Technical Specifications
Accuracy: < +2% of FS range under constant conditions
Analysis: 0-100% oxygen
Application: Verify O
Calibration: Certified dry 100% oxygen or air after 8 hrs of use
Compensation: Temperature
Connections: 1x16 mm thread (see options below)
Controls: Soft touch keypad for ON/OFF and Calibration
Dimensions: 2.72” x 4.1” x 1.35”; weight 7 oz. (196 grams)
Display: 3 digit LCD 1.1” x .625”; resolution 0.1% O
Flow Sen sitivity: None bet ween 0.2 to 10 lite rs per minute
Humidity: Non-condensing 0-95% RH
Linearity: +
Pressure: Inlet - ambient or regulated; vent - atmospheric
Power: (2) 1.5V AA alkaline batteries; 13,000 hrs of use
Respon se Time: 90% of fina l FS re ading in 10 second s
Sensitivity: < 0.5% of FS range
Sensor: AII-11-75-PO2 D
Sensor Life: 32 months in air at 25ºC and 1 atmosphere
Storage Temp.: -20º to 60ºC (-4ºF to 140ºF) on intermittent basis
Temp. Range: 5º to 45ºC (41ºF to 113ºF)
Warm-up Time: None
Warranty: 12 months analyzer; 12 months sensor
content of scuba compressed air tanks
1% under constant conditions
Options & Accessories
AII-11-75-PO2R D Remote Oxygen Sensor Kit
A-3388 Adapter, Dome to Sensor
A-3609 Adapter, Dome to 1/8” Tube
A-3671 Adapter, BC with Restrictor to Sensor
A-3673 Adapter, BC with Restrictor to 1/8” Tube
A-3676 Adapter, 1/8” Tube to Sensor
A-3677 Adapter, DIN to 1/8” Tube
A-3678 Adapter, A-Yoke to 1/8” Tube
FITN-1009 Tee Adapter 15mm ID x 22mm ID x 22mm OD
FITN-1112-1 Flow Diverter
HRWR-1157 Screwdriver
HRWR-1158 Lanyard
TUBE-1018 Tubing, 1/8” x 3’
A-3657-1 Dovetail Mounting Kit
HRWR-1 075 Dov et ail Female Cla m p P ole/Shelf
Easy user interface . . . one touch controls
Simple to u se . . . accurate reliable results
One touch calibratio n . . . 100% O2 or air
Long battery life . . . 13,000 hrs of use
Advanced sensor technology
State of the art electronics
Certified ISO 9001:2008 QA System
2855 Metropolitan Place, Pomona, CA 91767 USA ♦ Tel: 909-392-6900, Fax: 909-392-3665, www.aii1.com , e -mail: diveaii@ aii1.com Rev 6/11

Simple to u se . . . accurate reliable results
One touch calibratio n . . . 100% O2 or air
Long battery life . . . 13,000 hrs of use
Advanced sensor technology
Certified ISO 9001:2008 QA System
Optional Accessories
Remote Oxygen Sensor Kit
Palm O2 DR with A-3654 CABL-100 9 Cable 6 ft. AII-11-75-PO2RD
Remote Sensor Connector Phone Plug with Lock Nut Oxygen Sensor
2855 Metropolitan Place, Pomona, CA 91767 USA ♦ Tel: 909-392-6900, Fax: 909-392-3665, www.aii1.com , e -mail: diveaii@ aii1.com Rev 6/11
HRWR-1157 Screwdriver
HRWR-1158 Lanyard

Copyright © 6/11 All Rights Reserved
Analytical Industries Inc. dba Advanced Instruments Inc.,
2855 Metropolitan, Pomona, CA 91767 USA.
Tel: 909-392-6900, Fax: 909-392-3665
Email: sales-industrial@aii1.com, Web: www.aii1.com
This manual may not be reproduced in whole or in part without
the prior written consent of Analytical Industries Inc.

Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Indications for Use
1.2 Intended Use
1.3 Device Description
2 Quality Control Certification 3
3 Safety Warnings 4
4 Start-up 6
4.1 Contents of Shipping Container
4.2 Controls
4.3 Start-Up Test
4.4 Calibration
4.5 Mounting
5 Operation 10
5.1 Principle of Operation
5.2 Application Considerations
5.3 Calibration
5.4 Sampling
6 Maintenance 14
6.1 Service ability
6.2 Battery Replacement
6.3 Oxygen Sensor Replacement
6.4 Reassembly
6.5 Remote Oxygen Sensor Replacement
7 Troubleshooting 18
8 Specifications 19
8.1 Spare Parts & Optional Accessories 20
9 Warranty 22
10 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) 23
10.1 Disposal 23
1 Introduction
Congratul a tions o n your p urch ase, t hese Ins tr ucti ons fo r U se des cri be th e pr ecautions, set-up, operation, maintenance and specifications of the Palm O2
Oxygen Analyzer.
This symbol means CAUTION – Failure to read and comply with the
Instructions for Use could damage the device and possibly jeopardize
the well being of the user.
Note: Analytical Industries Inc. cannot warrant any damage resulting from the
misuse, unauthorized repair or impr oper maintenance of the dev ice.
1.1 Indications for Use
The Pal m O2 O xyge n A nal yzer i s i ntend ed t o meas ur e an d di spl ay t he conc entratio n of oxygen in compressed breathing air tanks inte nded for scuba diving.
Users m ust read th e followi ng statements as they are es sential to reducing the r is k of us e erro r du e to ergo nomi c f eat ur es of th e devi ce o r
the environment in which the device is intended to be used.
The device has be en des i gned and ma nufactur e d i n s uch a way that when us e d
under the conditions and for the purposes intended, they will not compromise
the safety of the users or other persons.
Conform ity wi th ess enti al re quir eme nts has been demo nstr ate d by ver if ying th e
perform ance of the device under normal co nditio ns, be nch testi ng and determining that undesirable malfunctions constitute minimal risk to users.
Do not sterilize, autoclave, liquid sterilize, immerse in any liquid or expose the
device or accessories t o steam, ethylene ox ide or radiat ion sterilization .
The devic e is inten ded to be re-usabl e. Shoul d the de vice or access ories com e
in conta c t w i t h pat ient bo dily flui ds , ei ther dis po s e o f the devi ce or cl ean w ith a
soft cloth dampened with 70% isopropyl alcohol solution in water and allow the
components to air-dry before re-use .
Do not o perat e t he an alyz er ne ar equi pme nt c ap able of em itti n g hi gh le vels of
electromagnetic radiation as the reading may become unstable.

In order to obt ain op ti mum p erforman ce, t he o peration of th e d evice m ust b e
performed in accordance with th ese Instructions for Us e. Maintenan ce should
be performed only by trained personnel authorized by the manufacturer.
1.2 Intended Use
The Palm O2 Oxygen Analyzer is i ntended to measure and dis pl a y the co ncentration of oxygen of o xygen in compressed breathin g air tanks intended for
scuba diving.
1.3 Device Description
The Pal m O 2 Ox yg en A nal yzer is desi gne d to b e ha nd held but ca n be t em po rarily placed in a fixed posi tion on a pole or s helf w i th o ption al br ac ket a tta chments as illustrated in Section 8.1. A remote sensor option is available which
makes th e Palm O2 m ore flexi ble and eas ier to use. Either wa y, it provi des
continuous, fast, reliable and accurate oxygen measurements.
The device utilizes an electrochemical galvanic fuel cell type oxygen sensor of
the type t hat is extens ivel y used to meas ure o xygen co nce ntratio ns f rom 0%
to 100% in gas streams. O xygen, the fuel f or this electroch emical transduc er,
diffus ing into the s ensor thr ough a g as permeabl e membra ne reacts ch emically at the sensi ng electro de to produ ce an elect rical curr ent o utput propo rtional to the ox yg en con ce ntra tio n in the g as phas e. T he s enso r h as an absolute zero meaning that when no oxygen is present to be chemically reacted
the LCD displays 00.0 oxygen.
The sensor’s signal output is linear over the entire range, remains virtually
constant over t he specif ied us eful li fe and drop s off sharply at the e nd. The
sensor itself requires no maintenance and is simply replaced at the end of its
useful l ife like a ba ttery. In asmuch as t he sensor i s a transdu cer in its own
right, its expected life is not affected by whether the analyzer is ON or OFF.
A batter y pow ered st ate-of -the-ar t mi cro-pr ocess or con verts t he s ensor’ s signal output representin g the parti al pressur e o f oxygen in the gas st ream bei n g
analyzed. The resulting oxygen reading is displayed by a large easy to read
backlit liquid crystal display (LCD) that has a resolution of 0.1% oxygen. The
microprocessor is controlled from a keypad and provides system diagnostics
and warning indicators for continuous monitoring that enhance both safety
and effectiveness.
Prior to shipment, every device is thoroughly tested at the factory and documented in the form of a Quality Control Certification that is included in the
Instructions for Use su pp lied with every de vice.
2 Quality Control Certification
Customer: ________________________ Order No. _____________ Date: _______
Sensor: ( ) AII-11-75-PO2D or ( ) AII-11-75-PO2RD S/N _______________
Electronics: A-1190 PCB Assembly Ma in Software Version _______________
Accessories: BATT-1008 Battery, 1.5V AA Alkaline (Qty 2)
QC Test: LCD display 3-1/2 digits ……………………………………………………. ______
Battery symbol displays when battery is low ……………………….. ______
Span adjustment +
Following calibration with 99-100% oxygen and flushing with
Span adjustment +
Following calibration with air (20.9% oxygen) and exposing
Options: Item No.
2 Oxygen Analyzer, Diving S/N _______________
Palm O
P-0188 Manual, Ins tructions for Use ……………………. Inc luded ________
10-30% FS with 100% oxygen calibration ______
ambient air, oxygen reading as displayed by LCD 20.9% +
10-30% FS with air calibration ……………….. ______
to 99-100% oxygen, LCD displays 100% +
Overall inspection for physical defects ………………………………... ______
Qty Item No. Qty
A-3388 Adapter, Dome to Sensor
A-3671 Adapter, BC Rstr to Sensor
A-3676 Adapter, 1/8” Tb to Sensor
TUBE-1018 Tubing, 1/8” x 3’ ……..
A-3609 Adapter, Dome to 1/8” Tube
A-3673 Adapter, BC Rstr to 1/8” Tb
A-3677 Adapter, DIN to 1/8” Tube
(plus A-3654, CABL-1009)
2% ……………………. ______
A-3678 Adapter, A-Yoke to 1/8” Tb
FITN-1009 Tee Ada pter ………….
FITN-1112-1 Flow Diverter ……..
HRWR-1157 Screwdriver …………..
HRWR- 1158 Lanya rd ………………..
HRWR-1075 Dovetail Clam p ………
A-3657-1 Dovetail Mounting Kit
(A-3657, HRWR-1162) ………………
2% ____