Engineer-to-Engineer Note EE-246
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Interfacing AD7276 High-Speed Data Converters to ADSP-21262
SHARC® Processors
Contributed by Aseem Vasudev Prabhugaonkar and Jagadeesh Rayala Rev 1 – October 5, 2004
This application note explains how to interface
AD7276 high-speed data converters to ADSP21262 SHARC® processors. This application
note also provides example code to demonstrate
how the SHARC processor's serial ports (SPI and
SPORTs) can be programmed to receive data
from AD7276 devices in core and DMA modes.
The power-down scheme for AD7276 ADCs
between conversions in DMA mode is also
About AD7276/7277/7278 ADCs
The AD7276/AD7277/AD7278 devices are 12-,
10-, and 8-bit, high-speed, low-power,
successive-approximation ADCs, respectively.
The parts operate from a single 2.35 V to 3.6 V
power supply and feature throughput rates up to
3 million samples per second (MSPS).
The conversion process and data acquisition are
controlled using the
clock, allowing the devices to interface with
variety of microprocessors or DSPs. The input
signal is sampled on the falling edge of
the conversion is also initiated at this point.
There are no pipeline delays associated with the
The AD7276/AD7277/AD7278 ADCs use
advanced design techniques to achieve very low
power dissipation at high throughput rates.
/CS signal and the serial
/CS, and
The reference for the part is taken internally from
VDD. This allows the widest dynamic input
range to the ADC. Thus, the analog input range
for the part is from 0 V to VDD. The conversion
rate is determined by the serial clock SCLK.
AD7276/7277/7278 Product Highlights
3 MSPS ADCs in a 6-lead TSOT package
Pin compatible to AD7476/7477/7478 and
AD7476A/7477A/7478A parts
High throughput with low power
Flexible power / serial clock speed
The conversion rate is determined by the
serial clock. Increasing the serial clock speed
reduces the conversion time. This reduces
average power consumption while in powerdown mode (i.e., while not converting). The
part also features a power-down mode to
maximize power efficiency at lower
throughput rates. Current consumption is
1 µA max in power-down mode.
Reference derived from the power supply
No pipeline delay
The parts feature a standard successiveapproximation ADC with accurate control of
the sampling instant via a /CS input and onceoff conversion control.
Copyright 2004, Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for customer product design or the use or application of
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of their respective holders. Information furnished by Analog Devices applications and development tools engineers is believed to be accurate and reliable, however
no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices regarding technical accuracy and topicality of the content provided in Analog Devices’ Engineer-to-Engineer Notes.

AD7276/7277/7278 A/D Applications
AD7276/7277/7278 applications include:
Battery-Powered Systems
Personal Digital Assistants
Medical Instruments
Mobile Communications
Instrumentation and Control Systems
Data Acquisition Systems
High-Speed Modems
Optical Sensors
About ADSP-21262 Processors
The ADSP-21262 is the first member of the
third-generation of SHARC programmable
processors. A range of applications such as highquality audio and automotive entertainment
systems, voice recognition, medical appliances
and measurement devices benefit from the
ADSP-21262 processor’s integration of large onchip memory with a wide variety of
peripherals—thereby speeding time to market
and keeping costs low.
The ADSP-21262 derivative, which is based on
the SHARC processor core, supports execution
of 32-bit fixed-point and 32/40-bit floating-point
arithmetic formats. With its core running at
200 MHz (5-ns instruction cycle time), the
ADSP-21262 processors are capable of executing
complex Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
operations—a 1024-point complex FFT in 46 µs,
more than 2.6 times faster than comparatively
priced processors. In audio applications, the
single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) mode
effectively doubles the processor's performance.
The ADSP-21262 processor is designed with the
highest level of integration, including 2 Mbits of
on-chip dual-ported SRAM and 4 Mbits of maskprogrammable ROM memory. This large amount
of on-chip dual-ported memory enables sustained
processor and I/O performance without the need
for external memory. System I/O is achieved
through six full-duplex serial ports, four timers, a
16-bit parallel port, a serial peripheral interface
(SPI), 22 zero-overhead Direct Memory Access
(DMA) channels delivering fast data transfers
without processor intervention, and an innovative
Digital Applications Interface (DAI) offering
complete software control through its Signal
Routing Unit (SRU).
AD7276-to-ADSP-21262 Interface
This application note uses an AD7276 highspeed data converter for the interface. The other
converters in this family (AD7277 and AD7278)
are functionally identical. The ADC has a serial
interface for DSPs and micro-controllers to
transfer the 12-bit digitized data. The ADC
supports SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) and
SPORT (DSP Serial Port interface) protocols.
ADSP-21262 processors can connect to AD7276
ADCs over their SPI or SPORT interfaces.
The serial interface of AD7276 comprises three
/CS Chip Select is an active low input. This
signal initiates A-to-D conversion and frames
the serial data transfer.
SDATA The AD7276 drives conversion results
onto this pin. The data bits are clocked out on
the falling edge of the serial clock.
SCLK Serial clock is an input to the ADC.
The converter clocks the data bits out on the
falling serial clock edges.
The falling edge on
hold mode and also initiates conversion. For
compatibility with a 16-bit word length
supported by SPI, the ADC outputs 16 bits. The
first two bits (zeros) are followed by 12 valid
data bits and two zero bits in the end of the serial
data stream. Though the ADC data is 12 bits
wide, every word is transferred as a 16-bit word.
This helps since the SPI word length in ADSP21262 processor is configurable as 8, 16, or
32 bits only. When interfaced to a serial port, the
/CS puts track-and-hold in to
Interfacing AD7276 High-Speed Data Converters to ADSP-21262 SHARC® Processors (EE-246) Page 2 of 5