ANALOG DEVICES AN-746 Service Manual

One Technology Way • P.O. Box 9106 • Norwood, MA 02062-9106 • Tel: 781/329-4700 • Fax: 781/461-3113 •
Supporting FDDI with the ADN2812
by Kevin Buckley
The ADN2812 continuous-rate clock and data recovery device (CDR) can suppor t all NRZ and NRZI random data patterns between 12.3 Mbps and 2.7 Gbps, and is protocol agnostic. The default operating mode of the ADN2812, lock to data mode, is for the CDR to lock on to any incoming data rate automatically, without the need of programming or ex ternal reference clocks. This requires that the incoming data is random NRZ or NRZI data. In lock to data mode, it is required that the bit pattern have transitions at the desired frequency (e.g., 0101), so that the frequency-locked loop can detect the correct frequency of the bit pattern.
If the data pattern does not meet this requirement, then it is possible to program the ADN2812 to lock to an external reference clock so that nonrandom bit patterns can be accommodated at the desired frequency. An example of a situation where the ADN2812 needs to be placed in lock to REFCLK mode is when an FDDI port is attempting to connect to another FDDI port.


Within every FDDI station there are SMT (station man­agement) entities called PCM (physic al conne ction management) . The number of PCM entities within a station is exactly equal to the number of ports that the station has. This is because each PCM is responsible for one port.
The PCM entities are the part of SMT that controls the ports. In order to make a connection, two ports must be physically connected to each other by means of a fiber­optic or copper cable. When this happens, the PCMs that are responsible for those ports can recognize each other’s existence and begin communicating. They do this by sending line states out of the port and onto the fiber. The PCM at the other end of the connection will recognize the line state and respond accordingly.
When the PCM sees another PCM on the other end of the connection, they will synchronize and communicate with each other. During this communication, a couple of important things happen:
1. The PCMs figure out the types of each port, and deter­mine if they are compatible.
2. The PCMs perform an LCT (link confidence test).
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The LCT determines if the quality of the link is good enough to establish a connection on. If it is not, the PCMs will not make a connection. If everything goes well dur­ing this signaling, the PCMs will establish a connection and place the ports on the token path that goes through that station. At this point, data (in the form of frames) can be sent through these ports and the por ts become part of the network.
PCM entities have a number of internal states that they can be in. While in any state, the PCM has the port send out a certain line state. This line state will be received by the PCM on the other side of the connection. The other PCM entity (at the other end of the connection) will be able to tell which state the original PCM is in. PCMs use this information to signal data across the connection.
The connection attempt begins with the PCM state: break. The break state is the entry point in the start of a PCM connection. In the break state, a continuous stream of Q symbols (QLS; 00000) is transmitted to force the other end of the connection to break any exist­ing connection and restart the connection initialization sequence. The break state is entered upon the star t of a connection attempt, or if there was a problem with the previous connection attempt.
Once the PCM has begun to receive the correct symbols from the other side, the link will transition to the connect state. The connect state is used to synchronize the ends of the connection for the signaling sequence.
Once the connect state is successful, the link transitions to the next state. While in the next state, a continuous stream of I symbols is transmitted (ILS; 11111). The next state is used to separate the signaling performed in the signal state and it is where the LCT (link confidence test) is performed.
0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00
00 0
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00 0
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FDDI uses NRZI encoding. The ADN2812 inherently sup­ports NRZI encoded data without the need of reference clocks or any external programming as long as the NRZI data is random. Due to the nonrandom nature of the FDDI connection protocol in addition to the NRZI encod­ing of the data, it is required that the ADN2812 be put into lock to REFCLK mode to support FDDI.
In order to understand why the ADN2812 needs to be used in lock to REFCLK mode to support this FDDI pro­tocol, an explanation of NRZI encoded data is required. NRZI encoded data is a type of NRZ data that is encoded such that long strings of consecutive ones are broken up with transitions. This provides more transitions to CDR (clock data recovery) devices which make it easier for the CDR to lock and stay locked to incoming NRZ type pat­terns. A NRZI encoded data pattern will have a transition every time there is a 1 in the pattern and there will be no transition every time there is a 0. This is illustrated in the following diagrams which show patterns of consecutive Q, H, and I symbols in an FDDI link.
Figure 1. Consecutive “Q” Symbols During PCM State: Break
Figure 2. Consecutive “H” Symbols During PCM State: Connect
Figure 3. Consecutive “I” Symbols During PCM State: Next


The ADN2812 is a con tinuous rate clock and data recovery device that is designed to automatically lock on to any random NRZ or NRZI data pattern between
12.3 Mbps and 2.7 Gbps. The frequency-locked loop of the ADN2812 frequency locks the VCO to the incoming bit stream and then the delay and phase-locked loop aligns the phase of the VCO with the incoming bit stream. This is the default mode of operation of the ADN2812. There is no need for programming or any ex ternal reference clocks to operate in this mode.
The reason that this default mode cannot support the FDDI protocol is because, during the initial PCM states, the data that is presented to the ADN2812 is not ran­dom and it does not contain any transitions at the FDDI data rate of 125 Mbps. During the PCM states, the data that is presented to the ADN2812 is conse cutive Q symbols followed by consecutive H symbols, followed by consecutive I symbols in that order. The period of time that each of these states lasts could be hundreds to thousands of milliseconds.


A reference clock is not required to per form clock and data recover y on random NRZ and NRZI data patterns with the ADN2812. However, suppor t for an optional reference clock is provided for situations where there is extended periods of time where the input data is non­random, repetitive, and does not have transitions at the desired frequency.
In lock to REFCLK mode, the ADN2812 uses an external reference clock as an acquisition aid. The VCO will be frequency locked with respect to an external reference clock and the lock detector will compare the VCO fre­quency against the reference clock frequency, not the input data. Using the ADN2812 in this mode will allow the part to lock to 125 Mbps when the consecutive H symbols are being received at the ADN2812 inputs even though there are no transitions at 125 Mbps present. When the PCM state transitions to the next state, the ADN2812 will already be locked at the correct frequency, 125 Mbps. When the input data switches from consecutive H sym­bols (PCM state: connect) to consecutive I symbols (PCM state: next) the ADN2812 will simply stay locked at 125 Mbps and there will not be a loss of synchronization.
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