ANALOG DEVICES EE-232 Service Manual

Engineer-to-Engineer Note EE-232
Technical notes on using Analog Devices DSPs, processors and development tools
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Configuring the Signal Routing Unit of ADSP-2126x SHARC® DSPs
Contributed by K. Malsky Rev 1 – February 12, 2004


The ADSP-2126x family of SHARC® DSPs is capable of interfacing with a wide variety of peripherals. Much of this versatility comes from the processor’s “soft” connections between the I/O ports and the physical package pins. When most processors are designed into real-world systems, many device pins are tied high or low, pulled up, pulled down, or left unconnected. A complex system often has many input pins with fixed or default values that must be hard-wired and unused outputs pins. The Signal Routing Unit (SRU) on an ADSP-2126x DSP is a software-controlled matrix that can eliminate the need for pins that do not serve any true I/O purpose.
The SRU provides maximum flexibility by allowing you to define the function of the 20 pins of the digital audio interface (DAI). However, this flexibility brings complexity that can be overwhelming when beginning a new design. This document provides guidance for engineers who are starting their first project using the SRU and the DAI pins. It offers helpful hints and tricks that may assist experienced users.

Getting Started

The SRU, which is documented in the ADSP­2126x SHARC DSP Peripherals Manual [1], can
be somewhat difficult to approach. By its nature, any connection matrix requires a clear understanding of what is being connected. The naming convention for these endpoints is very
Copyright 2004, Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for customer product design or the use or application of customers’ products or for any infringements of patents or rights of others which may result from Analog Devices assistance. All trademarks and logos are property of their respective holders. Information furnished by Analog Devices Applications and Development Tools Engineers is believed to be accurate and reliable, however no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices regarding technical accuracy and topicality of the content provided in Analog Devices’ Engineer-to-Engineer Notes.
consistent, but frequently counterintuitive. In an attempt to make the nomenclature more intuitive, we’ll begin by using familiar terms and focusing on the outside of the processor.

Step 1: Take Inventory of the Unique Signals

As mentioned above, only signals that actually provide information to and from peripherals need to be connected to the SHARC DSP. Since there is a means of routing within the DSP, signals need only to be connected to a single pin, regardless of the number of internal places the signal is used. You do not have to connect the same signal to two or more DAI external pins.
Identify the peripherals that you are trying to connect to the SHARC DSP, and count the unique signals. If the same clock or frame sync is connected to multiple devices, it counts as one signal. When a serial data stream drives multiple output devices, it also counts as a single signal. List the unique I/O signals and look carefully to see what else you may be able to eliminate.
For example, if you find two signals are identical, but of opposite polarity (inverted), count them as one signal, as the SRU can generate either from the other. If a clock signal is a phase-aligned, integer sub-multiple of another clock signal, group them together. The Precision Clock Generator (PCG) is a peripheral within the DAI that may allow you to connect only the fastest clock. For example, if there is a clock at frequency f and another at f/8, it is likely that only the faster clock needs a DAI pin. Read
about the PCG in the ADSP-2126x SHARC DSP Peripherals Manual [1] for details.

Step 2: Note the Direction of Signal Flow

Next to each signal in your list, indicate whether it should be an input to the pin buffer, an output from the pin buffer, or bidirectional.
The external connection to the SHARC
DSP DAI pins (the wire lead or ball) is part of a peripheral known as a pin buffer. Pin buffers will be explained in detail in the next section. For now, just think of them as I/O pins on the SHARC with programmable behavior.
Most pin buffers are used only in one direction in a given design. Note that many peripherals have pins that are capable of being bidirectional, but are only used in one direction in the system. When a pin buffer is unidirectional, programming the SRU is dramatically simplified.
Once the SRU is configured correctly (one or more routing patterns depending on your application), most of this will become transparent.

Programming the SRU

Think of each physical DAI as a 3-terminal peripheral with logical connections for an input, an output, and an enable that activates the pin buffer amplifier.
to SRU
External Package
In cases where the pin is bidirectional, determine what causes the direction to change. Is it the state of another pin? Is it the state of a processor-level control register? Is it the software configuration of a port? Think about what may be controlling when the SHARC is driving a logic value onto the bidirectional pin and when the pin is just reading a logic input.

Step 3: Allocate the DAI Pins

At this point, it is likely that you will have reduced your list to 20 or fewer signals. If you have a few extra, don’t panic. There are additional pins that may be designated as various types of GPIO, including FLAGS, IRQ, and device selects.
Build a “cheat sheet” that lists the DAI pin numbers (1-20), the signal to which you are connecting each pin, and whether it is an output, input, or bi-directional (from the perspective of the SHARC DSP). Even if the schematics are easy to read, a clean version of this table will be invaluable until your system is up and running.

Figure 1. A Pin Buffer

A pin buffer is like a small buffer amplifier that can source enough current to drive the pin and a trace on the circuit board. When switched on (i.e., when its enable input is logic high), the logic value at the pin buffer input is driven onto the pin buffer output. When switched off (i.e., when its enable input is logic low), the buffer amplifier is high impedance, and the logic level of the pin buffer output is easily controlled by an external source. Pin buffers are the logical gateway for the physical IC package leads associated with the DAI.

Step 4: Program the Inputs to the SHARC DSP

Understanding the nomenclature is, arguably, the most difficult part of using the SRU. Programming is very simple. Ensure that you understand the next paragraph before continuing.
Since a pin buffer is an on-chip peripheral, the signal you connect to the physical package is
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