Analog Devices EE189 Application Notes

Engineer To Engineer Note EE-189
Technical Notes on using Analog Devices' DSP components and development tools
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Link port tips & tricks for ADSP-2106x & ADSP-2116x SHARC® DSPs
Contributed by R. Murphy October 27, 2003


Some members of the SHARC® DSP family have Link Ports that enable point-to-point communication between DSPs. This EE-note is intended to supplement the existing documentation and facilitate debugging Link Port systems. In this EE-note we will briefly cover the basics of using link ports, provide some tips on link port operation across the SHARC DSP family, and discuss the anomalies associated with some of the Link Port functionality.
Suitable for long distance transfers
Sending the data along with the LACK (Link Acknowledge) signal as well as the ability for LACK to hold off further words lends itself to long trace-length usage.
Link Port Booting
The ability to boot the DSP via the link port can further free up the external bus and allows for complex booting schemes in which many DSPs can be booted in sequence via link ports, even with unique application code for each DSP.

Why Use Link Ports?

The Basics

Point-to-Point Inter-processor Communication
Use the Link Ports to transfer data amongst the DSPs in the cluster, freeing up the external port for other accesses.
Flexible, efficient data control
Link Ports can use the core or the zero­overhead DMA controller to transfer data to / from the DSP for efficient data I/O.
Bi-directional communication on a single link
The Link Ports are bi-directional, so a routine can easily switch the direction of the transfer.
Multiple simultaneous transfers
The Link Ports allow the DSP to communicate with other DSPs simultaneously saving time and board layout.
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Link Ports Availability by DSP

ADSP-21060 & ADSP-21062:
6 Link ports, 4 bits wide, 1x or 2x core clock
6 Link ports, 8 bits wide, up to 95* MHz
2 Link ports, 8 bits wide, up to 100 MHz
*ADSP-21160M = 80MHZ, ADSP-21160N = 95MHz
The ADSP-2106x and ADSP-2116x Link Ports
are logically but not electrically compatible. Please see EE-160 on for more information on using these peripherals together.

Link Port Buffers:

These are Memory Mapped two location deep FIFOs with support for either 32 or 48 bit words. The user has the flexibility to assign any link
Transmitter Receiver
Link Port
Figure 1 .Link Port Connections 21xxx DSPs
port to any link buffer, and each link buffer has a dedicated DMA channel. In order to prevent lost data, a read of an empty buffer or a write to a full buffer results in core hang.
Link Port
Figure 1 displays the connection of the link port signals. The data path is 4 bits wide on the ADSP-2106x DSPs, and configurable for either 4 or 8 bits wide on the ADSP-2116x DSPs. The LDATx and LCKx signals are driven by the
transmitter. LACKx is driven by the receiver. Data is driven on the rising edge of LCLKx and sampled on the falling edge. The receiver will deassert the LACKx signal to hold off the transfer if it’s link buffer is full.
Figure 2.Link Port Communication Examples
Link port tips & tricks for ADSP-2106x & ADSP-2116x SHARC® DSPs (EE-189) Page 2 of 6
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