Analog Devices AN745 Application Notes

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Implementing the Auto-Offset Function on the AD9985
by Del Jones


The AD9985 incorporates an auto-offset function. The Auto-Offset works by monitoring the output of each ADC during the clamp period and then calculating the required offset setting to yield a given output code. When auto­offset is enabled (Reg. 0x1D:7 = 1), the settings in the target code registers (0x19 to 0x1B) are used by the auto - of fset circuitry as desired clamp codes. The circuit compares the output code during clamp to the target code and adjusts the offset up or down to compensate. In auto-offset mode, the target code is an 8-bit, twos complement word, with Bit 7 of their respective registers being the sign bit.
Table 1. Offset Register Denitions
Normal Function Auto-Offset Function AD9985 Register Bits (Manual Offset Mode) (Auto-Offset Mode)
0x0B 7:1 Red Channel Offset Red Channel Offset from Target Code (in binary notation) (value in twos complement notation)
0x0C 7:1 Green Channel Offset Green Channel Offset from Target Code (in binary notation) (value in twos complement notation)
0x0D 7:1 Blue Channel Offset Blue Channel Offset from Target Code (in binary notation) (value in twos complement notation)


The denition of the offset registers does not change depending on whether the auto-offset function is enabled, or not. The target code and offset adjust registers are independent. The target code registers are disabled when auto-offset is turned off. However, the function­ality of the offset registers (0x0B to 0x0D) is slightly different when the auto-offset function is enabled. This change is dened in Table 1.
In addition to the of fset registers, the registers dened in Table 2 also suppor t the auto- offset function.
Table 2. Auto-Offset Related Register Denitions
Register Function Bits Description
0x19 Red Target Code 7:0 Sets desired output code for red channel during black reference when auto-offset is enabled
0x1A Green Target Code 7:0 Sets desired output code for green channel during black reference when auto-offset is enabled
0x1B Blue Target Code 7:0 Sets desired output code for blue channel during black reference when auto-offset is enabled
0x1C Test Bits 7:0 Must be set to 0x11 for proper operation
0x1D Auto-Offset Control 7 Auto-Offset Enable 1 = Auto-offset enabled 0 = Auto-offset disabled
6 Hold Auto-Offset 0 = Update auto-offset according to bits 0x1D to 1:0 1 = Hold the current auto-offset value
5:2 Control Bits Must be set to 01001 for proper operation
1:0 Update Mode 00 = Update every clamp 01 = Update every 16 clamps 10 = Update every 64 clamps 11 = Not valid
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If auto-offset is disabled, the offset registers control the absolute offset added to the channel. The offset control provides a + 63 LSBs to – 64 LSBs of adjustment range (code 128 = 0 offset, code 255 = +63, etc.), with one LSB of offset corresponding to one LSB of output code.
With auto-offset enabled, Registers 0x19 to 0x1B contain target codes for the autoclamp feedback circuit. The offset registers (0x0B to 0x0D) are still used to adjust brightness. The difference is, when auto-offset is enabled, the offset register values are in twos complement notation. The effec­tive range for adjusting offset (used for brightness control) is + 63 LSBs to –64 LSBs. When developing software to control brightness, this must be taken into consideration.


To activate the auto-offset mode, set Register 1Dh, Bit 7 to 1. Next, the target code registers (19h through 1Bh) must be programmed. The values programmed into the target code registers should be the output code desired from the AD9985 during the back porch reference time. For example, for RGB signals, all three registers would normally be programmed to a very small code (4 is recom­mended), while, for YPbPr signals, the green (Y) channel would normally be programmed to a very small code and the blue and red channels (Pb and Pr) would normally be set to 128. Any target code value between 1 and 254 can be set, although the AD9985’s offset range may not be
able to reach every value. Intended target code values range from (but are not limited to) 1 to 40 when ground clamping and 90 to 170 when midscale clamping.
The ability to program a target code for each channel gives users a large degree of freedom and exibilit y. While, in most cases, all channels will either be set to 4 or 128, the exibility to select other values allows for the possibility of inserting intentional skews between channels. It also allows for the ADC range to be skewed so that voltages outside of the normal range can be digi­tized. (For example, setting the target code to 40 would allow the sync tip, which is normally below black level, to be digitized and evaluated.)
Lastly, when in auto- offset mode, the manual offset registers (0Bh to 0Dh) have new functionality. The val ­ues in these registers are digitally added to the value of the ADC output. The purpose of doing this is to match a benet that is present with manual offset adjustment. Adjusting these registers is an easy way to make bright­ness adjustments. Although some signal range is lost with this method, it has proven to be a very popular function. In order to be able to increase and decrease brightness, the values in these registers in this mode are signed twos complement. The digital adder is only used when in auto-offset mode. Although it cannot be disabled, setting the offset registers to all 0s will effec ­tively disable it by always adding 0.
Table 3. Example Register Settings for Enabling Auto-Offset
RGB Auto-Offset Clamping YPbPr Auto-Offset Clamping
Reg. Value Description Value Description
0x0B 0x00 Red offset 0x00 Red offset
0x0C 0x00 Green offset 0x00 Green offset
0x0D 0x00 Blue offset 0x00 Blue offset
0x19 0x04 Red target code 0x80 Red target code
0x1A 0x04 Green target code 0x04 Green target code
0x1B 0x04 Blue target code 0x80 Blue target code
0x1C 0x11 Values for proper operation 0x11 Values for proper operation
0x1D 1*** **** Bit 7 = 1. Enables auto-offset 1*** **** Bit 7 = 1. Enables auto-offset
0x1D *0** **** Bit 6 = 0. Continuous update *0** **** Bit 6 = 0. Continuous update
0x1D **10 01** Bits 5:2 Values for proper operation **10 01** Bits 5:2 Values for proper operation
0x1D **** **xx 00 – Update auto-offset every clamp **** **xx 00 – Update auto-offset every clamp 01 – Update every 16 clamps 01 – Update every 16 clamps 10 – Update every 64 clamps 11 – Not valid
Registers used for brightness control: +63 LSBs to –64 LSBs range
Ground-clamped targets = 4
Green register only for brightness control: +63 LSBs to –64 LSBs range
Red, blue targets = 128. Green target = 4
10 – Update every 64 clamps 11 – Not valid
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