Andis Company BGR, BGRC User Manual

Congratulations – you just went First Class when you bought this Andis Clipper.
Careful workmanship and quality design have been the hallmarks of Andis products since 1922.
¡Felicidades! Al adquirir esta maquinilla Andis para cortar el cabello, usted ha hecho una compra de primera clase. Trabajo esmerado y diseños de calidad han distinguido a los productos Andis desde 1922.
Toutes nos félicitations pour l'achat cette tondeuse, un produit Andis de première classe. La qualité de fabrication et de conception est l'apanage des produits Andis depuis la fondation de la société en 1922.
When using an electrical appliance, basic precautions should always be followed, including the following: Read all instructions before using the Andis Clipper.
DANGER:To reduce the risk of electric shock:
1. Do not reach for an appliance that has fallen into water. Unplug immediately.
2. Do not use while bathing or in a shower.
3. Do not place or store appliance where it can fall or be pulled into a tub or sink. Do not place in, or drop into, water or other liquid.
4. Except when charging, always unplug this appliance after using.
5. Always unplug this appliance before cleaning, removing or assembling parts.
WARNING:To reduce the risk of burns, fire, electric shock, or injury to persons:
1. Close supervision is necessary when this appliance is used by, on, or near children or invalids.
2. Use this appliance only for its intended use as described in this manual. Do not use attachments not recommended by Andis.
3. Never operate this appliance if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not working properly, if it has been dropped or damaged, or dropped into water. Return the appliance to an Andis Service Center for examination and repair.
4. Keep cord away from heated surfaces.
5. Never drop or insert any object into any opening.
6. Do not use outdoors or operate where aerosol (spray) products are being used or where oxygen is being administered.
7. Do not use this appliance with a damaged or broken comb or blade, as injury to the skin may occur.
8. To disconnect remove plug from outlet.
9. Plug charger directly into receptacle - do not use an extension cord.
10. Unplug charger before plugging or unplugging appliance.
11. Use of charger not sold by Andis may result in risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to person.
12. Do not disassemble charger; take it to an Andis Authorized Service Station when repair is required. Incorrect reassembly may result in a risk of electric shock or fire.
13. The batteries in this clipper have been designed to provide maximum trouble-free life. However, like all batteries, they will eventually wear out. Do not disassemble battery pack and attempt to
replace the batteries.
14. To preserve natural resources, please recycle or dispose of expired battery pack properly. This
product contains a nickel-cadmium battery. They must be disposed of properly. Local, state, or
federal laws may prohibit disposal of nickel-cadmium batteries in ordinary trash. Consult your local waste authority or call 1-800-822-8837 for information regarding available recycling and/or disposal options.
15. Battery pack removal and preparation for recycling:
WARNING: Upon removal, cover the battery pack’s terminals with heavy duty adhesive tape. Do not attempt to destroy or disassemble battery pack or remove any of its components. Nickel-cadmium batteries must be recycled or disposed of properly. Also, never touch both terminals with metal objects and/or body parts as short circuit may result. Keep away from children. Failure to comply with these warnings could result in fire and/or serious injury.
1. Models BGRC/BGR+ will run on an average of 3800 SPM with
the cord pack attached.
2. Models BGRC/BGR+ can be used with either the cord pack or the
3. Remove the transformer wall plug and clipper from the carton.
4. With the clipper in the off position, insert the adapter plug into
the bottom of the clipper. Note that the adapter plug is fitted with a tongue to align properly with the groove in the clipper. Once the adapter plug and clipper are aligned, press firmly together. You may hear a click as the adapter plug contacts engage.
5. Plug the transformer wall plug into the AC outlet as identified on
the carton.
6. The clipper is now ready to be used.
See page 6 for clipper use
Model BGRC Cord Pack Use
Transformer Wall Plug
Adapter Plug
1. Models BGRC/BGR+ will run on an average of 3800 SPM with the battery pack attached.
2. Models BGRC/BGR+ can be used with either the cord pack or the battery.
1. Remove the charger from the carton and plug into an AC outlet as identified on charger unit and on carton.
2. Place the Andis Model BGR+ Cordless Clipper in the form fitting pocket in the charger base. Note that the battery pack is fitted with a slot to align properly with the charger. Once the battery and charger are aligned, press the battery pack firmly into the charger until it rests at the bottom of the pocket. You may hear a click as the charging contacts engage this is nor­mal. The battery pack may be charged while on the clipper, or separately. Push the battery release button (Diagram B) on the clipper, and pull straight out to remove the battery. NOTE: The battery pack is designed to run the clipper for about one hour. A clean, sharp, well-oiled blade will provide the best run time.
3. Before initial use battery pack must be charged for a
minimum of one hour.
4. The charger base has two indicator lights: Below is a description of the Sensacharge light sequences: (Diagram C)
Continuous Green Light (Fast Charge)- Charger will fully charge battery pack in less than one hour.
Rapid Green Blinking Light (Charging Complete)- Battery pack is fully charged.
Long Green Blinking Light (“Refresh”) Charger is draining battery pack in preparation for fast charge. Please reference the section “Use of the Refresh Feature” on page 6 for an explanation.
Short Green Blinking Light­a) With Continuous Red Light (Charge Standby)- Battery
pack is trickle charging because it is either too hot or too cold to accept a fast charge. Fast charging will occur once battery pack temperature moderates.
b) Without Red Light (Charge Preparation)-Battery pack is undergoing trickle charge, because it has been drained excessively during use.
5. The clipper can be left in the charger base for an indefinite period of time. The charger will supply only what is needed and will not damage the battery due to overcharge.
Model BGR+ With Battery Use
Diagram A
Diagram B
Diagram C
1. Clipper motor switch must be in the “OFF” position for the charger to operate properly. Do not return the clipper to the
charger base with the motor switch in the “ON” position.
If the clipper is accidentally put on the charger base in the “ON” position, remove it promptly. Turn clipper off and return to the charger base.
2. Do not insert anything metallic into the battery pocket of the charger base (Diagram D).
3. Do not allow the ventilation slots on the charger base to become blocked or filled with foreign material. Avoid subjecting the charger to excessively dirty locations. If the slots become clogged with dust or hair, unplug charger and gently remove hair with a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner (Diagram E).
4. Do not attempt to charge any other battery other than the battery pack designed for your Andis BGR+ Clipper.
5. The battery pack contains an overload protection feature. Do not attempt to use it to power any other product other than the Andis Cordless Clipper. Do not touch the exposed metal contacts on the battery pack with any conductive material.
6. Do not store battery or charger where it is under 50°F or over 104°F, as damage may occur (Diagram F).
7. Do not expose the charger base or the battery pack to excessively damp conditions (Diagram G).
8. Avoid dropping the charger base and the battery pack. Do not attempt to use a damaged battery pack or charger.
9. Clean external parts of charger with a soft brush or damp rag. Do not use harsh abrasives, detergents, or solvents (Diagram H).
Diagram D
Diagram E
Diagram F
Diagram G
Diagram H
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1. A nickel-cadmium battery pack, such as the one used with the Andis Cordless Clipper, may not recharge to full capacity if several conditions exist:
A. The battery pack may develop a “memory.” This condition is caused by recharging the battery
pack after every brief use of the clipper. The memory effect can be eliminated or prevented by using the Refresh feature once a month.
B. New battery packs, or packs that have been unused for a period of time, may not accept a full
charge. This is a normal condition, and does not indicate a problem. The battery will accept a full charge after several cycles of clipper use and recharging.
2. Your clipper, battery pack, and charger function as several interacting electrical systems. Good electrical contact must be maintained in order for the motor to deliver full power, the battery to charge properly, and the Refresh feature to operate. Limited or erratic performance caused by dirt or age can be restored in the majority of the cases if you do the following:
A. Problem: Clipper motor starts and stops as if there was a loose electrical connection. Solution: Remove the battery pack from the clipper. Examine the battery pack opening in the clipper. Locate the two sets of motor contacts. Gently squeeze the metal leaves until they are about 1/16 apart using a long pliers or similar. DO NOT squeeze the metal leaves completely together or the battery pack will not re-insert. B. Problem: Charger does not fully charge the battery. Solution: Clean the battery pack bottom contacts (the portion inserted into the charging pocket). Clean the charger contacts. Re-align the charger contacts. To clean the battery pack contacts, rub gently with a pencil eraser until they are brightly polished. Use a cotton swab and 91% isopropyl alcohol to remove any residue or dirt. Denatured alcohol can also be used. Use care, as both products are flammable. Clean the charger contacts in the same way UNPLUG CHARGER FIRST. Make sure eraser dust and cleaners do not get inside the charger base. To re-align the charger contacts, again make sure it is unplugged, and gently pull the metal loops on the four contacts forward SLIGHTLY. Do not severely bend, deform, or damage the contacts. C. Problem: Charger does not exit the Refresh mode. Solution: Clean the battery pack bottom contacts as noted above. Clean and re-align the charger contacts as noted above. D. Problem: Charger lights flash on and off as clipper or battery is moved side to side in the charger pocket. Solution: Re-align the charger contacts as noted above.
3. The charger base is designed to recharge battery packs that are at, or close to, room temperature (25°C/77°F). If a battery pack is returned to the charger unusually hot or cold, the charger will not enter fast charge mode. This is normal and the battery pack can remain in the charger. Under certain conditions the charger may not fully charge a battery pack that has cooled from an unusually hot temperature. Remove the battery pack for a few seconds, and return to the charger. The charger will then enter a second fast charge mode.
4. Optimum charging results will be obtained if the charging unit is operated in a place where the temperature is stable. Sudden increases in temperature may result in the battery pack receiving less than a full charge. Avoid locating the charger near heat vents, radiators, or in direct sunlight.
5. Under normal room temperature conditions, there is no need to allow the charger base to cool between charging battery packs. Completely discharged battery packs may be returned to the charger base continuously for fast charge. If the room temperature is very warm however, allowing the charger to cool 5 minutes between battery packs is advisable. If the charger has
become too hot internally, fast charge will be discontinued. Remove the battery pack and replace after a 5 minute cooling period, the charger will reset automatically.
6. It is normal for the charger to become warm to the touch during operation.
7. Disconnect the charger from the AC outlet if long periods of non-use are anticipated.
8. Never store batteries in a discharged condition. Recharge them immediately after they are discharged.
9. Many factors influence the life of the battery pack. A battery pack that has received heavy use and is over a year old, may not give the same run-time performance as a new battery pack.
The Refresh feature works overnight by first discharging the battery pack, and then quickly charging it. A trickle charge maintains the battery at 100% for use the next day. This allows a battery pack that has developed a “memory” to perform like new.
A battery pack that receives monthly Refresh cycles will last much longer than one that does not. Andis suggests that the Refresh feature be used once per month at the end of a business day.
Using the Refresh feature overnight will ensure that your work will not be interrupted while “Refresh” operates (Diagram I).
1. The charger base needs to be plugged in for the Refresh feature to work.
2. With the BGR+ clipper or BGR+ battery pack in the charger base, press the Refresh button once. The green light will blink while the battery is discharging.
3. The green light will stop blinking, and remain continuous when the battery pack is charging once again (see Sensacharge light sequences, page 3).
4. If the Refresh button has been accidentally pressed, there are two ways to stop the battery pack from being discharged. Removing the clipper from the charger, then returning it, will cancel the Refresh operation and resume fast charge. You may also unplug the charger base for several seconds to reset the charger.
5. NOTE: The refresh cycle takes approximately eight hours to produce a fully charged battery pack. The charge must make accurate battery voltage measurements during this time. If the charger does not exit the refresh cycle or does not produce a fully charged battery, follow the steps on page 6, number 2.
Please read the following instructions before using your new Andis Clipper. Give it the care that a fine precision built instrument deserves and it will give you years of service.
To remove blade set, first make sure your clipper motor is switched “OFF”, then push down on blade with one or both thumbs (Diagram J) and slide blade off blade hinge. If your blade hinge should snap closed and is flush with the clipper, use a small standard screwdriver to pry the tongue of the hinge out (Diagram L).
NOTE: Hair may accumulate in the front cavity of the housing under the blade. If this happens, you can clean out the hair by brushing out the cavity with a small brush or an old toothbrush while the blade is off the clipper (See Diagram M for location of cavity being referenced).
Diagram I
Diagram J
To replace or change your blade set, slide the blade bracket onto the hinge of the clipper (Diagram N) and with the clipper turned “ON”, push the blade towards the clipper to lock into position.
The internal mechanism of your motor clipper has been permanently lubricated by the factory. Other than the recommended maintenance described in this manual, no other maintenance should be performed, except by Andis Company, or an Andis Authorized Repair Service Station.
Blades should be oiled before, during, and after each use. If your clipper blades leave streaks or slow down, it’s a sure sign blades need oil. Place a few drops of oil on the front and side of the cutter blades (Diagram O). Wipe excess oil off blades with a soft, dry cloth. Spray lubricants contain insufficient oil for good lubrication, but are an excellent clipper blade coolant. Always replace broken or nicked blades to prevent injury. You can clean the excess hair from your blades by using a small brush or worn out toothbrush. To clean the blades, we suggest to immerse the blades only into a shallow pan of Andis Clipper Oil, while the clipper is running. Any excess hair and dirt that has accumulated between the blades should come out. After cleaning, turn your clipper off and dry blades with a clean dry cloth and start clipping again. If upon cleaning your blades you find that the blades will still not cut, there may be a few fine pieces of hair trapped between the upper and lower blade. If this happens, you will need to snap the blade off the clipper. Proceed to slide the upper blade to one side, without loosening the tension spring or moving the upper blade completely out from under the tension spring (See Diagram P for position of blade). Wipe the surface between the blades clean with a dry cloth, then place a drop of clipper oil where the upper and lower blades meet and also in the guide slot of the tension spring (Diagram N). Now slide the upper blade to the opposite side of the lower blade and repeat this process. After completing this procedure, slide the upper blade, centering it over the lower blade. Handle or store your Andis Clipper with the blades down so excess oil will not run into the clipper case.
Diagram K
Diagram L
Diagram M
Diagram N
Diagram O
Diagram P
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