bus concept was developed by Philips for the serial connection of integrated circuits within one device. Two wires, SDA - serial data and SCL - serial clock, carry data between the devices connected to the bus. Each device is recognized by a unique address and can operate either as transmitter or receiver.
All MOR801B Power configuration parameters are stored in an EEPROM on the control module if a power supply failure occurs.
figure 2-4 Top view of the control module
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2.5 Duplexer
The task of the duplexer is to isolate uplink from downlink, i.e. isolate transmit path from receive pat h. The pass bandwidth of the duplexer is the en tire width of the up link band and the dow nl ink band.
UL frequenc y DL frequenc y
824 - 849 MHz 869 - 894 MHz
RF probe 30 dB
figure 2-5 Top view of the duplexer
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2.6 Active Combiner
After pas sing throu gh the RF modu les, the s ignals will b e combin ed by th e Acti ve Comb iner module in the UL and in the DL path. The Active Combiner will be followed by the feed forward amplifier in the DL and by the Transceiver in the UL.
figure 2-6 Top view of an Active Combiner module
2.7 Transceiver MFY1309
The Transceiver MFY1309 is the interface between the optic and the electrical distribution unit. The function of the Transceiver is to convert the optical signal into an electrical signal and vice versa.
figure 2-7 Transceiver MFY1309
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Optical con ne cto r s
Transceiver MFY1309
figure 2-8 Inst allation position of the Tra nsceiver
The configuration of the connecting pins is shown in the following figure.
Pin 1 GND Pin 2 Rx Alarm normally closed Pin 3 Tx Alarm common Pin 4 Vcc Pin 5 Rx Alarm common Pin 6 Rx Alarm normally open Pin 7 Tx Alarm normally closed Pin 8 Tx Alarm normally open
figure 2-9 Configuration of the connecting pins
2.8 FSK modulator
connecti ng pins
To enable remote control between the Master Unit and the Remote Units a serial interface will be implemented, in the following designated as FSK modulator. Signals from the Remote Unit will be modulated to a 10.7 MHz carrier and are fed to the optical Transceiver to be transmitted to the Master Unit via optical vibre and vice versa.
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2.9 4-way-Splitter
The 4-way-Splitter provides the RF-signal to the RF modules. It splits up the signal from the Receiver and provides four equal RF outputs with an attenuation of 10 dB for the RF modules. It is mounted underneath the Optical Transceiver and can be seen only, if the Transcei ver is dismounted.
figure 2-10 Top view of the 4-way-Splitter (Transceiver dismounted)
2.10 Measuring aids
With the built-in RF probe test signals can be applied or detected. The duplexer is equipped with a probe which provides a coupling factor of 30 dB. This facilitat es measuremen ts under all operational conditions, while an antenna or a dummy load may be connected.
The position of the coupler on the duplexer is shown in figure 2-5 Top view of the duplexer.
2.11 Power supply
For the M OR801B Power thr ee power supplies are necessary. Power supplies are available with different mains power. See list below for available power supplies.
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115 VAC 15% / 40 - 65 Hz 230 VAC 15% / 40 - 65 Hz 185 - 320 VAC / 40 - 65 Hz 24 VDC 42 to 60 VDC 80 to 130 VDC
The following figure shows the mounting position of the power supplies in the MOR801B Power cabinet.
power socket (service connector*)
service connector is not included in each power supply
Power supplies
figure 2-11 Mounting position of power supplies
The power su pplies are equi pped with a p ower soc ket, protec ted with two fuses. Each power supply can be switched on or off by means of an external switch. The modules of the Repeater are voltage free if all power supplies are switched off. The power socket, however, is still provided with mains power.
See figure 2-12 ON / OFF position of external switch.
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figure 2-12 ON / OFF position of external switch
Note: To switch the whole Repeater voltage free, you have to remove the
fuses F1 and F2 on the screw terminal.
The power supply is factory-set.
2.12 Feed forward amplifier
The feed forward amplifier is the final stage which enab les high output power as well as a high ICP3. One amplifier is installed for the DL Out path.
figure 2-13 Top view of the feed forwar d amplif ier
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