OneTechnologyWay•P. O. Box9106•Norwood,MA02062-9106,U.S.A.• Tel:781.329.4700•Fax:781.461.3113•
Evaluating the ADAU1966 High Performance,
Low Power, Multibit Sigma-Delta DAC
ADAU1966 evaluation board
USBi control interface board
USB cable
D-sub 25-pin to (8) XLR male
12 V desktop supply
ADAU1966 data sheet
This document explains the design and setup of the evaluation
board for the ADAU1966. The evaluation board must be connected
to an external 12 V dc power supply and ground; the board draws
approximately 150 mA. On-board regulators derive 9 V, 5 V,
and 3.3 V supplies for the ADAU1966 and peripherals. The
ADAU1966 can be controlled through either an I
C or SPI
interface. A small external interface board, EVAL -ADUSB2EBZ,
also called USBi, connects to a PC USB port and provides either
C or SPI access to the evaluation board through a ribbon cable. A
graphical user interface (GUI) program, the Automated Register
Window Builder, is provided for easy programming of the chip
in a Microsoft® Windows® PC environment. The evaluation
board allows demonstration and performance testing of most
ADAU1966 features, including high performance digital-to-
analog converter (DAC) operation.
The board has an S/PDIF receiver with RCA and optical
connectors, as well as a discrete serial audio interface that is
available on the Analog Devices, Inc. system development
platform (SDP) interface. Analog outputs are accessible with two
D-sub, 25-pin connectors using the professional audio standard. A
single D-sub, 25-pin to XLR male cable is included with the board
for connecting individual DAC channels to an audio system.
Digital Audio Connections and Routing ...................................7
Connecting Analog Audio Cables ..............................................8
Using the ADAU1966 ....................................................................8
Schematics and Artwork ..................................................................9
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Evaluation Board User Guide UG-416
The ADAU1966 has a standalone mode that allows the user to
choose between a limited number of operation modes without
the need for a control interface. Applying a jumper across JP21,
as shown in Figure 2, pulls SA_MODE (Pin 46) high, enabling
the standalone mode in the ADAU1966. The SA_MODE selections
are listed in Tab le 1.
Table 1. Standalone Modes
Pin(s) Jumper Setting Description
42 0 Serial audio interface, master mode
1 Serial audio interface, slave mode
43 0 MCLK select: 256 × fS, PLL
1 MCLK select: 384 × fS, PLL
44 0 CM = 2.25 V (for AVDD = 5 V)
1 CM = 1.50 V (for AVDD = 3.3 V)
45 0 Serial audio interface, I2S mode
1 Serial audio interface, TDM mode
32:31 00 TDM4, pulse
01 TDM8, pulse
10 TDM16, pulse
11 TDM8, 50% duty
On the E VA L -ADAU1966Z evaluation board, each of the four
ADAU1966 control port pins is brought to a block of jumpers,
allowing each pin to be assigned to either the I
port. In standalone mode, these jumpers can connect the individual
pins to high or low to put the ADAU1966 in the desired mode.
Figure 2. SA_MODE—Slave, 256 × f
C port or the SPI
, CM = 2.25 V, I2S
The E VA L -ADAU1966Z arrives configured for S/PDIF input.
The S/PDIF receiver operates as a clock master, putting out an
S stream at 256 × fS. For a quick startup, the ADAU1966 is in
standalone mode with the settings shown in Figure 2. Pin 42 is
pulled high (1) and Pin 43 to Pin 45 are pulled low (0). According
to Table 1, this puts the ADAU1966 in slave mode, running at
256 × f
, while common mode (CM) is set to 2.25 V and the audio
serial port is in I
S mode. Notice in Figure 2 that the jumper for
Pin 42 is assigned to 1 and that the other pins are assigned to 0.
Figure 3. SA_MODE—Master, 384 × f
, CM = 1.50 V, TDM
Figure 3 shows the other options for each SA_MODE configuration
pin; master mode, running at 384 × f
, CM set to 1.50 V, and the
audio serial port in TDM mode. In the case where the ADAU1966
is put in TDM mode, Pin 31 and Pin 32 can be pulled high or
low to achieve the modes listed in Tabl e 1. The correct pins are
outlined in the top left corner of Figure 3, as DSD8 and DSD7.
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UG-416 Evaluation Board User Guide
The evaluation board can be configured for live control over
the registers in the ADAU1966. When the Automated Register Window Builder software is installed and the USBi control
interface is plugged into the board, the software can control
the ADAU1966. For this configuration, the ADAU1966 must
be assigned to I
correct jumper positions.
The Automated Register Window Builder controls the
ADAU1966 and is available for download under the Tool s,
Software, & Simulation Models section of the ADAU1966
product page at
In addition, the ADAU1966 can be put into SPI mode for
control by other means. See Figure 5 for the correct jumper
The Automated Register Window Builder is a program that
launches a graphical interface for direct, live control of the
ADAU1966 registers. The GUI content for a specific part is
defined in a part-specific .xml file; these files are included in
the software installation. To install the AutomatedRegister Window Builder software, follow these steps:
1. Go to the ADAU1966 product page and download the 64-
Bit OS ( or 32-Bit OS (
file, which can be found under the Tools, Software, & Simulation Models section of the ADAU1966 product page.
2. Open the file and extract the files to an
empty folder on your PC.
3. Install the Automated Register Window Builder by
double-clicking setup.exe and following the prompts. A
computer restart is not required.
4. Copy the .xml file for the ADAU1966 from the extraction
folder into the C:\ProgramFiles\Analog Devices Inc\
AutomatedRegWin folder, if it is not already installed.
To set up the USBi hardware, follow these steps:
1. Plug the USBi ribbon cable into J12, the I
2. Connect the USB cable to the PC and to the USBi.
3. When prompted for drivers, follow these steps:
a. Choose Install from a list or a specific location.
b. Choose Search for the best driver in these locations.
c. Check the box for Include this location in the search.
d. Find the USBi driver C:\Program Files\Analog
Devices Inc\AutomatedRegWin\USB drivers.
e. Click Next.
f. If prompted to choose a driver, select CyUSB.sys.
g. If the PC is running Windows XP and a message
appears saying that the software has not passed
Windows logo testing, click Continue Anyway.
4. Open the Automated Register Window Builder application
and load the .xml file for the part on the evaluation board.
Plug the 10-way ribbon cable on the USBi into the I
port (J12) on the evaluation board.
C/SPI port.
Figure 5. ADAU1966 SPI Control
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Evaluation Board User Guide UG-416
The E VA L -ADAU1966Z evaluation board requires a power
supply input of 12 V dc and ground to the power jack; 12 V
draws ~150 mA at higher sample rates with all channels running.
The on-board regulators provide 9.0 V, 5.0 V, and 3.3 V rails. The
9.0 V rail is derived from 12 V by a linear regulator; it provides
voltage to the audio op amp in the active output filter for
Channel 1 and Channel 2. The 5.0 V rail is derived from 12 V
by a switching regulator; it can supply AVDD as well as IOVDD
for the ADAU1966 and other peripherals. The 3.3 V rail is derived
from the 5.0 V supply by an LDO linear regulator; it provides
voltage to AVDD and IOVDD as well as other active peripherals.
AVDD and IOVDD are selected on the board using 0 Ω, 0805
package resistors. Install only one resistor for each load, AVDD
and IOVDD, as described in Figure 6. Figure 6 shows AVDD
fed from 5.0 V and IOVDD fed from 3.3 V.
Figure 6. AVDD and IOVDD Selection Resistors
The ADAU1966 has an internal voltage regulator that allows
the user to derive DVDD and PLLVDD from the AVDD voltage
source. The external PNP transistor, Q1, and passives, C36, C40
and R56, make the regulator circuit shown in Figure 7. Short
both JP9 and JP11 to activate the circuit; JP9 supplies the emitter
of the PNP, and JP11 powers the VSUPPLY pin (Pin 25) on the
Links are provided along each ADAU1966 power rail to give access
for current measurement (see Figure 8). These links also allow
directly supplying voltage from an outside source.
Figure 8. ADAU1966 Power Links
The EVAL -ADAU1966Z has provision for resetting and powering
down the ADAU1966. S2 on the evaluation board, shown in
Figure 9, is a momentary reset switch that pulls the master reset
) line low; this line controls the reset generator U10. MR is
also connected to the USBi and SDP INTF connectors through
steering diodes and protection resistors so that outside devices
can control the reset state of the evaluation board, as shown in
Figure 26. The power down jumper, JP5, allows the MR line to be
tied low. The output of the reset generator drives the PU_/RST line.
The PU_/RST line is directly connected to two devices: the S/PDIF
receiver and the ADAU1966. A pull-down resistor holds the line
low until the reset generator, U10, asserts the line high, as shown in
Figure 26. The PU_/RST line is also connected to a pin on the
SDP INTF through a steering diode and protection resistor,
allowing external reset control.
Figure 9. Reset Switch and Power-Down Jumper
Figure 7. ADAU1966 Internal Regulator Jumpers
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UG-416 Evaluation Board User Guide
The MCLK routing on the evaluation board is handled by a block
of jumpers, J5, allowing any one of four sources to be selected:
SPDIF, SMA connector, active OSC, and INTF connector. The
board comes with SPDIF selected, as shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10. SPDIF Selected as MCLK Source
The evaluation board has a 12.288 MHz active oscillator that
can be selected by shorting the OSC_EN jumper, JP8, and
selecting OSC on J5, as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11. Active OSC-Enabled and Selected as MCLK
When using the SDP interface to add serial audio onto the
evaluation board, MCLK can either be supplied by the SDP
board, or it can be supplied by the MCLKO pin of the ADAU1966.
To route MCLK from the SDP interface to the ADAU1966, apply a
shorting jumper across JP6 (MCLK_SEL), as shown in Figure 12;
this sets the direction of the level translators on the board to
receive an MCLK signal from the SDP interface, EI3 1A, Pin 119
(EI3_MCLK), as shown in Figure 28. Next, select INTF on JP5
to route the output of the MCLK level translator to the MCLKI
pin of the ADAU1966.
Figure 12. INTF Input Enabled and Selected
To route MCLK from the ADAU1966 to the SDP interface, remove
the shorting jumper from JP6 (MCLK_SEL); this changes the
direction of the level translators and feeds a buffered version of
the MCLKO signal from the ADAU1966 to the EI3_MCLK pin
on the SDP interface.
The ADAU1966 evaluation board is shipped without R49 on the
board, effectively disabling the crystal circuit. For operation with a
crystal, install a 150 Ω, 0402 resistor and remove any jumpers from
J5. For permanent use of the crystal, remove the 0 Ω resistor, R39.
Figure 13. Crystal Circuit Near ADAU1966
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Evaluation Board User Guide UG-416
The PLL in the ADAU1966 is very flexible, allowing the part to
run from a wide range of either MCLK or LRCLK frequencies.
It is also possible to shut the PLL off altogether and use the part
in direct MCLK mode; functionality with no PLL is limited to
256 × f
By default, the ADAU1966 runs from the PLL using MCLK as
the clock source. The MCLK loop filter must be selected using
JP2, as shown in Figure 14.
Figure 16. S/PDIF Input Selector Switch, SW1
A series of resistors is provided to set the functional mode of the
S/PDIF receiver. By default, the S/PDIF receiver runs in master
Figure 14. MCLK Selection for PLL Loop Filter
DLRCLK can be selected as the PLL clock source using the PLL
and Clock Control Register 0, Register 0x00, Bits[7:6]. In this
case, the LRCLK loop filter must be selected, as shown in Figure 15.
If DLRCLK is selected as the PLL clock, there is no need for an
MCLK signal.
mode, 256 × f
receiver to make changes to the hardware mode.
The jumpers shown in Figure 17 are set for the S/PDIF receiver
to drive the DBCLK and DLRCLK clock ports and the eight
DSDATA x lines of the ADAU1966. JP22 selects the input to the
buffer; the output of this buffer shows up on the right-hand column
of JP13 to JP20. The pins in the middle column of these jumpers
are connected to the DSDATAx pins of the ADAU1966 through
the appropriate line termination. DBCLK and DLRCLK selections
are made with JP10 and JP12, respectively, where the middle
pins are connected to the DBCLK and DLRCLK pins of the
, I2S format; consult the data sheet for the S/PDIF
Figure 15. LRCLK Selection for PLL Loop Filter
The ADAU1966 evaluation board has two separate inputs for
digital audio signals: S/PDIF and SDP interface.
The S/PDIF receiver can handle either of two options: COAX
uses the RCA jack, J1, and OPT uses the Toslink jack, U1. The
S/PDIF input is selected using S1, as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 17. S/PDIF Data and Clock Routing
The SDP interface, J6 and J8, make up a standard interconnect
within Analog Devices. They provide for transfer of digital audio,
clocks, and control between boards. For additional information,
see the pinout included in the schematic in Figure 28.
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UG-416 Evaluation Board User Guide
Figure 18 shows the jumpers configuration for using the SDP
interface connector as the digital audio source. JP22 is set so
that the DSDATA1 source from the SDP interface is driving the
buffer, and this buffer is connected to all eight DSDATAx inputs
of the ADAU1966. JP10 and JP12 are set for the ADAU1966 to
run in slave mode from clocks supplied by the SDP interface.
Channel 1 and Channel 2 are also available as single-ended outputs
on a stereo, 3.5 mm stereo jack, J14. The J9 and J10 jumpers assign
the differential outputs of the DAC to either the passive differential
output or the active single-ended filter.
Figure 19 shows J9 and J10 set for the passive differential output
available on the D-sub connector.
Figure 18. SDP Interface DSDATA1 Distribution
There are two forms of the analog outputs of the ADAU1966
evaluation board: differential outputs and single-ended outputs.
The differential outputs appear on through hole test points as well
as on 25-way, female D-sub connectors. The pinout of these D-sub
connectors follows the professional audio standard for eight
differential signals on a single jack. A single 25-pin male D-sub
to XLR male harness has been provided for testing and evaluation
purposes. These cables are widely available on the open market.
The differential outputs of the ADAU1966 drive the connectors
directly through a simple 1-pole RC filter and appropriate ac
Figure 19. Channel 1 and Channel 2 in Passive Differential Output Mode
Figure 20. Channel 1 and Channel 2 in Active Single-Ended Output Mode
Figure 20 shows J9 and J10 set for the active single-ended output
available on the 3.5 mm TRS connector, J14.
When the ADAU1966 starts in standalone mode, it is operational
upon power up.
If the ADAU1966 is not powered up in standalone mode, the
USBi must be connected to set the appropriate registers to make
the part operational. First, the ADAU1966 must be activated using
the PLL and Clock Control 0 register (Address 0x00) by setting
the PUP bit (Bit 0) to 1 for master power-up. Next, using the
DAC Control 0 register (Address 0x06) set the MMUTE bit (Bit
0) to 0 for normal operation. The ADAU1966 now passes audio
in its default mode: I
If different settings are desired, it is recommended to program
the custom settings before unmuting the part.