Analog Devices ee-02 Application Notes

Engineer To Engineer Note EE-2
Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP, audio, & video components from the Computer Products Division
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Using ADSP-218x I/O Space
Last modified 11/08/96
Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) are often chosen by designers performing arithmetic operations on binary data. DSPs perform many common signal processing algorithms, such as filtering or fast fourier transforms on input digitized data, more economically than corresponding analog circuits. The information that the DSP processes usually comes from an analog-to-digital converter, which represents the real-world value as a binary number. After processing by the DSP, the output goes through a digital-to-analog converter, which provides a continuous signal that is useful for real-world feedback. This data flow appears in Figure 1. Because real-world signal I/O can be an important part of DSP system operations, I/O between the DSP and converters is a major design issue when developing a DSP system.
ADSP-218x DSPs, however, differs from other processors of the ADSP-21xx family with regard to memory mapped I/O. Unlike other members of this DSP family (which required memory-mapped peripherals be connected to PM or DM spaces), ADSP-218x DSPs have their own separate I/O space. For managing I/O space access, ADSP-218x DSPs have an extra memory select line /IOMS. The ADSP-218x DSPs’ I/O Space allows access to up to 2048 locations of 16-bit data. This space should be used to communicate with parallel devices such as data converters, external registers, or latches. This additional select line lets this DSP perform parallel-peripheral I/O without the additional decoding hardware that is required by other ADSP-21xx family DSPs.
Before describing how to use and ADSP-218x DSP’s I/O space, it would be useful to review some I/O space features. ADSP-218x DSP I/O space has the following features:
Provides directly-addressed locations
Supports 16-bit transfers
Has four waitstate ranges with 512 locations each
Includes a dedicated I/O select line, /IOMS
Figure 1 - DSP Data Flow
There are two methods for sending digitized information to a DSP. One method is serial communication. All Analog Devices ADSP-2100 family DSPs have synchronous serial communication ports (SPORTs). These SPORTs let you connect many types of serial-converters directly to the DSP.
The other communications method is to connect the converter as a parallel I/O source. On most ADSP-2100 family DSPs, parallel I/O is available by connecting the converter as a memory-mapped peripheral in the DSP’s Program Memory or Data Memory Spaces. But, memory mapped I/O on these DSPs does require some interface hardware to manage the input from the converter.
And, the ADSP-218x DSP’s assembly language has
syntax that supports this I/O space:
Dreg = IO(address);
! Reads from an IO address
IO(address) = Dreg;
! Writes to an IO address
This engineer’s note explains how to set up and use parallel I/O with an ADSP-218x DSP’s I/O space and port your existing ADSP-21xx code to take advantage of this I/O space. Using this space in your design lets you eliminate the external address decoding for parallel peripherals, which is required for other ADSP-21xx family DSPs, because you can use the ADSP-218x DSP’s dedicated I/O select line, /IOMS, during I/O space
Porting ADSP-21xx Code To Take Advantage Of ADSP-218x I/O Space
If you are porting your ADSP- 21xx family DSP design to an ADSP-218x DSP, you must make some changes to your source code and architecture file for the I/O space device to communicate with the DSP correctly. If your current design uses an ADSP-2101, your system file includes a declaration for a data memory-mapped I/O port. For example (using Release 5.x development software tools), the system file in listing 1 shows how to define a port at address 0x0100.
.SYSTEM some_example; .ADSP2101; .MMAP0; .SEG/PM/RAM/ABS=0x0000/CODE/DATA int_pm[2048]; .SEG/PM/RAM/ABS=0x800/CODE/DATA ext_pm[14336]; .SEG/DM/RAM/ABS=0x0000/DATA ext_dm1[256]; .PORT/DM/ABS=0x0100 some_port; .SEG/DM/RAM/ABS=0x0101/DATA ext_dm2[14079]; .SEG/DM/RAM/ABS=0x3800/DATA int_dm[1024]; .ENDSYS;
Listing 1 - ADSP-2101 System File
From this file, you create your architecture file created using the command (in DOS):
bld21 my_2101.sys
The output of this command results in Listing 2.
$SOME_EXAMPLE $ADSP2101 $MMAP0 $0000 07FF paxINT_PM t $0800 3FFF paxEXT_PM t $0000 00FF dadEXT_DM1 t $0100 0100 dapSOME_PORT t $0101 37FF dadEXT_DM2 t $3800 3BFF dadINT_DM t $
Listing 2 - ADSP-2101 Architecture File
In the main module of your ADSP-2101 source program, your code accesses a port using the assembly language directives and instructions in Listing 3.
start: ar = 0x0100; dm(some_port) = ar; nop; .ENDMOD;
Listing 3 - ADSP-2101 Memory Mapped I/O Code
To port Listings 2 and 3 so that they can work on an ADSP-218x, you must modify your source files. Use the following steps:
1. Remove all instances of the .PORT directive from
your system builder file
2. Use the IO command in your source programs to
write to or read from this port address
So, your new system file, new_218x.sys, looks like Listing 4.
.SYSTEM some_example; .ADSP218x; .MMAP0; .SEG/PM/RAM/ABS=0x0000/CODE/DATA
int_pm[16384]; .SEG/DM/RAM/ABS=0x0000/DATA int_dm[16384]; .ENDSYS;
Listing 4 - ADSP-218x System File
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Notes on using Analog Devices’ DSP, audio, & video components from the Computer Products Division
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