Analog Devices AN-738 Application Notes

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Using the AD7877 Touch Screen Controller and the Intel PXA250 Processor Under
Windows CE.NET
by Paul Perrault and Susan Pratt


The AN-738 Application Note details one way to connect an Analog Devices AD7877 touch screen controller to an Intel CE operating system. The user will be able to quickly develop a touch screen driver based on the example software accompanying this note. The exact code base will vary depending on the processor. Table 1 lists the software with a brief description.


The driver supports the basic touch controller function­ality of the AD7877. The driver makes use of several advanced features, including programmable acquisition delays, averaging, conversion sequencing, and contact resistance calculation. The driver requires an SPI inter­face on the host processor and a single GPIO pin.
The sample AD7877 touch driver is written for the Intel PXA25x CPU family (XScale the CPU via the hardware SPI controller on the PXA25x.
File Name Description
Tchpdd.cpp The PDD (platform dependent driver) layer of the touch screen driver. The MDD (model device driver) layer of the driver is written by Microsoft. Together, these two fi les form a driver for Windows CE.
Pxa255.h This is a header fi le to describe the register defi nitions of the PXA255 processor. This also defi nes the bit defi nitions for the synchronous serial port (SSP) on this processor so that the SPI interface works with the AD7877.
ad7877.h This is a header fi le to deal with the registers inside the AD7877.
sources A sources fi le is a text fi le that sets the macro defi nitions for the source code in a subdirectory. Build.exe uses these macro defi nitions to determine how to compile and link the source code.
makefi le In an application development environment, such as Microsoft commands, macro defi nitions, and options needed. In this application, the makefi le simply references the standard Windows CE makefi le.
PX A25x processor for use under a Windows®
), and communicates with
Table 1. Files Included and Referenced in the AN-738 Application Note
The Intel PXA25x processor family (XScale) has been very popular with Windows CE developers in recent years, and this driver is written specifi cally for that pro ­cessor family.
However, any processor with a hardware SPI controller and an available GPIO could use this driver for touch screen interactions with minimal changes. The methods described within this application note have been tested to pass the Windows CE Test Kit (CETK) using a slightly modified PXA25x integrated development platform (IDP) and an AD7877 evaluation board. The software is intended to be used as a sample driver, or as a basis to build up a production - grade driver for your system, but is not intended for use “as is” in production systems.
The touch driver is interrupt driven, using the PENIRQ output to signal the processor when the screen is touched. Subsequent samples are scheduled using the OS timer. The driver queries the PENIRQ output at each sample point to determine if the screen remains touched.
Platform Builder, a makefi le contains all
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Data conversions utilize the built- in channel sequencing support in slave mode. A conversion is initiated at each sample point so that it w ill b e com plete by th e nex t sam ­ple point. Thus, at each sample point, the driver reads the results of the conversion initiated at the prior sam­ple point. This mechanism minimizes time spent in the driver, eliminates the need to use GPIO resources for the DAV status signal, and requires only that the sample rate guarantees enough time for whatever acquisition delays, averaging, and channel sequencing are in ef fect.


The touch driver requires interrupt support from the OAL (OEM adaptation layer). The OAL must return a valid sysintr number when PENIRQ asserts. This sysintr
Table 2. Sample GPIO Register Settings of PXA255 for Use with the AD7877
Intel PXA255 Register Bits Setting Description
SSCR0 SSE [7] 0 Disable SSP so that SSP changes can happen
SSCR0 DSS [3:0] 0b1111 S e t the data size to 16 bits
SSCR0 FRF [5:4] 0b00 Set the frame format to Motorola’s SPI
SSCR0 SCR [15:8] 0b0000 Set the SSP clock rate to 1.8 MHz
SSCR0 ECS [6] 0 Use the on-chip clock for SSPCLK
SSCR1 RIE [0] 0 Disable receive FIFO interrupt
SSCR1 TIE [1] 0 Disable transmit FIFO interrupt
SSCR1 LBM [2] 0 Disable loopback mode
SSCR1 SPO [3] 0 The SPI clock idles low
SSCR1 SPH [4] 0 SPI clock polarity
GPSR0 PD24 1 Set GPIO24 (SSPSFRM) output high
number must be known to the touch driver at driver initialization. The sysintr value is currently specifi ed via a #define configuration option in the driver and defaults to 0x00000019. This value must match the value returned by the OAL. Implementation of the OAL requirements is beyond the scope of this document and will vary from code base to code base. It is suffi cient to note that the OAL impacts will be limited to the pin operation of the GPIOs on the PXA25x and the interrupt support. Table 2 shows sample GPIO register settings to enable the AD7877 to be used with the PXA25x.
Intel PXA255 Register Bits Setting Description
GPDR0 PD26 0 Set GPIO26 (SSPRXD) pin direction (input)
GPDR0 PD25 1 Set GPIO25 (SSPTXD) pin direction (output)
GPDR0 PD24 1 Set GPIO24 (SSPSFRM) pin direction (output)
GPDR0 PD23 1 Set GPIO23 (SSPSCLK) pin direction (output)
GAFR0_U AF23 [15:14] 0b10 Set GPIO23 to be SSP CLK
GAFR0_U AF24 [17:16] 0b10 Set GPIO24 to be SSP SFRM
GAFR0_U AF25 [19:18] 0b10 Set GPIO25 to be SSP TXD
GAFR0_U AF26 [21:20] 0b01 Set GPIO26 to be SSP RXD
SSCR0 SSE [7] 1 Enable SSP
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