Analog Devices EE183v04 Application Notes

Engineer-to-Engineer Note EE-183
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Rational Sample Rate Conversion with Blackfin® Processors
Contributed by Jeff Sondermeyer, Senior DSP FAE Rev 4 – March 18, 2004


The process of converting the sampling rate of a signal
from one rate to another is called sampling rate conversion
(or SRC). This technique is encountered in many application areas such as:
Digital Audio (the focus of this paper)
Communications systems
Speech Processing
Antenna Systems
Radar Systems
Sampling rates may be changed upward or downward. Increasing the sampling rate is called interpolation, and decreasing the sampling rate is called decimation.
Reducing the sampling rate by a factor of M is achieved by discarding every M-1 samples, or, equivalently keeping every M’th sample. Increasing the sampling rate by a factor of L (interpolation by factor L) is achieved by inserting L-1 zeros into the output stream after every
sample from the input stream of samples.
This system can perform SRC for the following cases:
reduction of the sampling rate and interpolation is the increasing of the sample rate.


A reduction of sample rate (decimation) by a factor of M is achieved by sequentially discarding M-1 samples and retaining every M’th sample. While discarding M-1 of every M input samples reduces the original sample rate by a factor of M, it also causes input frequencies above one-
half the decimated sample rate to be aliased into the frequency band from DC to the decimated Nyquist frequency. To mitigate this effect, the input signal must be lowpass filtered to remove frequency components from portions of the output spectrum which are required to be alias free in subsequent signal processing steps. A benefit of the decimation process is that the lowpass filter may be designed to operate at the decimated sample rate, rather than the faster input sample rate, by using a FIR filter structure, and by noting that the output samples associated
with the M-1 discarded samples need not be computed.
Decimation by a factor of M
Interpolation by a factor of L
SRC by a rational factor of L/M.
SRC by L/M requires performing an interpolation to a sampling rate which is divisible by both L and M. The final output is then achieved by decimating by a factor of M.
Appropriate lowpass filtering is required to prevent both imaging and aliasing. This system employs the polyphase, multistage technique in the process of the sampling rate conversion for computational savings.

1.1 Sample Rate Conversion Designs

SRC designs use the basic properties of decimation and interpolation to change sampling rates. Decimation is the
Copyright 2004, Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for customer product design or the use or application of customers’ products or for any infringements of patents or rights of others which may result from Analog Devices assistance. All trademarks and logos are property of their respective holders. Information furnished by Analog Devices Applications and Development Tools Engineers is believed to be accurate and reliable, however no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices regarding technical accuracy and topicality of the content provided in Analog Devices’ Engineer-to-Engineer Notes.


An increase in sample rate (interpolation) by a factor of L is achieved by inserting L-1 uniformly spaced, zero value samples between each input sample. While adding L-1 new
samples between each input sample increases the sample
rate by a factor of L, it also introduces images of the input
spectrum into the interpolated output spectrum at frequencies between the original Nyquist frequency and the higher interpolated Nyquist frequency. To mitigate this effect, the interpolated signal must be lowpass filtered to remove any image frequencies which will disturb subsequent signal processing steps. A benefit of the interpolation process is that the lowpass filter may be designed to operate at the input sample rate, rather than the faster output sample rate, by using a FIR filter structure,
and by noting that the inputs associated with the L-1
inserted samples have zero values.

Sample rate changes using both interpolation and decimation

When the specified SRC factor is not an integer factor, SRC design uses interpolation to increase the sample rate to a rate which is divisible by both the input and final output sample rates. This interpolation is then followed by decimation to achieve the specified output rate. Note that the output sample rate may be faster or slower than the original input rate. In cases where both interpolation and decimation are performed in tandem it is possible to combine the anti-imaging filter of the interpolator and the anti-aliasing filter of the decimator into a single filter which satisfies both requirements. The filters which run at the low data rate are actually implemented as a particular structure known as a polyphase filter, which will be discussed shortly.

1.2 Decimation

If the sampling rate is decreased by a factor M, in order to
avoid aliasing, a lowpass filter is needed with the specific restrictions that the ratio of the half sample frequency to
the passband frequency must be less than or equal to M.
Let x(m) be the input signal, h(k), 0 <= k < K, be the coefficients of a given lowpass filter and z(m) be the
output signal before decimating by a factor M, then:
z(m) = (1)
Now let the output signal after the decimator be y(r) =
z(rM) where the sampling rate is reduced by a factor M.
Clearly, y(r) = z(rM) if the output signal is decimated by a factor M.
y(r) =
Looking carefully at this equation, one can see that the filter is in effect using the downsampled signal. Thus the operations of downsampling and lowpass filtering have
been embedded in such a way that the lowpass filter is operating at the reduced data rate and the average number of computations to generate one output sample is reduced
by M.

1.3 Interpolation

Given an incoming sample rate of F
factor of L, then the resulting output sampling frequency is
= L*F
output signal is required such that the cutoff frequency is
Let x(n) be the original input sequence, v(n) the sequence
with L-1 zeros inserted, y(n) the output sequence of the
lowpass filter and let h(0), ..., h(K-1) be the coefficients of the lowpass filter, then:
y(n) = (3)
However, v(n-k) = 0 unless n-k is a multiple of L, since L­1 zeros were inserted in the sequence x(n) to get v(n).
Again let x(n) be the input signals, and h(k) be the filter coefficients. Then the output signal y(r) has a simple formula:
y(r) = (4)
The average number of computations during one sampling time is reduced by L, the interpolation factor.
. To prevent imaging, a lowpass filter on the
and an interpolation

1.4 Sample Rate Conversion by Rational Factor L/M

To perform sample rate conversion by a rational factor
L/M, the incoming signal is first interpolated by a factor M.
The interpolation must be performed first to preserve the spectral content of the signal. Graphically, this process can be represented by the following diagram:
Sampling rate

Figure 1. Block Diagram of a Rational SRC

Rational Sample Rate Conversion with Blackfin® Processors (EE-183) Page 2 of 26
Up Sampler
by L
lowpass filter
sample rate LFx
lowpass filter
by M
Sampling rate
The anti-aliasing and anti-imaging lowpass filters can be combined into a single low-pass filter.

1.5 Polyphase Filters

Polyphase filters are used to implement multirate filters. The polyphase filters for interpolation-only and decimation-only filters have a simpler structure than the polyphase filter used between an interpolator and a decimator.

1.5.1 Interpolator-Only Polyphase Filters

The computational efficiency of the Interpolator filter structure can also be achieved by reducing the large FIR filter of length K into a set of smaller filters. These smaller filters will have a length N = K/L, where K is selected to be a multiple of L. Since the interpolation process inserts L
- 1 zeros between successive values of x(n), only N out of the K input values stored in the FIR filter at any one time are nonzero. At one time instant, these nonzero values coincide and are multiplied by the filter coefficients h(0),h(L), h(2L),...,h(K - L). In the following instant, the nonzero values of the input sequence coincide and are multiplied by the filter coefficients h(1), h(L + 1), h(2L +
1),...h(K - L + 1), and so on. This observation leads us to define a set of smaller filters called polyphase filters, with unit sample responses:
pk (n)=h(k+nL) k = 0,1,...,L – 1 n = 0,1,...,N – 1 (5) where N = K/L is an integer.
Additional insight can be gained about the characteristics of the set of polyphase subfilters by noting that p obtained from h(n) by decimation with a factor L. Consequently, if the original filter frequency response H(w) is flat over the range each of the polyphase subfilters will possess a relatively flat response over the range (i.e. the polyphase subfilters are basically allpass filters and differ primarily in their phase characteristics). This explains the reason for the term “polyphase” in describing these filters. The polyphase filter can also be viewed as a set of L subfilters connected to a common delay line. Ideally, the kth subfilter will generate a forward time shift of (k/L)F subfilter. Therefore, if the zeroth filter generates zero delay, the frequency response of the kth subfilter is:
pk(w) =e
in, for k = 0, 1 2,..., L - 1, relative to the zeroth
(n) is

1.5.2 Decimator-Only Polyphase Filters

By transposing the interpolator structure we obtain a commutator structure for a decimator that is based on the parallel bank of polyphase filters. The unit sample responses of the polyphase filter are now defined as:
pk(n) = h(k+nM) k = 0,1,...,M - 1
n = 0,1,...,N – 1 (7)
where N = K/M is an integer when K is selected to be a multiple of M. The commutator rotates in a counter­clockwise direction starting with filter p
1.5.3 Simultaneous Interpolator and Decimator Polyphase Filter
A Polyphase filter which is used to perform lowpass filtering between an interpolator and decimator function is more complicated than the structures previously discussed for either the Decimator-Only or Interpolator-Only phases. In the Interpolator-Only case, one input leads to several outputs, and in the Decimator-Only case, many inputs lead to a single output. Thus, there is a relatively simple relationship between the polyphase subfilters and h(n), the lowpass filter coefficients. An interpolator of L samples followed by a decimator of M samples means that L input values must lead to M output values.
y(m) is the output of the polyphase filter
g(n,m) is the polyphase filter coefficients
h(n) is the lowpass filter used for both anti­imaging of the interpolator and anti-aliasing of the decimator
[x] denotes the largest integer in x (8)
g(n,m) = h(nL +mM - [
]* l)
n=0,…,N-1 and m=0,…,L-1 (9)
y(m) =
] L) x([
where K is the filter length of h(n) and L|K with N = K/L, m=0,…,L-1 (10)
In a multistage implementation, this type of polyphase filter is used between the interpolator and the decimator stage. All other stages are either simple decimation or
Rational Sample Rate Conversion with Blackfin® Processors (EE-183) Page 3 of 26
interpolation stages. The polyphase filters are exactly those described in Section1.5.1 and Section1.5.2. An excellent discussion of this topic is available in Chapter 10 of
Digital Signal Processing by Proakis and Manolakis.

1.6 Polyphase, Multistage Filter Design

Given an input sampling frequency F output sampling frequency F frequency F of both F
is the Least Common Multiplier (or LCM)
and F
. The decimator of the sample rate
conversion is defined as D = F is defined as U = F
/ F
(integer), then the smallest
. The number of primes in the
decimator is the maximum number of stages in the decimation structure design. If the decimator is 24= 2 * 2 * 2 * 3, then the maximum number of stages is 4. Likewise, the number of primes in the interpolator is the maximum number of stages in the interpolation structure design. Thus it is possible to have a different optimum multirate structure for a multistage decimation structure as opposed to a multistage interpolation structure.
If you choose M = D, L = U, then you are in a design of a SRC system (U/D), but you can also choose M = RD, and L = RU to get an equivalent system (RU/RM) for any positive integer R. The user can choose R = 1, 2, 4,...
A design of a SRC requires the selection of a structure:
decimation or interpolation, over-sample rate R = 1, 2,
4,…, number of stages, a factor for each stage, and a lowpass filter for each stage. The product of all the stage factors should be equal to the decimator if a decimation structure is selected or interpolator if an interpolation
structure is selected, times the over-sample rate R.
Momentum Data Systems (MDS) has developed a program to create and optimize SRC structures and generate
coefficients: Advanced QED Series Sample Rate
Conversion System (Windows 95/NT Version only) Version This program has two methods for
2.2. (
best design of decimation and interpolation structures: minimizing the sum of filter lengths, and minimizing the number of computations of the signal filtering. The number of computations is calculated as follows:
If U1, U2 and U3 are up-sample factors for a 3-stage interpolation structure, and L1, L2 and L3 are the filter
lengths for 3-stages respectively, then the number of computations is
L1 + L2 * U1 + L3 * U1 * U2, or equivalent L3/U3 + L2/(U2*U3) + L1/(U1*U2*U3)
If D1, D2 and D3 are down-sample factors for a 3-stage
decimation structure, then the number of computations is
(integer) and an
/ F
and the interpolator
L3 + L2 * D3 + L1 * D3 * D2, or equivalent L1/D1 + L2/(D1*D2) + L3/(D1*D2*D3)
This design problem is not a single-objective optimization problem. The number of computations, the number of filter taps and the complexity of the multi-structure enter in the calculations. The problem becomes particularly complicated if the number of stages is greater than 3.
This EE-Note used the QED Series Sample Rate Conversion System to determine the optimum SRC
structures and all coefficients.

1.7 SRC Code Overview

The work described in this EE-Note was based on the
principles discussed in Section 1.1 through Section 1.6.
From this, a polyphase multistage SRC was implemented on the ADSP-BF535 Blackfin® Processor.
A zip file ( containing the VisualDSP++™ 3.1
projects discussed here can be obtained from Analog Devices ( imported into later versions of VisualDSP++. The Default
C Linker Description File (*.ldf) for the latest version of
VisualDSP++ should be used to recompile/relink these
projects. Make sure BUFIN is defined in the assembly options (see Section 1.7.3). The SRC and main program C shell (SRC.c) were developed using the ADSP-BF535 EZ-
KIT Lite™ Evaluation Platform. The C shell contains function calls and routines to initialize the state of the ADSP-BF535 as well as the SRC. Since this code does not use any DMA capabilities or peripherals, this ‘core’ code should port directly to next generation ADSP-BF5xx Blackfin Processors. All code for this project is listed in
the Appendix.
The following were the design objectives used in developing the SRC functions:
The optimized assembly routines are to be C callable
All input and output data should be 16 bits.
All intermediate calculations should be 32-bit double-
All filter coefficients should be 32-bit.
All filters were designed for audio applications with
0.2dB passband ripple 58dB stopband ripple
The MIPS budget should be ≤ 2 MIPS for all SRC These files can be easily
(See src_init.asm and src_flt.asm in the Appendix).
precision (maintaining 31.5 bits of precision per MAC).
these criteria:
Rational Sample Rate Conversion with Blackfin® Processors (EE-183) Page 4 of 26
The program assumes input data comes from a 16-bit
buffer (initialized as ‘x’ in the shell). This data is copied into a 32-bit buffer ‘in1’ within src_flt.asm. At the end of src_flt.asm, the last 32-bit buffer ‘inx’ (where ‘x’ is the last stage) is copied into a 16-bit buffer (‘y’ in the shell). These
16-bit input/output buffers can be eliminated to conserve data space. In this case, you will need to undefine
‘BUFIN’ and preload 'in1' with 32-bit data and then use the 32-bit output data from ‘inx’.
The filters were designed to convert between selected standard audio sample rates (Hz): 48000, 44100, 32000,
22050, 16000, 11025, and 8000. See Figure 1 for the audio SRC matrix. Note that an ‘x’ in the matrix denotes that the SRC filter was designed and is included in If you
have the SRC program from MDS (or similar) you can
generate coefficients for any SRC. See Section 1.7.2
Figure 3. ‘x’ Input Data for 44.1KHz sampling of a 250Hz sine wave.

Figure 2. Audio SRC Matrix

The #2 workspace in this project has all the necessary plots of the input/output stages as well as the intermediate buffers. You can look at the data in the time domain or apply the VisualDSP++ built-in FFT plotting function to analyze the frequency domain. Load
plots_xxxxtoxxxx.vdw’ for a particular SRC. A ‘SINE_xxxxx_16bit_1024.dat’ input file was generated
to test every SRC. This is a 16-bit, 1024-sample, 1KHz or 250Hz sine wave at the input sample rate. These input files were generated using MATLAB® scripts (see
‘gen_sine_wave_comma_16.m’). It's easy to verify proper
SRC functionality by counting samples in one period at
both the input rate (in the ‘x’ plot) and the output rate (in the ‘y’ plot) in workspace #2. See Figure 2 and Figure 3.
Figure 4. 'y' Output Data for 48KHz SRC of a 250Hz sine wave
The built-in FFT plotting functions were also used to
analyze input and output data. See Figure 4 and Figure 5.
Rational Sample Rate Conversion with Blackfin® Processors (EE-183) Page 5 of 26
Figure 5. FFT of 'x' Input Data at 250Hz
Figure 6. FFT of 'y' Output Data at 250Hz

1.7.1 Input/Output Data Sizes and the GCD

The size of NINPS and NOUTS can be modified in each ‘src_xxxxtoxxxx.h’ file (see example of src_441to48.h in the Appendix). This will allow the user to vary the size of
the input/output buffers according to system block processing needs. It was envisioned that the end application would be operating on blocks of audio samples. Note that the smallest block size can be no less than the
LCM discussed in Section 1.6. However, an integer
multiple of the LCM can be applied to increase the
processed block size. The user can increase or decrease the integer multiple of the LCM (or Greatest Common
Denominator, GCD, in Table 2) by changing the buffer sizes NINPS and NOUTS. These two numbers must be at
least half of the greatest filter coefficient count times the
INTPx to ensure valid output data. Table 1 was generated
from a simple C program:
GCD=48000, Original=48000/48000, NEW=1/1 GCD=300, Original=48000/44100, NEW=160/147 GCD=16000, Original=48000/32000, NEW=3/2 GCD=150, Original=48000/22050, NEW=320/147 GCD=16000, Original=48000/16000, NEW=3/1 GCD=75, Original=48000/11025, NEW=640/147 GCD=8000, Original=48000/8000, NEW=6/1 GCD=300, Original=44100/48000, NEW=147/160 GCD=44100, Original=44100/44100, NEW=1/1 GCD=100, Original=44100/32000, NEW=441/320 GCD=22050, Original=44100/22050, NEW=2/1 GCD=100, Original=44100/16000, NEW=441/160 GCD=11025, Original=44100/11025, NEW=4/1 GCD=100, Original=44100/8000, NEW=441/80 GCD=16000, Original=32000/48000, NEW=2/3 GCD=100, Original=32000/44100, NEW=320/441 GCD=32000, Original=32000/32000, NEW=1/1 GCD=50, Original=32000/22050, NEW=640/441 GCD=16000, Original=32000/16000, NEW=2/1 GCD=25, Original=32000/11025, NEW=1280/441 GCD=8000, Original=32000/8000, NEW=4/1 GCD=150, Original=22050/48000, NEW=147/320 GCD=22050, Original=22050/44100, NEW=1/2 GCD=50, Original=22050/32000, NEW=441/640 GCD=22050, Original=22050/22050, NEW=1/1 GCD=50, Original=22050/16000, NEW=441/320 GCD=11025, Original=22050/11025, NEW=2/1 GCD=50, Original=22050/8000, NEW=441/160 GCD=16000, Original=16000/48000, NEW=1/3 GCD=100, Original=16000/44100, NEW=160/441 GCD=16000, Original=16000/32000, NEW=1/2 GCD=50, Original=16000/22050, NEW=320/441 GCD=16000, Original=16000/16000, NEW=1/1 GCD=25, Original=16000/11025, NEW=640/441 GCD=8000, Original=16000/8000, NEW=2/1 GCD=75, Original=11025/48000, NEW=147/640 GCD=11025, Original=11025/44100, NEW=1/4 GCD=25, Original=11025/32000, NEW=441/1280 GCD=11025, Original=11025/22050, NEW=1/2 GCD=25, Original=11025/16000, NEW=441/640 GCD=11025, Original=11025/11025, NEW=1/1 GCD=25, Original=11025/8000, NEW=441/320 GCD=8000, Original=8000/48000, NEW=1/6 GCD=100, Original=8000/44100, NEW=80/441 GCD=8000, Original=8000/32000, NEW=1/4 GCD=50, Original=8000/22050, NEW=160/441 GCD=8000, Original=8000/16000, NEW=1/2 GCD=25, Original=8000/11025, NEW=320/441 GCD=8000, Original=8000/8000, NEW=1/1

Table 1. Greatest Common Denominator for Audio SRC

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1.7.2 Coefficient Generation and Formatting

Assuming a program that is similar to the MDS tool is used, some data formatting must be performed. The following must be done to convert the raw decimal filter
coefficients. With MDS, a *.dsp file is produced. Table 2 is an example of the MDS data format for the *.dsp file.
This file must be properly formatted as a 32-bit
hexadecimal VisualDSP++ input data file (*.dat). This is
then read (by VisualDSP++) into the corresponding variable at initialization:
a. Use Microsoft Excel to import the *.dsp file (space
delimited). Select the "D" column and erase everything but the decimal filter coefficients. Save the file as a
‘Formatted Text (Space Delimited)(*.prn)’ file.
/* External References */ .external src_init; .external src_flt;
#define STAGE 3 /* Number of stages */ #define INTP0 160 /* Interpolation factor */ #define DOWN0 147 /* Decimation factor */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* parameters for each stage */ #define INTP1 2 #define DOWN1 1 #define LENG1 223 #define PLEN1 112 #define MLEN1 224 #define SHFT1 0 #define NINP1 147 #define SZIN1 512
#define INTP2 5 #define DOWN 2 1 #define LENG2 27 #define PLEN2 6 #define MLEN2 30 #define SHFT2 0 #define NINP2 94 #define SZIN2 512
#define INTP3 16 #define DOWN3 147 #define LENG3 49 #define PLEN3 4 #define MLEN3 64 #define SHFT3 0 #define NINP3 1470 #define SZIN3 2048
#define NINP4 160 #define SZIN4 256
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
.VAR/DM flt1[MLEN1]; .INIT flt1: 0xffc8, /* -1.72471041e-003 cf 000 pp 000 ft 1 */ 0xfffe, /* -8.01035724e-005 cf 002 pp 000 ft 1 */ 0x000f, /* 4.65568547e-004 cf 004 pp 000 ft 1 */
0xfffa, /* -2.00361260e-004 cf 006 pp 000 ft 1 */ 0x000c, /* 3.90279025e-004 cf 008 pp 000 ft 1 */ 0xfff2, /* -4.43292360e-004 cf 010 pp 000 ft 1 */ 0x0013, /* 6.04802800e-004 cf 012 pp 000 ft 1 */ 0xffe8, /* -7.54936936e-004 cf 014 pp 000 ft 1 */ 0x001e, /* 9.43581218e-004 cf 016 pp 000 ft 1 */ ., . . . ., . . . ., . . .

Listing 1. Coefficient Format from MDS

b. Use the included MATLAB® script ‘dec_file_to­_hex_file_converter.m’. This script will read in decimal
(exponential) data from the *.prn file and convert to a 32-bit Hexadecimal format (*.dat file) suitable to be read
by VisualDSP++ within a data initialization section. This MATLAB® script can be easily modified for other formats.

1.7.3 BUFIN Define

When ‘BUFIN’ is undefined (under VisualDSP++: PROJECT OPTIONS / ASSEMBLER / ADDITIONAL OPTIONS: ‘-D BUFIN’), the SRC program assumes that buffer ‘in1’ is preloaded with 32-bit input data AFTER the src_init is accomplished (buffer zeroing). This requires that
the shell program preload ‘in1’ from a 32-bit source. Define ‘BUFIN’ to include the 16-bit buffer transfer code within src_flt.asm. ‘x’ and ‘y’ 16-bit input buffers are not
necessary for a final application but they do allow for easier data manipulation for test purposes.

1.7.4 Zeroing Filter Delays

To "zero" out filter delays, use the following equations as offsets to first valid output data:
1st Offset = (LENG1-1)/(2*DOWN1) 2nd Offset = INTP2/DOWN2*1st Offset + (LENG2-1)/(2*DOWN2) 3rd Offset = INTP3/DOWN3*2nd Offset + (LENG3-1)/(2*DOWN3)
See the constants generated in the 'src_xxxxtoxxxx.h’ files. DOFSx is actually the offset from the end of the buffer.
Therefore it is the number of valid output data samples. This will determine how often this routine needs to be executed in a block processed system. Be careful with this number. The preprocessor in VisualDSP++ will not generate fractional constants. Therefore, depending on the
math here, DOFSx could have an error of ±1 sample. For a particular SRC, check the first sample in ‘y’ and adjust the DOFSx accordingly.
Rational Sample Rate Conversion with Blackfin® Processors (EE-183) Page 7 of 26

1.7.5 Reducing Intermediate Buffers

One idea to reduce the number of intermediate buffers is to
implement a ‘zero_buf’ function (not included) that would
re-zero the buffers between filter sections. This would reduce the number of intermediate buffers to two at the expense of more MIPS to accomplish the SRC. However, the MIPS increase would be negligible and is on the order of the size of the buffer times the number of times it is zeroed. These two intermediate buffers should be sized to the maximum needed for any SRC.

1.7.6 Restrictions

If there is a large interpolation constant INTPx, this
severely reduces the number of valid data samples in the final output buffer. For example, in the 44.1K to 48K SRC, there is an interpolation constant of 16 in the 3rd stage. If we only use L1 data sections (max = 4096 bytes) we only get 111 valid data samples in the final output buffer. However, if we can use L2 (like what is available in the ADSP-BF535) and make this intermediate buffer as large as 4096 words (16K bytes), we can get a relatively large number of valid output data samples. Depending on interpolation constants and the need to run out of single cycle L1 memory, the limiting factor appears to be the L1 section size. We can maximize all the filters based on this L1 section size (4096 bytes or 1024 32-bit words) or assume we can use L2 (internal or external) and make the intermediate buffers larger. In the latter case, the number of valid output data samples greatly increases.

1.7.7 Unresolved Issues

The following SRCs produced corrupted output data when using a 3-stage interpolator structure:
passband ripple = 0.0001 and a stopband ripple = 98dB. This provided a overall SNR of 90dB through all 3 stages
of the filter. This was tested using Cooledit 2000 software.
If a lesser system SNR is desirable (50-70dB), a 32-bit implementation will provide a SNR that is close to the stopband attenuation. For higher system SNR's (above 90dB), much higher stopband attenuations are required.


The code and filters in this EE-Note were generated specifically with audio SRC in mind. Notwithstanding, by generating new filter input files with tighter passband and stopband ripple, this code could be used unaltered for many different applications. Keep in mind that we gained computational efficiency by eliminating the LxL multiply and thus only retaining 31.5 bits of precision for each Multiply And Accumulate (MAC). This amount of precision is more than enough for most applications.
Notice in src_flt.asm that the inner MAC loops are only 2
cycles, enabling double precision math with very little overhead. This “low cycle” double precision capability of Blackfin™ is one of the great advantages of this architecture over competing single MAC architectures.
Placement of data and code sections (i.e. L1, internal or external L2) is up to the user. However, coefficients and data should be placed in separate banks to avoid stalls (only applies to L1). Also, whether cache or SRAM is used will greatly impact the overall cycle counts. Since there are many filters required for all the various audio SRC combinations, it was assumed that coefficients would be placed in a larger external L2 SRAM or SDRAM. These coefficients could either be cached internally or brought into L1/L2 via DMA concurrent to block processing.
11025to16, 16to2204, and 8to11025
Therefore, a 2-stage filter decimator structure was used instead and produced valid results. It appears that the MDS filter generator produced corrupted 3rd stage outputs for all SRCs that up-converted between two similar rates. The MDS program chose by default a 3-stage interpolator structure in each of these cases.

1.7.8 Case Study of Total SNR

Two common SRC changes are 44.1KHz to 48KHz and 48KHz to 44.1KHz. Instead of using the stopband and passband ripples above, a filter was generated with
Rational Sample Rate Conversion with Blackfin® Processors (EE-183) Page 8 of 26

Recommendations for Further Development

The code developed in this EE-Note can be applied to any application requiring SRC. For example, many video applications require the ability to scale images to change the video size (D1 to CIF, etc.). This Polyphase multistage SRC approach could be modified to work on byte-wide single precision video data. The basic structure of this code would not require many alterations. Instead of working on one time-domain double-precision data sample per cycle, the SRC would be modified to operate on two byte-wide frequency-domain data samples per cycle.
Finally, the code has not been completely optimized. Improvements can be made to reduce overall cycles particularly the elimination of pipeline stalls.
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