Analog Devices AN764 Application Notes

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ADF7020 RF Port Impedance Values for Matching Purposes
by Austin Harney and Guido Retz


The ADF7020 is a fully integrated transceiver IC targeted at operation in the US/EU ISM band at 915 MHz, 868 MHz, and 433 MHz, respectively. The IC has a differential LNA input and a single - ended PA output. To achieve optimum performance, both the LNA input and PA output need to be matched to the source / load impedance under consideration of the proper ties of the printed circuit board on which the IC is assembled. This task is most effectively accomplished by using a dedicated RF simu­lation package, such as Ansoft Designer™, Eagleware Genesys™, AWR Microwave Ofce®, or CST Microwave Studio®. To enable customers to use these design tools, models for the different RF ports must be provided. This application note provides the necessary information.


The ADF7020 has two RF ports : an LNA input and a PA output. The proper ties and function of these RF por ts depends on the operating mode of the transceiver, i.e., Tx mode or Rx mode. The ports and the different states are
PA output (single - ended, ground-referred) Tx mode: optimum PA load impedance
Rx mode: PA idle impedance
LNA input (differential, ground-referred) Rx mode: Gain = 30x: LNA input match Gain = 10x: LNA input match
Tx mode: Rx/Tx switch impedance
The need for complex broadband models is avoided by providing simple lumped - element models for each RF port. This simplication has the disadvantage of the models being valid in a narrow frequency band only. In this document the following frequency bands are considered: 433 MHz, 2 MHz bandwidth 868 MHz, 2 MHz bandwidth 915 MHz, 26 MHz bandwidth
The ADF7020 port model has been extracted with an approach based on xture modeling. The de-embedding procedure eliminates the impact of the solder pads underneath the package on the printed circuit board. Therefore, the pads need to be included in a possible simulation of the ADF7020.
Figure 1 shows the assumed lumped - element model of the LNA input. The simplied model reects the measured port impedance values with an equivalent circuit of the lowest possible complexity. A section with results is given for both high sensitivity mode (LNAGAIN = 30) and low current mode (LNAGAIN = 10).
Figure 1. LNA Lumped-Element Model, Rx Mode
For best sensitivit y, the source impedance should be ma tched with the reco mmen ded CLC str u c ture to maximize the differential voltage sw ing across the termina l s RFIN and RF I N B . Thi s tas k sho u l d be ac complished by means of an RF simulator with built- in optimizer. The matching condition typically results in a slightly reactive input reection coefcient.

LNA Input, Rx Mode, LNAGAIN = 30

Table 1 lists the component values of the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 1 applicable for Rx mode and LNAGAIN = 30 ([R9.DB20, R9.DB21] = [1,0]).
Table 1. Elements of LNA Equivalent Circuit (Figure 1) in Rx Mode, LNAGAIN = 30
Frequency (MHz) Rplnarx () Cplnarx (pF) Cslnarx (pF)
433 to 435 300 2.0 0.1 868 to 870 180 2.3 0.1 902 to 928 175 2.3 0.1
REV. 0
REV. 0
Since the c apacitance Cslnar x is comparably low, the LNA input impedance may be approximated as two independent impedance elements between RFIN to GND and RFINB to GND, respectively. This simplied model is sufcient for the majority of matching problems. The impedance values are listed in Table 2.
Table 2. Ground-Referred Input Impedance of LNA in Rx Mode, LNAGAIN = 30
Frequency (MHz) Zlnarx_gnd ()
433 to 435 71 – j128 868 to 870 26 – j63 902 to 928 24 – j60

LNA Input, Rx Mode, LNAGAIN = 10

Table 3 lists the component values of the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 1 applicable for Rx mode and LNAGAIN = 10 ([R9.DB20, R9.DB21] = [0,1]).
Table 3. Elements of LNA Equivalent Circuit (Figure 1) in Rx Mode, LNAGAIN = 10
Frequency (MHz) Rplnarx () Cplnarx (pF) Cslnarx (pF)
433 to 435 200 2.0 0.1 868 to 870 125 2.4 0.1 902 to 928 120 2.4 0.1
Again, a simplication of the model is possible if the component s in the coupling branch between input RFIN and RFINB are reected in two single - ended, ground -referred branc hes . The values are given in Table 4.
Table 5 lists the estimated component values for the three frequency bands of interest.
Table 5. Elements of LNA Equivalent Circuit (Figure 2) in Tx Mode
Frequency (MHz) Cplnatx (pF) Rslnatx ()
433 to 435 2.2 10 868 to 870 2.6 10 902 to 928 2.6 10

PA Output, Rx Mode

In Rx mode the parasitic capacitance of the biased PA output is of interest for the design of the combined Rx/Tx matching network. Figure 3 shows the lumped-element model of the biased PA in Rx mode using the minimum number of components. Since the ground connection of the PA block is bonded directly to the paddle of the IC package, the ground impedance is very low if multiple vias are used between the paddle ground and the ground plane of the printed circuit board. Therefore, the impedance bet ween the RFGND pin and the ideal ­ized common ground node of the printed circuit board may be neglected. Frequency-dependent component values applicable for the equivalent circuit of Figure 3 are listed in Table 6. A bias voltage of 3 V has been used. The PA port impedance shows a slight dependency on the bias voltage.
Table 4. Ground-Referred Input Impedance of LNA in Rx Mode, LNAGAIN = 10
Frequency (MHz) Zlnarx_gnd ()
433 to 435 82 – j98 868 to 870 30 – j53 902 to 928 28 – j51

LNA Input, Tx Mode

Figure 2. LNA Lumped-Element Model, Tx Mode
Figure 3. PA Lumped-Element Model for Rx Mode
Table 6. Elements of PA Equivalent Circuit (Figure 3) in Rx Mode
Frequency (MHz) Rpparx () Cpparx (pF)
433 to 435 2000 2.2 868 to 870 680 2.1 902 to 928 650 2.1
REV. 0
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