Engineer To Engineer Note EE-64
Technical Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP components and development tools
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Setting Mode Pins on Reset
Hi, I’m developing a DSP system using an ADSP2185 (100 pin package). The design requires me
to use the Programmable Flag pins during program
execution, which I noticed are multiplexed with the
Mode A, B and C pins. I am concerned that there
may be problems in latching the proper setting on
the Mode pins when a RESET is asserted. I also
understand that there are concerns when using an
EZ-ICE to simulate a design which involves a 100
pin package. Can you suggest some general
guidelines for designing a system which latches
mode information correctly for both general
execution and system emulation?
On all ADSP-218x parts which are packaged in a
100-pin Thin Quad Flat Pack (TQFP), some of the
pins are multiplexed to retain all of the functionality
of the larger packaged ADSP-218x DSPs. In
particular, the DSP can be booted in either BDMA
or IDMA mode by properly setting the Mode C
pin. The DSP cannot change modes while in
operation; this information is only latched on a reset.
Once booting has been initiated, the Mode C pin is
used as a programmable flag (PF2). If you are
using the mode pins in your design, care must be
taken at reset to set them properly. Also, when you
are using the EZ-ICE to emulate a design, it is
important to remember that the ERESET pin acts
exactly like RESET. This means that mode
information is also latched on an emulator reset as
well as a chip reset. This could force a slight
modification in your system to create an emulator
compliant design.
There are two methods of setting the Mode pins on
reset: static and dynamic. A static mode selector
would involve either a pull up or pull down resistor
tied to each mode pin. A resistor value of 10kΩ is
recommended to minimize power dissipation and to
ensure correct biasing of the input. In a dynamic
mode configuration, the mode pins must be
connected to a logic gate driven by RESET and
ERESET (only RESET is necessary if you are not
emulating your design). As an example, if you
wanted to set Mode A to zero on a reset or
emulator reset, the following wiring could be used:
ADSP 2185
programmable I/O
This circuit will drive the Mode A pin properly and
also allow it be used as a programmable flag pin
when the DSP is in normal operation.
Clocking the DSP During Reset?

In my ADSP-2181 design, I am investigating
different options to minimize power consumption.
Can you tell me when it is necessary to supply a
CLKIN signal to the DSP and when it would be
possible to turn off this input?
On all ADSP-21xx (and ADSP-21xxx) DSPs, it is
necessary to supply a CLKIN signal when RESET
is first asserted. This input is used to set initial
internal register values in the DSP. If a clock is not
supplied, the transistors could be forced into an
unknown state and numerous problems might
occur. Once the DSP has been supplied a CLKIN
signal for approximately twelve cycles, the registers
will have reached a stable state, and the clock signal
can be removed. Before exiting the reset state (deassertion of RESET), it is necessary to supply the
DSP with a clock for at least 2000 cycles to give
the phase-locked loop (PLL) adequate time to
synchronize system clocks before
EE-64 Page 2
Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP components and development tools from the DSP Division
Phone: (800) ANALOG-D, FAX: (781) 461-3010, FTP: ftp.analog.com, EMAIL: dsp.support@analog.com