The following Engineer-to-Engineer note will
discuss various forms of Direct Memory Accesses
on the TigerSHARC family of processors.
Assembly code examples are provided with this
note and explained.
The ADSP-TS101 is the first member of the
TigerSHARC® DSP family - ADI's new family of
ultra high-performance DSPs optimized for
telecommunications infrastructure as well as 16-bit
fixed point and 32-bit floating point general
purpose applications. The ADSP-TS101 features a
static superscalar architecture that combines RISC,
VLIW and standard DSP functionality.
Direct Memory Access is a mechanism for
transferring data without the core being involved.
The TigerSHARC on-chip DMA controller allows
these transactions of data to take place as a
background task freeing up the processor core for
signal processing operations.
The TigerSHARC includes 14 DMA channels.
Four channels are dedicated to external memory
devices, eight to the link ports and two to the Auto
DMA registers. These channels are shown in
figure 1 in order of priority. The DMA controller
is capable of performing several types of data
• Internal memory ! External memory and
memory-mapped peripherals
• External memory ! External peripherals
• External memory ! Link port IO
• Link port IO ! Internal memory
• Link port IO ! External memory
• Link port IO ! Link port IO
Most of the types listed above are demonstrated in
the examples described in this document.
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The afore mentioned data transfer types can be
broken down into the following main categories:
• Internal memory "! Cluster bus. This
transfer can be done in both directions and
requires the programming of two Transfer
Control Blocks, otherwise referred as a
TCB. One is a transmitting TCB and the
other a receiving TCB.
• Auto DMA register ! Internal memory.
This requires one receiver TCB.
• Internal/external memory ! Link ports.
Requires one transmitter TCB.
• Link ports ! Internal/external memory.
Requires one receiver TCB.
• Link port ! Link port.
Requires one receiver TCB.
The Transfer Control Block is a quad word (128bit) that contains the vital information required to
perform a DMA. In the case of a transmitter TCB
the four words contain the address of the source
data, the number of words to be transferred, the
address increment and the control bits.
In the case of a receiver TCB these four words
contain destination address, the number of words
to be received, the address increment and the
control bits.
The TCB register is a 128-bit register, consisting
of four 32-bit registers as shown in figure 2.
Figure 2: DMA TCB Register
DI Register
DX Register
DY Register
DP Register
The DI register is the 32-bit index register for the
DMA. This contains the source or destination of
the data to be transmitted or received and can point
to internal, external memory or the link ports.
The DX register contains a 16-bit count value and
a 16-bit modify value. The count value is stored in
the upper 16 bits (16-31) and the modify in the
lower (0-15). If a two-dimensional DMA is
enabled then this register contains the modify and
count values for the X dimension only. The value
of X count must always be the number of normal
(32-bit) words to be transferred. Likewise, the
modify value is the number of normal words to
modify the count by. For example if we wanted to
transmit four quad words (16-normal words), then
the count value would be 0x10 and the modify
value 0x4 if the operand length in the DP register
is set to Quad word. If the operand length was set
to Long word then the modify value would be 0x2.
These values of course are application specific
however and would result in the entire data being
transferred in order, by altering the modify values
data can be transferred in any order required.
The DY register is used in conjunction with the
DX. This register contains the 16-bit modify and
16-bit count values for the DMA in the Y
dimension. If two-dimensional DMA is not
selected then this register is not used and the
contents are irrelevant.
The DP register contains all the control
information for the DMA. This register is split into
two main fields. The first contains all the control
information and the second the chaining
information. The breakdown of this register is
shown in figure 3.
EE-143 Page 2
Technical Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP components and development tools